Grain, Cattle Prices of These Prod Crop Outlook Favorable. United Kingdomâ€"Weather generally in- .vornble. and outlook for crepe line. Franceâ€"Some fears of damage from re-1 cent severe weather, but generally the outlook is favorable. Weather mild. Germanyâ€"A succession of freezing and thawing will result in damage. Weather is eonsonnble, but not severe and there is partial snow covering. . Russiaâ€"Crop conditions continue invon able. with weather milder. Romaniaâ€"490 complaints from cram; with weather seasonsble. ' Hungaryâ€"Complaints are coming to hand of damage from recent severe freez- ing. as the crop has a very light nnow pro teotlon. Large importation expected dur- lng now and April. Italy and Asia, Minor-Crop outlook fa- vorable. with weather oesoonuble Spainâ€"Outlook unfavorable. owing to deï¬cient rainfall during the winter. Wen.- ther mild. Indiaâ€"General rain has been conï¬rmed l but too late to beneï¬t to any extent. and is against harvesting in early districts. In northern regions offers of whewt are pruc~ ticslly nil. - North Africaâ€"Imports are contradictory. but generally favorable. Belgium and Jiollandâ€"Sowing progress- ing. with weather mild. Rain urgently wanted. l 'Breadsiufls. Toronto. February 24.â€"Flonrâ€"0nte.rlo wheel: flours. 90 per cent.. $3.70 to_$3.75. seaboard. and at $3.70, Toronto. Manitoba! â€"-Firet patents, in jute bags, $5.40; 00.. seconds. 53.93,; strong bakem', in Jute bags, $4.70. , Manitoba wheatâ€"Bay ports. No. 1 Norm thorn. 98 1-20, and No. 2. 96 l-Zc. Goderwhq l-2c more. No. 1 Northern. North Bay†81.04.‘snd No. 2, $1.01 1-2. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 st 91 to 940, out- ' olde, scogrdlng to freight. and 950. on track. .ril‘oronto. OatenNo. 2 Ontario oats. 35 to 35 1-20» outside. and at 38 to 38 1-20, on track, To-i ronto. Western Canada. oats, 401-20 101‘ No. 2. and at 39 to 39 1-20 for No. 3, Bay pom. Peasâ€"No 2 at. 950 to $1, outside. Barleyâ€"Good melting barley. 56 to 580. outside. Cornâ€"New No. 3 American, 69 1-2o, all rsil. Toronto. Ryeâ€"No. 2 at 62 to 630. outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2 at 750 to 76c, outside. Branâ€"Manitoba bmn. $22.50 a ton, in bags. Toronto freight. Shorts. $24 to $24.50, Toronto. - country Produce. Butterâ€"Choice dairy, 22 to 230; inferior, 19 to 200; farmers‘ separator prints, 22 to 250; crecmery prints. 30 to 310: solids, 27 to 29c: storage prints. 27 to 280; solids. 25 1â€"2 to 26¢. Eggsâ€"Case lots of now-leid, 35 to 360 per ; dozen: storage, selects. 33 to 340, and storage. 31 to 32c. per dozen. , Cheeseâ€"New cheese, 14 34c for large. and ‘ 15c for twins. Beansâ€"Hond-picked, $2.15 to $2.20 per bushel: primes, $2.10. Honor-Extracted. in tins. lb. for No. 1; combs. $3 to $3.25 per dozen; for No. 1; and $2.40 to $2.50 for No. 2. I Poultryâ€"fowl, 12 to 13¢ per 1b.; ohick-, one, 16 to 180; ducks, 13 to 150; geese, 1Q to 150: turkeys. 19 to 220. Potatoes~0ntarios at 83 to 85c per bag. on track. and Dclnwsres at 900, on track. in ear lots. Provisions. Baconâ€"Long clear. 15 to 16¢ per 1b., in case lots Pork-~Short out. $28.50; (10.. mess. 624.50. Hrameâ€"Hedium, 16 to 18 1-20: (10.. heavy. 17 to 180: rolls, 15 to 15 1-20; lzeokfut bacon, is to 190; bucks, 22 to 2 . Imrrdvâ€"Tiercee. 