1t “:3 mean mam a NGUSHING nous: RICHMOND KIM‘ONT. T. H.310 MAHON. K's wanxsgnbivsu! _ EHURSDAY MORNING JOHN R. CAMPBELL. .‘eaae‘l \ur-{x-meer (or the Uuunflas of Turk. (3 mum and “I mh ‘l‘mouto. seecm attention gwun tn ~54, ~31 of (Her description. Farm and hm“. Max “183 a. specuuy. I‘M-ma buught an 1 S-Md on uommhsiou. All 932m Intended to am s‘nrnem mums and conducted by the latest. ' «lace methods. 5‘: per ammm, in advanca. VOL. XXXVI. "Idle “3" Phone IH‘ "{hél‘Wia“ l’mml‘t"? n-spvndud m - Edwin-31 \ :zti norms hr the County"! York. *5 nu“ use: 1 {9% In 3.1 mane†notice and at rear I-H- s.er mute: Patrouaa'e soliuimd. ‘6 UR. RH. PINKERTON, v.8. Eyre! blunt: nanh‘u? Atkinan & ' ï¬xvimer‘s stare. I“ Rmizeon «i u! e :i“:t1‘ LASKAY 1'. u. Ndiress: 239 Emilia! Sz‘ $1on Tomato. J’hvme in House, Norm 21?). Terms M“demu’~ spew“) [01"“5 m A large stock of Funeral) Furnishing churches. ‘l kep at, both placea VETERIN A'R‘I SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. hU SINESS CARDS. A pupil of \V. J! McNulIy of the Tmmntu ()unsox-vafury nf Music, hus‘ started 2; class for piano pup“; in - l’upils pie-para] fur the Tuwmtn Conservatory Exmninntimm. Terms and particular-S may he had on applica- Linn at this ofï¬ce or to Miss: Rowland, Staple, ()nt. Alum-a. MISS EDITH ROWLAND M 185 NORA MCMAHON SATISFACTION G UARANTEEX). Elle ï¬ihetzl LICENSED AUCTIONEER 053mm mm Ramon:ch S 1.11m“: & neEweu... MYRTLE PHILLIPS - READER Burn A Paumwa . W. R. PENTLND mammmo HiLL ' anemia“; 'ur the County of ank. J. H. Prentice Stud'm, 3') Beatrice 8t. TORONTO. ONTARIO. TEACHER OF PIANO Phat“! Nu. 3‘03. RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL . EC} â€"ll J R McEwen W'stu ONTARIO I PIANO-TUNING WWW all» 0mm [inputted And Ewan Work (human! .6. I. F. Mun-chm Dunk-.m- ' Barium-a. Sammy, Notaries, am. Home Life Building 00%. Adelaide -&' Victoria Ste“ fer-onto. NATIONAL TRUST OKAMHEBS an KING ST 13:. TORONTO. mama Teh-phnne, Huin 311 Gable Address. “Dada†A. Cameron MacNaughton lien-13%», Sawmmwy, m ' GFF‘ICK~SUITE 3L TORONTO ‘ DAILY STAR'BLDGQ 28 KING STREET “’EST T61, M. 3631. LENNQX & MORGAN Money to loan on land anon but“! mortgages“ owth In," v ' AuroxaochJâ€"Rumovea to tha old pout othoo one door wag: o! the ontxnnae ‘0 the Out-arm Hank . Newmarket oï¬lcoâ€"â€"l‘hrae down south of the p’stmï¬na Tï¬nanm-rnnmmx G STV'MOMMN suture. Bmmsmm Somcn‘un, NOTARY, Em. ‘ annuitn Oï¬ice. Rznom 328 Confodern Hun Life Bldg" No. 12 Richxmmd 81,. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheml‘ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday foreman“. Maple, Thursday ufmrnnnn. \Vuudhridu», Saturday fmlvnmm. Mnnev to 1mm :16 Five Per Com. (5%) Danton, ' Grover & Field Riahmona Hill QGMNISSIONER. GONVEYAN’"ER. ETC. Lawrence 35' " Dunbar, (indemnkvrs a: Emhalmt-rs. