\M’en’é knitted silk mufflers. good- ngght'wi‘th knitted ï¬ringe‘ in Navy "brown; "and "pearl, gray 950‘: fly $1.40 each; 'Exelds -Hundkerchiefs with dottedhr piain centve. enlnred. border, each ‘7c.Ԥ .Uhildi-em white lawn heme 'Itsiched handkerchiefs 2 -. 12er 50,; Children’sknittéd- wool ovpmHs fasten Around waist; and ankles with card and. tassel. colors’ White and cardinal 600.; Boyg’ gunshrivnk-able ~-wnol underwear: Pen angle brand. sizes 24 to 30. at; 50c. to 65c. a' garment. Atkinson 8; Switzer. ' The electric lights in the village were out; of commlssiou about; half an hon}, Thursday evening, and withouta moment’s warning householders were left in the dark, and had to make a. dash for coal oil lamps. The experi-. ence' even for half Van hour was not pleasant}, but, the lights were all the move appreciated when the current Waeag-ain turned on. People entering the Metropolitan Waiting Room these days are remind- led of “wet paint.†by a sign on the door. It; seems to take a lung tune to dry, but the improvement in the in- terior is so mark-ed that those waiting for ‘cars should unt mind if they have to sit up straight, for a few days longer. 7 » » - - Mr. a 1d Mrs. Geo Thompson on Saturday» attended the funeral of the late George Harper who died in Aur- ora. on Thursday. Deceasod who formerly resided at B-md Lake was m his 83rd year. Interment, took place in St. John’s Cemetery, Oak Ridgem Boys’ heavy black worsted ribbed hoae'fmm 40 to 500. p1-.; Mans grey all wool socks 40 and E100. pr.; Mens’ black all wool ribbed socks pr. 4013‘; Mens’ wool lined Mocha gloves 1.00 to $2.50 tpr.; Buys felt hats calm-s brown and grey 850. Atkinsuu & .vitzm'. r-A l'gndge 0f Instrmwiun will be held in L1) Tramplv Building. Toronto, on VVedm-sdav, Nuv. 26, commencing at 2.30 p. m. fur- the lwnvï¬t ‘of Toronto Districts. N0. 11. and 1121 A. F. & A.M. Ofï¬cers and Brethren of Richmond Lodge please take notice; ;.___Thg~ ladies ‘of the \ Pl'gsbyteriaï¬â€˜? church purpbse taking advantqu of; the congregational 50155.11 tomm‘f‘b‘g (Friday) evening, and will combjne the; event, with a Farewell to be gigé'u Reva E. C. Currie and family. ' " iï¬ Some of thy; new banks recently pur- chased for', the Public Llhmry’ have been placed on the shelves. \Ve be- lieve our readers will ï¬nd a lot; of in- teresting reading among the new volumes, particularly in the Fiction clans. - v \Besicatvd Gncnanut. H). 250.; "Cider Vina an 91" gal. 30c.; English Malt, gal. c.; an Yan saucepeif bottle 20c.; Peanut buLtH‘ jar I5c.: Canâ€"Ice fur making candy or Icing cakes tin 10c. Abkiuson‘ & Swnzcr. Mrs. W. R. Proctor and Miss Kuth~ leen Proctor will receive for the ï¬rst. time in their new lmmo, 2‘13 Geoffrey St...Tur-ontn, on Thursday, November 27th, from 3.30 to 6.30. .Mr. and Mrs. George‘Elliott Miller made a. visit on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon and family and ln-ft/ for their home at, Atterclii‘fo. Ont. Tuesday. after A short honeymoon. Bakers unsweetened Chocolatp i bur 2kg; Ingm-soll Cream Cheese, pkg. 15c.; Cownns Cocoa (hulk) per lb. 250.; Fruit, sugar-per lb. 83.; Icing sugar 11). 8d,; Lou! sugar lb. 9c. Atkinson & Switzer.l Mr. A. E. Glass ruports the sale of Mr. Thomas Burns’ house and Int, on Richmond Street to Mrs. Lnnisu Espey; also the Espey property in Vaughan Township m Mr. Thnums Burns. Don’t forget the illustrated lecture by Capt. Collins in the Masonic Hall Monday evening. Nov. 24, at 8.15 o’clock. Admission free, and no collection. Mr. John Stephenson, an old res'ldent of Newton Brook dropped dead at York Mills Monday morning. De- ceased leaves a wife and a. ngn-up family. ‘ ' Mr. John Tifï¬n, head painter in the Trenbh Carriage Works, had one of his hands bale burned a. few days ago by an explosion of gasoline. THE LIBERAL W11] be sent; to new Inh- ï¬cflbers from this date until Dec. 31. 