Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1913, p. 7

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“You should mend your ways,” said the good man, addressing the “lightâ€"fingered gent,” who had been caught at it. "Why don’t you conduct yourself in accordance with biblical teachings?” “I do. I nevier let my left hand know Whose pocket my right hand is picking.” Parppooscs No Longer. Teacherâ€"“Yes, children, an In- dian’s wife is called a, squaw. Now, what are the” little Indian babies called ‘1” Jimmy and his pals were playing marbles as the new minister came along. “Boy, can you show me the way to the postofl‘lce 1” Jimmy pointed the way and then returned to his marbles. “Little man, don’t you know it is wrong to play mar- bles? That is a. form of gambling. Come with me and I will show you the way to heaven.” “Ah, cheese it. mister; you show me the way to heaven? Why, you don’t even know the way to the postoflice l” 7 Bright Pupilâ€"“I know, miss squawkers.” , Mlnard's lemant Cures Diphtheria. Try Murine Eye Remedy I! you have Red. Wea‘k,Water‘y Eye. or Granulated E lids. - Doesn’t Smart -â€"Soothes E e ain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liquid. 250, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tuba. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. an no roul- Good n.- u: lye- um mu cu- “urine Eye Remedy 00.. Chlcelo One of the greatest misfortunes of honest folk is that they are cow- andsâ€"Voltaire. “Do you believe in predestina- tion ’1” “In a way, yes.” “In what way, for instance '5” “Well, I believe that if I were to invest in a, building lot toâ€"day the price of real estate would be preâ€" destined to go down to-morrow.” Did you ever meet a self-made man who was ashamed of his job? The itching, burning, sufiering and loss of sleep caused by eczemas, rashes and irritations of the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent skin health restored in most cases by warm baths with Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment. cuflm Soup And Olnemme no sold throughout “world. A ,Hbel'll manuals or nah. with 32-9-3. booklutoa the mo and autumn M an akinmd only. In: pow-rue. Adam- Pom: Dru c Chm. 000.. Don. 12mm U. B. A. Yqur neighbor uses LIQUID SULPHUR. CU TICURASOAP ANDOMMENT TOR ECZEMAS LIQUID SULPHUR purifies the blood. "OTTO HIéEL" when buying your Piano insist on havmg an Obeying the Injunction. Piano Action Belief. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of Kidney complaint can’t cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy So sucâ€" cessful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Stardardvs of mental and physical perfection will be, determined and a gen-era] campaign to secure the world-wide adoption of these stan- dards as a, true test of mankind will be among the other topics ’00 be considered by the Conference. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak ailing women, dragged down with torturing“ backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural but it’s dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are safe, and are recommended for glrls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. ' Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. During the progress of the Con- ference there will be a, comprehen- sive mental and physical classifica- tion of several hundred school chil- dren, which will take into consider- ation the effect of heredity and en- vironment upon the offspring. When'a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache “Men are so unreasonable.” “How now 2” “My husband always expects me/ to know where he left his‘ old pipe, Do I ever ask him where I put my powder puff ’1” Politeness is like an air-cushionâ€" there may be nothing solid in it, but it eases the jolts wonderfully. â€"H. W. Beecher. The list of those who will take part in tha Conference includes many men and women of national prominece. Just the same, a, girl with a face that would scare in. gasoline truck up an alley spends fully'as much time in front of a. mirror as a pretty girl does. ' The organization of a national body to continue the work inaugur- ated by the Conference itself, will be‘affected. This national body, it is anticipated, will arrange