Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1914, p. 6

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The “Peveneey Cumin" went on hm‘ wfll‘. There were a number of pasfiengnm. and the usual amusement: and eumrmmmmns were nrranged and awacensxully c: ‘t 13d out; and there was a. gwd deal of laugh- ie; and mer~ry~muking on board the bug 6191). But, (éznmt took no part. in the «unit playing, the concerts, or the dances. no craved for solitude. and he axmded 11.6 felmw-pasavngem and ape-m.- mom of 11.8 timn in wlit‘ary )am'nz of the least, he» quanta“! part. of t e deck. or shut. 11]) :11 his cabin. It seemed m him as if his heart would never ceaaa to ache with the longing for 1110 girl-love whom he had no nnarsy wronged. and whom 110 should nm‘i‘r see agam, A "‘huy'n got- him, uh, (‘eiIsbyP Bu ca-n't ('smne, can ho?" Mr. Gilsby smiled reassuringly. , “Oh, no; rex'minly not. Quite impmsih'e! You may make your mind oaw on thab oinz‘, Mr. 'J'hey'il bring him nag); in :1 few days." Mr. Baskett, glanced hr him, and rain- ed his eyebrowx quest-loningly. Mr. Gimhy smiled. ‘ “Both fond of 1111's Miss Denna." he mud. answering the unspoken question. "Yul’Yl bitterly disappoint my cilent. if you fail to get. it conviction, Mr Emlwtt-. But- thm'x a certainty, 1 suppoev?” DecimzL was always ht-fore him, always In his thoughts; and my be imagined rand 110 could w 6:216“ v' picture, it! ’ht‘l' BOI‘I‘OW and horror at: Ins (-ondm-L. he fen- almost too wretched m live. And yet he had not, Simwa winu‘Jx'. He Raul [mun to Hcmlnnd to avoid her: he ad been on his way to Africa 14) um «Ll! grnumr (“Mauve theen trimm, when kale had led her in his rooms. H0, like Gaunt. spent hie finm Daring filo duck, but. in anothnl‘ mum than that "which Umnn H4) 1-r-mlewiy trod. Rm. when down below, My: JN‘anll did not, confine himself to hifi (tubal, though he spent some time thl‘O. He was very oftvn in the rnnuhingésuloon. 01' in the nurme wantoon; and than: was alwayfi a 551mm of champagne or brandy and soda More him. “5‘. drank a grout. deal; but: he was never intoxicated; indflxl, h ' liquor inflamed 10 fluke Hula or no cfl‘ect. mm" 1mm For mum days be avoided his fe110W~ aufisongam, oyUy spvaking when he we obliged. )md tlwn only in umnnsyllahlfie. People on board a ship are always curi- nun about their fellow-voyagorp, and Lgere was :1 general idea, Lhat- Mr. Jackson had lost all his money in Africa: but thiR idea, was dropped when Mr. Jackson mm (we - 1m: joined the inevitablu mrdmafly and took aL hand at. poker. 7 Ho played every nigh-i; indeed. wiwm mm‘ play mm going on; and he did not seem to care haw high the stakes were. Nor did he 9.09m to cum very much w‘hw 7}”31‘ he won or lost. T11. can not be “aid that he added much in the rvonialit‘y of Um party. for he mm- ” snake. and nm‘m' laughed or even smiled. Thu other hwycrs rcgawdcd him rather curiously, and with a certain iur mm of doubt; for them “le HomeLhing ; uliar' and uncanny about» his manner an apwrzaranmu His; face was 50 um» narmrnlly pale, hie «you so unpleasant-1y red and hloudxehut, and 1m had a singular Trick of luuking m) suddenly, in the midst nf Hm game, with a \‘ava start: as if he Were «seeing something that wns 111»: 1101'» @f‘DM’bW: to the whom; und once or