Fm.. Mar. 27- Hnlvstvin crnttlv. 40. Gun 1. Vnugl Frank Boyle. Terms 8 unmllw $.\T.. Mm. ZSâ€"I' nwnls km. lvt ll Ilw pl't‘pul‘ly t-ft at l n'clnck. To Max. Mar. 30â€"] mnnts. (ha. [(-I 1* the pn-pmtv of 5.110 at 1 (:‘cluck. small ( new; 1 not. us [)(NLS. 9 u and 1.") in qu:1nl_it_v_ h Im-Ms &<'.. LA 8. (Km. (*hnruh. llw pquxty nf SLr-uklvy. Sale at 12 u ( luck 8 mumhs. “'16â€, Min. ISrâ€"IPHI'IH Muck Int-Ms (bu. Int 20. (Inn. 7. 1’1 the pu-pm-ty uf Hugh (it-ei‘ at 12. Terms 8 months. Martin 51min: nlsn u pm plunlpnml ï¬ne as natule me. One 1 _\'mr 0M 0 This hind is worth $15.00 tn fuucivr. A quantity of 0.A.('. fl-eo frmn wild seeds; price bushel. . SA’I THURS , Mau'. lQâ€"Fufln stock, impu- ments. &c.. Int 35. Gun. 1. Markham tho propmty Dr Henry Richnrds Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 numlhs Maxu Mar. 23â€"Funn stuck. inuplv monks, &C.. Int 50. Cull. l, Vaughan] the prupvrly of \an. Rnhilmm 5 do at lu‘t-lnt-k. Turns 8 months. Tl'Ea'I).\Y. Mun-ll 24~Auvti0n Sale ul “ulstviu with; 101 13. (‘uIL l. Ymk Lansing. (he Dl'UlN‘l'lY (-f Bah-s “rm Phone (it-mgr H. Si|ll‘i|ty1“(‘](l Tm’ns†MM. 1 Int-ms &;:.. [ml the property ‘ at 12 n‘uhmk, FRI.) “[ul'. [3 nu-nts &(-.. lnl gm pmpvytf (WISDAY. anh :24 Huls‘h‘iu (nle ‘0‘ Lansing. the prom V1911. MM: 23â€"Fn muntc. kc . Thmn of G. H. McKenziv. Tel-ms 8 months. \If [)I ice 'md Org: Pearson. 8 umnl hs RIDAY. Fuh. 27.7 Auctmn 9 punlhy and furniture at It 4, Mmkhnm. tho pmpm-ty Jufl'l'uy. Sale at 1.30. Tm About ‘20 cords of rxlrn goml il timher. cut 4 ft. 4 in. lung. 3 cedar pusts. all sizes, on East )t 25. Con. 6, Vaughan. Apply to NFIL \Vll.LlA M MALLOY Inc-Ms &v.. h lht‘ prnpvrl)‘ at. l‘ u'ulmtk. hursos, nuplunents, &r-.. 1: 9. Murkhmn. thl- prnpvlly Bnker. Salt-n1 H ("(tluck. mnnths. mi'nlS. lhv pm sun. 1‘ mulan ’ES.. Mar. llpFnl-m stuck. implu- numts &I'.. lot 23. Gun. 3. Mmkhrun. lhv pl'an-I'U' (-fJ. Lllllilll. th‘ut 12 “clnnk. 'l‘ornw 8 months. EUNESDAY. March llâ€"Aucriun th‘ rr' Hnlsu-in until“. the prnlwrty nf Jr-mm‘ H. BIGKPH’IJF, ’l‘hulnhill. N: 1 Bull Oak St L nsm I! wovks. ugh :uld hrvssvd n‘vr Pip“. ('mu-l - 9auu112in.u . Mm. 23â€"1-‘nrm *nls kn. [M 13. (‘nu x pmpm-ty (-f valg l n'clvok. TH‘IIH 8 .. Mar. 30â€"-F;u-m mis. «ha. [(-I 10. (hm mlt-hihg at “my arr llu Prentice Register. Imp. I.H.( c. in gum {an m ï¬rs M &(‘.. lu127.(hm. I, npl'Hy Hf Mrs. Mmy SHIP :IL 1 u't'lm'k. For Sale ‘h For Sale For 8 ale . 2Tâ€"Jligh clnse hm: lCHIUP. ilnplvlllt'lllS Nu, . Vaughan. tho [ii-plum! ' .‘Iuplu I-ty of Hugh nus 8 months u'. 19â€"min" '.. Int 35, (Tun, S-t‘t' "ll 1 30â€"Fnl-m St‘vck. imple- lt-l 10, (3011.2. East Yurk. v of Mm. Eliza 'l‘ustin. luck. Tm Inv- 8 mnnths. 33â€"Fnrm Huck, imple- VThm nhill‘_tlw Juï¬-erl)‘ 22â€"me sun-k. i l 27. (hm. (3.. Pickt of Uriah Perl-y. 