Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1914, p. 1

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$1 per annum. in advance'.] VOL. XXXVI. ' i n “ min: : them} [3 PUUbISKED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING AT THE USER“. PRINTING It. PUBLISHING H008 RICKMONDRILLflNT. F. McMAHON. Burton a Pnoeuzron. bUSINESS CARDS. 'I DR. w. it. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE J Fig-q: horm- north of Atkinson & Sivitzei-‘s store. "‘In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL. ON'I‘.. THURSDA pma ’T‘U‘mxc VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING 50171: .7. 9cvr’dson TIIORNHILL E Grams Rapnitod and Expert Work Guaranteed A, G.I~‘. Lawrence Phone Main {2984 F. J. Dunbar Lawrence it. Dunbar, Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries. are. Home Life Building (10:. Adelaide & Victoria. Sta-1.. Toronto. Danton, Grover & Field Barristers. Solictors. kc. News Notes. Lt. Col. J. A. \V. Allan. Newmai-ket. of the 12th York Rangers in gaZetted brigade commander of the second division. 22nd infantry brigade. Town. to. Major A. G. Nicol of Aurora suc- ceeds him in the command of the York Rangers. and is promoted lieu tenant-colonel. The annual meeting of the \Vood- bridge Agricultural Society was held at. the Inkermau House. \Voodhiidge. There was a large attendance of mem- bers. and the financial statement read by Treasurer E. \Y. Brown showed the largest surplui in the history of the so- ciety for any one year. The. omcers elected are: President. A. \V. Mar-r. \Voodbridge: first vice-president. F. H. Miller. Bracondale: second vice-presi- dent. R. J. Johnston. Nashville: secre- tary, V. I.. \Vallace, \Voodhridge: treasurer. E. W. Brown. \Voodbi-idge: directors. Geo. Svrne. Toronto: .Iohn Baylis‘s, Mount, Denniss: V\'.l{. Rewan, tree. Thistleiown: W. 0. Duncan. Emory: John Gardhouse. Higlafield: A. L. McNeill. Vellum-e: J. A. Cameron. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 ICqu ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Tel: phone. Main 311 )able Address. "Dedo." Phone No. Ell”. A I I JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l,‘l|0r'nhill. C..ll< Irv phone or otherwise promptly ' l't‘\[‘ IIIleIl to. ._._â€"_-â€"I n. H. PINKERTO‘I. v.5. ; \Nn liz-Hiurlxr‘a 09mm; .‘lnplv. ()nt. Phone No. 23‘. J. H. Prentice I.i'eusu-lAuctmacoi for the Counties of York. A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc. .l.T. Snigetur. M. \V. Malloy. E. A. Me- Neill. Maple; R. \Villis. F. lunar-us. A. Stewart. Pine Grove: Samuel McClure. J. Elden ille, \Vedmr: G. Smith. \Vni. McClure. C. L. \Vallace, E. \V. Brown, D. (7. Longhouse. Upon the discontinuance of the ‘Veeklv Globe and Canada Farmer on January 29th. It)”. the Saturday Edition. with Illustrated Supplement. will beeuune The Globe‘s weekly paper. The Saturday Globe will. in addition to its own special departments. cover N turn: and Noun l‘ motto. Special attention Luv.” ti rules or amrv vazriptiou. Farm and i’rc-n stout alrei r \iu usury. an r H'Il'I on can: a. «i l'l. un 1n H'LJ‘L u III-11 . rl qua.“ :tc-I by thu latest u,» mutate mom - r... \d Ive”: 259 :hlriu Ht, No.2,!) [‘ur'untu. l’u-I .u in Hausa. Nurtu um. J K McEiven Weston I‘, iaiwou Mt}! e trlgeon & NlcEWen I Lie-run] \ 1-ltl0t188rs tor the County of York. ‘iIIvH site r to l to on zhortestnatiee and at rear i-n \nle mth Patronage solicited F- C. EGAN LICENSED AIYCTIONEI'ZR For the County of York. _..0__ S.\'[‘1SP\I"I‘IO.\' GUARANTEED. __ .1...â€" LASKAY I’. O. ONTARIO MYRTLE PHILLIPS READER ‘l‘erms Moderate. t but (hes. Special Ietim to Studio. 