Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1913, p. 4

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â€"_â€"_______.._ ’ i is a I . ewomhwonowownwo“womwwnwonew ' fills: fiihrral. ~ . 3 ~ . ' . I z o O in. .,j Special attention given'to‘“ ‘r U ‘ We wish our many Patrons, '7 gin-mono HILL. Own. DEC. 26 1913 _._.._ LIBERAL near the close of an- l ' ' - other, year is pleased to, extend to its a Merry Christmas ' 'e'uhscribers and friends the heertiest l l , E; [Cleaning I i o t "cod wishes for a Merry Christmas ’ i .i A I ‘ , I; End a-Happyi'and Prosperous New i and a .1 l mu Repairing, _ .‘Year, 7. liiay the coming year bring . . V 7 - ' ‘ ~ . , , -. ’ , 2 A ‘1' V _ .. _ ‘ ‘ we so efull measure otheaim. happi- g Bright and Prosperous New Year... ' ~ .. r m ~ -' .nesahnd'success. : p - ’ , a I I , . '~ p. . """"â€"""â€" t' o r ‘ , 3 ‘ ' ~ :- 1 The Mail and Empire of last 3 : $ߤ$“$: 233:: E A J o E p Thursday points out that amended 9 3 mom of .pproximgto . ' ' ‘ y ' ‘ ‘ ' regulations’of the'Depai-tinent of g , . , z -' perfection. ‘ I l _ . I. r ,_ 'ucation give authority to abolish . K x . mu- » NO ARY P11331113 I .' Entrance Examinations to High é GI A- , é. ,_ “manna, _ _ .T \_ ' 'Schools.‘ The acceptance of certifl- z PHONE 13-32 .' ' ‘ I I.“ m . , ‘_ ' . dates from Public school principals t . § ._ " g}: Conveyancmgi . win be taken in mm for the written mowwowfmwuuweuweeoofiowofiwoo» emu; I. _ 'I I f examinations. We believe the ex- _. .-__.___.._*______ -._..__._, - _ ‘ . Leases; Wlus» Etc! 7. periment will not prove satisfactory. I ' ’ . " _. . , _ , ’ The new regulationsplace a treme'n- . mom) BILL. A , ' ' 1 - - dolls responsibility upon the shoulders r, ‘ V r 'of' principals. ’No matter how fair ., - I W " " a 7. or. conscientious a‘ teacher may , be - ’ . I " v ' i . j. . its will be difficult in many cases to ." v , convince John Smith that'his child- a ' _ .1 ' fliedâ€"YEAR“. « 7’ . i V -_ ,‘ _ I ‘ ren are not as clever as George ’ - . '7 EXPERIENCE V The Next Sitting 0f DWISIQV‘CQXITH? -' l ' ' ' No. 3, County of York, Will he held , Brown’s, especially if the former , -. , » in the Court Room} happens to be atrustee. As at pre~ , ’ji’ ‘ ‘ , eel": conducted the examinations are ~ I a. . i {f shpphsed to be-fai’r, the examiners ' '. V “0N” ‘ ' ‘- ./not knowing whosepapers they are . v T‘ggsfgg“ . Monday, January I4, 1914. reading. Not sounder the amended. TO-daV'S the dayâ€"40 'bfiy that _ ' - Corvnienrslc.’ ~ V ‘_ v ' 1 .. ‘ _. I . v , ' . ~ , Anyonewndtngnaketohmddencfl ion mmmencinc £9.30 a. m. ,v .. regulations. The teacher knows all F o r d. P rov1d e yo u r s elf a _ - fgggggogflggggg‘gy; égggbfigf‘; “h” I T F MéMAPON. hug“ ~ about the pupils, and it is only reas- comfortable, d epend a b] e {In d l ' ifigérifigflfgégggfiflgngamm V ’ ' ‘ ' “ " l :: 2. _. » enable to suppose that in many cases _ , - ' - , . - mcwmtm. vythouto anoint o . “‘f‘fâ€"‘i V pressure will be brought to bear upon econ-ommal ca; for ‘the, Chou].ng \ ' ' RICHMOND HILL him before making his returns. to-mormws' o u can t e g1 n fishindslmd’ milfigm‘igggi. - . » l _ i ‘_ » too soon to cut down that fififiéfimmowm Bowler » Mrf Arthur Hawkes who was a transportation ex pe use. Th e Ea sslnflmtueWXQm 7 ~ . ' r -* candidate in the recent lay-election in Ford serves you every purpose ' 3“"“0Mgfiwahwmm‘mfl , v ' “AGENCYM' - '1 south Lanark, but who suffered de- __at lowest cost. '_*_“'T“‘â€"_m_â€"’ , . ~ ' ‘ ’;._ «. - ieat,~complains that the Liberals 0t ,. . ‘ . - Electric-Restorer for Men 3. H. SANDERSONVV. S.» . clie- re-ngdai: support him, on illi‘liii‘iflflil'il:‘iglli..E‘EEJ’ECSLSEEE . ghosdpgogmgreens:rumors . . :; . * ~ . - r - . ' .s __ ‘_ (L _ ,. ' v m an v1 ii i y. ’renia ure May an a sexua - zuiygrggzin; :2) fig: tbrlftilii‘xtlEl?illlepi:17a;‘nlÂ¥e(lville tpost ooh-lg. giifinsgiaazzil‘ifiafif $32, §§?