Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1914, p. 1

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Lgie'mwd ML-Lioueers for the County of York. acaemlel m on ahurtant motive and atrea,~ £31?qu ms Patronage solicited Salk by phune nr nthorwisu pmmptly ' respl'udud Lu. JOHN" R‘ CAMPBELL. ’i‘. F. McMAHON. Pk. EBURSDAY MORNING \‘il EEML HUNTING 5: PUBLISHm‘a HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. flab-91.4: 2.," fulfio‘ Sb, N0.L'u 'I’utouto i‘nxue m Huuad, Norm 2332A D. H. PfNKERTOT‘I, V.S. VOL. XXXVI. HR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL INNER 51 per annum, in advance. {weasel Auctumue)‘ for the Counties of York. fi4rio"zund Nlnuh Pawns». Special Mtencian an no sales or «wan lwuu‘ipbiuu, Rum) and n HLHJK sum « "sanity Fud'ma hu'zgm’, J said. on from xL‘ 4i v 1. ala ; e; mth éo-i to :31} ‘mm H m w m 1 gquuwuvi uy um: Ramada (4 Flt-if, hung» north of Alkinsnn & Switzer's store. M 198 NORA MCMAHDN U-diLICO Huang» ‘J ETERINARY SURGEON, .aiqenn Have HKA‘C P. 0. mm; H (-hos \(“UUN GUM“: I}. EU SINESS CARDS. LICENSED Y a '1‘ 3: PI! Enigeon a: NIcEwen, For the (fuunty of Yul-k. 1:51? Arm R IS PUBLISHED EVERY "FEACH (1F. PIA N8 'I‘ORGNTO, ONTARIO ’E‘hOI‘nhill . Studio, 3') Beatrice St. 0. Emma 42 Paornzxrox. J. 113;. Prentice Phone No. 2402. :h‘l'ah'. Special terms In RESIDENCE AT THE AI‘CTIUN’EER afiib‘ml J K McEwen Weston ()N'I‘A RH) Mayo}; to 108.1: on [and anucnauel nzortgagesnt owesc races Aurolanfi‘ice“ Remm ed to the old post often one door west 0! the entrance to film Outm‘xo Bunk Newmarkct orificeâ€"~Thme doors south of lhu pust. (mice T Hmmmm Lxxxux G STV MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada th'phune, Main 311 Cable Address. “Dedu.” BARRISTER. SQI‘ICITOR, NOTARY, E'rc. Torunto Office. Room 328 Confedern tinn Life Bldgu Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Libeml’ Office), every Thursday fm'enoun. Muplv, Thursday afternoon, Verdm‘idszv, Saturday fm'enonn. Mmmv to 1mm at, Five. Per Cent (5%,) LENNOX -& MORGAN A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed TuL M. 333,1.- COMMIS8}ONER,. CONYEY A. PIANO TUNING Barristers , Solicitors . Notaries, kc. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 85 Victoria, 863.. I‘oronto. A hug” stock of Fbuoml Furnishing kvp at both places RICHMUND HILL& THORNHJLL " ~".:g",mfl . VI.“ ‘ - ‘quh’gfk {I :(fiernlkers &' Emlvalmel's, Benton, Grover & Field H. A. NICHULLS .. Cameron MaoNaughton Commissioner, Cnnyeyancer, 2 Insurance, and Real Estate Issue! of Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, Ont-graduates got and hell good pnsitmgs owing to their superior prugwm" r1. This nullege ntfirs Hue hw‘ " U1: 2-,:21‘5. Entei‘nuw. ‘ Y n x , gum Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 0FFI(:E-SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST THORNEILL Thu nmjm. ity uf young: pm,va do.- sirv m mm UllHH‘y. m m i119 things 101‘ lhvnmr‘lwé‘ and PHI'I) ('1‘ living. 021: sure way m (In this is to Luk’: a (x-nlw in the We’ll-known Barristers and sollcuors. 1(3th;ch Hill Th5 Rand to Scéf Summrt .N O‘I‘ARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 1914 505:: :7. @avz'dson Real Estate and Insurance eristers, Snlictors, 8m WILLIAM COOK YVRIGâ€"HT BRO S. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING TORONTO, ONT. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL Aurura In Essentiaic, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allthz'ngs, Charity." w. J, FILLIeTT, Prindipih Phone Main 2984 ‘, etc. This pamphlv‘i, which can be secured by making :Ippliqatinn to the Public“, lions Branch, Department, of Agri- culture, Ottawa, concludes with the following paragraph:â€"â€"“Smre-keepm-s will find it to their advantage to ac- quire facility in czlndling and it is re- commended thab every housewife should provide herself with a. simple candling applinuco, by the diligent, use nf which she may safeguard her family from many unpleasant, occurrences at the breakfast table. In order to teach the proper methods of examination, there has been re- pared. under the direction of the ive Stock Commissioner, a pamphlet en- titled "The Cundling 0f Eggs” by Mr. W. A. Brown, B. S‘ A., Chief of the Paultry Division. This pamphlet. which is No. 3 nf the Live Stock Divi- sion, points out clener that the size of the air cell. the consistency of the albumen, the coin: and mobility of the yolk, and the general transparency of the whole egg are the factors most generally realigniwd as determining the quality. It, also expluins the conâ€" structmn of it simple homermude device which givvs excellent satisfactiun in thi‘tglsting of Eggs‘ ‘ ! TLII Ul |ll| [ Counc inclusiv: Free will offering survich will he held at the Church. Victoria Square. on Sunday, January 18. Special music ' eluding by the chair in the “flog-yum), assisted 6058mm. by Mr. G. H Keys of Gui-mley, and in ‘ in the the evening the Headfurd choir will (J . ‘nncessi suppr the mum. Comm As regards quality, an egg is one of the most difficult of food products to glade. Fortunately an egg is semi- tmnsparenb when held before the light and permits, if carefullly rotated, of_ even minor defects being seen. Many appliances for commercial and private use have been invented for the detection 0f bad eggs. and it is now possible for anyone with a little prac- tice to tell at a glance the main points between} good and bed eggs. The choir of Lhe‘Preshytex-ian church assisted the choir of St. Paul’s at their annivqrsayy_sex;vicgs on Sunday lglst, A slexglfâ€"load of young pebple alt, tended Lhe skating rink at; Aurora. on Sa_c_u rd afiy give u I x g. A. number (:fuur yuung people are enjnying O’Cnrmm"s slides. The Twin!) locals are anxious to get 3 mp at, L119 stui-k town rumblurs. Miss Irene McLean of \Vest Toronto is visiting friends hex-v. Mr. Evan, the pimm expert, was the guest of Mr. '1‘. J. \Vilsun. Mr. and Mi'si Wm. Atkinsnn have muved to their new home in Toronto. F. H. .‘l‘wluy of Chicago and Phili- dtlphim llw muted Muss oxpm't, will he at the King lklwnul Hotel and will re» main in Tux-(mm Mundsny, Tuesday. \Yednnsdny. 'J'hm'srluv and Fliday, Jun. 19 till 23. My. Scolcy says: “The Spvmmlic: Shield us nmv- mod and up- prm‘wl hv the United Stutvs UUVK’I‘H- ment will not, only retain any case nf ruptuw perfectly, affording immodmte and oomph-to relief, but, closes the opening in 10 days on the average case. This instrument .Iecvived ktghe only award in England and in szlin..nr0-: ducing results without surgmv, harm- ful injections, medical txeatments or prescxiptions. Mr. Seeley has docu- ments from the United States Govern- ment, Washington, D.C.