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHIH H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC (Mmmlsai'uuw, Gnnvuyunver. etc. Insurance. and Rwu Estate Issum u! Marriage Licvnses. .7051! '5. ï¬cuidsou ’ TKOR'NHKLL Intruders and Soflcllors. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNEILL J‘ IEDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC -- RICHMOND HILL; mun. THURSDAY. JAN'UARYL‘LIQM . 7 W. J. ELLWTT, Principfl. Cor Yange and Alexandez Sis. ' yoncms IND ‘ q. .' . Acflon amuuflue Basrriscers, Snï¬cmn. &c. This institution has a clean cut record for successful work. We assist om- Htudvnts tn nhtum ompluynwnt. It†vuu intend gvtting a business educatiunâ€"get the bestâ€"nut, the cheap, ordinary 01‘ low grade kind. Write {0-day fur uur cam- lngue, It contains complete in- fox-mamth WILLIAM. COOK WRIGHT BROS. TORONTO, ON 'I‘. “In Esscnï¬aig Unity; if! Now-Esswï¬ais, Liberty; in alltkz'ngs, Charity†haunt Main 2984 Hr. A. J. Hum», Village Clark, Wonk nominations Monday evening for the (union of Reeve, Councillors._ find uhlic Schor-ltlusttes. The followin numinatlons were made:â€"- » For" Reeve- Pugaley Medan“- tivn.) For Councmcwsâ€"d. Bickson. J‘ H. Sanderson, J. T min“. 6. 8. Sims. J. Painter, [1. A. ichous. N. 0. Huger- 1mm. . . - Fur Sui-mo} Trusteesâ€"1)., Hm. G. erditt‘ G. Ouwie. N. 0. v Hagex‘mnn,‘ J. Boyle. . In. -‘ n w.,..‘ Mr. flame who was appsinted, Chair- man of the after meeting stated that. mm was the most. important yvar in the history of Richmond; Hill, nnd more pmgrefl had lwe‘n made than du_I-_ing_tho Jaygceding 20 years; “,9†_L-) uu-uu VI-v ‘VV..‘. 6 I- -n â€"â€" » “W ~ My, D.’ iii". ghe nniy nnminnted trusts-9' at the men-ting. stated that. the new Pubiic Schooi to be erected m-xt year, would contain 6 rnnms. the cost to he in" thepeighpm-htmd of “.009. >M‘r‘ Pmley win“ was unopposed n revue was ph-asx‘d {hat the village had made )1 good ï¬tm't tnwmds prngrcss, The Flesh-3c Right. system had given era cvllent sutisfnctian. This had only bum in upwabinn one year, and besides the street, lighting. the light. was now uéed in 7-1 hmlsw. Ahi'mt. $4.000 was now required from the fact that, light and writer had been carï¬vd ,m_uch‘ farther than bud hen-n cuntemplatvd a year agn; The village musty keep in mind abgpcer water suppâ€: Mr. Hickum Was optimistic]: tn Ribbumnd Hill‘s possibilities. He was nut luuking'fm 0mm». but was wiNing to 'svrve 1f ‘hl' citizens thought he could he of us..