&“2??;0‘i§§ =VILLAGE :ASID FARM RRQPERTY . , r - complete With equipment. Get catalog mid 35. Mailed to any address. TheSoo’benDrug . _ . . - v election in 1911. when reciprocity in . particulars from DAVISON it BROWNLEE [Conic-WMrWI-ont-t _, .- {*LWAYS 0N “AM?- i , {Emmi products with the United ' ’ Agents, Unionville. Ont. /' I . . -» . . . . . . 'Statesiw‘assupposed to be the leading V ' 2‘, _ V ' question. "If Mr..Hawkes thought}: - . ' TE... v l 7 -' the time, that reciprocity would not _ _ V. , I I :g be‘a good‘thingt'or Canada,.it was W " " ' “ r " ‘ - ‘ r ‘ " his‘du'ty and privilege to give exâ€" ' ., I, I " pressiOn to his opinions. To appeal ' p i '4 ‘ r w - - H ' l . ' _ the""ground that to trade more freely , - v I ' ’wi'th our nearest neighbors would be - V 3 ' . . ‘ " ‘ annoys, andmlght lead to lanncxa- W"? mm USED mm“ "5 “lg ' cmmi Every family should have both tion, wa’sadifi‘erent proposition. To confined to Home for ,woeks; A their local paper. and-ca, . . . ' ill’pea'l to. a men "to vote a certain n or “Heavywork.severe‘stmininganglmlEggitégxmwugdfioagggg u. ' ‘ ‘ ~’ ‘ . 8. 4,, .' Varicose Veins. When I wor » ‘ severe and I was often laid up for a week at a t me. My tamii ' “7- hysicien told. me an operation was my only be but I dreaded i ' tried several specialists. but soon found out 31 the wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as l ttle better than rogues. One day my boss asked nip why I. was or! work so much and , “I told him in condition. He advxscd me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy. as o had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tim N" ' ' Mnrnon TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month‘s. Wont I was somewth discouraged. However I continued treatment tor three months Ranger and «was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn 812 a. week in a machine 4 shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. I wash all Merci-s knew or your valuable treatment. _ HENRY 0'. LOGUS'I‘. HAS YOUR BLOOD GREEN DISEASED'I BLOOD POISONS are the most revalenl; ‘and most serious diseases. They cap the veryllfe blood otithe victimsnd un css entirely eradicated from the system will cause = -» “Pious complicatio 5. - We: Mercury. 1 may suppress the symptomsqu NEW 7 METHOD cures all lead diseases: . V YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.â€"Imprudent acts or later excesses usually-circa down your system. You feel the symptomsstcalinv 0. you, )mntallysgiahg-sic y and vitally you are not the man you used to hopes); uld’be. ill yonhecd the get signals! ‘ Are you a. victim: Banyan lost hope? Are you intendin to mar ? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? or New more!) RMWENT will cure you. What it has done for others it WLEI do for you. Consultation ,‘ Free. No matter who has treated you write for an honest o Enion Free of Chute. ; Books Free-a“150Â¥l:iood. Manhood. Father cod.“ (illustrated) on iseasee of Men. NO NAMES USED “TROUT W'Rl‘l‘l'EN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No IIIIIIGI on bone. or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question List and » FREE FOR HOMETREATMENT. . ex stirs. mash”? Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL, Detroit. Mich. ‘ H I c E «All letters from Canada must be addressed ' . to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- 7 ‘ way because he happened to be born I in ‘a‘rertaln country looks like a re- flictiun on his intelligence. SubscriptiOns for i weekly and 5 daily papers taken with "The Liberal”?