Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1914, p. 8

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C A S S E L L 8' Canadian P u b - fishing Company It is not necessary 0 :end to foreign countrie. o. maga- zmes. Read the follomngzâ€" Cussel‘s Magazine, per mmum . 8 The Story Teller . . The Quiver . <- . . ' Musical Home Journal . . The Gil'ls' Realm . . n u Folks o a o O Chums . . . ~ . o v Mannâ€"Ignatiu- TSSESSS: The montth magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaripti‘on at low rates. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPAN‘. 42 Adelaide St. W Toronto May be largely increased by knowing tho exact condition of the farmer’s market and by learning of the host method in farm. practice. This is precisely the port of information the Farmers‘ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. Ii has 111. equal as a Farmer’s Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it Fox prise see \u clubbing oflet. " _,' tcrestcd ask yout T (a “F01 .3323 a “(q-‘9’ ‘a' 11,; t...‘ :ty-fivc cme , . for four weeks hm] 17:11. A iarge illustrated wcok}y )0 ml of shootmg, 3‘ - a - ' fil- . natur i! his- "; tory and yacntini, A 9w deputi- me;;t Ins t: riw w'ih th. Subscription; Renewed at this Office Tha‘finngfi’s Common Ad‘mmmm as if is; 'mdav ‘3 (L0 untry Hume audits mmndings 53mm 'I cums; an mm'uns We swd {Ice an l\:- quest 0 U r catalogue. of t a"! e b c s t books on 02; FOREST AND STREAM FUIi. CO. (2446 Brandwayy New York. 1 ‘mmmm (Emmi "Ebch f6? Sammie (bpies More wading {flan is givén in A e; E-mn monthly En!argcd,5mpr0\/éd and Befl’ér man eVér R: M n a R ’1sz :15 Rama 52 fimes ajear ~ not 12 Boys-u know FARM PROF ITS Tnnanz-a cure bad breath. Tnhiu c-In'oGangtmunnn peficzicss m 2:.y‘ni‘rs, crs and campers, or 611001 1h": and recle;.:ion ‘ V tcrestcd in county MC? ask your ncws‘lcukr {or WE?! “FOREST AND STREAM,” or Fond 31»: ‘IMH laxamvm Izkc' m read of the exâ€" ,shoot~ 313(2):- If By Miss Stet-)9. (:10 Mr. and Mrs. F, lvwin. Richmond 8L. at nnce. Washing Wanted a ‘ 1-4 A house on Richmond street, near Yonfie. to rent Dec. 1. A: I. WRIUHTL 1 The store in. connection- with Sivan; rpaidence. Y’onge street, centre of Richmond Hill is to rent. Suitable for mallinely. dressmaking, or other ligln, busineas. ‘ 1 . u , ,,,,.~‘..LA ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE {STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. 394$. ‘VudduEYe-xzéwihd shelvings complete. and full glass abow winduws. F. J. WUUDWAHD THE - LIBERAL "CANADIAN PICTO RIAL” THE NATIONAL, }LLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exunsitvly printed on fine coated paper. Picmrcsvf well-known enple. of current events, of things enuti- fxgl and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in men issue. A ppeals to Canadians as (he great. il- lustrated papers of Lnndm) appeal tn Lhe- English pvnphu Nun pnlitica], Ahmluu-ly no ax" tn grind, Its aim solvly to please and to inform. Mup‘t bu scent“ he appreciated. Tm: cents a (3413'. ()m- dullul' a your. The Pic- tm inl I’uhiishiug Cu. LIZ St. Peter Si; Mn! t‘l'uzll. Protect gour ldenn- (.hev may bring you wealth Write .1 EN WEDISERBURN & 00.. Patent Attor- ney Washington. D. (2., for their $1.800 prgxe otter End 15!. or two hundred Invanuons wameu. Wanted-An Idea ARE YOU VERY BUSY? Every mm, while you rend in the papers mat. so many persons have died from Con- fininptioz}: H is 1111 very fur-Off und mailm‘ of fact and possibly in scalcoly :uresxs your atten- Mon. Do you ever realize that Cm‘h one 0! those “vasesfln more items in an official record --is a black tragedy to somebody, that behind each one of them lies long, hnpcluss duys of pain, feverish night} of dfirpaif‘. liftbimn plank that must he hid away" winding: poverty, perhaps :L wife in fight hex own nay afteruurrla or (:bildmn who know hunger now that, the father is: gone. For (flown your,“ now the Mus-helm Free Hospital for Consumpiives has mnd for those whom others love bCht, and hundreds 0t Un-m "4V1? gone home again well and happy. 