14 1.40; tubs, 14 1-20; pulls, 14 340. D0 Long Breaths Hurt? DANGEROUS PLEURISY ALWAYS BEGINS THIS WAY. Speediest Cure ls Nervlline. Ouch, that. stub-like. pain in the side is like a hot knife blade in the ribs! Probably got overheated-wowed too instâ€"now there is congestion, tightness. such soreness you can’t draw a long breath. This is the beginning of Pleurisy. Pleurisy is far too serious to neglect a single instant. Quickest relief will come from a vigorous rubbing with Nerviline. This trusty old pain reliever will ï¬x you up in no tinieâ€" will take away the coir gestionâ€"xnakc. you well just as it did Mr. Samuel St. Johns, of Stamford, who says.â€"â€"“In running to catch a train Inst week I became much over- lieuicd. i put up tbc train window and rude that way in order to get cooled off. In an hour my side was so full of pain and my breathing hurt so much that i thought i had pneumonia. .1 always carry Nervilinc in my grip and at dcstimuiun l rubbed my side thoroughly ilu'r‘v times. The warm il'PIli'I ruling effcci was soon llOllCP-l able and I quickly got rclicf. Nervl- line i (‘nuslili‘r suicd me from a seri- ous illness." Any sni‘l of :1 cold can be quit-lily broken up with Xvi-villne which is 8. tunnel for reducing inflammation. for relieving: count-stiun in the throat and rhea-t, for curing \rixch iu the side, lumlmgu. nournixiu. sciatica or mouth- :uism. Ni-zbinc li’ml‘v mowing or powci‘i‘ul. Tl‘w 30c. lnrzv‘ i‘utnily size is Ibo mt‘sl m-minmicul. Small trinl 5%,,1- ‘_‘.'w. u: d“:il¢‘l'9 o'\'('l‘_‘v".\'ln*;‘1‘. _ “.41.- .11.--- .I'.‘ll‘.~ wi‘ ill‘iccu nillllv‘n ilulluw to .\l~llI-l‘-‘Jil :ixnl inu xuilfiun «lollati‘s : (.‘lu‘lh‘: I'ISll‘IIHl' ('omuxixsiuncrs {or {v.npi‘mruwu.‘ ncrc balm-rusted 3:: ilm L‘Oll‘.!ll«""<, i'l.i'3<tupln-v liu‘u-n. cue of i'ne n: 7" prnml'nnl li'.i>iiic:\.< men of Hwy county. died at his Immc in (him; Sound :n'tm- :1 ion dujs' ill- :cc.“ “f pucunnvnio. Markets are Here Recorded ‘13 3-4c. Butter~Choiccst creamer-y. 111.0120per, ' 310.50 was paid in some cases per OWL. and Cheese u‘cts in the Leading Baled Hay and Straw. 1 at $14.50 a ton, on track here; No. 2 (11143th nt $13 to $13.50, and mixed at $12 to $12 50. Baled strawâ€"Car lots. $8.50 to $8.75, on track, Toronto. Ruled liay~ No. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg. February 24.49am No. 1 Northern, 901-8c; N0. 2. do, No. 3, (10., 86 3-40: No. 4. 821-2c: No. 741-20: No. 6. 68 1-2c; IPi‘d. 6312c; No. rejected. seeds. 85 3-40: No 2. (10.. 83 340: No. 3. do.. 82c; No. 1 smutw, 83 3-40; No. 2. do. 83 340: No. 3. do, 81L"; N0. 1 red Winter. 901%0: No. 2, (10.. 871-40; No, 3, do.. 86 3-Ae. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W., 350: No, 3. do., 340: extra No. 1 iced. 344‘: No. 1 feed, 31-20: No. 2, do. 32 3-134» llarlejrâ€"No. 3, Me: No 4. 411-2c: rejected. 41c; feed, 401â€"20. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.7W.C.. 31.3112; No. 2 C.W.. 5129 1-2: No. 3. (10.. $1.15 1-2. â€"Whent-â€" 5. ‘ _.,_ Montreal Markets. Montreal. February 24.â€"C»0rnâ€"-.-\rnerican No 2 yellow. 710. Osts~Cunadian West- ern. No. 7. 43 to 431-24", do, No. 3, 42 to 42 1-2c'.. extra No. 1 feed. 421â€"20. Barleyâ€" Manitoha ford. 48 to 49c: mulling. 64 to 650. Buckwheatrâ€"No. 2. 56 to 57c. Flourâ€" Manitoba. Spring whert pnicule. ï¬rsts, $5.40: (10.. seconds. 84.90: strong hakers', $4.75: Winter patents. choice, $3: (straight rollers, $4.45 to $4 60; do, in bags $2.05 to $2.15. Rolled oatsABurrc‘s. $4.25 to $4.35; bag 01’ 90 lbs. $2 to $2.10. Millfecd~ Bran. $23: shorts. $25: middlings. $28; mouillie, 328 to $32. Hayâ€"No. 2. per ton. oar lots. $13.50 to $15. Cheeseâ€"Finest, west- erns. 13 3â€"4 to 14c: do, ensterns, 13 to 281-20: seconds. 2617?. to 27c. Eggs~ Fresh, 36 to 380; selected. 32 to 530: ‘10. 