for an- nual meetings and in a very short time will lay the foundation for a world movement for an improved race. For several years increasing in- terest has been centred upon the problems which the Conference has elected to consider. The muchâ€"disâ€" cussed eugenics movement is one of the channels in which this interest has been manifested. The well- defined femininist movement is an- other outâ€"cropping of the general groping for new race ideals. These and correlated topics will be con- sidered at the coming Conference. Silent. "What are you grinning at?” snapped Mrs: _Gab_b. Mlnard‘s Llnlment Gum Garza! In cows. W‘V‘LAL funny bit in this paper,” smiled Mr. Gabb. " “What’s funny about it?” asked Mrs. Gabb. 7271!; says a Woman has been made a. silent partner in a. business firm,” replied Mr. Gabh. ' A ladv asked one of the children in her Sunday School class: “What was the sin of the Phariees '2” “Eating camels, ma’am,” was the reply. The little girl had read that the Pharisees “strained at gnatl and swallowed camels.” Intermediater the plan contegnâ€" plates gradual betterment of living conditions, the achievement of in- creased human efficiency; and highâ€" er standards of physical and men- tal development. Important Conference Will Be Held at Battle Creek, Michigan. A working plan having as its ultimate purpose the building of a perfect race of mortals is to be formulated at the National Confer- ence on Race Betterment to be held in Battle Creek, Michigan, on Jan- nary 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1914. Your drugslst sells LIQUID SULPHUR. Minard's Llnimont'Curu Golds. an There Is Trouble Ahead. RACE BETTERMENT. Of Course Not. That Russia and Japan should each produce more than twice as many literary works as the United States is not more surprising than that the United States and Switzerland should publish virtually the same number. The low mark of Spain and Portugal, countries in which culture has existed for so many centuries, and reached so high a standard, is aIS) worthy of comment. Considered in connection with the population of the countries, these statistics are still more startling. Switzerland, for instance, published four times as many works per capita as its nearest rival. It leads the world with 2,702 for each million inhabitants. The other countries follow in this order: Holland, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, England, Russia the Balkan states, Austria-Hungary, Spain and Portugal; and last of all,â€"â€"witl1 only 122 books published for every million inhabitants,â€"the United States. Won’t interest the man who is nursing a bunch of sore corns. Give him a. come of Putnam's Corn Extractor. It is pain- lass, takes out the corn, cures in one day. Beware of substitutes for "Putnam’s," 250. at all dealers. Strangely enough, Russia is second with 29,000. Twenty-four thousand works were published in Japanâ€"more than double the number, 11,123, that the United States produced. Great Britain, Ithly, France and Switzerland follow close on the United States; these countries published respectively, 11,000, 10,929, 10,400 and 10,000 works. Austria-Hungary published 7,000 books; the Scandinavian countries-â€" Denmark, Sweden and Norway,â€"6,475; the Balkan states, 4,000; Holland, 3,â€" 700. Spain and Portugal set the low water mark of literary achievement; only 2,665 works were published in these two countries. "When a railroad is completed they always drive a golden spike at the end.” “What of it '1” “When the English militants get the ballot. I s’pose they will sion nalize the finish of the campaign by throwing a, gold-plated brick through a stained-glass window. The man who is go'verned by his conscience seldom needs the advice of a, lawyerl According to the figures of Senor Salvador, Germany leads the world in the number of books published with 33,000. 