twice he had laid down hie (:Eu‘dr" and risen from 111.1 chair as if he had forgotten mm film #:213an V ymggm . Ho 11:110. mun? for :1 rod spot, on 0.11111 cheek. and his small fives alums vindiwâ€" twely. “4-010?” mum," he a .x, wixh a 1mm of Isgfi-lfifflction in him thin voice. “Ha_did it. rlght mmugh. And they'll have 11111] Dre- sently. ’J'hcy’vn cabled m stop the shin at the Unnariw." There was 7 mic” othm‘r V ptnsémger who 100k 119 part In the pastunr-s 0f Um wa- "el: thla was My. Juckuxm. Bobby [shrunk from him “ith a look of horror. V “I-wl dou‘i lwlieva it." he said. hi): V0102 _]‘eak’ipg. "(hunt is ms innocent. “5"95 am.’ Mershnn nhruggod his shoulders. “Ah right! Lot h.’m (-mnc homo. and pilgvu it!” he said. He went, ow: u . fl . talking to Mr Basket. .. . , oskctt cheer» fully triumphantme clutohed him nor- wo, 9y tho arm. VMCX‘thI’l diriewfla‘wbror‘th of satisfaction, and hurried out of court. .l; (-5.11 him}: ix} gn Hut rvonialit‘y 1y "snake; and “Our fri‘nd, Mr. .1141. son. has. 20! Mme- flling on hi4 mind," remarked (me of the )Iuym‘a mm moving. after Javka had efL the 88100)]. Ha haul walkw} mm- with a xwrfmfly 1m- mowd connwnunm, as immmiva 21:: a mime mrsk. Hmugh ho had wax) :1 mm- siderublo mum ‘hq dunk, I think," said another. "H0 drinka like 3. fish. Why. 110w many 913$ @oe do you think he'd put down while In"? hem: 'mng hex-u?" U _"‘And mm <.-xadm~din:\ry thing: is. mm It new‘r (seems Ln have {my 9111501 uuon him," rmm-I'kcd :1 third. "Why. most. ui‘ He would haw hum under the table if “no had drunk half that young fellow 111‘s momma up. Ynu numb .ome uueL' phar- new)“ on imam! ;1 Ship, (1011'? you? Now and i; in UJuM mo! 01‘ vrmm norm“ Mr. J aim“. Lllld Jackson would always; ( u him eidmmya and give him 21 nod. w) (:auul 1-murnud in an absent- mindcd “my. lmv ovoninr: Gaunt, was p30- Amz up and down on hi», favorite part, of 1.1m (190k, thinking, of com-so, or Deeima, when he HUV Juokaun coming toward him. The mum) wait" mining brightly and Gaum 0011M! Pk‘f‘ thn young fi-llow's face quire plainly. It, was working: snaammlicall'y, Hie lira were movim: as if he were mik- ing in himsuli', mul hie hands were clinch ed at. 1mg aid“. Gaunt stopnml half mech- anioully in tin» Flindmv Uf a duck-house, Nmemri)‘ watching the 1mm. Jucks‘mi hrong‘hi up Iii-9 \vuik wiihin a, few "unis of (Mum, und, leaning over the ventsl‘s Hide. Maw-d nu! m sen, whh blood. shot eyes. Huddonlv ha- mlé- (mo foot on who minnuic. than draw my the “they. and Mood' in imminuu dungvr of failing nver, It, lnokrd m (luum us if 11m mun wan: lnu'litafing suividv, mu! (Emmi (wrung forward, )EOIZed 111m hy 1110 arm. 112d dr'l WK“- lii'sn dmui ta flu“ deck. ' doing?" 1m ugh-d. 4-1: 1’1!" 1y Lu‘kmm 13ml him ‘€ V mm 11101) hr mu]. wit, “\ “muted 'm (4‘: f 1 m; WM)an falling: uu- ." ~ ‘ Rmhvr L dangmwmvg. I‘\H i'ir'r’” 511W, Haunt. .TIir’m: u lualu-d 11,: H hi of anhmx defiance. “.‘Knybmv. “'5 HH his;an raid. (hum: mniit‘d grimly “1 Aummw nun" he WM. ‘Im: 1 HM nut HITP. 11 1 1nd allowed Mm To, 1:11! over, um wuuhl in :(‘l umbubility hum ‘hmni: drum 110d. and I Ehollld have hi ’ K‘PFPL‘m' an your wk (in; X beau c) ' “pg-d _\Ҥzh 3209‘: mu ' ‘ .. the \vurd "muvvdm manila mm! slimmime Gau‘xt MU: ix hull" " ‘ Mum. V5131 {10 you moan h)‘ "SWAN Whit? 1 aa‘ ' - that flu- young: and .