Mrs. N. W. Rowe.“ has been re- ‘elected .Presxdenh- of the Dominion Council of“ the» Young “Womén’s‘ Christian Association at Winnipeg. four, petitions havg been' ï¬led 'zltfainst the seating of Mr. James I orria the Conservative member elect in Chateau nay, Quebec. Bribery by himself an by agents is alleged. A. R. Bredin was unanimously nominated by the Liberals of Kildonan and St. Andrew’s, Manitoba; in con- vention atVSelkirk, to oppose Hon. Dr. Montague, the new Provincial Ministe of Public Works. . . « Mr. A. J. H. Eckardt of Toronto was tendered a complimentary banquet Friday nigh}: at. the Tremon‘t, House. Markham, by members of the lawn bowling clubs entering into the Eckardb Trophy competition. Jos. *A." Todd, postmaster at Stoufl- ville, died Thursday night: at his home. He had been sulfering from Bright’s disease and: his condition had been serious during the previous week. Mr. Todd had been postâ€"master for about two years» . Wild West pictures at moving picture theatres are said to be the indn'ect cailse of the, death of a boy at Port. Credit last Saturday. A coro- ner’s jur returned the followin ver~ dict:â€"'â€"“ hat Thomas Crisp. alias rice. came to 1119 death by being shot at by twq y‘qutbs named Sherman and Bab- ,,L_A__L...‘..... Ac alaan v" u \uuuuu cock during an interchange of shots between the deceased on the one side and Sherman and Bubcock on the other, and that the said Sherman and Bab- cOck did. unlawfplly kill and slay the aforesald ï¬rice.†FRIDAY, Nov. 28â€"Standing timber,» 6 acres. lot 12, Can. 5, Scarboro, the 'roperty of Thomas Little. Sale at oclock. Eleven months. Wm, Dec. 3â€"Fax-m stock, . imple- ments &c., lot 35, con. 3. Pickering,» the pro erty of W. J. Taylor. 821.13 M: 12 o’qock. Terms 11 months. THURSDAYâ€"Dec. 18â€"Two hundred acre farm,» stock. impleménts, fur- niture, 850., the estate of the late David Smellie, on lot 8, con. 2 Vaughan. Terms for chattels 11 months Sale at. 9.30 mm. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WED.. Nov. 26â€"Farm stock. imples ments &c.‘, lot 10, (Jon. 7'. Markham. the property of Gen. Thompsom Sale at 1 o’clock. Eleven months credit. , A A house on Rxchmond street, near Yoï¬ge. to rent Dec. 1. ‘ A. I. \VRJQHT, _ ’â€" --... 19-“ An Edison Phonogmph‘nnd 55 Reâ€" cords. This is a. four minute machine and is -in ï¬rst-class condition. Also has diamond heqd. _ 21-2 K0 STREAM,†or send us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated Weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural hisâ€" “ tory and yachting. A Sport ‘ â€" eriences of an lcr: 31’s and ampeg, c Adventure with E for lat; ‘new’ depart. ment has to ‘do ’with ï¬the C o u n t r y Home andits surroundings. Terms: $4 a year, $2 for six months. We. semi free on re- quest ' our catalogue of it h e b e s t lbwks on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STRMM PUB. C0. 346 Broadway, New York. Prentice Register. News Notes. To Rent For Sale If you ’ like to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- terested in countr life, ask your neWSdea er for . 1y FfBERAL OFFICE. “FOREST AND Richméud mu. ing; or if you are m. NOTICE :STOVEPiPE TIME always on hand. Any person 'can put them; together. No chance to lose your temper.