Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1914, p. 2

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Toronto, March wheat flours, 90 per 83.85, seaboard. and ronto. Munltnbus- Jute bags, $5.50; (10.. seconds strong bakers', 1n jute bugs. 3-“ Manitoba wheatmuuy ports Northern. 98M; and No. 2. 9630 10h. be more. No. 1 Northern Bay, $1.04i, and N0. 2, $1.02). Ontario wheatâ€"Market is fit 2 quoted at 98c to $1. outside, lng to freight, and $1 on track, Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario nuts _are ( SIM ll 3H; (HL‘IBRIDGH "\fm'd Ronlv A despub (‘ambridge ‘ urday in U: race over t‘ «nurse frum the Thames THE PANAMA CANAL MUS and was l]L‘\'(’l (‘amhrldge v A Bitteriy Contested Legislative Struggle Con- ‘fronts President Wilson’s Administration S u may 1d Corn Ame oront Rve- r] n “'Inmneg. March No. 1 Northern. 9 rts. $2 utter best a are Grain, Cattle and Cheese 1t (1L1 -NO. do 760; feed 8W0; No Prices of These Products In the Leading Markets are Here Recorded 1t Baled Kay )1 a y â€"T h e M IDES ibout ; inf! s, store )fi’ering 23 \to their seventyâ€"first, annual r the four and a half mile 'um Putney to Mox‘tlake, on nes River. Thv Cambridge pt» tn the frant at the start spatcl Coumry Winnipeg Grain. lit In steady. ) a ton $13 to min" In SM‘culy-flrsl Annnnl Event. Breadstufls. Ont side Provisions :1 re (1 u 0 t P Marl u 76 ‘. on track. k, car lots 1 bran “IN S BOAT RA (‘1’. 71c frum London says: at-ml Oxford on Satâ€" sswcuL-yâ€"first, annual he ring, with D“ outside. mlung bark) Tic ‘ese quoted at 1 16 to 1610 for 1 (ed quoted at‘SZ GS“ Produce is fairly domand. 18 tr and Straw. offerings are fair No. 1 is quoted at on track, here: No. ;13.50. and clover at lots. $8.50 to $9, on t'm Luge. with prices per dozen in case tut Medi'um, 18 180; rolls. 1! 18 to 190.; b: 1.â€"~Cash:â€"Wheat ; N0. 2. (10.. 8830; 835c; No. 5. 810: No. 1. rejected, ‘ 8450; No. 3. do.. _180 per X‘ n stor toil , $2.10 to $2 tins, quoted 1: combs, $2 16c but 1 Ca na and at barley )rding d \' m 41 19c ntO age 1H firm follows yer 1b.. firm. with The cod. with .‘he offer- lce dairy. farmers“ creamery a prints. 50 1t n, with quoted elawares mp: 41 :oderâ€" North W H lght ntc that 10: ME for “(‘8 th ,IES :\d ils tbt 3. V0 1t at 1 Democrat 1- publicans the Pl‘ug] three nan r di May. $1.65é hutche $7.60: $8150. medium Light 6 ‘â€"$s.75 $3 the wind was blowing, Cambridge thus had the s/helter of the bank and smooth Water in which to row, while‘Oxfordl had the rough water. of the latter sold as low as $7 4 weighed off cars. The tone of the 1 ket for sheep and lambs was Ste with a fair demand for small lots sales of the former were made at to $6.50. and of the latter at :8 to per cwt.‘ The demand for calves good at prices ranging from $3 to each. as to size and quality. 91 to $6 per ( good each, Albany Assquny Authorizes Ex- penditure of $20,000. A dos-patch from Albany, N.Y., says: The. Nelsml Bill, designed to appropriate $20.000 for the celebra- tion in February. 1915, of one hun- dred years of peace between Great Britain and the Unified States. passed the Assemny by a vote of prin Minneapoli Kc; July. 1 11‘ ntreal 3 mm T0 (' ELI-IR RATE PEA ('E. 1U $11)”). he min who ans, an rugresslves United St ates Markets. Live al'tles are Close ) \V' Montreal Market. enera M Jul Stock Markets. x'ch 3Lâ€"C3tt} nbs $.10 18 ils AH Mann, of the Re Len. Burdock. 0 $1.64; S hind the omr ndé Man $4 believe ‘0 rr $4.15 to eers, eh i $6.40: $82: milks 1 stock were d Manitobas at 3r two earloads W as $7 cwt.. ne of the mar- was steady. small lots and small lots' 5 made at :r at :8 to a nd les of the has to $8.25 an to $7.50, wit er cwt. Th lil‘ at price while bull )er cwt. Tiler 1 packers an $6 90; Its No. 2, do red \Vinler 3, do., 871( :‘Ju157. 