1914, for $1.00. Any address in Canada. Glass Bros. have re-painted the interior of their butcher shop and the surroundings are already putting. on an appearance of Christmas. Mis. Mnrgah. "The Cédarsâ€Niagar-a- on-the-Lnke. was the quest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. “ Rmmmn HILL. ONT., Nov. 20, 1913 The Richmond Hill hunting party returned from the north Friday, bring- ing home three nice deer. 53M Egihmi. l:() C’ A 11 S I An active agéntï¬ivauteflfin your district", ~ THUS. VV.. BOWMAN & SON 00., _LIM1TED,,*RidgeViHP, Ont. 18-4 - It all depends on where you get them. Twas from the Bowman Nuy‘. series huve‘ heavv ï¬brous mots; they mic grown in the right, kind of soil; they are handled and packed with ex- treme care; they come to you in the pink of condition, andâ€"they grow. BANQUET TO MISS STONGE. A Banquet, was given by the Social Club of the Ford Motor Co. of Canada. Ltd., at the Waverley Hotel. Toronto, the. 12th Now, in honor of Miss Lillian Stonge who is leaving that ï¬rm to be married short-1y. She was presented with a solid silVPr tea sexvice and a. beautifully arranged udrlresswas read. Thg'dini‘ng mom was tastefully deco- Tat-3‘6 With whit-63nd pink carnations and music and dancing brought to a. clcse a‘VetY‘dalightt‘ul-evéning. , The Ladies Aid of the Methodist clrurch will hold ll bazaar on Friday of next week.‘ A sale of useful and fancy articles Will be held in the S. S, Room, afternoon and evening. Afternoon tea, ice cream and cake will be served in the tea. room, and in the candy booth. dainty home made cooking a‘nd choice candies will be offered for sale. Good music will be provided. The public are cordially invited tncome and purchase Some 015 the many’bcautiful articles which will be sold at reasonable priCes. Doors open at 2 o’clock. Ad- mission free. The funeral of the late st. Page. widow (7f the late John Page of Gun; cmvd, tuhk piace from her .residmice to Maple-'Cmnutery Tuesday afternoon. A‘ short memuriuL Service was condch ed at; the. hnuse by her pastor, Rev. Dr. Smith, arid he was assisted in the serif- ice by Rev. A. Bedfo'rd of Davenport, and Rev. J. Stewart of Aurora, both former pastors. The deceased who with three daughters ,1'emnved hex-e about, six nr‘seveu years ago was of a cheeiful disposition, and many friends and aflquaintances always loved to visit the Page home. Cl‘heugh well advanced in years she will he greatly missild; and the relatives have the dwepest sympathy in their bereave- ment. - Iinyjtedï¬mrm‘daï¬â€™ but, we-ma‘v - (ï¬gmegquain‘t‘ed. .An informal musxcal ï¬g'tgzmris in preparation by. Mr. J. E. mem,’ and "refreshmems will be served by the ladies. N0 admission price and all are invite-d. A meeting of the session will be held on Friday evening at 7 o’clock sharp in the Manse. Chou- pt-acbice is at, the home nf Mr. NS‘Wth tpis eyvninm’l‘hu l§dllv) at 7.45. , .. . "1.. v...†v . \ ...u3\ ; uul auuy, my 1.10. ’ Rev. Mr. Currie and family leave early next; week for their new home in Belleville, where the induction service will be held on Thursday evening, the 27th. A congregational social will be held at the church un next Fl‘idty ($.0- gggggpm), evening, .to which 'all‘ Yec‘éfnb’ "come t2 the cudn‘grgg-ation‘are sggg' 1â€".L days. The white-haired. red-faced, jolly Old gentleman sprang from his chariot; at, the Waiting Room and shook hands with a number of old friends as well as some new ones. The only disappointment was that he did nopsend the banners which were protuisad every boy and girl who called at the Richmond Hill P. O. Snnta’l l‘e‘ceptirm at, Massey Hall the following day completed the progmm, and all present were invited to meet him again in Toyland‘iu Eaton’s store. Interesting facts re arding the re- sults of a decade’s w‘ru‘ are against, the ravages of Consumption are contained in a. circular which has just been-issued bVA theNntional Sanitarium: Associa- tionin order that Clergymen taking part in Tuberculosis Sunday, on Nov. x30th, may he ’pbssessed of the latest statistics. The most striking result, of