Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1914, p. 1

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ioeussd Auctioneers for the County at York. Salosutauded to on shortest notice and at rem cox-able rates Pettronwe solicited LASKAY P. 0 Licensaal Aucnoneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farm and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-lmdnte methods. Phone No. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respcnded to. All mail orders wiIl receive prompt attention. llBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE 200 BERESFORD AVE. “'1251‘ TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. '1‘. F. MCMAHON. Address: 239 Bulliol St . North Toronto Phone in House. North 2292. T. Samson Maple BHURSDAY MORNING D. H. PINKERTONJ V.S. DR. W. A. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE 1*“ 0. IE GAN FIN: house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. SATISFACTION G CARA NTEE-S VOL. XXXVI. VETERINARY SURGEON, l‘Iaplo. ()n t. H LICENSED AL'CTIONEER JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Smgoon & NlcEwen. BUSINESS CARDS ., OFFICE .xxn RESIDENCE per annum, in advance.] ’l‘hornhill. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. E5112 gfgiberal IS PUBLISHEDEVERY J= H. Prentice Ennou £1 Psomxmon . the County of York Phone No. 240:2. RESIDENCE AT THE J K MeEwen Wanton ONTARIO COMMISSIONER. (‘ONVEY Richmona Hill Mouovt can ouland anucbattw mortgagesat owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Rexr mod to the old post oflioq one door wut of the entrance to the Outano Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post oflice '1‘ Basnsanaxsox G S'rv MORGAN AUIDX‘B. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL BARRISTER. SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn Office. Room 328 Confedex-a tim: Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-HY ()fl'kre). every Thursday fm-encmn. anlp. Thursday afternoon. “’codbridae. Saturday forenoon. Monev to loan at Fixe Per A large stock of Funeral Furnishing ken at both places LENNOX & MORGAN Tel. 31. 3631. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Telephone, Main 311 Cable Address. "Dedo.‘ the Schnol that has the habit of doing a class of work that bears the stamp of “Superiority.” Open all year. Enter any time. Handsome Catalogue sent on re- quest. Before you supâ€"Look Ahead. Brfm e you Act. Plan :md Aim High. If \‘(quim to get. A Superior Business Education you will be lnokiug tw Wurdthe mELLIOTTfl A- e .G. . Lawrence Barristers,SoIicitors. Notaries, 85c Home Life Building Cm. Adol‘ & Viotoma Sts.. l‘m‘u‘ntn Undertakers & lTthnlmol's Cor Yong: and Alexander 525 PIANO TUNING THORNHILL Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover & Field . Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristers and Solicitors. NOTARY PUBLIC ISDIONER. CONVEY 1N"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance . A. NICHOLLS TORONTO, _ON’I'. Sofin 5. gauidson EDWARD FRANCIS, WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK Organs Repmred. Expert Work VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL 1zu’m'stws, Sulicrurs NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL f3. 1914 W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlncipal In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Pnoue Main 2984 Cont, (57o Adelaide MISSION BAN D The mission band will hnld thei'.‘ Eastm- mee-ting (in Monday. April (5. Easter and Missionary songs will be selected, while very intei-Psting rend‘ ings on missionary Work will be gii‘en spi-ciully for Easter week. ""3 in the Lccal Ceaislnturo. It is reported that R. Lathzun, chain. man of the license board, has bpen re- Cnmmeudod for the pnsltinn of license inspector fur East York and that J. Thmnzis of Markham Village will likt-ly be appuintr‘d to fill the vacancy on the license board. u. waunny. P.S.I. paid his half- yearlv visit to the public Schuol one day lust week. The service in the Molhodist Church last Sunday morning wnscunducted by several members of the 1-3pm:th Lnuglw. A large crowd atteudvd the sale of Mr. Thomas Rupelt‘s household etfects on F1 iduy lust. A special service under the auspices of the \Vumens‘ Anxiliary will be held III the Methudist Church on Easter Sunday evening. The Choir will ren- del- suitable music. The Buy Seuuts of the vxllage are preparing to give a cuncu-t in [be nem- future. Ml'. John Cnmuhs. a pinneel of York County pussml away at his home here 011 Sunday. in his 83rd year. The funeral tank place on Tuesday after- noon. " Mr. and M724. F-vexett Brown left Tuesday for their homestead at Ryan- dale. Sask. Mi; J. Palmer left lmstilv for Ireland upon receiving news that his wife was du_n_geu_ms!