1 stock, 30 to 31¢. Potatoes: ‘er bag, car lots. 77 to 850. United States Markets. Minneapolis. February 24.vâ€"Wheatâ€"Mny, 911-4 to 917-8; July, 93c bid: No. 1 hard 95 3-80‘; No. 1 Northern. 92 7.8 to 94 5-40: No. 2 Northern, 907-8 to 92 3-8c; No. 3 wheat. 87 7-8 to 89 7â€"8c. Cornâ€"N0. 3 yel- low. 57 to 57 1-40. Oatsâ€"No. 3 white, 361.2 ’00 37c. Flourâ€"Fancy patents, $4.75; ï¬rst clears, $3.45; second clears. $2 60. Ship merits. 60,870 barrels. Bran. $22.50. Duluth. February 24.â€"â€"Whentâ€"No. 1 hard, 91 3-40; No. 1 Northern, 92 34c: No 2 Northern. 911-40: Manitoba. No. 2 hard. 88 1â€"4 to 89 1-4c; May, 92 3-50; July, 93 5-8c. Linseedâ€"Cash, $1.54; May. 51551-2; July, $1.57 1-4. Live Stock Markets. Toronto. February 24.4mtlcâ€"Choice butchers', $7.90 to $8.50; good, $7.50 to $7.75; medium. $6 75 to $7; common. $5.75 to $6: choice cows. $6.25 to $6.50; good, $5.75 to $6: medium, $5.25 to $5.50: common. $4.25 to $6.25; cutters and canners, $3.15 to $3.75; choice hulls. $6.75 to 37: good, $5.75 to isms; common. $4.25 to $5.50. Stockers and feedersâ€"Steel‘s, choice. $6.75 to $815; good, I $5.25 to $6 35: light. $3.30 to $5.10- Springere to $82; milkers. $85. Calvesâ€"Good veal, $8.65 to $11; common. $4 60 to $5. Hogs, fed and watered, $9.35 to $9.115; f.o.b., $69 to 59.15; 011' cars, 89.50 to $9 60. Sheep and lambsâ€"Light ewes. $5.50 to $7: heavy, $3 to $3.50: Spring lambs, $9 to $9.75; bucks. $5 to $3.50. with 750 011’. Montreal. February 24.*Good steers and heifers sold at 8825 to $8.50. fairly good at $7.50 to $8, and the lower grades at from $6 to $7 per cwt. Choice butcher cows at 86. and the common and inferior at from $4 to $5.50. Extra. choice bulls, $7.50, while choice brought $6.50 to S7. and the com- moner ones from that down to $4 per cwt Sales of sheep were made at. $5.50 to $6, and lambs at $8.25 to $8.50 per cwt. Calves ranged from S3 to $12 ench. as 90 size and quality. Selected lots of hogs sold from $10 to $10.25, and for small lots an high as weighed 011 can. FROZEN T0 DEATH. An Englishman Pcrishcs in Bail- wny Camp in the North. A despatch from North Bay, Ont... says: Two boys, sons of Far. c, Jodonin, living near Sandy Falls, on the Sturgeon River, while out hunting on Saturday along the rightâ€"ofâ€"way of the C.N.R. under construction, found the dead body of a. man in the railway camp building. The body was lying in a bunk, frozen stiff, and was later Identiï¬ed as that of Thomas Parkes, an employe of the 01311.. in charge of the construction onâ€" gine water tank. Parkes was [about 30 years old, and was a. ser- geant in the British army before coming to this country. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4>I‘ SPAIN STORM-SWEI‘T. Telegraph Lincs Blown Down in All Directions. A despntch from Madrid says: iFl-L‘I‘CE storms of wind and rain arc ravaging the whole. of Spain. Teleâ€" graph lines are down in all direc- tions. and in some instances trains have found it. impossible to make headway against- tho hurricane force of the wind. ' _ _.._-x<._.__ STORM IN CALIFORNIA. chcn Livcs )lny lic lost and Dum- ugc Rcaclicd $4.500.000. .\ (Icspalcli from Los Angclcs, Cal., says: With :1 loss of probw ably seven human lives and more ‘than $4,500.000 since Wednesday. ssoutliern California hogan to re- cover on Sundny night. from the ci~ fccts of the worst» storm in its his» tory. Acawding to an estimate made by A. C. Hansen, assistant city engineer, Los Angeles was (i-imnscd to the extent» of at least $1,500,000. 