1:. her {)8 its doors open because- 2: few busy people like you [stop for 8. 11101116115 and rememhor. Jqu suppose it were your tragedy. Suppan it were your imhcr, your mm her, your brother, hister, husband, wife, your Child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you with the hospital doors shut, in your face, wringing your hands in utter haplessncss while the crowds hurry hy, cngrosscd in Lhefir own affairs, But, wouldn't you giveâ€"and gladlyâ€"M you knew that what meant so little to you would go fur to hing back the glow to somebody’s wan face or the laughter to somclrody’s lips 1' Ikm‘l. put, it uh“. Use the attached form in sending“ you" conkrfl'nnion. Rub no! Yuu 11min Hm crow} nnd YOU don‘t hear either because you are bury. Just blbdmi'n and think of the one you low host, in the world. Then hay " If she lay thereâ€"«MW or “If he lay there ” and see how it; sounda. “’lmt would be- come of all your plans and your busy (lay: then 1/ Are you 30le; to rcmombcr this Christ- mm PATRDNAGE Soucrwn AND SATISFACTION GUARAN’I'E GKOEING LAME AND INTERPEBING 8011833 A SPECIALTY F. J]. WUDDWARD. A w “2.4 GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley’ Subscribe for To- Rent To Rent ‘7) UV Il’fuslmka I“??? Hos- 1‘ ('Onsumpt « .srmuimm 1'! Him] work. 1 glare/u PRC/086 um. u] 5 llrr' ncmi', 1s sw-h 1/. permaan win/1M”, Mix: I.” sulmm t 'Y’rv my name uccurd- aqua 'I'l ln\\' .l. ‘ w bur. \y Miss STEELE. Richmond Him. Apply on premises. ifibhmond'flill Who can think of some 51mph) tmug w muggy? All Polished Crimped Pipe ' STOvEPIPE‘TLME always on hand. Any per-son can put them together. No chance to lose yOur temper. Gaud supply of $1,600 on the 2nd cmmesaitm of Vaughan. West. 0! Richman Hm, seven rumm-d house. in first-class 10. pair. good burn. two acres hf land with abundance of fruit and shade trees. 100 acre farm in King vanship, close to mege Sh-vet. gum] buildings, an idealsitualion. cheap! BUILDING LOTS Opposite Dr. Langstaff’s 1341. but-y). a: {‘nâ€"Qbkhdid lm'ulium No reasonable cash offer refused. I Elizabeth Street Lntr 40 ft. m. Let. me Show you "Rnscvicw Gar- dens.” I have fur fiillt‘il numth of gum} hnusus in Richmnnd Hill, Err. my list before making ynm m-lectiun. Church of Eug‘anâ€"anrvices nt- 3 pm. lat 2nd and J1!) Sunday. Tlm‘d Sunday m 11 mm l’yunhynurmn Cnurch~5¢ervxces M H u. m.,zmd 71mm. Sunday Sclmulafi 2.30. Prayer meeting 'l‘nurmm evening. Ruumn (Jammie Clmrch-_â€"Sarvisas on sher- unte Sun In) F u; 0 13.. m. an}: ULSO 11-, m. b n nu m nv\‘ I u. :n. Suudm w} a! 2'3". Gem-nu.) w'fiyar meeting. Thurs-1:14 \em‘mg. Hummuan Image, A F and A M â€".\isets Mon- dwv on Lr haznre full nlrmn (louwliluinuund, A 0 F -- Meets fmu'th Fri- Momma}sz Jr! 7 v. m. Snudtn 'M“) a! 2,2 lay Ivy 3.!nl528, A 0 U \Vâ€"Jflnut-a child Wednesday 01mm!) Jnuuhh (h9qu I’llLiJhs () :5 ~-M(suts soon-Dd n nd {0mm Wmmv luv Hm Hrcst l‘ nlge. ULU.I"..mnuts firntWedueH (‘hn' an 1 Hum Friduv oi emh mom-h. Fire Uruu iavneebs flrus Monday of cvuy J‘lluLh l‘uth Inhnsrjv and Healing Boom~ Open I‘uumiuy. and Saturday evenings. Vinwnrth Immu'ia â€"Mue!