the‘ analysis of viLul records for the province 0f0nturio is than. cmnpured with eleven years 'ngn, and despite the large. incrense-in the population during that, time. there is a. total decrease of 990- in'Lhe unnusl number of deaths. In 1911 there were 3213 victims bf Con- ‘sumptinn; in the death statistics inst i-ywr the. mtni was 2250. This is the \more remarkable, too, in View of the large increase in the' population of urban cent-res, where the overcrowding contributes largely to the spread of the disease. In its history of fifteen years ‘Work‘ti’ie National Sanitarium Assoai- abion has had under treatment: 7000 patients. many of Whom were in ad- vanced and hopeless stages. Of these rover 4000 have been sent back to their Zhomes‘eitimr cured or in much im- ‘ proved health. " Last Friday was a day long to be re- membered by the children along Yonge street. -Szmta. Claus with his fmn- live reindeer. accompanied by his brass band, passed through Richmond Hill on his way from the north be- tWeen him and ï¬ve o’clock, and show- Sdihimsgl‘f as tyiemilx us_ in hy:g0n_e <- Browns Nurseries are ~famous for .th’éir'ï¬ne ‘Péu'ch. Apple; Plum, and. Cherry tré‘es. , Thev have the best; nursery soil in Cimadu'a'nd are largest “growers ()ï¬-tl'ees in the Dominiun. All {whips zind‘ budsticks‘ï¬ye cut- hv, (me mam-mud he has beeuih their emplov Tma‘ny, years, so no mistakes are made ‘by.usiug..\ymng scin'ns (iribuds‘c Send ,in l'ist‘éfa the stuck yu'u' need.;and get then- pr’xges. VVn‘ivte foragencv as they have smne‘ unoccupied territory is _this gummy. 33110 VVN BROS. COMP-AN Y §y§wï¬s Nursrerietia.’ iV’aeaâ€"llzyuc'i WILL YOUR TREES GROW? SANTA AND HIS REINDEER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. DEATH OF MRS. PAGE. DEATHS DECREASE. BAZAAR A bunt] of twenty ï¬ï¬e Victoria College volunteers for the Foreigh Field visited the Epworth League on Monday evening and gave a splendid programme. Although each had a message frnny the particular ï¬eld interesting him most time 'only per- mitted {our addresses, "China," “Korea,†. ‘93apan†and “Home Missions." Two baritone Solos were greatly enjoyed as was also a reading by? one of the ladies. The League served refreshments. 12. .The patpor given by Mrs. Allen on "The Poet; Longfellow†was Well re- ceived. Mrs. Allen recited seVeral 0f the chuice selections. Members‘de- slums of attending the Ontario Women's Institute Convention will please remember the date on» Thursday and Friday (if this week at Fox-esters Hall, on College street, Toronto. ‘ The Navember' meeting of, the Wumen’s Institute was held at the 2191:1619! Mrs. Hill on Wednesday Nov.‘ We copy from an" exchange the followingnpamgraphn Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘il’ï¬n fm-merly‘ lived in Richmond Hill:â€""Mr. Arthur Tifï¬n has moved to his new residence on Beaumaris road. which he'recently completed. It is brickweneered, has eight; rooms with good cellar and furnace and will be quite comfortalle.‘ On the prop- erty, is also a. drivingshed and stable, ï¬nished with metal shingles and laid- ing. ‘ On Tuesday evening of last week about forty of Mr. and Mrs. Tiffln’s fiielidsgabhered to givethem a. houseâ€" warming, coming finom Beaumaris. Milford Ray and other parts of the Township. A. jnlly time was spent till the eggrly hours of the morning.†, supper on flonday éflflï¬lvq. A service uddei'fheflgyuspicespf thg W. M. S. was’iheld ju-“i§t.' Andrew’s. Uhgrch‘ï¬bb Su'nday evening. . _ » I‘fï¬'tetâ€" taiubd ‘the membersfdf the: pï¬ï¬‚ciai board of £119 _chm-chf,;§o a *vbnison Rev. '11. Si'ahders; LOYHI‘UIB: I V ‘ B. M. Dickey who has «mint crghsidequiegtimein the ‘Klundike, will»,,’sp_eak in St. Andrew’s Churchfljnthe iliteresbs’af thg RenflingCarppg1A§§éciniioï¬ The. monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held int: the home of Mrs. leks on VVednesdayl of last; week. ,The meeting took the form of a baking contest, when the following: prizes. we‘rev' awarded:â€" Lemcm Piafâ€"lit, Mrs. T. Cousins, 2nd, Mrs. F. Rumble. App'-%Pie+lst, Miss Gertrude. Nian, ‘ 2 Mlss Laura Richardson. 