‘| kind a CHAPTER X XXII: “(COMJIIIK‘M CHAPTER XXXIII‘ Her Great Love; ml ‘him ,vm‘antiy by n Hyult wuhom u mmlo: f 1' «Hum ‘tuul thm Or. A Struggle For a Heart napi. Mn' 1-; mu’x him ML} Mr. fizu'kwm and boiled at 'iumn, Judi-angry Jim? W izt‘ iri. uiai (ix-um“. follow hmi hm“ f x'uurs’ 1&1! ‘m "That's a lie!” remarked Jzu-kmn. hp 00]Il(‘fl1h'. [10 next morning Mr. Jackson naest him on deck with u cum-a kind of mud: but after Gaunt. had pl-Sfi-L‘d, Jackson looked afmr him with a curioms expl‘w- 514m on his fare. ()ne liitle J paleâ€"faced little th 11’; “‘11le mother was takzng ll’f'l‘ to Arum, in the lmpu of yuan-ling her from the demon Consulllptioll"'llurl, on several a» ('aqious, contrived to attract- (laim‘us ab unit-ion, and mice or thv Gaunt. had elm)- pad in his pacing and woxvn m 1191‘; and the (‘hild had loolwd w uleavscd that he hull got into the h r of pausing hem-1&0 hm‘ dwhwhair and ,Jiklllg to her about the ship'fl log. the almanac of any (03’s on board, and hm‘ own (fiUiIlpiil'f‘lUNl nilmmna He would draw the Shawl :lifl'USx“ 1101' 031014. (11" marry her :llid hrâ€"r )fll)‘ hudin m‘a 1}](‘ sun and an! (it (he wi J. H.“ x‘urrly in UN I‘ufiihi‘r, ~.zlm wma rmlwr nlr , thv grim-lws‘uing gn-nt email; but Maude did not “line lll'l' mo :r'H fan? and sh)“ mass. but mlde to Gaunt with T-lll' frank. mess of 011'72ltlll-J‘ll inrom-‘ice. I (haunt loved 11le «hi (Iron, and the (illlld'a liking for him ln'ougln him mire kiixd (I (consulatvinn in his misery. There Wu»- look-«Ir he i’mioivd Lh’TU “as it look in her D2119 tau-v which 1'c.iiiiidt-d him of De» «'ima. l‘evhaiw. he thought. Datum 112:1 ltmkoil like that “'llt‘ll film was 11 child Hr) knew, :15 “ml (in: the 51111)]; doctor know. that the little one wa‘ donmnd, and big: hear? was full (if sympalhy for “tho ans:- i0|1fl mother. 'l‘liv child 101d him all about 110131;”, and Mum plivcl him with GM?" {ions about, hiimnlt’. "Why do you always walk nlmut nlmw?" 52hr naked. 0th evening "Wr‘ll, I Iikh it." he said. "Now. if Vt'u wvrn 111110 in walk urbme wiih n10. Maude " 1m awful wruvhedl” he thid. "My dear feluw," remarks-(l G'Hm. “if all the mom who wu‘) “vex-Md tlu g thou elves into the, Si‘n. how many nae Fellflifl'fi do you think \wuld remain on bonus the ‘PE‘V’P“£~‘6)’ (.‘lretfi‘o P" J:\<:ksnn lookod at him curiously. “Ynu don‘t, 100k nurnvnmrly (-m"c‘-x*fxxl." he raid. L from instant 3’. "Better go down to your cabin," he 53 “I will see you dnwn.” "Oh. its all right." Enid Jackson, will) a distortion of the lips “hich nught n- for u smilu “1 elm'n‘t ‘11“; 1-110 1113* may! agglin " {ll Thorn were half a dozen {:himrt-n on board. and. though Guam. had nvoidwl 11.5 fellow-pamengers. scum of Lh’Hc arhjdre. hard, not «a mth uttr. med his atanmI, but formed thrxnseh‘l‘cs upon it: for th ~11- was somethinu about. Gaunt which "vin- ed a magnetic infim‘nce upon animals and children. Decima‘ had felt, it. than first day org‘uwoti him at t}m_ZQo._ :‘A vvrlvflcfvré'at.rdeuJ. Manda," 52ml Gaunt With it Nude. _ ‘ "And yet you'rr not mung m Afrma b0 50.11.}, said Gaunt. ’guirtly. “Nothiv: In tvhm world an bad that. it. might not he worst ‘ “I wivzh T V'RH!" 1:110 mid in :nr 111?)