- to ‘hem. ' , Mr. J. H. Suiadm-snu stated that we hnd‘ one of the cheapest. and best electric light and puwer plantain the pmvince‘ A130 the hash village clerk. ‘ Mr. John Tyndall deter)de (.10 gold road system’ gm Richnmnd Street. although that part of the work was not. without. criticism. RICHMND HILL Nomm‘oxs M‘rtï¬ims rme'red t0 the prospernus year. and udvncuwd the spvnding nf wispy-yin yidpning cm main 'strvet Mr. Palmer quid his health during 0w past. ymu- had nut ullowvd him (h (It: the wmk hr wmfld huw- wishrd, nrd ho thmofnrv I'vsigm-fl infurm‘ ufu )‘(iunga‘r mun. ‘ 5 u: I Mr. VNiz-hulls gmn lvhvvcyid meuflwrs of the Cummil the unly criticism ufthv vvening. H0 did Mu! think the Canine?! bald Spent the {"4"}th5 nuuwy sntisfmu tm'ily. Then- hml bt'l‘l) hm much munPy sanl nu Richumml Swen-t. The curb on Yonge sheet, was a dis- gmm». Sn was the dnm and the ex- perimental WP". The fr'unmgo tax was unfair. and it. was unm-cessm-y and wasteful tn allnw the "lech-ic lighh to burn all night». Y‘PHPlP shnuld b» in bed by 2 n‘clm‘k, and Him) the lights ahuuld be extinguished. Mr. Pngslvy (,«xltd nothing for Rir-hmund Hi“. ,AN 1 hp raw-d in]; was the 0mm! v (‘mmciL ' “’1: have 11 um -m:\u ‘munt‘iL and 1 that. mun ia‘ the- wave. His ï¬rst lieu- * Lwnunt, and Inn thor nullrngm-s dn us the "level hids them. “79 should have min-(14:11pm t) amit on thy Mvtmpnlitan, and conductors were impP-rtinmem, when cullyct ins: tickets from m. nâ€"lhq 9. Much nf {his muuld be remedied if the raeve wnuld vxert himself. ‘ . r :ihérpnge M1“. Hill ankv for Mr. Hugermun. and the ï¬xertiug ndjnurm-d. Nominatimw were taken at. the vauship Hu‘il, Vvilnu‘, fur _V‘;Mgï¬:lll Township on Mnudny when all the 01d nwmlwm of the Umnmil “at-re elect- vdâ€-bf m-clar‘xmtinh. The Council ‘fn'r 1914 will he~Romwn James A. Cameron; Deputy-reew. J.‘ S. McNair; Council- ima, J. G, \thmm-e, J. T. Sangenn. and 1119):. Came-run. Mr. J. B. Mc- Lr-an. Township Clvrk, was rplm'n up; otï¬um'. and Rev. 8. R. Rolnnmm pre- sided at. the pnhlic meeting fnllowing ‘ the Ofï¬cial muniuatmns. he umninntiun at Unimn‘illa on Munduy hmught out a large numle- of candidates fur municipal homu-s. The following won» ‘lHIlDiHHIA‘dbâ€"FUP rswve Jonathan Nigh. \V. H. Lama. T. \V. 'Undmjvund; Deputy x-eevv. G. B. I’nath, Adam “and: Cnuncillurs, G. {\Innisnn, J. A. Mihzhen. A. Suunm‘r- fuldl, F. A. Rcusor, Edwmd McKen;ic. WHITCHURCI‘I The wave and councillors for VVhit- chm-uh Council have been olectkd by avclemmtinn HR follows:~-Reev9, S. B-Ikt'l"; Dr-Duty-reeve, P. J. szmlding; Omnuflllnrs. F. Leggw, R. Mm’vrhead, B. H. Bushnell. In Kivg township there. will be u. three-enrde contest for the pasilion nf xe-ve. Those nominated are S. himm, T. H. Lr-gge and W. G. \Vt-lls. Ripans Tnbules cure dizziness. Rapaus Tamales cure flatulenan Ripaus "‘-1bulcs sure mrpid Inm- MARKHA‘M TOVVNHBIP NOMINATIONS. KING TOWNSHIP VAUG HAN If» ibmugh any misfortune or m-L health, Six-James Whithéy ahauld be * forced to retire fatalth Premier-hip of Ontario, who would Succeed him? This is a; question which undnuhtédlyw in disturbin the Gowrnmem-m :bis New Year 8e. corn The recent illness of Sir James in New York has gim‘gr added urgency m the prnblem. 