3‘) Bcatrice SI. TORONTO, ONTARIO. MISS N’OIIA McMAHUN RICHMOND III II. TEACHER 0F PIANO Forum bought I \II szilc- utter: lent to 1 I | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ELLIOTT , OFFICE~SI71TE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST Tel. _\I. 363}. LEN N‘IX & MORGAN Barristers and sotlcltors. Moro to loan on land anocnattel norrgagebat OWeSL rates Auroraotficeâ€"Heiumeu to the old post 0310.- one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bank Nun-market ofilceâ€"Jl‘htee doors south of the p ist oiliee I‘ Emmi-1M Lsxyox G aurora. WILLIAM cooki BARRISTER. SonreiToR. NOTARY, ETC. 'Toronto 0mm), Room 3‘28 Confedera tiou Life Eltlg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Liberal’ S'r-V l-(OBGAN . Office), every Thursday foi‘erioon. Maple. Thursday after-'iioon Wuorlliridtze, Saturday forenorin. Money to loan at Fit e Per Cent. (5%) H. A. NICHULLS NOTAgrY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyaucer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Richmono. Hill .â€"»ud__ J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AV”ER. ETt‘. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS. ('udertnkers & ITmhnimers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHIII A large stock of Fiwreral Furnishing , kep at both places The Road to Self Support Tiic majority of young people (le- I sir-e to earn money. pim irle things tor IhI-uisvvhes and earn a “vine. On. sure way to do this Is to take’ :I I'I-urse in the well-known I I TORONTO, ONT. I our graduates get and hell good p-isitinnx‘tiwiug to their superior pr.paration. This (allege offers the best advantages. Enter now. \\'iite for Catalogue. (or Huge and Alexander Sis. it. I. ELLIOTT. Principal. M I practically all the features heretofore published in the \Veekly, and will deiote two prizes to Financial, Com-I inercial and Produce Mai kct Reports. I I , o ()a Ridges The funeral of the late Peter Rout- ledge, post-iiiaster at Oak Ridges. who died on Tuesday Inflast \veek. took place Thurs lay afternoon under Mason- Ic tlllflfit'i'fi. After a short <erviee at the housr. conducted by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Despard, folk-Wed bv \Vny, Bro. Hana-lick. master of the Aurora Masonic Lodge, the funeral proceeded to St. John’s church and cemetery where the remains wr-re deposited in the family plot. .-\t the gran» Rev. M r. Despald read the regular memorial - SPI‘\l(‘l'. and this \v-N followed by the Masonic service which was given by \Vor. Bro. HHI'IV Let:ng of Richmond Lodge, A large number u-t' Masons \vere present from Aurora, Richmond Hill and other places. Mr. Routledge was an old resident of Oak Ridges. He wa< highly respec- led and esteemed as a neighbor and friend, and was much prized for many years as u competent lil-Ickilllllll and skilful horse-shoei. Ile leave< a Widow. tour sons and two daughters to mom n his loss. â€"o.-â€"~__. M aple The animal rum-ting of the \Voiuen‘s Institute was held last Saturday after- noon iu the vestrv of the Methodist Church. There was a good attendance of ladies and all enjoyed the addrr gas on Character Building and Health giien by Miss M. V. Powell of “hit- by. Miss Dell Sirigeon contributed a solo to the programme. A sleigh-load from here attended the rink at Thor-uhill on Saturday evening. Miss Elta \Vade entertained about forty of her young fiends, on Friday evening. The eieu‘ug was spent in games and dancing. music being pro- vided by her cousin. Mr. A. “'estlake of Lloydtown. Sm eial friends from Lloydtowu and Toronto were present. The Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, Rev. J. H, Dyke, will lecture at the Methodist (‘hui-eli. Maple. Friday evening of this week. This lecture has been given in many Cities. towns and villages throughout. the Piminne, and has been spoken of in terms most compli- mentary. -l’~ Thornhill. _-- The following ofiiuers will preside at the A ,O.ll.