! mice. “1 nfhm watch you whvu you think I’m 11M looking. and I «(*0 that you um alwz'u's thinking. thinking. Munmm +1:fo that she‘s mu‘n you'n: smnunhing on your mind. Have ywu?" "And yet you'rr not going to Africa b0- eause "()Il’l‘c ill and going in (H. 3:141 the chi'd. "I hope none of us is going 10 Africa to die," he said. “Oh, I tun." she remarked, ormi‘xdontin â€" 1y. “Mamma think-‘4 I am going: 10 {pt berm-1‘, but 1 know 1 am not. inside me Nwms M 11-}! we (a 'Zlieun' go down to your cabin," he sand; “and don‘t drmk any mare 10n113h‘u ’ A"1x11 not. drunk," and Jackuon. aub- lonii Winch! was; :I muvh nf tone which appeared to foLmv. (Lump mam) no response. but acva)- panied the young fallow ms 3211' sbs the saloon “aim. and waited until he had cri- tcred 11in cabin. In); but. you‘ve had enough. aunt. We‘ll hUDL‘ said Gunnt. "Oh, yes." she am‘nlé‘d (-llucrfully; “hum if isn't much U’dt' hoping. And now you're going m walk on the ‘llj\‘.)t‘l‘ (it-ck My 3mm: golf. with ynur mum: behind your hack and your '11‘1inking‘ taco on. I 'Wifill ! could come with you, than n‘r'nm you wunldu't think so much; but 1 can‘t walk " “You shall come. all it‘lw same," mid Gaum 5 breast; 11,9; mv narrow “mm: mm Wry'tendnr toward the wonknose and. hwy of h fellow-mer “You (} an n t ; “Wil_i_ know I With u» 31: at her mot :u‘ms, drew and carried She wax p‘aHh-d m way, "You like QT? ‘. Imam hc Him," 5110 d to it? "The i’og‘s coming mi ’11:}: We dull, sxnrmfiimx‘ - 11 v'hitufl to him. haunt ltbfivlfi‘mj ' How far a of): 13w w} J'utkmm. \imut two days" 53H, 1' ahnuhi firnk,“ 1v we! Haunt. .1; ‘kmm mun-941 away. and Haunt inmud up and down. Prveemly iuz uhmw, mu :mainat the n, ‘uin. “’l‘hic‘n rm. hw mid. 'l‘hv capi 1 frnm d and mused ml. During {Tm- “mm 1.1m Mg ilhtfl'u mi. (sauna, woming cm dock Hm nu”.- 'nmr-nimz, I‘mmd 1.3m Team“: eimming in m: Qmenw Lr'uh‘m vnpm‘ 11:4 denim :14 :L b1th... l1'lvv.‘110w and Hum Eihi‘ MU“ nnxi warm («I :1 5mm » The captain; hi-H Fg‘F‘IDNi in MM: zlnfly; tho annian wvlcu was heard Lutwwfis gunk-Ix" :md .31 rah giving m-dc‘h' (Mum; luv-cw That the“? Rh {9 heaving a. :ianm-rmm wmst' but (in: other D 580*]- gew, has ' permnml and r l-infotumd, (“replitvcd n gran Sntm‘o/ and felt {m anxiety. {I'm-y z'mm’bimi at. 13:5: fog, crumbled zu‘. 1-1:“ captain. as if “be u me an. swm‘fih‘o fur it. Lti‘Uh‘IMifl we each other; hm, more waa no anximy Umml, himGé-Wf was not. amwehcnaivc 1m: ' z'ivv Won} ' m” 1hr: m‘md d,x' fog. 7"1‘11 can-y you." you, J'waE 1111 very hmxvy, you moo, which asked permissim‘. ler, Gaunt lifted her in the whaw] (-Iosvly round lmr, her to the um'M-r deck. wonderfully dulEghmd, and him in her ("nil-.i' , art Ora we of): {be PM very Hymn; to (mm; me said; “but Dorhmé you Um night 11:- ]:ud (“UTde : lips :01 tighply. :ml mm-h m'achi‘ Eu $3118 at yuu'n- no: wry ‘m" ’ wmnathy u‘znw, 1h 3 Haiti. in h was: young mid. )«hwavyhody rune-d to him with oxpectm hgn and surpnsu: (IHUY‘L \wm to the mlmm. SI; (we was lumr' r aw.H at LN- 113mm were wzm Lhe mun] laughing and trlknz. Some of 11m ymmg 1390 1 were. 'undx‘r the shehur M" the 111116 -. flirt n1: 1mm} : they a“ )uoke:d_1appy n_nd irt f‘mm my“ (5 Then, m: )m was pacing the for’ard UPCk, he overheard the valptaiu remark tn 11w, firat mum: ‘ “Better stop the enginns!" Gaunt had crossed the mean {on many times not. to Vlmowr what this meagm \‘llu‘.D uuu n. ....v.. "nu; . The vowel had lost her figknfi'ifiir: the Captain did may know where he wars. 0 . 