88 1-40:‘ 1i ‘ year, which has bad n slo:.dyiz g once- on SPEECH PRO)! T] I} TIIRONE. l (ipcning of Third Scssion of Thir- iccnih chislulure of Ontario. IN n u E The speech from the Throne nt- fipcnn‘g of the Ontarm chie'.‘ture I‘uronto on chnmduy is as iollon'ezâ€" on 60 davs’ roticc. Mr. Spcnkcr owl Gentlemen of the Legie~ “Shed 28 y“"’“- lntivc Assembly: ‘ It affords me plcnsurc in \\'("-0(mc 370'! to the discharge of your (lntlcs :1! 1h 3 llli‘ third erosion of the thatcrxtli Legiti- laiurc of this Prov.ncc. Our thanks are due to an ovcrru'ins‘ Providc‘wc, for the abundant hnrvrst with which Ontario was blossrd during lhv- past iiinntcs for the current ycur will be sub- niittcvl w'tlmut delay. ' It is mv crrnmt hour and belici that )‘Im' dclihcr:HEo"s will scri‘e In mlvpnmv ‘tlzc L‘cs't ‘uiermts and wcliure of this 1111' portunt Province. I iluurclnl and industrial co;:d.t§ors gen- erally. In common with our follow-chimps else. wlnrc throughout Cnrcdn. tlw people Of 0.:t..r‘o have cxpci'icrc-Ld grcul r2 lisirc- (Lou from the return of His l’wvri lliqh- ms; the Governor-Gench to this couuirY. accompanied by licr Royal llz'ghi‘vsn iha. Din-Inca of (‘mmziugnb \vln‘sc li'u’lfll' tum to l.c..lth has been a, matter 0. general ill::r'kllllil(‘=8. u's A ill .\ N WA S BA I) LY II U R'I‘. Thc Prim-c of Wnlvs (‘Onvcycd Him to a Physician. 31y (Em, wrs rcprrecuted ct the Intnrprovincinl (‘nnfcrcr‘cc hcid last fall A danabill from Oxford SILVSZ I" the. citv of Of""":1 in “5:94: (‘Vt‘l‘V In D 1- n ' . ‘ . : . . lo 1. Yule (“ Ll C _ ‘ l’rmvncc ill the Dmni “on 1):‘ri..(‘lpal.('(l. T‘ e ‘f “ I S g1â€: p“)th laid to the driver of a. carriage who was injuer by being thrown out of Illle vehicle when the horse, was fzigzbtencd by the tooling of the horn of the automobile in which the Prince was going to a fox hunt on; \\~:diiesduy. The horse tried to jump a hedge when the horn was sounded. and the driver was thrown out and his leg was broken. The Prince tog-k thc. man into his artiomobile and sped to the nearestl village. Not ï¬rding a surgeon he iflok the suffcrer to another village, The prm-ccdings of {hr ( ‘lIi‘l‘C“CC relating in (\chvnl important inilly“ is of p Ll: intercst will be lnid before you for your (‘Ol‘i'<,iIQl'Zl.‘EDII. In ncccrdnrcc with the nn'icuï¬â€˜cv‘r‘ll mode at the last mccting of tha- Lexie?»- Inrc. a ('mnmieeiou n“ Rank: and Iltg‘m wry; has licc'i :1ppni"tcd. n’d has br’IIm the pi‘climinnry work for :1 ocheinc of Find iznprnvei‘ient throughout the I’I‘mi ‘cc Pu'ilic licurings were hold at vnrmue pl.â€ch by mcnr‘s of wh'ch tl'e views of municipal nuiliorilirs uud varicus organ- it'xltimns~ wore (‘lil‘lll‘ll Tlll’ information thus cbiniucsl will be cmbvdicd in the re- port of tho COIlllillï¬slflll. An ncrecmcnt hrs- been reached with the Govwnmm't of (‘rnnda for carrying out in this I‘rm‘lnce the j.r0\'i5l¢)â€œï¬ ri the agricultural instruction act [\fé‘fled by the Dominion Parliament to cover :1 pcrinrl and 10ft him in charge of a physi- "f ‘9" F‘?"r5' .fl"m“““ ï¬rs" V‘smllmm. clan. The Prince. then continued aggrcczatwg $..:2.000, li"ï¬ boon roccivcd. A .. and is Ming 8,"... a~ “2 H... pugs 0; in. an 1115 way to the hunt. 