Whorens'there has been installed in the Village of Richmond Hill a. system of House lighting by electricity and also of supplying power fur electric motors. and whereas the coat of said house lighting and power systems in over and above the cast of the original plant for stqeey lighting, and r"“"'*' ; u w , > Whereas It 15 necessary to raise a. suï¬icieub amount of money. to defray the said cast of said ext9;§sx_ous. and Whereas the sum at $4000 is requir- ed to defray the sand cost, and the said sum of 84000 is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law. Whereas, it is expedient to issue de- bentures of the Corporation in order to provide fax the said debt. to the amount of $4000 bearing interest. at the. rate of 5; pey'pent pgr uquum. auq Whereas, it‘will require the sum of $334.72 to be raised annually by a special rate on the whole ratenbw pxuperty m the said Village for the pay- ing_uf_ the saigdebt: an}! ingeg-est: ‘1‘ BY=LAW No. lst, That the Reeve of the Cox-perm Lion of the Village of Richmond Bill be and he is hereby authmized to be»- mw the said sum of $4000 on the credit. ’nf the Corporation for the purpose ‘nforesmd. and to issue debentures 045 the said Corporatinn for the sum of $4000 pa able at the nï¬ice of the Treas- urer pf t. 8 said Village2 and Mï¬iflv:€fnél;rerfbre, the Munici {11001111- cil of the Corporation of the illnge of Richmond Hill enacts as follov_v_s,â€"â€" To provide, by way of deben- tures, for the cost of exten- sions to the Richmond Hill Municipal Electric Light System, including House lighting and power systems; 2nd. W'ithin the period of 20 years there shall be raised and levied annqu- lv by u special rate. in addition to all othermates the yearly sum of $334.72 fur the payment, of the said debt an interest. . 3rd, The said debentures shall bear date as of the 1st day of March, 1914, and shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer and sealed with the seal of the gaidflqrpggagion. “ r; ’"Réiiaâ€"a' 'iiiié‘c' +186 {6&de time and road in Cnmmittce this Second day of Dvcember, 1913. mitE-T'I‘iï¬igrï¬f-vlra’vrvr shall come into operation and be of full force and effect on the date of the final passing thereof. 5th, That the votes of the electors of this Municipalit who are entitled to vote on this By- aw shafl be taken on the 5th day of January, 1914. com- mencing at, nine o’clock in the morn- ing and closing at ï¬ve o’clock in the afternoon in the Council Chamber in ch: sai_d Viflzage of _Rlchmo§1d flill. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a m‘oposed By‘luw which has been taken into consider-aunt) by the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond Hill, and which will he ï¬nally passed by the said Ommcil, in the event, of the assent at [he Electors being obtained thereto, after (me mnnlh from the ï¬rst, publication therouf in the Richmond Hill “Liber- al†the date- of which publication was Thursday, the 4th day of Decmnln-r, 19l3 and at Llw hour. day and place ï¬xed thvi-I-in fur mking‘lhe \(vtvs (If the elech-s the polls will lw l)Pl(l. Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known ï¬cople, of current events, of things entiti- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadiuina as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no ax†to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must, be seen to be appreciated. Tim Cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pic- torial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St: Montreal. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Nntice is hmjehy given to Lens»- hillJPI'S within the Village (If Richmund Hi1: that, they aim required to file in the‘ufflce of the Cltrk hf the Village. at leusb ban duyshefure the (lay uf pull- ]ng, a slatumry (lt‘Cliil‘aLiUH as fol- lnws.â€"-â€"Thub the lease extends for thv )wriud of Lilnmvithin which the mnney is to he raist-d fur- the payment of the debt, created hv this By-law. That the proper W lensvd is nf sufï¬cient vnlnn in entitle the holder to ane at, (he Muni- cipal electiun, and that lw has coven- anted in the lease tn pay all Municipal taxes in respect, of the prnpm-Ly leased (other than taxes assessed fur local ‘im- rovements). The namvs of lease- olders failing to make the required declaration shall not be placed on the Voters’s list for voting at} this By-lnw. “CANADI AN PIETO RIAL†Notice to Leaseholders. from: om- meu- tha may brlï¬Ton wont)? wm°v$ Tu“ ‘73")ng rant: 3% 336â€? “3’: W] n nyn ...,or o . pan and “It at two winch-ed. mvontxom wanna. Wantedâ€"An Idea Rinans Tabules' cure bad breath. Rinans Tabules cure liver troubles. Rinana Tabulea: pleasant laxauva. CLERK’S NOTICE. A. J. HUME. ‘A. J. HUME. 311°, 1°!