'I‘hm) sud Ln]; that. poem] the screw. m which tho not“ travumr so soon become *14‘,(:us!umvd, an" d. Every \‘(fico “ .3 51mm: Hm young may at the pil'm gimmvd pin 'imz: nrery uric glam-ed intorrwgati'vely )H'H nf,q“1hfi" Imim (If glam-ed lIIfi’I'I‘UgaUYH,“ {CI in}; neig‘lhmn Tv‘foru ury question ( ‘Id be naked. the must' in «am» into the 1mm. There mug an L‘"fi§’ smile 1m him fan ~, and when a nun hum norvoua gentleman mohzim- "ivn'im; th Nukers a rest. (In ml with wur Maybe. 7“]"a Brown. Wv whall be off again direvx A > _ BuL the fotz I'm-rowed, and 11w mamas did not start . "Yum my lord." he said "VV'P‘VA"? 30M, our ru-kuning. ’I‘lm tog 114.41, taught. 115, lv oaugm 11-4.” :4 thm‘c anything 1 can do?" asked Gaunt. "Hut u?“ onurw {hm-n is nui." The (“Vain shook his head. “No.” Then he! sa'd, :9: if with xm affor- rl’muzhta “WrH, y you (um go below rum keop ‘om w, _v 1, 1 we gm nut of this. 11 may drift (firm-Hy." But. his looked in- tn 11w (we: dmlbtfully. u: «ur n1; \l\rtA-J\|\Aan¢. Haunt. after u, glam-,0 :11, the thick V!» pm‘, through which on («and not, (we 4!- vard m-rt back in tha- salmon. M Brown had (mused M'iying, and {lav Honor haul Rl‘blh‘d upon the lutvly light-heart“! «ruwd. Gaunt, wvnt‘ w the 1:112:30 :md struck a chog‘d.‘ w ‘ 110 was no mu _ inn, and he had not tmxohi-d a piano fm' yer-m, but in his vmmgm' days; he had bet-n able 1/) sing and vamp an accompanimnnt He played and sum: Jullm‘s cm; in “The Trial by and aung' Judge song in “The Trial by HI! soai‘eyly knew whm he was singing, but, the audience armlnudnd vocifermmlyâ€" all tho mare vucifermmly because this ntm‘n and reserved man 11an condescend- Pd (0 mukv 331 «Tom, £91; their nmusegnenjr Sir William Crookes, English inventor of the Crookes tuhrs which made the Xâ€"ray possir ble. He has received from King Gcarge the Order of Murit and has been chosen president: of the Rsvryal Society. The c:th u waq abmn m mnkp hrufiqne repiv. bub m4 he glam-flu 1141111139 I'm ', hu 20(21an z-J (-hzmwx “Encore! Envvre! G they cried. Gaunt puzzhul hi3 brains, and ai‘mr dint. of Uxinkmg, rmnmnherad another some: 11, was absolutely norassary that this crowd of timid passengers shnuld br- urc- veMle’tom knowing and thinking of me 1m ms another 2" mu lmt lay $0 near them. He played and Hung. and little, Mzudo stole u: m the piano and leaned. argainec Mm a amiringly and ccwfidiugly. “You are a clever man!" «she (said in 1101' (-lxildiah treblol (luum mm: from the piano and induced .1 more skillful wot-former to take the 'n'f'fl-lr van-aux} by him. "lmt us have sown-111mg with a chem ’3 ln: fluid. with u gravity which mu‘pr" ed his hearers, wlm had hitherto regarded him as Llu? moral grim and unsocialtt) of n remain when", we urn. he i‘ . 0 11mm uhvy the. captain’s‘ or- lder. There may ha no danger; we would Vermin-LIV not hettm‘ things by crmvding um 'ho, {luv}; and hindering 1.1m men." ' mm of them ["011 back, but mm 01* two mf Hm "10“ mil} pro-gem] on him, and the Tnmrn caught him by We no! mi hig 'mmz. "Thr- scrvw'a Mapped! What‘s HM» mat tor.’ tantrum?