'P N ICE!) )1 A RRIA G EABLE W0 MEN Male Population Pi‘cpondcrntcs by 226.000 in Australia. I struciinn and demon: lion. It is gratifying to obcnrvc the increased intcrcst on thc part of the IFl'll’lr‘Iâ€˜ï¬ of the Province in approved agriculturri moth- cds. An indication of this is found in the fact thnt thc attcndnncc at the Outnr’n Agricultural College is about double what Elf was ten years ago, while the number n ncw Etude:th registered at the Opt-“I , _ ing of the present icrm shows a. marked A de§pamh from Ot'm'w?’ sfa'ys' cdvnrec ovcr that of the preVioun yL-rr instrahah necessttv for immigra- l‘o mcct these (‘Ol‘NllLOilS an culargcl “on. espemauy of {Gmlalle domestlcs, cquipmcnt hrs been provided, and plan; _ I for further extensions are now rcceiving is set out 111 the ï¬l‘St report. of the ntiewtion. i ' ' . ' ‘ _ The number of District Representatives ')Oml.nlons R0381 COH‘TmISSIOn’ ta of, the Ontario Department of Agriculture bled 1“ the HOWSE on “ edDESday by has been increascd and the work of indi Hon. Georgi; Foster. A demand for VldUPI Representative has been made more ‘ ‘- b‘i " _ - 1 effective. One marked lecture has becn Inalllagea e “Qmen 15 S0 empha- the holdipg of rural school fairs wi‘h a tiled, there being a difference of view to Interesting the rising generation ,26 000 botween the male and fe_ male population. of which Mr. Foster is a. member. in better agricultureâ€"seventy of three 'rs having been held during the past visited Australia. and New Zealond last summer. Wu; mason with marked success It. is boned to extend this work until the whole Pr0~ vircc is served. In consequence of the :umption of- power the Hydroâ€"electric Power Commission has been enabled to make a further reduction in the price of electricity. The Commission has urder considerPtion the duplication of the main transmission lire. and is constructing :1 high-tension line to the western boundary of the Province. Information, regarding radial railway projects has been furlllsh‘ cd to communitim ueking the nesistancv of the Commission. while the eii’crts to interest ngri-cul-turists in the use of elcc~ tricity have been continued with promis» rpg results. During the past year the Commission organized a department for the it‘spectionrof electrical installations and equipment, in order to afford protec- tion to life and property. The pnlicy of road development. in Nor- thern Ontario, under the special legisla- tion of 1912. has been extended from tho eastern to the western boundaries oi the Province. About 500 miles of roads. with the necessary bridges and drainage facili- ties. were wholly or partially constructed last. year. involving an expenditure 0! about $1,100 000 The cil'cct of this work upon settlement and upon the value of farm lands has already been noticeable. The mineral production of Ontario dur- ing the past year was the largest yet re corded. there having been a. considerable increase in the output oi nickel. copper and gold, while the yield of silver was about equal to that of the previous Year. I am glad to know that there is every prospect befcre the mining industry of a period of further expansion. An outstanding feature of the education. al situation during the year has been the extension of industrial training through out the Province. In nearly all the large industrial centres evening classes have been organized under the industrial and education not. passed in 1913, showing the widespread desire for this class of in- struction. Sufï¬cient progress has been made in the work on the Central Prison Farm at Guelph to warrant the anticipation that the Central Prison in Toronto will be va- cated in November next. The plain of pris- on reform adopted in the new institution has j‘aï¬ï¬f‘il the experimental stage, and is proving: sutisincmry in every respect. The lobar of the prisoners is being utilized also in connection with the brick mam» factoring- plant established at Mimico. the product. 