- ' Good supply of A11 Polished ' I ‘ Crimped Pipe Opposite Dr. Langstaï¬â€™s 13.x.f. HOUSES. Several and houses in Richmond Hill at mo emte prices. . FARMS. I have a large list of farmé ranging in size from forty to twq hundred acges. Two Well located lots 40 ft. x 147 ft. 6 in. ion Elizabeth Street, a. pleasant "Age-{3'1}; ‘l-iVsL'liéfoi-e making your selec- tion. situation. $1,300 on improved farm or towu property. ‘ MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Church o! Englandâ€"Services It a pm. ht 2nd and m; Suggay. _ Tigrd S'unda‘yjq 1; intrin‘ "*§I&B“y€e‘a;tréï¬a'£chgamma 1ih:in.;§i1d 7rg.m. Sunday School at 2.80. Prayer meeting ursdnv evening. . Roman Catholic Church~Services on alter- ugï¬eï¬uggigygï¬t 9 .a. re. anï¬ 710.30 a. m. A.. “n4 __ -4: 7 Eethodist Churohé-Servicoe at 11.00 e..m.,aud p. m. Suuda School at 9.80. General prayer meeting Thurs a.y evening. Richmond Lodge,;‘A. F and A M ~Meeta Mon- day on or before full moon a CourtBichmond, A 0 F -â€" Mae‘s fourth Fri‘ fly , Ivy Lodge. A0 17 Wâ€"«Meeta third Wednesday of each month . ~ , Camp Elamï¬ 0 8 â€"Meeh second and fourth Wednesday Bill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- dav and third Friday of each momh. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Mondey of every month Public lerary and Beading Boom~0pen Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Eoworth Leagueâ€"Meets evofv Mend-y. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Iridny 9.68 13.111. in the Church. I 0' Fâ€"Meets third Thursday of every month B. H. Ratepayers Association meets 19.5 Tagséw. oLev9rz month. ‘ ' iri'c‘iSr’ia‘ "LT '6." '1..â€" 2338-:Meeta ch Wednaaday of each month. W. HEWISON v HOUSE-PAINTER; Glazier, Grainenand Paper- ' Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL -b.f. 1 Good Jersey Cow in full flow: a. number of choice Fowlâ€"~variou's; choica black calf robe grandiose liningâ€"cost $25.00. " Good Farm to. let), Thornhill. Apply immediately. 4 _ Elbows, ‘Ha‘lf Lengths For Sale at Once A 11 kinds of Five roamed Qotgagg. JACOB EYER PROPERTIES FOR SALE A, E. GLASS, Real Estate Agent RICHMOND HILL House to Rent TinSmithing Village Directory Farm to Let BUILDING LOTS Taper Pipes. GEORGE H. WATSON, v 20 King St. East, Toronto. MONEY 'ro LOAR --AND-- J. A50, MOLLET, Richmond Hill. E. O. OURRIE. Hone. G A. SSE ELS’ Canadiï¬m “Pu b - ï¬shing Company The monthly magalfl“ oi the above company hour ever-y variety of intermgnd can now be obtained LI Ca}- ada by yearly aubscriptkn tt’ low rates. » _ . Gase‘sel's Ma' azine, per unlit .‘ "I. The Story eller . . 1.70 The Quiver ‘ . . . . ' .5 1.†Musical Home J ournal '. . The Girls’ Realm . . . . , Folks p I p I Chums . . . . , . SSE; fI't is not necessary '0 ï¬nd to foreign'countric: 0r tug» zines. Read the fOHOWiIKJï¬â€˜ Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSEL’LS & COKPANV “ 42 Adela-lde St. W .V Toronto , ' ALL BRANCHES OF THI 'IADE STRICTLY ATTENDED YO. THE â€" - LIBERAL THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED IIIHIME Exquisibely prjgtéd' ï¬n} '90:,th paper. Picturesg Well:kï¬lï¬lwï¬ï¬l>ém of current events, of thing-v cum- ful and curious Aboutnne Welland, square inches of. pictures in uoliuue. Appeals to Canadians as tie gnu il~ lustrated pape'rs of London 9, 3.1 to the English péhple. Non ,â€" iilcal. Absolutely no axn to grind. I“ aim solely to please and Lo intern. Rust be seen to be appreciated. To! nuts A copy. ‘One dollar a year. 7h Pic- ggxinl qulish‘ing 00., I42 8%. rm: St. “CANADIAN PICTORML†Montreal. EDQELEY, Sept. 10, 1913. SEES; é; Jelly Mill ' WILL RUN" ON 11-4 frrIE STANDARD 15 the mama: Weekly Newspaper 'of the Dominion 'of Canada. M It is national to 011 its aims. It uses the" mast éxpewva engrav- ings, procuring the photograph: tram all over the World. Its articles are caietuny selected rand