“ he Dudde (unrelvwl; Inn: A‘i‘phul - (izmnt, wont m: doc}; Mill found the mm- ';2in in Mew: (-m‘fuh with HI " win, "Anythlm: wrong. captmn?‘ :mmd (hum. uuiofly. mind nun“ A young lady wont to Hm piano rmd bmmn the nccenumnimenb m n d-nmic ng. m which mm at 11m young men ms- «amid 140 ‘singz . AL. H”. XI] (5 I} . . ..,.. thumb heard the Mom voice of the (<sz- z‘vm‘n i'wuing orders, and mm tramp of we crew they obeyed. Tho 4mg pHWN‘dOd. the vhm‘ua WM b0- iug: warm], when muldcnly there came a pemlhnr shock and uouml which filruck the singers dumb. ‘er one knew what had happmwd. 1qu Ull'ullgh every man and woman then: had run something “hivh had sent, cold fear and dread to every heart, They sprung to their feet: and looked wildly at, one an- mher for E: moment in silence; than the first, ahriok ul'OfiK‘ from a woman's lips. and wag instantly Vt’mfloweq by Qflxel‘v nun w s (L rush for the H3100}! door. That ton-m e Thing, panic, had taken hum of flmm. and men and women fought for the narrow dNJr-way, auum of the former fox-gvtfing {heir manhunt! in ‘hfir terror. 1)!)fihir1g thu ymmen ridle/‘3 . , n, L") .um.u._ w ., . P . V 11mm, istnod mm:- tJm 716%. He had heard the captain, am he Dwemxl the unper dwfihpauee mid {a}: calmly and rate I um n. [raucfi m... . . , “Olylige me by human: Mu: puaae'nucrs in tho salnon._my loyd!" ‘ ‘ . -n Au n.» mun-U... , . U. (mum chased p110 tool‘. and Etoad with his had; in it. The ship wan: meking hideously. like a, living thing in pain. and 901110 of the woman full in {he floor or were thrown there by the mad rush of the men fur the door. Gaunt Mood firm ' 5111mm". with his legs amall‘ .â€"~ house ‘2” “Hm n I um uewr 0m? wf Thv Struggling Lawyer (pomâ€" pmmiy)~u‘h‘lything unusual happen whiic I was out? 03’er Boy (after some thought.)~-~Yeus’r. There wasâ€" u’t am)" New 00132910}: called. Haw you “heard this song? Haw you but water in your <1" he continued.) M) den-1' bdy, I 30‘“ (5 his he Woodworkers and Gardeners Should Protect Their Hands. Nettles, poison ivy and poison sumac are by no meams‘ the only plants which have a poisonous effect on the human skin.. Poison- ous substances exist in many trees, and even after they have been cut and sawed a sufficient. quantity of the 130in remains in tho lumber so that workmen who handle it are Iiabl-e to infection. Amberwood is impregnated wiLh a powerful poison, according to Dr. Heinz Graf, who has been investiâ€" gating the subject, for the German Bétanicnl Society. Two different, kinds of wood are include-d under the term ambnrv woodâ€"the genuine East Indian or Asiatic satinwood, or silkwood, and the satin hardwood or amherwood. The two are quite different. in exâ€" ternal apearance. Nestler succeedâ€" ed in extracting the active subâ€" stance only from the latter. This is a. stearinlike substance. soluble only in ether. A small quantity of it placed in contact with the skin of the under-arm, in the ooursa of about five hours produced a tense-ly swollen yellowish blister surroundâ€" ed by a, red area of inflammation. After the bursting of the blister an ulcer remained which required four weeks to heal. What, is known as (x’wobolo wood contains 2L poisonous substance ousin soluble in alcohol and benâ€" zol. less so in water. It is appar- ently an ethereal oil. The placing of fine sawdust- of. this