- } I. i at the following-rates:-- » - -- ;- a I 3 V . Family Herald and Week-' L, ' , l I * 1y Star, 1‘ year U H _ 3‘. ,1, Weekly Mail and Empire 8o Dominion Poultry Guide V Farmer’s Advocate \Canadlan Farm I l l _' M flow... I Public Roads and Highways ’ J ~ Commission of Ontario. ' to thev“rBritish Born," however, on why paper. v - " 9â€"â€" Dr-srr Sir:â€" ‘u'l‘ilie Public Roads and Highways Civimai'rssiim has found it necessary to postpmieiheii-announced heal-ingfrom l . .Jniuyai'y 13th,,ro Thursday. Jamumy I when at public session will. be ‘ oldilusw'the ~ Parliament Buildings. Turmm. ‘ ' , rRi-pi'essntntives were especially in- viii-d from Municipnliiies within the adjacent counties. of Ontario. Victoria, 1 York. Peel, Simone and Haltem, but ,the Commission will be pleased to I I have. the attendance of representatives from tiny other Municipality or Or- ' - » ~ gmnization in the Province, which ' K inav have views to present. - i " . The sessions will be from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. * ’ ‘ f A:contimiaiiun of the session will be _ . ._ " arranged if found necessary. 'i Yours faithfully. ; ‘ , » ~~ D. P. \VAGNEE. l Secret iii-y . ' ' - , _â€"I ment in, Windsor, Out. If you desire to ~ ' ' _ - ° 3 5 0 , Thorn 1311]" see us personally call at our Medical, Institute in Detroit as we see and treat D a C 0- V. â€" . - ' . _ "'""' . no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and 7 . . ' . .. {342:2Fagiliztggquififigsgowlilogg‘: Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters/aifollowa: ‘ I , afternoon the pupils held a 'short en- ‘ DRS' KENNEDY 8‘ KENNEDY! wmdm' 0.3.5 . . a ' " ' tin-inimnent amnng’ themselves. The ' defwmp‘lv‘t‘addm“ ~ ~- A Y GO. ' I ' . ' _ chair wnsvoccupied liy Muster \Vulter Bailey. who filled the position very misdilnhly. After the opening ud- dressliy the chairman and a number oi songs and recitations by the pupils. the teacher. Mr. T. Mch-umck. wne ' asked in come forward. Miss F‘. Cox 1 than read an address and Miss May Gnui'plwll presented him with a hand- someclul: bug. and Master W. Buile ’ piesenteda \olnme of poems. “The Pngéant of English Poetry." Mr. _ Mi‘Cill‘lllflCk was taken by surprise, wand replied, thinking the pupils for . thi- handsome gifts. A large number of curls and other presents were ex- ch‘a‘nzed. and a treat of nuts and can- dies «'11de the proceedings. “T” THERE IS BUT QNE. Daily Star. ‘ outside of 2 V Every farmer shame know that m . . L. A I P .. _ towns and wllages, . i l' V rice offered by the dealers. for cattle . o p . ' I L rmtransits::iTJrsrssurgtrs; hogs, m, is . fair a... it Dally News . 2 . .- i ‘ l - V H . _ -~‘ u; Vii-Hi” C) yri his. for the United States. nnndn, . ' ' 3i‘;:it:i':d,‘ rent-mitermnnywic. Hand Book shout Ln°_w u“. “1 h°~ do" “at tak. “ “rm Parents sent free. 'l‘hirt -seven yurx' experience business, paper! What doctor or law. P: tents obtained throun MUNN It C0. are noticed ’ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . n the Sultanate Anrsmcnx. the largest. but, “ml .7“ 0' busm‘“ man wouldi be w’n‘ou‘ _-\.»st Widel circulated scientific paper. mJaneer his business paper? There in but and h I > Ir S I 4 . :fgulgtyion: £23253.n°$;;“.iiiiea§§i2?$‘li‘:£l farmers’ business and mark“ new that I e | I , V ' ‘ ’ ' » v 1 e 3' ' mm sent free. Address MUNN a: 30.. lcxmxrro i. The great“, 5“ {,j‘wsfil-‘i l I .u as“ Illness 01509. on Brundwny. New York. , _____...____ «divans Tabules. a. , 7.. / . . h . ,f T] a instnnuonoe~ Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. -. 2;: m3;;:g,_.‘:3;':;::;.::fi‘...;:i.,..;::.' in a u... tie‘de lie gouge. ems?” whollwrlte _ , \ . , . . SilnsontCo.. ortian . ainc,w react” o _ a I ' (me. full informationvnlwnt work which - ~ I , D 1 H 7 _ v L 1:” can «in. and live M hmmmhn willhpay . _ . e y V w . v 4 q. ~ . . â€" , ;. -m-from s. to $upei day. home In: V » o e m y . .. .r . enrol-ll own i in :dny, Either ~61. young or old Cupiznl G 3a ’ I . V > ,‘ imvsmiwm. ‘ w

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