“ 3ND! of'sbzifo‘uiiï¬ thin: to pnqu Ole! k, Clerk. By Miss Stet-k» c/o Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin.†Richmond 80.. at, nnce. A'house on .Rlchmond street, near Yonge, to rent Dec.1' ‘ A. v. WRIGHT._ 19~tf. The store in connection with Sivers’ residvnce. Yonge street, centre of Richmond Hill is to rent. Suitable for millinery, dressmaking, or other light business. a ‘ 1,2A _._ -__‘_‘_L- 25-t.f. SATURDAY. Dec. 27â€"Brick clad dwell. ing in the village of Ma 19. the property of Mrs. Isabella. :Lckson. Sale at the Maple Leaf Hotel. For terms we bills. Washing Wanted “dauï¬Ã©'r‘é'lha shelvings complete. and full glass show windows. F. l. WOODWARD ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. THE â€" LIBERAL lay he utxely increased by knowing till one: condition of the farmer's market. and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the tort of intonation the Farmed Weekly Sugiminemyim. Ithas'noequl u a Farmer's Business M. 9001! fgmen my on it. ht 32h. nu 9n: clubbing old. 4 PAmONAGE Soucx'rED AND SATISFACTION GvAnAm-I: 8EOEING LAME AND INTERIM“ HORSES A SI’EGIALTY Subscriptions Received at this Office F. J. WDDDWARD. Emma’s mmpmmn GENERAL BLACKSMITH, as. 1' Send Tcrd'qy fér Sample Copies New Gormley FREE TO JAN., 1914 ., FARM PROFITS :a. More reading {flan is ï¬vén in my American montï¬y Saigeon 8c McEwen Register S ubscribe for Emarg‘cd,;mprovï¬d and Beï¬Ã©zr than ever Cut this out and send it with 82.25 for The Companion for 1914, and we will send FREE all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1913 and The Companion Practicd Home Calendar for 1914. THE YOUTH‘S COMPANION 52 times ayear E99 WM me To Rent To Rent 146 Berkeley Street Hutton. Mam. is ï¬frday ‘9’ 14:3... 183.! Miss; STEELE. I93 Apply on premises. Richmond Hm. "iii'chmond Hill All Polished -~ Grimped Pipe always on hand. Any person can put them together. No chance to lose your temper. Good supply of NOTICE STOVEPIPE TIME Oppdsite Dr. Langstaff’s 1 13m. $1.600 on the 2nd concession nf Vaughan. ' west of Richmond Hill, seven moméd house in ï¬rst-class ‘re- pair; good barn. two acres of land with abundance of fruit} and shade trees. 100 acre farm in King Township. close to Ynnge Street. good buildings, an ideal Situation, cheap! BUILDING LOTS Church Street near Centre Street, Lot 50 ft, x 150 ft. 3. splendié Doe-anion. No reasonable cash offer refused. ' Elizabeth Street Lot 40 ft, x 147 ft. 6 m. ‘ Let me show you "Roseview Gar dens." 7-t.f. I have for sale a. number of good houses in Richmond Hill. See my list, before making yaur selection. Church of Engmndâ€"Servicea n 3 13.111. lat ï¬nd and 4th Sugday. . Tilird Sunday‘in n I... Prosbyterian Churchâ€" ervmen at 11 a. 13...“! 7 p.111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on uter- natre Sundays M9 31.113. nqd 10.30 a. m. . .. .m A _. -..; unuw Lian-Au: .. .. Methodist Uh men-«EBBâ€""iEuIâ€"s-artrllldfl I.h1..a.nd 717. m. Sunday Suhnn] at. 2.30. General prayer muting Thursday evening. Richmond budge. A F and A M â€"MOG‘I Mon- day on or new“: full moon i CounRi-zhmond. A 0 F -â€" mm- tourth Fer , my Ivy Lodge . A0 U W~~Meeta third Wednesday of each mun‘qh _ Camp E1g.n,S 0 S â€"-Meets second end fourth Wmluesday Hill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F..meetl ï¬rs‘ Wedhem duv and third Friday of each m'onth. Fire Brigade-Meets ï¬rsï¬ Monday of every much . Public Library and Rowling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enwurth Leagueâ€"Meets everv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Moose every Friday we p.m. in the Church. . I n Fâ€"Meets third Thursdw of every month R. H. Ratepayers Association meets lee Tuesday oLevgry: menth.