wood on the moist skin causes first violent smar’ring. l“4:>llowing this, red Spots or pimples appear, accompanied by redness and inflmn‘mation of that part, of the skin. The sawdust- of the Mexican blue“ gum is harmful when the. iRkiIl is especially sensitive from some other cause. A workman who was suf» faring from tuberculosis, and who later died from it, was attacked, after splitting this lumber, by an eruption of the underarm which forced him to stop work. Others who did similar labor for years had no ill effects. In this case the tu~ berculosis may have created the di& position . As a. rome of his investigation Dr. }ra>f urges all cabinet-makers who work in satinwood and garden“ 61's who 'gmw poisonous plants h) protect their hands, arms and head from direct contact. with the wood, sawdust or injured portions of the plants. At- the first Sign of any inâ€" flammation of the skin the sufferer should robeive the attention of a, dermatologist. Similar phenomena; are caused by the plant. (Yortusn, Maithioli, but they are even stronger, since His»- ters are produced. Touching the plants is enough to cause, irritation, and the infection may be transmitâ€" ted to other persons by hands so infected. The bearers of the irri- tating substanceix in this cam are glundwha-irs, as; in the case of the primrose. This substanch is crysâ€" tallizablo sap which can be mt- tracted from gland-hairs. It has long hem] thong-hi; that poisoning might j'emxlt from the proximity of munac, even if the plant was not, touched. lmt Dr. (iraf denies this. A visitor to the Berlin Botanical Gardens revel-lily brought suit for damages: for in. juries which he alleged he had suf» fered on account of: his proximity to a. poisonous sumac, which lvs on exhibition in the gartluns. But, the suit. was lost, for the directors 0f the gardens proved conclusively that: for poisoning tn occur Hm plant must be inju’md and the irr- jured portion brouglm intu direct cont-act- with the skin. Don’t pass your \mrrivs; «Mun» form them. Moreover, the heckled (:1'imirml is lmund to be spatial. Success svldm’x’n (mum w u- man who is; too lazy to go after it. The more. a man’fi thirst is irri- gated, the faster if, gi'mm The suspicious man “Nay: find: what he IS looking for. The easiest thing for a 1mm in acquire '15; (dd agew-if ht- hvvs long enough. It is; well enough h» iw a thinker. but; too often ‘fhe man whu thinks does: nothing; else. It’s rather difih‘m'flt fur an 035‘} going 171an to keep pfmpkf from using; him for a, dm‘yr mat. N0, Cordelia, practim} doesn‘t a]â€" ways nmku perfect. Even good physicians cam-asiunafly low a pm tiPnt. When l‘l- waich i»; ran dawn if. flops working, but? M's different mth some men. Paying" premiumsr. on :1 fil‘c«inmxl‘~ ante policy 1+; .111“) 'Uuwmjng- mmmjy in the fire until mu: has a fire. MANY POISONOIIS WOODS. Poinh‘d Paragraphs. 0n the queation of scraping ap‘I} pie trees a, difference of opinion‘, seems to cxist as to the advisability of scraping the 00a)?“ bark off oldl apple trees. It. is not the intention: here to inflict; the views of the writ-f; er upon the orchardist; but ratyheri to give an explanation, with roan? (ms, rolativo to the. effects uponr the trees which have been scrapefig‘ The arguments offeer in favor 0% scraping mew-{1) It removes scald insects, and eggs or cocoons oi other insects; (2) it somehow or" other improves the growth of ihe»' tree. .