+< avnrv Month}: I‘rnqthM‘lanx 1’; :st Atoms arm-v Friday at F [mu m t1w(‘hurvh. I H w" AIM-m third 'I‘hursdnv uf evury mox‘nb Vir-I' a 11.0 of emu-n mouth. -t.f H. H. Hummwm-s Hauciuuhn mueu 'I‘nrafid'w of en nmnth HOUSE l’AiN’l‘ER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. NU'I'HF‘E Ih‘ HEREBY GIVEN [hut Jessie‘ Elmmm- (h'nswtt I'nrkhm-st, hf the (HIV uf'l'urnnto in HIV (iuunly nf ank, in the Provian of Oman-in. Murriml \Vnmnn. will apply to [hp Purliunwnt, uf (humdu. at, tho m'xl Svssirm lhm‘maf for :x hi1] Hf divurcu t't'mn hm‘htuhund: Arr'hieAiiwrtl’urk- hunt, nf tho said (," 3' wt ’I‘urwnm, RESIIZI‘JVCI'). RIC {NONE} HILL ‘Iit‘éwtrvllnfirltL’Ul‘, (m the gxtuuml of adult- vry and lll‘fil‘l'IlelL Iluh'd :iL 'I‘nmmtn in the I‘rnx‘im-o nf Ontul'in (11v iih h dny nf Nt‘ number 1013. LEG-KNOX .K' LENNOX, n)-_)_' Elbows, Half Lengths Church Street hem-_ 0:11}ng 8:159:32] All kinds of MONEY TO LOAS MORTGAGEB BOUGHT AND $301.13. Rina." ’I‘nbuh‘s rum numwu. Himms Tabxfios cure headaohe. Rhmns Tabulvs: at druggists. RID‘AJIS Tabulcs assist digestion. JACOB EYER PROPERTIES FOR SALE m Tinsmithin g L . E , G L A SS , Real Estate Agent . HEWESON Village. Dnector}; RIGKMOND BELL Taper Pipes. NOTEGE ~AND-- Snlittilnrs, II)? Bay St, Tomlxtn \Rulh. fur 1hr Applicant) Jr‘s-L'Meeca t1: “'ednesduy HOUSES. harvicw 11:11.99 u,m..nnd ,x147ft.l5 done. has THE Tombstone In Mun-MP 01' Granihn Gtmd wm-k. rvnxpmnhh- clmrgvs. Town m (bunny, \\ Iilv, QQQO” €r¢¢0¢f¢¢¢¢¢¢§§¢§§¢09§ 6¢§fi¢fi¢¢¢+¢§9¢§¢¢¢066¢0+§ 0 L E. BAND, wand) OFFICE mama without act”. TORONTO I O m I RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 99069§+§§4 (‘1’. Liquid Venc r Hoar Poligher - 1.50 ijiectr c irons 4.50 to 6.50 Semi Table Cutiery or NiLkCE-Pmu Tea I’m. i PHONE-18 ‘ Knujmx Kim: x", Managua OQQ§§§§§QO¢¢§¢§¢§§¢§¢Q¢O 69¢¢¢+¢9¢¢¢¢¢0969¢6¢¢¢¢¢ 900$ «WW 1 BANK Mnmnnvuts. Mnrkvm and ("mum I’D» ;>' m Same things she might, “unrecinuu ~- n O'Cedeop ~- $1.50 FOR THE VVHOLE FAMILY " )9.) A“Columbia Grafomema a. a. Joyful Eappy Cht'istmas w. in $}.75, Ski! AuHu Sup} A (mud Lim‘ of “and H1:';.-;h< {rum th hum 150 10:31.00, Eat-key HLicks. Pucks 1. ‘ Iv. :2 {5, (1c. 9F GAMMA SHRES?MAS smemmms TRR RICRRRRR HELL RRRDWRRR CR. FOR MOTHER “F0? Bflih’gflA New FUR ‘I‘IIE BOYS Boseview Gardens RECHMOND HILL EARDWARE CO. LOTS. FOR SALE mop a a u M-mer. Bunch? the It M-plc. Msdflxam. Swarm” Unionvflle um! Locust Hm: STANDAERD s Abel-:11 l)is<:ount. [Tor Cash. mm ’n‘w mm: ‘II‘I u» w mum nut"; u~c again {:y a orgy. . P-sz u' only Unvsv wxl'n our Ki]?! {m-vutlulm A\'nHl>Ilh.~.I-i! {mam-Ham mutiny .0 sum‘ r mama)“ . . "VARY. - lwl'nman-w‘ A. JONES, 2'2 Buchanan St. “I. J. LAWRENCE, Florist, Richmond Hm. 4|, l 'nur': - and Iroo, Lettering \‘. .1" I ‘ ‘i. ~~~ F R O M '1‘ H I}; -~~â€" mugu «11‘. dru_ , .x vl'u m-xuss 'J‘m‘ontn AWNGS depotked in this bank draw the highest cunem rate of interest. Withdnwals of part or the whoIc amount may be made Wino. eve! desired without dclay. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills A rt‘sable French regulator; never fui’s. The}! pills are exceedingly powerful in mandating HM: :(mcrmive prmion of the female svsztemi RMUSS 1|” cheap imitations. Dr. (16 Van’s are sum an F5 :1 hnx. or three lnr 510. Mailed tr) any nddrck‘s‘. rho Soobell Drug 00.. St. Catharina. 0m. . w e- m ’ ’- PAEEM 85:15 mm .: "v bu secured by mu aid. Address, THE “WENT? RECORD. Equimmt. Md Resideuceâ€"Richmond Hm PAINTER AND DECOR/HOE JOHN ELLBS Perfection Oil Heater AND GIRLS HOUSE AND SLGN PAINTING PM’IZRHAMHNG. fiR‘JMNii GLAZ'XGJULSOMIM ' «1: A Saifiy Razor 1.25 to 5.0%.} I» R117. r Strep, Brush, Shmi g50:u>0rPow or A pair of. Leahnr mm >oȢ+9¢+¢ or Giuvcs hum 3‘flc to Puke: Kni'. 130R FATH ER

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