1 Hun. W. J. Hanna. it, appears; it» mfakingn hid forum position; .3 Wâ€"ith- ; in the last» week‘ cw two. he has put himself iumv the limelight be his advocacy of an attack (he-lited it. is; lkrue)_ on _t‘hu ï¬sh gush «m! -'hy - hi? «m '3» is fugély predicted ‘ueimy would serve under the uther‘ , = ' : ~ ‘ One Solutiun proposed for the d‘im‘v culty is that Sir William Mex-with should becnme Prime Minister. Wheel} R w the cry of 3 MW “anin Uompnct" 1 might nut. grow atrunger than it. is in ' the «vent of Sir William)- assumim: inhe utï¬cv, ia unnthgr k’nutty. point I [he Conservative-powers have to think ulmut at. this beginning of mnereep 3_ Sum teen. a tech in favor of a' Faculty of Luw at. ‘ z 0 University of Toronto; insiead of . the present. Osgmde Bail system. Mix. Hlnna isdoubllesa making tiietlo!“'ami~r other strenuous efforts tuwmidsr ’the‘ Premiership because he realist-a that.» the position is‘not M; k“ assured ‘m 1 him. It. is the genera! upiuitm that. the Provincial Secretary would have been the oniy one mentioned 10: ting succession had it um, been for (111‘ Proudfuot. charges. Thai. even}. how- 1 aver. changed a lot of thingstur the Hon. Mr. Hanna. ‘ ' Hon. Mr. Beck is said to be muslin rnviuua «yes' on the Pi-rmiership ii t. is m be open for comp?gitiunï¬~ Beck and Hanna. hOWPVQI‘, Waste «flec- tinu on each other and indgeq. so Ian,ng is. the‘riyallty M159 antagonism that. it, is mwa predicied ueithgr The untertainmvnt In the A vbbndist Church on Ulwimmns nighg want we" amended, 'the sum _nf $30 being u-u‘izied. . 0n Mnnduy uf hat week. Mr, Jame-s Huud um- (If the nldvst n-sidéma Hf th part: of thy cunuh-y. [\ussflfl angy. a}. the hge «ï¬neiiglxty-eiglxt yeï¬urs. -' Thu fuumul took place an VW'udny-sdny“ “fig-“mun. " r ,, » __" . Rév. Gen. ’Wuugh of Unimï¬â€˜ill‘v premhed in the Mvthudist chdrch’ on Sumluv mnrning. and, also pumahvd- anniversary sex-mums at, Hopeï¬n the. aftm'nmm and m‘.:rï¬ng._ The ï¬nish-ad part, of tho serviws at, Hope Was cun- (lucted by the choir of the Maple Church. ' The choir of Sn Andrmï¬s Church tank pm! in the anniversary «ox-vices at, Stnmge on Sunday, ‘ ' ' Jnhn Just-[1h Mulrrck died in . St. Michael‘s Huspitnl (Ilixfllt‘. 24th Drewâ€- her. Deneusvd (vus in his-29m velar. [ntm-Iuent took plat-e in Thm'nhill RIC. Cvmeterv on Saturday. ‘ ‘ . L The Mummuth Skating um? ankey Rink, which has hem enlarged amd much impu‘n'rd' is again in full s'wniy. Reguhr Skating nights \Vvdnvsthy and Saturday. «I'm on Mnndny' "fie-r- nnnns fun!) 2.45 to 6.30 ‘ n’cluck.