0! course that is the number of literary works published, not the total number of books printed. Gei'manyLeads the World, With Rus- sla Second. The Madrid Heraldo prints some statistics of the number of books pubilshed in 1911, that throw an inter- esting light on the literary and in- tellectual activity of various nations, and incidentally reveal some surpris- ing facts. The statistics have been gathered with great care by the dis- tinguished Spanish author, Eduardo Ravarro Salvador. ' Two months' treaftment guaranteed, price $1.00, smaller size 500.; at all druggists, or the Catarrhozope Com- pany, Kingston, Ont, and Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A. i l contracted a severe cold while foi- Ilowing my occupation of furniture tra- velling, and eventually it developed into Catarrh. The desuitory mode of life I was following gave me very lit- tle chance to attend to the Catarrh condition, and at last I became a vlc- tlm of Chronic Catarrh. i bought a large package of Catarrhozone, used it as per directions, and have never been bothered since. i will be only too lad to give any information I possess to any person suffering from the disease that was the bane of my life two years. ED. 7. No medicine brings such prompt re- lief, exerts such an invigorating influ- ence, or so thoroughly and speedily cures throat troubles as “Catarrh- ozone." Doctors, hospitals, sanitariâ€" ums, all say that for those who enter from changeable weather, for those who are predisposed to catarrh, lung trouble, deafness, or bronchitis, no treatment is so indispensable as “Ca.- tarrhozone.” Ideal Protectionfigainst lnroads of Catarrh- BARGAINS IN STOCK. THE WORLD’S BOOK LIST. Also Quick Cure For Colds. A. H. SWARTZ, Brockville, Ont. Fitting Climax. ISSUE 52â€"‘13. “Halifax. ANDREW KING. 1 was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. [IL-COL. c. CREWE READ Su seex. Sold by every storekeeper‘and drug- gist. Family size 500., trial size 250., prepared by The Catarrhczone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A. Easy- Mark. Madgeâ€"“I hear he’s very sweet on you.”A Marjorieâ€"“Rather! He’s good for about two pounds of candy every week.” ARD‘S? IIfNiMENTI The person who suffers from a stomach ailment, if far from a doctor or drug store, is bound to be extreme- ly miserable. Such was the case with Mr. Johnson E. Evans, :1 well known farmer living near Edmonton, who writes: “My stomach got upset I think owing to bad water. _I found great oain after eating. There was swelling and much gas in my stomach and no person could have been more miser- able. Away out in the country it is not easy to get medical attention ex: cept at great cost, and I had» to do without. A neighbor who heard of my condition sent me a partly filled bottle of ‘Nerviline.’ The first dose eased the pain in my stomach. How good that relief was I will never be able to tell. Nerviline cured me. To- day our home is supplied with many bottles of Nerviline. No farmer should be without it, because if it’s cramps, diarrhoea or internal pain, Nerviline is a dead sure cure." It is easxer for a young man to make love to a girl than to make a living for her. LIQUID SULPHUR cures RHEUMATISM. “Papa,” she said, “do you know What I am going to give you for you}: bir§hday_ when it cpm‘es 2’ ’_ The best policy is simplicity and truthâ€"Napoleon. The \little maid stood in the par- lor doorway, one hand on the door- knob. For a moment she gazed at her father, who was preparing to take his afternoon nap: The young girls are well cared for, partly that they may be come- ly and draw many suitors. Every girl will tell you frankly that she wishes to marry and have a, good husband and children. Every fa- ther is anxious to have his daugh- ters marry well. To obtain a wife one must pay a dowry in cattle to the father, or, should the father be dead, to the nearest male relative. If a girl is much sought after, her father naturally asks a, larger dow- ry. When the man has paid part of the dowry the father may give censent to a provisional marriage and permit the couple to live to- gether. Should the husband he too slow in paying the remainder of the dowry his wife is taken fromirhim. “A hice néw china shaving-mug, with gold flowers on it all round.” said the little maid. Trial marriages are common and can be set aside bv either party. Their principal objects in marriage are mutual helpfulness and the perpetuation of the race. v “No, dearf’ answered the fond father, f‘but pleagg tellrmei” “No, he Hasn’t.” his little daugh- ter answered. thoughtfullv. “’cause â€"’cause I’ve just dronped it!” Very Sick----No Doctor; [low Aid Was Secured “But, my dear,‘ explained her parent. “papa has a nice one like that already.” 