01 which is used only for pub- lic institutions. The nEw Hospital for the Insane at Whitby is now well advanced and it is be- liove‘d that a. lurge section of it Will be complcied and afford accommodation [or ï¬ve hunde patients by the latter part of the present year. The Commission appointcd to revise and consolidate the Statutes of the Province. having completed its labors. has present- ed its ï¬nal report, which will be laid be fore you. In the mcnntiiue the distribu. tic" has ulrcndy been commenced. During the peat year the Province re- ceived the Federal suluiily of $2,134,000 in aid of the Timiskuming & Northern Orr. tario Railway. A regular train service on the Lake Sllperiur Division. has been inaugurated on the lilk Lake. hrzir‘ch. and the extension in the Abitibi ‘ Wine)â€. alone “in (“St $6~000‘0003 lilivcrl has been (amplctti'l. Srtflemeut in 178 miles of double-track between tic (istrict servo by tie rm Way 0011- , . V ' V y - tinnes to mlvar-cc. while the inquiries Blandon and Calgall‘ to CUSI’ $3" made bv pr<x=pective settlers afl’ord hope ‘ 000.000; 139 miles bctwccn Revelâ€" iul i‘idicï¬'iuus for the future. increased cop- is T0 BAR, DISEASE!) ANIMALS. From British Isles. The regulations under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act have been amended to require that animals imported from Great Britain be accompanied by an ofï¬cial certiï¬- the local authority, and animnls certiï¬cate of the Agriculture and Technical Inst-ruc- tion for Ireland. llEA YOU A (lespatch from Montreal says: Canadian Paciï¬c extension plans last year and this will involve a total expenditure of around $55,â€" 000,000, according to authoritative forecasts current here. Vice-Presiâ€" (lent Bury is in town conferring with the head of the road, but neiâ€" ther as yet has handed out an ofï¬â€" cial statement. The large amount quoted, however, is said to be spread over a. number of years, and that doubleâ€"tracking and other parts of the programme will be pro~ ceedcd with conservatively as the need arises. At the present time there are 133 . sâ€"m kh-‘f~(\».9(|r‘( ......._..v,. -;_.~,... High Class Proï¬t-Sharing Bonds. INVESTMENI‘ may be withdrawn any time after one year Business a: Send for enrclr’l NATIOB‘AL SECURITIES Cf CONFEDERATION LIFE B'JlL DING The commission, I Certiï¬cate Must Accompany Stock Land, says; cat-e of the Board of Agriculture ed by snow, some (1 and Fisheries, instead of that of teen feet high. imported from Ireland by an ofï¬cial ment Department of speaking to the Guelph Canadian miles of doubleâ€"track under way beâ€": tween Sudbury and Port Arthur, I STMENT Serlosâ€"SIOO. $500, SIOOO beck oi these Bonds estab- iclder and full particulars. ORPORATION, LIMITED. TORONTO, CANADA £5 BONITS TO MOTHERS. l-‘ourtccn Monihs‘ llccord of Opera» lion oi Maternity Act. A dcspstch from Ottawa says: The weekly report of the D partr- ,incnt of Trade and Commerce con- tains this paragraph in a. report ifl'will D. H. Ross, Camadzian trade 'ancut in Australia: “Since the Male mi'rty Allowance Act came into force, 14 months ago, 149,229 Com.- mnnwcal-th mothers. have drawn the £5 bonus. and the Treasury has paid out the sum of £746,145 to mark the arrival of new little Aus- tralians. In New South Wales 67,- 140 applications for the allowance have been mad-e, and 56.342 of them have been approved. In Victoria. 40.739 mothers out of 41,052 who applied have been granted the ho- nus.†_.