'l‘e‘l ms 8 mumhs [445. I have in SI ssvd Lumluw. Cone] Wm-u-tu Bulls for g n.1n dimmâ€"tm on l '26, Gun. (5. Pic! ‘f .lnn. (Lnlvmt. Terms 8 mnnths' ‘â€" Fax-m SlUl'k. \\'. BAKER 20, (‘ml\. (i. MM Vinm-nt “3mg ‘l‘llllS 8 months. GEO. COOPER. “'illmvdulf Ni tovo, 1 sluvn, .. Uusnlinu d {unning H i 51h \medluidze f n m stuck (im-mlex‘ ‘.-urm stm-k, implo- Thm-nhill. the pun- mund. Sulï¬ all 1 {Int-HUN. Faun slm-k. ilnplv- .(‘-Ull. 7‘ Murklluln. Salt n-m stock. imple- . Cum. 2. Vaughan, ‘mmgvSr‘lu-ll. Sale ms 8 umnlhs. my) S}- L'. [typif- Aha ham» :1 sumll “'hitv “'ynndntle ($3.00 your setting 9 famous Juhn S. n a pull bf 13 us mmue can make ‘Il'lll sh Auction Sale I»: H'lll 8U ('llll. l. Mnl'kl lln- pmpmly Sale at 1 Hr] rm stuck. imple- “UN. 3. Mulkhum. Lunnll, Sult‘nt‘lz nn. [ho I), J. Path-mun. ‘11115 8 :nnntlw. stuck. implv- In. 1. Markham. Helm); lwd Merm. 8 nth th- at stuck {Id mum uwdium duck. implo- 7. Pu'koring‘ (Ereig. Sub :tuck. implo- (3. ;‘ldlk|):lln. cï¬hdim OL‘ 'vnns "k. imph‘ I’ickvring I’ :. Implo- Sam hm-h. It? Juhn Engim order: . imphl laugh" n Htr-plwn Tm ms 5 implv harbor“ “[0180†l Barley euls pm chicken implt lit'l ing (l pipe Inlva \\'hi( I‘m-Ins (‘1;er mu kt $4.0M. Nun h rms S) ltd;- Half Suï¬ llllt CfHV nsh 3.150 l'lllS‘ Int 0U rte 1H 111 Go to the Liberal OffiCe for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, \Vedding Invitations, Envelopes, , fig-ff-!~++~!:+-§-+++~§:Â¥-++j~+++++++ iTHE Elliott. Terms 9 months. Sale at l p.111. THURSDAY. Mart-h 267(‘vwdit/ sale of farm Sim-k. implmnenls. on: P'rnp- mty nf & Russ l)lll!~‘l(‘ll. Int 12. (Mn. 3. \Vvst, ank. Tvrms 9 months. In Marble m- Gmnit: [gflsrvlmlule charges. Tu Tombstone F. J. WQUDWARD ALL HRA’N( HES OF‘ THE TRADI STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. 4 +++-Â¥++++*M++++++++++++++ PRINTING '; STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS! School Books. Standard Ngvels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums. Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc‘, Etc! Jns. I’m-mock. 'I'H-uls H mnzlulï¬. Salt: :11. l p.111. WED. Mulch lSâ€"Auclion salx- of puro' lm-d Hulstvin Cattle. N‘Hl' Int 7, (Wm- (i. Vaughan. Inn-u Pin-.- Gz-m‘v. [he pmporly of “"m. \Vutsnn. WEDNESDAY. Mun-ch 25~Urmlil SHIP of farm stl-rk, implmm-uts. Nu, nt-nl “'(mdln'idgp. I’rnpwly uf Gen. Elliott. Terms 9 months. Sale ul- ’l‘m-ms 9 mnnlhs \VRDNESDAY. Mn of farm stool. lntJ. (Rm. (5, of Fn-«l Buggs Snlv :II I DJII. THURSDAY. «If (“le'wd Din-hum 1:: 3, 'w. Suli‘ :lt PA'I‘RONAGE Snum’rltr; AND S.\'1‘1sp.u"v‘1()x (I'I'AHAN'I‘I (In In! L3. Um]. ('Ily (If Mult nmmhs. Suk 8HOEING LAKE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY l‘itl mn.