13:er Cgkeelsb, Mrs. H. S. Lover-lug, rind; Mrs. ‘J. Manning. Light Cakeâ€"18L MissM; Gan-ow, 2nd, Miss G. Nixfin." j ‘ . A meaning of the yJung men of the village was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. Bx‘eakey, for the ur- -pose of forming an organization 0 \the nature of a Boy’s Club. ' , , u,“r_v n. Rev. W. B. Findlay is‘ much in de- mand thIIt times in the Way of giving addressesgat nmny,public functions. Last Saturday he spoke in Ottawa; and on Sunday in Cornwall, so that he ï¬nds largq scope for the exercise of his nuth gifgl. ¢_ The ‘ Presbyterian Congregation sprung A very pleasant surprise upon their mini-lei- and his wife last Friday evening who they assembled» en muse;- nnd afterward invited them from a nearby house to the church where an appreciative address. w‘as read ‘and A presentation made. Rev. Mr. Currie wns presented with a hand- some gold mounted club bag. and Mrs. Currie wn made the recipient of a beautiful set 01: Persian Lamb furs. An envelope. contuinin gold coin was slso given Kr. Currie or the family. A delightful social evening, inter- spersed with music, addresses and re- freshment: occupied 'the next two hours. Our pleusiog feature of the evening we: seen in the presence of represolitotives of almost every family in the congregation. This says much in a parish to extended. The following is t e addressâ€"eDear Mr. and Mrs. ,Uur‘rie.'the congregation of Thornhill Presbyterian Church desire to take this opportunity of testifying to you both. the large place you hive won in the affection of the people. The home is the ultimate unit of the State and your home has always been one of light and helpfulness to this communâ€" ity. Ths- ministry of preochiug has been a Very high one. the pastoral re. latiomhip most'delightfu] to the con- gre ution. Looking backward we joy wit you in the proï¬t of the years, Looking forward our prayer is that peace «and prosperity may wait upon you. “lo are Conï¬dent that your: ministry in Belleville will he a. source or great blessing to the community. \Ve will follow your progress in the coming time with our greatestinterest. Will you‘he pleased to accept 61" these small tokens of our esteem and regard onr behalf of thgcopgregationn v-1 1-. l _ SHAW’S SCHOOLS WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Beaumaris Thornhfll. M83316. V I y i : VVVNVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVV VVVVVVTVV YYVVV?VVVVWVVYYVVVYW l “MAMAAMMAMMAAAAAAA MAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ‘ ‘ 3P. 5%. SaVage & San iFire, Life 8: Accident i Atkinson ~& Switzer r ‘ ‘ 'YWVY'V 'VVVVVV WVVYVVVVVVYYYVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV §Right kind of gClothes - ass Ã©ï¬ , . V , > - - "VVVYVVYY7V7VVVVV‘VVVWVVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV" No RMAN J. GLASS - I PROPRIETOR “AMBKAAMAAAAAAAAMAMAW AAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The lame Biuck Furnishing *Sto’re PHONE 8002. Men’s Overcoats in brown and grey worsteds', an extra nice ï¬tting coat and very latest pattern from $10.00 to $15.00" Men's Fall and Winter Hats in different shades, in browns and grays, prices from.........3$1.50 to $52.50 Men’s _W',orking Hats: ........................................... 1.500. Don‘t forget our Underwear ranging in prices from 500. to $2.00 per garment: ‘ > Your Insurance will be well looked after if lext to That is Why successful men wear “Hobberlin clothes. C _. [The Fall and Winter Styles arevnow here. From $20 to $40 and up to $50: M For Suits or Over'ooats SOLE AGENTS FOR HOBBERLIN‘TMLORING ed men-look for in their clothes. ~ ’ ‘ “ Overcoat,has all the dis- tinctiveness and individu- ality- that carefully dress- THE Hobberlin Suit or Congult ‘Us For Rates RICHMOND WE ARE AGENTS FOR Plate - Glass Insurance NOHOQ“: O §+§6§§§1 "PITT.