},'for inspec- tion. All chum y cases without charge, urfiif any interested cull he will be glad to'éhnyv same \vEtlmut; charge or ill; them lf (lei-firs“ m‘ one l‘xifiilll‘t‘d should 1'é‘rzm‘rmwz' 2 " Mil-:0, atlszaanag'v(Jams (q: Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bailey entertain ed at number of relatives at dinner 0!} Fn-idav last it. heing the anniversary uf Mr. Bailey’s bil'lhdfly. Mrs. C. Cousin; uf \Vest Tnmpm is vi§i_ting fyignds i1: Lhervillage. The little three yea? old daughter of Mr. Daniel Dunnernl of the 7th can, was fatally burnvd while playing with fire. The child lived but a few hours. The bereaved fmnily have the sym- puthy 0f the entire cmmnunitv. Mr. AlonzH Dicemun nf the Nm-th Westis spending his valuation undm' the. pun)an muf uf 1113. Adam Dice- man. Rupture Expert Hera Hipa’ug Tabu‘les' digestion. SeeL‘y, th Fitted Czar of Russia, CaILCd to Toronto. THE CANDLING 0F EGGS. Victoria Square. Va Maple. Teston hmmflg } Saigenu-0umernn-That the clerk ' he and is nexebyauthoxized to subscribe :for 6 copies of the Municipal XVm-Id for the use of the Council and Cli'l‘k for 1914.-â€"-Uax~ried. ‘ \Vhitmoreâ€"â€"Mchurâ€"â€"That Richard Jarrett be appointed caretaker of the Town Hall, stables. shed and grounds fur 1914.â€"Cu,n~ied. \‘imvms and Pound vapm-r-x \Vhitnml'e-“Camel-oneâ€" That thv z'ecve, (lupmy-rmwe, cunncillnrs and clerk‘ represent Vaughan Township at, the Good Rn;de Cummissiun Ln hulwld at the Parliament, Building, Tmnmm, 9n January 22.-0nrried. Cameronâ€"JVhitmoreâ€"â€"That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the following claim fm- sheep killed by dug or dogs, being two-thirds value of same-:â€"-'!‘n A. G. Bmves for 7 sheep killed $62 less $33.63 for parts used by butcher. bqlance $g5.37.fgarried. A sheep claim was presented from A. G. Bowes for seven sheep killed by dog or dogs. ___._ ._ â€"McNair-Saigeonâ€"That W. 0.'Mc- Donald, tax collector, have his time extended to the first of February. for cullecl-ing balance of taxes for 1913.â€" Carried. Deputy-Reeve Manir. Lnts l to 35. inclusive, in th 2nd and 3rd Conces- siwns. including bidPl'Uild‘! frnm Y‘unge .5me m 3rd Concession 01113'.‘ . - r Councillor W'hitnmre. Lnts I to 10, inclusive, in the 5th, 6m} 7th,,8th and 9th Concessions, inchzding sidcwuds to 4th CUHIEQSSIUII. in the 51h, 6th, 7th and 8th Cancessiuns. Councillor Gammon. Lots 10 to 35, illclunive, in the 9th, 10th nnd 11th Concessions, including sidemuds to 8th Ut'ncessilm. And further that each Councillor he allowed the. sum of $400 00 {u be expvndl'd in hauling gravel in his dl\lsi(m_â€"â€"â€"U:U'Iled. The Inaugural meetin of the above Council was held at. the uwnship Hall, Vellore, on Monday, the 12th day of J an_uar_y, 51914. The reeve and the other members of the Council gave short, addx-essex out- lirl'i‘pg ghf‘a wqu for the pyesept year. ThE following commuhicatiob'é Were mg on the tgbletvâ€" Snigeun~McNairâ€"That the Town- ship be dlvided into five districts for the year 1914. thh nne Councillor in. each dxstrict as Uouunissioner. as fL>ll()WS:~â€" Rr-eve Cunmrun. Lnts 20 to 35, invlusixe. in Lhe 5th, (5th, 71h and 8L1) Concessions. MCNnirâ€"Saigeom-That when this Council Adjourns, it stands adjourned until Monday,. ‘Lhe 9le day of Feb- 1 nary.