\\'. lllPt‘tllIgstlIll iug IIIl-l: )I \\'.. Bro. ll. Fisher: overseer, Bio. R. le’ht‘ll financier. Bio. H. \Vaid; guide. Bro. AV. Fi<her; ().\\'., Bro. N. Bowes; foreman. Bro. \V. Stevenson; recorder, Bro. J. E. Francis; receiver. Bio. H. B. ‘Sclrmidl: J. \\'.. Bin. \\'. Buse. The hockey tournament under the auspites of the Recreation club is to be held duringr the. Week of Feb. 23. The \Vi-nian's Auxiliary and Congre- gation of Trinity t‘liurt-b. 'l‘lnriuhill. intend holding their annual Si'cl-Il, Baz Iaraml Enter tainmeu'. iii Victoria Hall on Tliursdav :rflt‘l'litit-II and even- ing, February l3. Tea will be served from 5 to 7.30 o’clock. Piogi‘airtme to begin at 8 o‘clock. Those in charge of the programme have been way fir- Innate lll 9'(‘lll'lllg some lii‘st tIle~€ talent. In HR rut fwr full D:ll'.it'lll=ii's of programme elm. I n [V'Sit‘ls .tiid iu. the press. [Single copies, 3 cts. Y, JANUARY '29. 1914 I l I I KING COUNCIL Council met at Temperance Hall. Kettleby. Jun. l2. Members all present. After subscribing to Declaration of Qualification andOt’flce. members took their seats at the. Council Board. Reeve \V. J. \Vells in the Chair. A number of Communications were received and read. and a number of m:- Counts ordered to be. paid. RESOLUTIONS Kaake~0ampbellâ€"â€"That the Treas- urer be and is her ebv instructed to pay for Polling Booths, Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks 81c. re Municipal Elections for 191-1. Total amount. being $108.35. W'atsonâ€"Kaakcâ€"That the following named persons he paid the sum oppo- Iite their respective name for services as sheep valnators:â€"Oliver Sturday- $3.00. Norman Hillrsldlfl. A. Bustivick- $1.00. Thos. “Hayâ€"$1.00, E. Marchantâ€" IJIU. )ampbellâ€"-Robinsonâ€" That the Clerk be nut-horiZI-d to order Six C(lpiea of the Municipal \Voi-ld at a cost of $5.00. nununnnunuan“ Christmas Greetings â€"PROKâ€"- Sanderson’s Drug Store _._O_._ \Vo have a fine line. of PERFUM'ES which will be an agreeable PRESENT TO YOUR LADY FRIEND A large assortment of CHRISTMAS CARDS und BOOKLETS IIIANICURE AND OTHER SETS at Good Value How about a pair of GOLD RIEIIIIIED SPECTACLES Camphellâ€"Robinsonâ€"Thatthc usual fUr Mom“ or Father giant, of $10.00 be given to Hospital for Sick Uhildr en. Toronm. \Va‘wiuâ€"Kaakeâ€"That John Boys be appointed Road Overseer in lieu of \Valter Ireland removed, Div. No. 2.‘ COIL 6. _ Kaatke-â€"A\Vatsonâ€"~Thatthe following persims be paid re Hall Rent re Hydro I meetings and Nomination Meetings:â€" \\'in. Urossleyâ€"$900. J. \V. Lurkinâ€" $2.00. W. A. Sanderson DRCGGIST 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 1 RICHMOND HILL 4 E , E E V" V'VVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVV'V Robinsonâ€"Campbellâ€"Thut the fol- Iouing Committee be appointed to ex- amine road re. John Reedmim. and re- port at next meeting. By-Law No. 376 to determine place for holding subsequent meetings of Council. By-Law appmnting Local Board of Health. and By-Law appoint. ing L. 1‘. \Vatson and A. E. Stewart. Auditors and Wm. Hoover and H. (X \Vehb as Assesmrs for current year received tbcir several readings and pax’s‘ed. Council adjoin Il“tl to meet at Sliney‘s Hotel, Scht nib :15. on Saturday Feb. 14th. FARMERS AND WOMENS INSTITUTE MEETINGS Interesting sessions of the East You k Fill'llli'lfi‘ and \Vonn-u's Institute Were held here Monday afternoon and cw n- ing. The former inlet in the Council (1h Imber at 2.30. After a few explan ntory remarks ll\' the secretary. Mr. James Stewmt. ll.