\\‘ st nck. hl-idgr Mnnulm-M-s :m GENERAL BLACKSMITH. New Gormley S Ill)50rihr~ for Saigeon 6c McEwen Register GOOD STOCK OF 1 p.111 . WUUDWARD. implement l’mpm-tv )xnnnlhs. Mn roll \V. A. J ONE‘ ultlo :In Mum'h 5U! llt- huz'St-S, nlnvk Buns. Tvrnw 5 nlo :n l pan. '(‘h 61hâ€"UI'NHI 'th- hf imph-ans, rlr†nmr ’H-pt-rly of D1. Iru'm. u. Trims!) nmulhe. u-ch 10â€"(‘M-dit snh- uf iluph'llu'lflh‘, on†(an Int, Vaughan. Properly ~l Riuhm-(lx‘. Tums 9 111' all p.111. Mun-ch 11â€"(7n-dIL sale k, implonwnls. vita. non! -. Prupvrty «.t' Edward 11:15 9 Innmhs. Sale at Markets and (‘urnm Il‘L‘h 4lhâ€"( implcnu-nl Vaughan. :. Tt'lms‘ Buchanan St LI‘BER AL Lettering rogrammes h 41h uitv. Gnnd \vmk Town on ('unntry Sflll ‘dit . lhplnnghl arm «mph-nu nuuhnn. P1 PM 01 edit snlv snh hn It] I'npvl'l)‘ 01 9 "ninth; .. (in In! PI‘HIH‘I ly Terms 9 Tums Tnx'nntu 11H HH pvrly mths (KT H'Hl n-d nls : uh in I The next meetma or the Council r elpalitv nf Vaughan win be I the Town Hall. Yellore HOUSE PAINTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper-I Hanger. RESILENCE. RICHMOND [III I, for your stock. Nothing better for putting your stock in good condltion, especially for milk cows. Highly recommended by the: best authorities on milk and beef production. Also an excellent food for horses. For Sale by MONDAY, MAR. 2. 1914 W. HEWISON TORONTO, BARRIE (S: ORILLIA RAILWAY COMPANY l0 (hv Olmuiu ngislumw at its next Svssinn fur an Act Ilium-using the lmnd- iug pnwels of the Company. empower» ing the (‘nmpuny [u Opt‘lilll’ its railway on Sunday and I'Xl(‘lldll\;! the Rim» ful' the r1umm'nu-ment nf tlw Railway and the expenditure of ï¬fteen per cent of the capital there-(m. . Dnth January NH). 19} l. Vaughan Council Caldwell’s M OLASSES MEAL Residenceâ€"Richmond H111 Tn‘l‘l-‘ht 3| small farm. with gmu buildings, handy to Ynnge Strum. Addu‘ss. BOX A. ’ Past Oï¬ics’, 33-3} \Villuwdult BICKNELL, BAIN. MACDONALD & GORDON l have r-lie-nt: to purchase property of all kinds. Tlmrv is no dml mo large, mu] nnnv tun sumll to receive my best ultentinn. [f ynu have Pmperty for enlo I “'(Hlld he‘ glill] if you would have nw call to talk llu- mutter m‘el' with Lax-ets 5 WHHIS. 4 pr \porty 30-6 PAINTER AND DECORATOR ’mu L. Innes & Sons HOSE 29â€"11 JOHN ELLIS MORTGAGES Bnt'un'r AND 8014) \Vhy not try Application ud wand MONEY ‘ 1000 in princip: 11s. on imprm‘ RICHMOND HI L.L Sum-it us for the (‘umpnm PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING PAPERIIANGING. GRAININH GLAZ'NG. KHSOMINING. Etc. L E . G L A S S . Real Estate Agent ng ATTENTION I RICHMOND HILL nvral sen \‘unt fm MRS.‘AR'l‘l-H'R BUYLI For Sale Wanted Wanted Am'h‘ will he made llv the C ‘wee,: Eu PHONE 1p .‘~H1:.\1\\ Ll\1 ‘ ). Managua ACnd-'an:l’. ‘m 0§909+0§999o99000§9990.0w 0O§O§§§O§§§O§§§§§OO§OOOOOO T0 Richmond 1f $500 and up- farln or town 16 in McLEAN. ( HICISI of the Mn held in u-m Gmml Hill ROSEVIE\V AVEâ€"Thum- gmul (-m-m-r- Inls 50x14â€. Full snmll x140. Also smue vlwim- luls 50x15†fm-ing snulh and build park. Pl‘HSLEXb AVEâ€"('lmiu- lm‘ntinn fur fur-[my whuw \vuIm-n * with park on mm side and flmve-r garden on the nthâ€: (‘vllw Elvclriu light nml pmvm'. “'utvr :IL 90 Hrs. pwwm'e supplied BAKER AVEu~Running frnm Mnlkhnm Ave. to Rnsevlow Avo. Lots 50x15“ with ideal (ll-ailing». ()nlv [muses costing $25!)