readers more upâ€"to-date news. In a recent issue it contained the following paragraph:â€"â€"â€"“Riehmond Hill is pros- pering under Local Option. New streets are being laid out and the \‘building business is brisk_ Besides “a. greenhouse, 70-.lx9rt fleet, nine new "residenees have been ereeLed this year- 'Those not in sympathy wirh Local Option say there is considerable drinking from bottles, but drunken men are rnre. The hotel aceonnn. ‘ndation might easily be improved, with advantage to both proprietor and Lhe travelling public.†The Orange Sentinel of last week expressed a hope that the rumor that Hon. Dr. Montague would soon be- come Premier of Manitoba, would be» come true. Referring to school con- ditions in that province the Sentinel says: "At present the entire province is suffering from the operation of the Laui‘ie1'-G1‘eenway settlement,†and thinks that Hon. Dr. Montague would improve matters. ' But the reference to our hotel ac- commodation is altogether misleading, and we have no doubt the editor of The Pioneer will correct. the errone- ous impression. ’l‘h'e new proprietor, Mr. Stuflles, is giving good satisfac- tion. Travellers speak of the ex cellent meals and comfortable beds at Hotel Richmond, and there is not even the breath of suspicion that in- toxicating liquors are sold. It is true Richmond Hill is pros_ pering, the building business is still brisk, but instead of one greenhouse being erected we now have seven, with preparations for several more next summer. And instead of nine Tho Pioneer, that well-known paper, published in Toronto in the interest of Temperance and Moral Rcfmni, ahould endeavor to give its new residences, twenty-seven have been erected this year. Hm] Mr. Greenwny when Premier of Mnnituba, abolished Separate schools. The Cnnsea‘xuitive Govern- ment; 0f which Dr. Montague was a member promised L0 restore the Sepa- rate schools, 611' Wilfred Laurier said Rmnmbxn HILL. Oran. DEC. with." Mr. Greenway has been dmd seve- ral years, Sir Wilfred Lauricr has been out of power over two years, and yet those gentleman are blamed by The Seninel for the unsatisfactory condition of the Manitoba schools. The Catholic Register claims to favor a measure of Home Rule for Ireland, yet it seldom discusses the question from a serious standpoint. A writer on the front page of its last issue makes fun of the “Ulster forces†and the “Carson review†in Belfast, and says:â€"~The people of the South of Ireland do not seem to be very much worried over the threatean Orange rebellion in the north. In faet, they seem to be having more fun than a circus ever it.†We *“Xï¬â€™iheml. is doing all in its plwcr to prevent bloodshed, yet. the prospects do not look too bright. Under the circum- stances it: is not wise to refer to the threatened rebellion as to a circus 01‘ football match. Rinann 'I‘n bules: pleasant laxative. flipans '1‘ armies: for 30qu stomach. Manitoba must nmt be interfered ANCIENT HISTORY FAR FETC M ED 7. 11 1913 THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED HABAZINE “CANADIAN PICTUHIAL†Exquisitply printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures Of well-knan people of current events. of thing: hunti- ful and curious Ahuut mw ï¬lm-sand, squan- inchés of picturrs in "in issue. Appeals to Canadians as the gust. il- lustrated papers of Lnndhl nppul to the English people. Non pnlitiml. Absolutely no ax;- tn grind. Its aim solely tn plunge and to inform. Must In- seen to 'be appreciated. Ton cents a cupy. Ont-dollar 3 your. The Pie. tmin‘l Publishing Ct», 142 St. Peter Sbv Morn-ea}. {30:11 Pb ‘fl; VVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVYVVVVYVV Lax-rats 5 q AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA may be largely inmased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, andby learning of‘th: best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmerx’ Weekly Sun gives in ovary issue. It has no equal a a Farmer’n Business Paper. Ikm] fammrciyonik. Mpdelluï¬ul dubbing a“. G. A. MCDONALflï¬a SQN E believe in advertised products and in advertis- ing,espec1ally products that have real intrin» sic merit. We make a feature of advertised brands of package goods, because these goods have the manufacturer’s guarantee and are sure to give satis- faction. which makes a quart, of Jelly. A F2 (‘8 Aluminum Mould with each package. Try um new hulk TEA at 30c. ll). Always the maximum value for tho price you pay at, Samething for Nothingâ€"NEVER FARM PROFITS PHONE 16~R 2 BAWSï¬N & BRQWMEE â€"AGENTS~â€" DALTON’S NEW JELLY POWDER Yonge Street. we will be plan'wd to dvumnstx‘ate LU!“ car at. any time. Having taken the agency for the Ford AuLomnbiles for Markham and Scarboro Townships including CURE-ANTS AND RAISle HAVE JUST ARRIVED AND ARE VERY FINE â€"-\VE I-IAVE»~â€"-â€" UNEflNVILLE, C Sweet to F1! In Candy Bowel Lam. This vear’s packing of I ___V. __ v- -..... ..... Make and Save Money ['0 You. Ever bod should Join the Mutual Literat- Hu- lio cm 0! menu. There!- nothlng else I ke It anywhere. 1‘ com limo-t nonun to Join and the beneï¬ts It mvol are wonderful. 1 enables you to‘ urcnase bookl and periodic-II music and musical r mlmments at lpeclnl cut prfcen. It secure?! re. ducod rate. at many hatch. 1: camera qua-dons tree 0! charge. It often Icholnrnmn- and valua- ble cub prizes to mombeu. It maintains club \I'OOHII in many culen for m members. In addition, ever‘member receive. flu omuhl mumno en t!- 1mat! Ev’r Heath†I bllcutlon In I class by ‘melrJnclnd n: a Meal! 0 huh-clan vocal and In- strumautnl muuoUun flu) each month without extra chunk?) lam In one (car In all. YOU CAN GET AL rm: nus r01! AI». MQST NQ’I‘BING. _ _ , ¢ The full year), mome he is One Doiiar for} which you no: nu Ibovo, 3nd you may with. draw any line Wflhll three month. it you{ want to do so nudge: y-nr collu- back. It you‘ {don’t care to span $1.00. Ind 25 cent: tor three .months member-hip. nobody-can lirord to “5‘ ‘thinoner by. You will es our money bee in value man times our. ul particulars will be sent tree 0 charge. but I! you are wise you will send in your request tor mombenhip with are {groper fee at once. The in an. chm months mom-i ership oirer will soon change. Write at once ad- ?dreuing your letter and «admin; 81.00 (or full Fyeur's membership or tinny-nu cents tor three “’1 t r ’i‘ï¬n‘u’ir LITERARY Miran) cum . No. 150 N3 psi" N. 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W IL Sflmï¬fï¬uéfï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬g Every family should biié’i‘l thew local pager am} 83 City paper. m hmnaflon of cats? mm†em aimin- Earn a? npprn‘zfflrazo parfacï¬on. WRIGHT BROS. mSTMW'wwE-mfl Tm may meme: m. muewa £33 KLBTI’IER- ma Fm’i EN Bflï¬ï¬‚ï¬f in {I‘m manufzwfare of RICHMOND 151;}. ‘r‘ *5? . J?" ߠWi‘émaï¬ï¬ï¬ The Next, Sitting of Divx'smn Com-t to N0. 3, County of York, will be lmld in the Court Room. RiCHMï¬NB EELL‘ Monday, january 14. 19145. VILLAGE. AND FARM PRi FEW} AIAVAYS UN UANIJ. REAL AID .J. HUME RICHMOND F1 NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Em. RICHMOND HILL hmmenclmz at Q30 A. m. Special attuntiun given to -AGEN"‘»Y - Conveyancing, Presamg Cleanmg Repairmg T. F MCMAHON (Eu-11m MANAGER