_y iH. MT. L. Roberts has moved to the fourth line. He has hired for the season with Mr. \V. F. Nichols. Mr. G0(‘.'_Frisby has returned from vigiting relatives in Tux-onto. The Women's Institute met at, the hnme of Mis. \Vilmot Brumweli but owing to the bad state m" the roads the attendance was not huge; still a vexv interesting session was held. Mrs. L. Stoutenburgh and Mrs. G. Dennis lead papers and Miss Marguerite Blown guye a Ieudipg. MISS}. Uollald is: nrmrkriti‘g few days visit to flieuds in Turuntn. The review on Sunday was very in- teresting. The 19550115 were divided in two parts. Miss Margaret Jennings taking the first six and Miss Isabella Frishy the second. Both papers on these divisions were comprehensive and instructive. Master Russil Boyn- ton read a short essay on China. Misses Myrtle Jennings and Hazel Boynton sang .‘L duet accmnpanied by Miss Kathleen Dennis. MasterMun-ay Smith contributed a violin solo. The North Toronto Liberal Execu. tive held a business meeting last Satur- day night tu arrange for the- coming banquet. which takes place this month. There are very few unemployed in this vicinityv at, pl'eSPnt. and all kinds (if work is to he had. Manycontractors hnvecomnu-nced thoil Sp: ing building. Manufacturps have ()pmu-d again, :uflicipgging a busy summer. The S. D. Hunter. Publishing Co. have recently npened their new oflive in Eglinton and have started a weekly pllblicntinn Cullvd "The North Toronto Sphere" in thxs paper the needs of the North end Ratepayers will be dis- cussed. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Alhex (us :u'enmw of their friends ( The evening was enohre and music ‘ The CPR. is fining to proceed with the North Toronto station and viaduct just as snnn as the- city council settles the question of the Ynnge street widening. Both have been louked fur for Svnlt‘ time. About 200 guests were present at the laldit's‘ at home hold Fnduy night. by York Musnmc Lodge. No. 156. in the Mnsunic Temple Eglintun. A fine musical entmtuinme-nt was given by Miss Myrtlo (YOUk. Miss Margaret Ayling. J. Kelley. (‘. Stanley and Duncan Comm. After supper dancing was indulged in until can-1v mmn. M. \V. Bm. \V'. D. {\IcPhexst-n. U. M. was [risenh Victoria Square. News Notes. North Toronto Mame. Alfred Gordon of 72 entertained a number one night last week. spent in progx essive m mfik M R. “'ALTER HO \VE Mr. \Valter Howe who is to present :fipmgrmmne of selections from Fm quus Poets and Huumx-ists at the Pi’eshvtexinn church this (Thnxsday) evening. comes to us with the must eulogistic press notices from vni-inus snux-ces all over the world. Fur exam- ple. the Scheurctndv Dailyâ€"~"A mus- ter of those subtle. inlellcctuul dis« criminntinns which declare :1 man a final artist.” Milwaukee SentinPl says: "\anter Hmve‘s Cardinal Inquisitor is a mastupiccr." University College Course. New Haven. Commâ€""W'alter Hmve kept a large audience at College Hall convulsed with laughter hy funny impexsonatinns and interested with anecdotes." As none of the seats are reserved. those who desire at gnod lo- cation should come ezu-ly. Stallion ownex 3 should read carefully the Stallion Acl necemly passed by the Ontm-iu Government. The Enmluwnt Bmu'd are arranging for the rigid en- forcement. of the Act. this year. and it would be wisdum on the pun-L of stallion owners In comply with the require- ments. To advertise a horse which is not enrolled Would be u contravention hf the law. The fee for enrolment is $2.00. One of our old friends who has been a gnnd neighbor for a number cf years, Mr. Henry \Vilsnn. with his family is remnving on a farm near Schnmberg. The friends they