“ chair was taken by Mr. \Vm, Pratt. The first address of the after-noon was given by Mr. ()‘ioh who tool< for his subject "Sys- tematic Rotation of Farm Crow." Mr. F‘iliiiie of Newmarket, one. of the Ontario Governments representatives Iollou'ed on the subject “Dairying.” 'l‘lie\\'omeu‘s Institute held their meeting in the Foresters" hall at 3 o'- clock. The speaker “as Miss V. M. Powrll of “'hitby, who is sent out by the department of Agriculture. ller subj-v-i was “A Present Day Need." Miss P.i\\'t‘ll is a clever speaker. and has had a wide experience in Institute work. Those present enjoyed a. pleasant and profitable afternoon. Miss l’oWell also addressed the joiiii meeting of Farmer-9‘ and \Vomeus‘ Institutes in the evening on "Institute \Vork.” At the joint meeting in the evening; addresses wore again given by Mr. Groh, Miss Powell and Mr. Finnie. Mr. \Vrn. Doughaity, President of the Faitiiei-S' Institute. presided. and be- fore closing presented a \ rite ot‘tlmnks_ mm ed and seconded by Mr. McMahon and Mr. Pratt. and supported by Reeve Pugsley. to the speakers. Edgeley. The annual meeting of the \Vest York Farmers" and VVonn-n‘s Institute was held at Edgeley on Friday. Jan. 23rd. The men's meeting: was held in the basement of the Hall, while the women occupied the upper room. Both meetings commenced in the Afternoon at 2.30 ;\lr. Groli of the Provincial dvpart- merit of Agriculture addreswd the men using a Chart showing the ditfer-ent values of feed. and placing a Standard in finding that every farmer should endeavor to reach in order to lump better returns from the farm. At the (‘lnSe' of [lllfi meeting the Ladies sent an invitation from Iheir (lepartlrient asking all to supper “'lllt‘l) they had generously pimidr-d for all who wished to remain for the Herring meeting. Comment-int: at 7 BOo'I-Ioek. II joint meeting Was held “llll'll was largely attended. .\lr. Thus. A. Ki ITt‘l‘ ocr‘lllW‘ lIIE the Chair. The Speakers e'H'h gave \erv ln<ll'll(‘[l\r‘ and interesting addresses. .\lr. (in h talk. ll along the line of Agriculture and what it means. “bile [llt‘lrltllr‘.~'. \Ii<. l,.rinliie and Miss Ptiwell, Rpiiki' III? III" I'v- . quisites of a home. and uh It inka-s a The ' home pleasmt and IlllI.II'll\i'. addrensI-s were listened In with lllllt'll interest and were well received. meeting was then chad with National anthem. lliv 'i‘lle' Public titanium A cair load of fresh Gluten at the Elevator. Also one of good Bran and Shorts. A good supply of PURITY AVD PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. __o___ I Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn I . . axn. . Manitoba. Oats for the Chickens ._0_ Also IIANDLEr'r-m: Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 6c VV. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now iiii +++-lj-I:++1f+++ff++§+f+++f+~é PRINTING STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS ++++++++ Go to the Liberal Office for dill Heads, Letter Heads. Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, I Programmes, I &c., &C. GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, ‘ Post Card Albums. \ Papetries, E Rubber Balls, l ! Etc, Etc. I vi++++++++++++++rni surs§¥r++fre

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