__ of each month; Jessie Eleanor Grussett Parkhurst of the City of Toronto in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman. will apply to the Parliament, of Canada. at, the next Session thereof for a. hill of divcrce from her husband, Archie Albert Park- hurst of the said City of Toronto, Restaurateur. on the ground of adult- ery :md_ desertinn. rib-Med at, Toronto in the Province of Ontario the 24th day of November 1913. 223 m HOUSE PA INTER, 31azier,Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESID ENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWISON Elbows, Half Lengths um-u .y u w. v mun--. Victoria '1: o. L. 2368â€"31866: tb Wednesday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that All kinds of MONEY T0 LOAN MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND 801». Ripabn Tabules nu re nausea. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Rinans Tabules: at drugglau. Ripans Tabulea assist digestion. JACOB EYER PROPERTIES FOR SALE Tinsmithing x . E . G L A S S . Real Estate Agent RICHMOND HILL Village Dlrectory LENNOX & LENNOX, Taper Pipes. NOTICE â€"ANDâ€"â€" Solicitors, 1:37 Bay St. Toronto. (Solrs. for the Applicant). HOUSES. Hone. ETTHE; In Marble or Granite. Good work. reasonable charges. Town or Country. Write, Tombstone 51-3 m. n. 'UULU. m u; nappy unnsnmas I iTHEElï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iiï¬mnwwï¬;cu. §§§§§§§OW§§OONH¢§§Q§ ¢§§§§¢+¢§+§§Q§§¢§§§¢§§§§M Pollsher - l.50 * Electric Irons 4.50 to 6.50 g Some Table Cutlery or Nickel-Plated Tea Pot. 2 Uqu Veneer Floor O 5009-00 CHRISTMAS SFEGESTIONS v z PHONE 18 NORMAN BATTY, Manager. O9+§+§§§§+§§§O§Q§M§§§§Q OOQOOQQNQQkéï¬Â§Â§Â§Qw§§§Q 6â€! L E. HAND, Europe is safe. economical and expeditious when this Bank'- draft; “90 OFFICE and money order: are used. ' TORONTO ‘ ",‘ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. BANK ENNYROYAL VJAFERS. Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. A Good Line of Hand Sleighs from 250. to $1.75. Skates from 450. pair to $4.00. Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Ankle Supports, &0. V FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY § A"Colum'bia Grafonolaâ€& a Joyful Happy Christmas ; Some things she might appreciateâ€" An O’Cedar Mop - $1.50 Wide Streets with Concrete Walks. Plenty of good water. Ideal drainage. Part of this property is restricted to homes to cost not less $2,500. No restrictions whatever on Roseu, view'or Pugsley Avenues.‘ Several lots have already changed hands at a ‘good‘ proï¬t. Now is your time for a sale and sure in-, vestment, Richmond Hill is going right ahead, all that is need- ed at the present is hopses for people to live in. TERMS-$50 cash; balance three year mortgage with .in- terest at 6% or five years to purchasers building at a @ 06$!ng @ Q FOR MOTHER ,v \u’ ths""h1'1'I T “For VBothâ€â€"â€"A New Perfection 011 Heater FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS ~FROM THEâ€"~- RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Boseview Gardens LOTS FOR SALE Branches also It Maple, Markh-m. Stouffvme. Unionviue and Locust Hm; W. A. JONES, 531mm 1813 STANDAR A speciï¬c mum.th :muuum- fur India to "more And reguhn: the mam-er producing (roe, healthy an! pdflcfl dlauhurgu. No Ache: m- pmns on up u-o-wh Now mm! by our 5mm Ladies neon-ed wlu “sougaln. Invigmwm. them onunn Buy 0" your drum only then vrth our shunt-«re Iw‘msa fucesflnbal. Avoid“! Mum Scaled arm-mm; muted 20. sump. £1.00 par ox, Addrom..b}UkEKA CHEMMZAL COMPANY. Dtmu. Kw: :iberal Discount for Cash. 22 Buchanan St†W. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hm. ' Lettering Tbrontn arm Dr. de Van’s Female PH}: A ru‘iablo‘Frcnch regulator; ncvcr fails. These pills are exceedingly owarful in rcgulntlnr we gencrativaportion oft 1e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations; I)». do Van’s In sold a: I5 1 box. or throe for 810. Mailed to any address. The 30013911 Drug 00.. St. Cuba-1n». Ont. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hill PHONE 29â€"R 2. ENDING money to any point in >Canada, the United States or PAINTER AND DECORATORV JOHN ELLES HOUSE AND SXGN PAINTING PAPERHANGING. GRAXNLNQ GLAZFNG. KQLSOMINING. Etc. A Safety Razor 1.25 to 5.00 Razrr Strop, Brush, Shaving Soap or PowJer A pair of Leather Mitts or Gloves from 30:: to [.25 Pocket Knives 100 to 75¢ >9 "#0 )0â€â€0§1 FOR FATHER