___>x«____. ADMIRALTI' WILL IiCONOMlZE $2,500,001) By Abandoning Naval Manoeuvres. A despatch from London says: The Daily Mail says the British na- val manoeuvres for 1914 have been abandoned, ostensibly on the ground that there is nothing more to be learned from naval monocuâ€" vres, all that was necessary having been ascertained in 1913. The paâ€" per adds that the real reason is a. desire for economy in the Admiral ty, to save the $2.500,000, which the manoeuvres wbuld cost. It is re- called that the manoeuvres .of 1907 were abandoned for the sake of economy. ' Save A! FATAL EXPLO SIGN . Seven Workmen Killed and a Large Number Injured. A despot-ch from Glasgow, Soot- S-evevn workmen were killed, a. large number injured, and many buildings destroyed on Fri- A despatch from Ottawa. says: day at Arden Ayrshire, by an ex_ ploslon at the Nobel Gunpowder Works. >11___. Railway lines in P.E.I. are blocky rifts being ï¬f~' Dr. C. C. of James of the Depart. Agriculture, Ottawa, Club, advocated growing alfalfa ins stead of wheat. in the West. â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- inn BYTHE cm. When Present Programme of Work for 1914 has Been Completed Will Have Spent $450,000,000 stoke and Vancouver, to cost $1†000,000. All this is in addition to other. works going on at the same time in other sections of the countryâ€"new lines between Swift Current and Scdgewick, a distanw of 270 miles; two other branch lines on the main line in Alberta; there is the Wey< burn branch, which is comprised in 476 miles, of which 196 miles have already been constructed. But while no new or startling" features are announced, the Work mapped out will mean as big a disbursement. as if a. sensational programme had been made public. Before the Can- gadian Paciï¬c Railway is through with its present programme of work in the West, including the irrigation Works. ihc Lluululwirack- ing, and tln- new i‘ruckflgjc. amount ing to about 1.201) miles. it will have spent something like 3450.000.« I000 in tlic'wcstcrn part of the coun- try SlYiCC its inccption. Le slution respecting compcnsntion to I um i:' l"rir.~, rcprcï¬cn'ntinn in tho lio-cfrlu‘i n wanbly And other mnt-l tcrs nf'pnblic importance will come beforly for (‘u' >:LI€l‘flllnIl. ' . rs . ‘ ".3 .. an see G :3: You you The mum'ng financial dcmnrde of tho} Province. Nunwcucnt upon its develop" UIP‘YE and t‘." msinn of its public oer-l yin and .w .. . ("ill for Incrcnsed cx-l pend nrcu fr-lux )r‘nl‘ to year To meet; these cordziiuns :2 larger revenue. witlvE will becbtained from a’ ynnr approval. I an equn- , number at availabln satin-cs on able and reasonable bu 7- 500. a box; 6 for $2.50. At all dea- A scr‘ous and protracted illmva has be; i'ellen my Prime Mini-:tcr, the lender of. this House of Assembly. evoking {lic dccp; sm-rmv and sympathy of the whole com-i munity. It is very gratifying to know' that the recovery 01 health and strength seems now to be assured. The public acconn will be brought dawn fur your (‘Qlfdifl-El'llfloil a: 1hr ear- moment, and the supplementary ea- ' let‘s. It you can’t get them in your . n 01 ghborhood, order direct. Sample free if you mention this paper 11 P c (13" . uring your Ki neys '3 Gin Pills turn the urine BLUE. A few hours after starting to take Gin I Pills for Kidney or Bladder Trouble, you will notice that the mine has A changed color. You see for yourself that Gin Pills have reached the spot and . have started to cure. It won‘t be many hours more until you FEEL that they are doing you good. Take Gin I'ills on _ our positive guar- antee that they will ’ cure you or money » refunded. hilam! Drug and CtemicarOo. oi Cam: limited. Tomlin. 187