7 There are two reasons for this. First, women married against their Wills have been known to commit suicide. Second, women married against their wills have murdered their unloved husbands, usually strangling them when asleep. So, in forcing one’s self upon one of these women there is liability to a. great lossâ€"the loss of valuable proâ€" perty or of no less highly prized life. Have the Privilege of Marrying Whom They Please. Although woman in Africa. is re- garded as property she has certain rights which are seldom infringed upon, and of these the most im- portant is her right to marry whom she pleases, or rather to refuse to marry one who does not; please her, says the Southern Workman. The Experience Not Uncommon. I waaicgljed of_§heuma.tic Gout by MIN- Mlnard's Llnlmom Cure: Distemper. How She Carried the News. WOMEN IN AFRICA. Rule 1-Walk around the room in your bare feet. You will soon fifid the collar button imbedded in your heel. Here are two sure ways to find a. collar button that has dropped on the floor and rolled away where you can’t see it: Rule 2â€"Put on a pair of boots and walk around the You will soon step on the buttonan-d smash it flat. I 1"h‘éiewxliiefi”mené.’ ""Rcid ‘Broa.. Bothwell. Ont. » .. u..- ...v. . ..._. .._ W - 7,”, ‘1 (191' Stonea. Kidnpv fronMe. Gravel. anhagn and kindred ai‘mwu positive! rnrod with the new German remed "Fran." prico NM) Am‘fiwr "0w ramvdv for Diabetec~Me1litue. and sure cure. I. “‘QaFoV'a Anti-mahetea“ Pr?” 93" 00 from dnw‘ziqth or diff‘cf ‘ Tho “nun! Manufac- turing! Fmvmany of Canada. leited. w30n'n9g.‘)fqn -EWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE IN Gravenhurat. Proprietor being 3 drueszint. is unable to give the priWWE affine the attention nmnesw'v. our! (“firm I" for saIe at a. sacrifice. No opnnsl?’ojr. One of the boat HEWFnPufl' nnouinae 1n Hm Province for a prwflicn‘ m9“. ADD]? WHann pnkHAMhH-u (‘AMV‘QV‘V 'I‘rnmnbr}. ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- ‘l (191' Stonea. Kidnpv tronble. Gravel. I‘J ronto. Cn’hédéi" Po {wifiâ€"_F£fi1m-e; cial Rebool. Maenifloenfi ataloguo freq. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMP?! FIN}. interna! and external. rut-Ad with. out pain bv our home tren'mc-nt‘ WriM m: bbfnre (no ‘2”. Dv- Fa‘ann Medical r‘n Hmuna (mumpwnna ‘nuo 1 Fruit, stb'éfife’rfiin.‘ 31'- ng'iry'"'m3~ii write E. W. Dawson. Brampton. or 90 (‘Mhnrnn RL. Toronto. LLIO’I‘T'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. T0- J ronto. Canada’s Pony!” Commefi H. w. UAWSON. Ninety colborno sxrui: Toronto. H. w. DAWSON. Oolborno 3L. Toronla has saved many thousands of dollars in horse flesh by entirely curing these ailments. Garnet, 0nt., Feb. 25th. 1913. . "I have used Kendall‘s Samvin Cure to kill several jacks, aud'rempvc a bunch of long standing, caused by a klck." Stu GRAKAM.‘ fDon‘t take chances with your horses. Keep a bottle of Kendall’shandy, “Iâ€"fifmfifi. Ont-book “Treatise on the Horse” rec at druggists or Yet your best horse is just as liable to develop a Spavin, Ringbonc Splint, Curb or lameness as your pooresti Dr. B. J. KENDALL (10., Enos!!an Falls, VI. One trial shipment recomm 11de to GUNN, LANGLOIS At 00., LIMITED, MONTREAL, you secure the BEST RESULTS. HAIR RESTORER Your Gray Hair can be reâ€" stored to its Natural Color. At all Dr‘ugglsta 50¢. 1! Bot. PRO D U CERS~By shipping your Why present an old appear- We are the oldest RAW FUR HOUSE as well as the largest collectors of CANADIAN RAW FBRS in Canada. That means larger experiensenargor markets and a LARGER PRiCE to yuu. Ship dlljoct t_o us. Roturna_ made same LU BY'S '7 "flay iurrsi aré ’rece’lved. Shipments held separatq an request. Fall prlce list now ready. Write for It. HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED, 49?: St. Paul st. Mail Dent. "0" Montreal. Mail Dept. "0" F_YQU _WANT TO BUY our BEL“ A NEW LAID EGGS Why we pay more for your THOUSANDS H V! *ENEFITTED BY .73 USE RAW FURS ancebefore your tzme ? a FOXES “AND LIVEMIyK; QUOTE KENDALL’§ NEWSPAPER FOR SALE SPAVIN CURE FARMS POI Ill. M‘SCELLANEOU‘I Home Hints. By usln EDUCATION. WANTED. heavy room. collar

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