‘ Thm'nhili Band will furnishï¬â€™hé Music. The’Thm-nhill Hockt-y Tenn) :yr'é ngmn in the ï¬eld for a goud apasnu‘s Spvutf; 1 he nyst‘vx supper and entertainment tn be given. a} the MeLhrdist (‘vhmuh Thursday vvvning is Lhe talk uf (In; village. Snppr-r will he hw'vvd fzjmp 5 m 8 u’cl'uck, uftm- whit-h :(n' (xi-011613}; prugmmnw by talented :u-tislx fx-um- Ton-unto will he. giwzn. Those tn take part. :uv Misses Gludyse‘ Nnxnn. Esteflu Pugsley, Gertrude Sins, Kuthlevu Reid. Annie})nupor and Dorothy Reid. ~ .w, ._77 The Childrmx's Chlistums unit. in cnnvwchnn with Trinity )hlgi'ch and Sabbath Schonl held in Victnrin, Hull Monday uvenmg was a plmsing uW‘ut. A programme of ahuut; ‘twenty numbers \vns gin-n by the ub‘fldren. There was no admission fPP. hut {he calla-(Mu taken up amounted Lu $22. J. U. Rykm‘t‘. K. 0.. I-x-M. 1).. lust. surviving member of the ï¬rst Pin-lie;- ment of Ontario. dim} M. hi5 hume at. St. Unthm-ines, ugml 82 years. b‘ir Matrkt-nzk’ Bowen. K. 0. MA 6.. celehx'ntvd his 90th birthday at Belie- ville in the midst of numerousrelatives from far and an'. A short, cuurse fm- hue ke9pers will he held at the Agricultural Collrgu all. Guelph from January 13, (0 January 23. This pmmisvs (,0 he of u. ver practical nature, calculated to meet, the needs of beg’mm-rs :md 01' those more advanced as wall. Studvqts should reach the Onllege on‘ Monday the. 12th. ‘ ' vu'i‘he Spcond annual show of'tho‘ North York Poultry 85 Pet Stock ;A_s- sociacion will he held in the Tiny!) Hem: Néwmm-‘kpt, tn the 19th, 2m], 215mlnd22nd “I January. > ' ‘ ‘ wizon LEI'I‘ER News Notes. Thornhill. Maple i which will ,he MS «ï¬x-mm; .. . PRESENT fro Youn tantalum " ,i A 5:†umflmént’ 5);- ? ‘ 'cnn‘mm’gnaqnaamngn mnxcona‘mnaotngn 3373‘ ’ ' ' of Good “lid-“- . How about. a. pair of _ - 3 now amino srmmus j for Kolher or Father“ I 1331:0913? RICHMOND mm. ‘ \ . ‘ , "\vvvvvvvmvmvwvvww A carf'load bfrf'r'csh Gluten at _ " Ithe Elevator. ‘ Also one~of jgpod Bramand _-§horts. A good supply. of Forum AND PASTRY: Puma always“ on hand. Wheat. Buckwheat. 'Manitoba Oats Canada. Portland Cement . . AND; . ‘I'ile for‘Draijning. Orders taken-tur'Red Clay fressed ‘ Brick. We have the'DL. ac VV. ,. Scranton Hard 0031. .â€-N one better?» Order now ALL AT REASONABLE mucus SIIVER RRMER ++++Â¥+¥§§>N§+fï¬ï¬‚+ï¬w+++¢ft Printing}; _. . Stationery ‘3 school Bflokg w. A. Sanderson +é&+%+¢¥ Go to the Liberal Ofï¬ce for :31“ Heads, ‘ ' L-CHCF Héads, _ Wedding Invitations, Envdopém' ' _ Programmes, &c., &C. School Books, , Standard Nnvels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post, Card Albums. Papgtrigs, ‘ Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. Puhiic w Attention '3 '§"!’+'5'++++'§'+ ++M§++ï¬ï¬‚~+*+§"§‘ 1‘ P ERRFHLM- E" s .. [singie ébpieï¬, We iksré’qfï¬ï¬e'iiné ‘01 GOOD STOCK OF Drug :7Sto'ré1 ALSO , H mam mm. for the Chickens Cracked Corn . . AND. . M15;- ‘ among-rs in}! ms ’ '3 'Lrof mus sther’ : 'erson um.