““WM Scraping Appln Trees. Dr. J. B. Dandenm Bowmanvilleg‘a The arguments against it amtâ€"fl (1) It removes a. coating of cork? which is a nonvconductor of luau-£13 and therefore leaves the tree mom liable to frost injury and sun scaldf (2) if removed deeply~~and it is ab; most impossible not/t0 scrape ton, deeplywthe tree suffers from dry-r1 ing out, or loss of nmisture which; may be considerable during cola? drv weather; (3) if \wunded in this: way down to the living layers, funa‘ gus diseases gain a foothold; (4:? it a waste of timrz, and if the bark} so scraped off is not burned the ian sects and eggs are atill capable ufi injury. This outside cork 1:1qu is impew vious to water, and at. the same time it permit-s paswg‘e of gases; that is to say, it Enpp‘xies the WM with a covering perfectly suitable to its needs. And, as it is a now conductor of heat, it protects the Wee against sudde exhanges 0’1 temperature. "as the l‘rhih-go ui’ Marrying: Whom She Phases. Although wmmm in Africa is n»- gm‘ded as pmrwrty she, has certain rights which are soldmu infringed upon, and of these the. most impor mm; is‘ her right to marry whom 5119» please“, or rather in refuse tu marry One who does um please her It, is Stated than" (lu- Chief inbcm aimed at in scraping is the oyster shell scale, or bark louse. This can not be very serious, for this scale can not pel‘letrutc the bark of the trunk and them-fore can (la: no damage them. It. must cran #0 the twigs when; film bark is thin. However. oven if theri- were many scales on the trunk ic would be $0 much easier to kill tin-m with lime« sulphur. One could spray ten brew, while he \vuuld scrape mm, and silly stray Iihu Beale much mum effcclrlb ally. Thorn.- are two reasons for thix First, women married against; their wills lm-ve been km,an to commit. auicide. Second, wows-n married against their wills haw murdered their unloved husbands, usually strangling; them when aaleep. So, in forcing one’s self upon one of these women them is liability to a great, losswvthe loss of valuab'c prov perty 01' of no less highly prized life. The young girlh am: well camd for, partly that they may be comely and draw many suitors. Every gir} “ill tell you frankly that she Wishes to marry and ham:- a g-L‘md husband‘ and children. Every father is anx ions to have his: daughters marry; we“. To obtain a wile, one must pay a dowry in, can)» 11;» the father. or, should the £1er be dead, 1:0 ommomnw d the- nearest main ruitltive. If a. gil'} is much Sought aim-1*, her father mutually ang 11 larger dowry, When 11:"! 1mm has paid part of the dmwry 1.110 father may give consent to a provisional marriage and per» wit, the couple tn HVw together. Should flu: husband be too slow in paying the remainder of the down Um wife is tn.ka from ‘uim. Trial marriang arr, mmmon and Trial marriang arr, mmmon and can be set aside, by f'jfllel‘ pmwty: Their principal objects in marriage are mutual helpfulness :md the per pehmfion of the, race, Um'wfl pk-n $11 Yes are. expenswo. WUMEN‘S RIGHTS IN AFRICA. 0n the Farm Lhe mos?

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