“ Cm‘x iod Onnwmn-Saigeonâ€"Thnt the Trous- uxer pay the fullnwing geurm} :urcmmLS; T. F, McMahon. plinLing and advertxsing. . . .. ..... Ed. \V. Brown, printing and advvrkising . . .. .. ..‘ .... . Prnndfhotv. Duncan & Grunt. Township of Vaughan York (30. legal fees. . . . . . . . . .. HOan'ied. Smgonananirâ€"Jl‘hat a gram of $22.50 be given Lu Messrs. mehm'sL and Lewis. they having suffered a sm‘ew loss by fil-v.â€"â€"(,‘zn-1ii:d. 0n motiun uf Mr. Saigmm, sveonded by Mr. ‘rumvmn the 'l‘musmm' was nuthurized [0 pay a number 0f wad accounts. The following members-elect, having executed the declarations 0f qualifica- tion and of office took their seats as follows any proceeded to_busi_ness:â€"â€" Reeve, James Alexander Cameron; Deputy-Reeve, John Sco'LL Manir; Councillors, John George \Vhitmore, John Thomas Snigeon and Alexander Cameron. From J. J. Khisen Maple, and D. McIntyre, Purpleville, asking for the pogition 9f unfijth-s; - me Geo. M. Arnold, Nell \Viniam Manny and M. Gardiner for the posi- tion of auditors. Cuunclllut Sztignnn. Lots 1 to 35, inclusive, in HI" 4111 Concession, in- cluding sidproqu from 3rd to 5th Unnâ€" Bylaw N0. 936 was pussvd appoint- ing Gen. M. Arnold und Neil \Villi;Lm Manny undime to audit, the accounts of the Treasurer fur 1913. Ely-Luv; Jo. 938, :xgminting Dr. T H. hminson Medical Health OfiiCr-r, Alex Brysnn a mvmhew (-f the Bunnl hf Health and Jacob Kuarnes Suniuu'y Inspector. LEHMANâ€"AtNewmm'kot, \Vednesdny, J‘Kmunry 7, 11914, Llu'ind:L Donn, be- loved Wife of Ludwig: 'lx-hmnn and daughten of U)» Mi‘ “:3, 15LN ; z. . ' L Yongusix'aset. Dbcv Lehm" ’, Byâ€"Luw N0. 937, appointing; Kaiser assessor for dh Mun Nu. l I)ug:1i_d Mull)wa fur No. 2. Ripans Tab‘ law No. 035) appointing Fem: ‘15 and Pound Keeper VAUGHAN COUNCIL. “139 LntrsrlO tn 20, inclusivn, DEATHS 111.00 100.00 H)‘ ‘79 Fr'» ALSO HANDLE firm; Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Oraers taken for Red Clay Plressed Brick. - We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard anL “None better” Order now ALI, AT REASONABLE PRICES “AMAAAAAAMAMAAAAMMM A car load offresh Gluten at the EleVator. Also one of good Bran and Shorts. ' A‘good supply of pURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand: Manitoba. ' Oats SWER V81. BAMEB Wheat, Buckwheatp ~ . cracked Corn +44%-++++++++++%+++++§‘+++'Â¥*§’ Printing Siationery Selma! BOOESS +éé+%+++ (i0 t0 the Liberal OifiCe for Lhiliigida Letter Heads, T‘Jedding lm'xtauons, L‘n k,“vclopcs, which will be an agreeable PRESENT TO YOUR LADY FRIEND A large assormient of CHRISTMAS CARDS and BOOKLET?) MANICURE’AND OTHER SETS 0! Good Value How about, a pair of GOLD RIMMED SFECTAGLES for Mother or Father RAMAAAMAAAA “A 36.11001 Books, Standard Novels, Souz‘mir PCs: 7'7'?rds Post (“uni [.15, W. A. Sanderson '\ VVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVWWV’V Pubiic Attention .E"r<)gra'mmea, &C., SZC. GOOD STOCK OE" PERFUMES Ohriaimas Greatings ~FROMâ€" We have a fine line of [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND. HILL Sanderson’s Drug Store DRUGGIBT for the Chickens No. 29

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