“.OU and upward mm In- lmilt nn this Avennm \vhivh insmvs ynu against (lvprociutiun by others building :1 (‘hl‘HD hunsv hesidv you. 9 00¢. O§§§§§9§§§O§§§§§O§Q§O§ OO-OQ'O§§O§§§4§OOO§§OOQOOO¢O The STANDARD BANK of CANADA Cash on hand and in Central Gold Reserve and Notes and Cheques of other Banks Gogemrpent Deposit to secure Circulation ' . . . . Due by Banks Covgmnlen}, Municipal and oxher Degcnturcs I. . . 2,540,277.52 Call Loans on Bonds. etc. . 2,659,645.86 Assets immediately available $3,856,092.35 Loans and Discounts . . 30,664,507.“ Liability uncle! Leners of Credit per Comm . . Bank Premises. Flechold. Head Ofï¬ce And Branches I.053,505.5| o'her Assets . . . . 66.9I9J4 $8736.692278 Shorthcrns Phone Richmond Hill Central ('AN 31‘ §O§§§9§O§O§O§§§OOOO‘OO’OOO 060004 900004 6004.00.09. O §§§§+ ï¬Â§0§4§§§§§+§§§90§§§§§ .OOOO§§§§OO§9§959§ §§§§O Present offering 6 Bulls from 5 to 1.; months, of the low down, thick kind, all Red fen Cows and Heifers Bred. Bulls and Heifers are sired by a Half Brother to the ï¬rst prize milking Shorthorn Cow two years in succession at Toronto Exhibirion. The Cows ere of a good milking strain. spa red, all Bred ('nsl THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU PHONE New Perfection Coal Oil Heaters ][‘ST THE THING FOR COLD WEATHER REGHMGNB HIL’L HARDWARE 00. Hockey Skates . . . . . . . . . . . . from 500. Hockey Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . from 10c. Hockey Pucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 100. Hand SleigLsn» . . . . . . . . . . . . from 250. Leather Mitts and Gloves . . . . . . . 250 Special Price on all Heating Stoves to clear out stock. COLD WEATHER S PECIALS From Report to Dominion Government, 313! Jam, [91-] Roseview Gardens In Leicesmers a few Ewes and Ewe Lambs can be LOTS FOR SALE RESOURCES N.R.~Cut this :Id\'l. nut and send it to Hunt f! ivnd~ ARRIICD FROM ONE ROOM TO ANOTHER AND HELP KEEP 'L‘HE HOUSE WARD/1 ELMBANK FARM Fm- further particulars write m' 891 W. J. LAWRENCE, $7.9l 5,545.95 STATEMENT (1k\'/)]:L\'.\'/"I‘ I 30,000.00 610,623.02 l08.968.37 g4 RCSELAWN AVL: , TORONTO. or RICHMOND HILL OOO Capital . . . . . Reserve Fund, Surplus Proï¬ts and Rebate of Interest on Bill: discounted . . . Dividends . . . . . Notes in Circulation Deposits . Due to Bank: Acccpunces under Lute-rs oi Credit . . . THOS. "aHOMSON, HEADFORD 9.0., 0x12 p ntlwr lm-ulitivs :Irv :It :1. stand inrmr. your mmwy than right in '9 will I)? nhnnt fully "was of It Rivlmmnd Hill in {I‘ll yenls. Wlufl'r‘ \vuIm-n 'Il‘l‘ r the ntht-r. (‘vlus‘o to 10. Run small lots 4:! ft. (iin. ulh :nnl barking up in llu )1 A N LIABILITIES Leicesters BAT to $4.00 pair to 60c. each to 250. each to 1.75 each to 1.25 pair $6,746,992.73 52.860.240.00 3,90L43457 92,579.23 2,652,643.00 35.0!8,592.10 LI H.535.“ H1820! ompluyml. » railway. minimum 108,968.37