its editorial policy. (I 13 V_ ghmughlf Independent. A, subscriptio'nj ~ t6 Th6 Standard costs $2.00 per year t6 any. 3.66113“ (11’ Canada; br Great Britaim Tuesday, Wedneï¬day & Thllflu' '01 each week until and Inï¬ll!!! Nov. 13, 1913. PATRONAGE Soucrmp AND SATISFACTION Glam . J. u WUGDWAB’B SHOEING LAHEVAND‘ 11mm HORSES A S?ECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARB. Cider Jelly and App]! BM Mén'ï¬â€˜eal: Siandard Publishhm 60.. " Limited. Publishin- VV’iII also Grind Graiï¬ & Hall a. (in Friday and Saktnrday 01ml , wee . A. VII!“ mamas amen APPLES In. GENERAL BLACKSMITI, New Gormley Subscribe tar EDGELEY TRY, 11: FOR 1913!; a for the manufacture of MONTREAL. "fl!- 7 'THE; In Marble 01‘ Granite. G‘nnd wm-k. reasonable charges.»-_ Town or Country Write, " . 51-3 m. LBJ-LAND, . awn 01’s,â€, mama mucky. WTORONTO' “‘ l RICHMOND HILL ‘ "BRANC H ' m. a PHONE 18 , VVYVVVYVVYWYWWVW NORMAN BATI‘Y, Manager. "w vmï¬vviwvyvva‘wvwvvv 'VVY‘ BANK BNNY’ROYAL WAFERS. Monuments, Markers and Corner Posts. ' MAAAAAkaAAAAAAAAAAA AAAALAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA See us about‘this Cooking and Heating Proposition SATISFACTION GUARANTEED o¢+w++++w++¢+¢¢+++uu “owuwuwwwuwou QR @AWA Bucks - HAPPY,THOUGIâ€"I'P McClarys - - - PAND()RA Gurneys - -,, Imperial Oxford We will be pleased to show you the good points in any of uhese well known Ranges â€"â€"â€"ALSO-â€"â€" THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE GU. Wide Streets with, Concretg Waiks. Plenty of good water; Ideal drainage. Part of this property is restricted to homes to Icost not less €52,500. '1 No rcstricti‘Ons whatever on Rose- view or Pugsley Avenues. Seveiral lots have already changed hahds at a good proï¬t. Now isyour time fqra safe and sure in- vestment. Richmbnd Hill is going right ahead, ail that is need- ed at the present is houses for people; to live in. TERMS~$50 cash; balance three year mortgage with ma te‘iest at 6% or five years to purchasers building at When buying a Stove or'Rapge‘get one that has a reputation and is guaranteed by a reliable maker. You run my risk in purchasing _ any one of the following Ranges;â€" Our prices are as low as they can be bought for anywhereâ€"or if you are going to install a. Furnace in your home we will be pleas- - ed to quote you prices. Boseview Gardei‘ag once. Brahchn also a! anla, Markham, Stouffrma, Unionvme pad Lcemc Em. W. A. JONES, giberal Dischunt for Cash. Asmmc monthly medium In N10! to a 1"†a» W“: :dnku pro w. a an dischargg No ’IOMS or pain a 3p Brown New medbyovarumum rtqu wmunmh. havigomk. than. organ. Buy a: your mum on" thou with our lure acre. hue or [15031. void tum Beaded ï¬bulmm Med 30 munilfloï¬ 0:. Andreâ€. EUREKA C 511 Conwa Damn-luau. “NEW' PERFECTION†OIL HEATER 22 Buchanan St†Letterihg‘] Heating Stoves of AllKinds INCLUBING THE . J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmomi 5m. Tbrontd, EH deposited in this (with: highest current rate of hterésta \X’ithdnwak of‘part or the wholeamou‘ut made when- ever desired Withbut delay) [in die Van’s Femalgpï¬ié 9?.xdlable Ftegch regulator; neverjails. These pl ls are ‘exce'edmgly owedul ln regulating-tho .generativuportlon 0“ a female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr‘. do Van’s are sold at 5 a box, or three for 810. Mailed to any address. ( 77 50012911; Dru: 00.58% Catharina. 0x. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hill PHONE 294R 2. PAINTER AND DECORAT‘OR JOHN ELLIS HOUSE AND sum mmms PAPERHANGXNG, Gamma GLAZING. Kusommo. Etc. T5 PETEET E's-d