leave behind wiah them every success in their new home. Mr. E. Hellmt w hu bought the hush nn the farm formerly owned by Mr. Alex. McCugue, and erected a pmtable saw mill, is pretty well through with the cutting. He entail the pine and hard“ owl frmu 5 inches to twu feet in diameter, and the piles still nn the gl-uund with the amount of wood and logs that was hauled away. ShOW it big season’s work. Mr. M. Patton is buying up a. car load of registeled cattle for the (Janu- dizm West. The lot will include a stock animal for which He paid $100 at Mr. Boylt’s sale. The tulinery hands are busy. and are now putting through 50 sides moxe per week than they did in the early pay; of the winter. Some of our farmers who are bulld- iug up herds of registered cattle put- chused Several head at Mr. Frank Boyle’s sale of Holsteins last Friday. Mr. Dan Kerswill bought one cow fa $300. and anutht-r for $240. Mr. Giles Kgyswill :llsn got a-fine cow fur $155. 0n the first of April. Mr. Fred l)il»l) and family mm‘ed from the 3rd (Inn- cessmn Vaughan Township to the splendid farm of Mrs. Mulluv-Brmvn, lot 29. 5th Concession of Vaughan. For the past five years Mr. Dillb and faulin have lived on the furm which they have just vacated and prerinus to that resided fur nine years at Elgin Mills. During these fourteen years they have been regular attendants at St. Johns Anglican Church. at Jeffex- son; and have always been held in the highest esteem. The members of this church esoecmlly regret this removal of Mr. Dibl) and family, but the lzlttt r may feel assured of the best Wishes of the whole Umnmmiitv, as they take up the work in their new sphere of labours. Thankin youer'r.‘ Editor ful‘ your time and spac0.~â€"[ remain Yours TI-ulv I wish tn say a tow wmds through your valuable paper in respect. to the almve prupOSitiun. In the first piano, I am (If the Opinion that it can be done; in the second place, it will be an accomplished fact if ovmv resident. has the interest of the village at heart. and willing to do their best. My first suggestion is that there be organized a Horticultural Society. and if that is done under the Statutes of 1910, them are a great many privileges that thv members will rt-ceive. Any person 18 years of age can become a member. My second suggestion is that the citi~ Zens (If this place should not fail to take advantage of the very kind ni’fer uf our esteemed Florists, Mr. Mills. Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Lawrence. who have promised me to supply, free of cost to the members, all the Rose Trees that may be necessary to plant in their front lawns on the condition that they are properly taken care of. Now to c mclude. All who are willing tn sup- port this propositiun. if they will hand in their names tn me as soon as possible. I will be pleased to call a Public Meet- ing for O-rganizatiun. r Shall Richmond Hill In Gurdm of the PH ONTARIO STALLION ACT El 1' Editor and Follow â€"â€"H ¢.p.â€"+§â€". Elgin Mills. OPEN LETTER Jefierson J. H he the Rose rm-inm-f’ Truly Sanderson. Citizt n 'All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLZERIES. Canada Portland Cemens . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the BL. 8c W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES D.- HILL & GO. Bakers and Confectioners STIVER & RAMER Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat. A car load of fresh Gluten at the Elevator. Also one of good Bran ard Shorts. ' A good supply of. PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. v“ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv; AAAAAAAAAAA Allenhury's 1, 2. 3, Hm-lflck's Multed Milk, Nestle: Food. Mellins‘ Food _~n~_ Comforts and Teething ngs AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY W. A. Sanderson Pubtic Attention Sanitarv 'md Measured and all accessories for the same And everythingvfm‘ the Baby For ihe Baby; nsisting of u“ the best makes ____0__ Talcum P owder RICHMOND HILL Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk [Single copies, 3 cts. ALSO H ANDLE THE Bordin Eagle Brand Baby Foods ___0~__ Our lines of for the Chickens DRUGGIST . .AND..‘ Cracked Corn |>

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