93Ec $1.613 an uncha) Wheat fee â€"Améri 1tsâ€"Ca net $31 ympour nails. commnn 0. Hog: watered at to : laml 4E C.W \V 1 n bulls and with The 1n $15 (:1‘ ad 11d l0lll0 Stale Universit; ‘Ohio, who while tra memory and identity Canada, Monday, 1‘ 1913, and is missing ( Ever likely clue ously investigated 1) but- witlmut success. Description: Age, feet. 10 inches; tee For (he Dimm’cry. Living 01' 0f l’mf. (‘ooil F. Lavrll dark hair, thin on grey; prominent ears ples; small brown m< build ; dark blue eyes, inn glasses: quiet. manner; I Notify Iv mer Road Ontario ’down to the roots m the plants, which is necessary for satisfactory growth. Fourthly, it makes the soil more porous, and this. in turn causes the soil to store up more wa- ter for the use of the crops in time Have you dxmcult The Department 01 Ontario Agriculvt'ur assist you on applio make ynu a (-umple area to be drained, line of drain. and nish you with a fini: imz location of drai of drouth. . Frequently. the increase uf crop in one year pays for the drainage, and seldom {'1' never does it take longer than threa years, so that drainage pays from 33 per cent. to 100 per cent. per annum UH the money invested. the the in ques the set than Dn Pl Boy Rowivm‘ Five hund FRI-1E DRAIN .\ GI". h‘l' RV EYS. g1 ve ad. ‘ 1‘ “If nse H 1 ha rough 1( glasses 1 HR 30011 Prof. Cecil F. Lawn. University, J ate University $500.00 REWA R D V1 .1 l1 1V \gricultuml .U untln )ll \ssist Fannvr 1] u difficulties in drainage H To ronto )EN'I‘A LLY SHOT. )lue eyes, : qulet, h cha-ract he (1i of the for the 113's th )nnecth n-che) drain go, 41 teeth (IE 1m un “'oum ars dollars. he Depart 1%:ng y. at H t6 La ve Lt all _\' 11‘ V0 11V or run when C m )VCT ave] 1, 1E Canada top, s1 ; hollow )ustz-whe 1E ma 3 been anx Mrs. Lave} (‘nllt‘ hysics of (1r 31p 1'9 “‘8. l' ra V6 (‘lu l4 n. Tliey will urvey of the 111 11- height, ald-fillcd ,' be wear ntlemanl image , only yelling .af 1D 11' 166 umbus :utd the slightly his 8111‘ mg "NHL 3. sun: ue fur J] «'1. V n O Arno in 1111‘ sh W 31 say Wed 1th Will SIZE 1nd the will and for ad- the Alfred killed by The I'] another The D \V 0 st( of May Avenue, Toron Dupont Street killed during a One hundl‘m bands. Three Montreal officials were dis missed by the Buard of Control as: result of Judge Fortin's findings‘il the civic land inquiry. Clerks in the post office and rail way mail‘clorks are 10 be increase “’1 VE way mazl‘clorks are to be Increased from April 1, the mlnimum to be $600 and annual increase $100. Dr. A. W‘ Heaslip of Picbon, crossing the'Bay of Quinte in his motor car, ran into an air hole in the ice, and barely escaped drown- ing, losing his car in forty feet of water. around {119 place, not: some muu after buying the farm 15 years ago \he appeared to be industrious and doing well. but. of late years he had become careless and neglecfful. Robert aged 4 Street- sand Ontari Government tion of a sys Hydro-elect] tion of Wile and a s: munmp The Body Was Found in Bed Partly I) l‘(' mu posed . A despatch from, Kingstun says: Juhn Park Poland. was found dead in bed by Harvey Horn, who lives FARM“? S'I‘AIH'I‘II) 'I‘O I)E.\'I‘H. in bed by Harvey Horn, who Iivm across Umphersun's Lake. a» short distance from the Park farm, Smoke had not been observed for several days, and Mr. Horn suggestcd an investigation, which resulted in the discovery. The. body was found 1)" ing in bed with all the clothes on, and besides the b-ed clothes an imiâ€" ration buffalo rohe covered him. The body was frozen and partly de- composed. He had apparently starved to death a week or so ago. There. were‘no provisions in the house nor a stick of wood in or around the place, F0): some time aged 45. residmg" at Street west, was fan: room on Thursday. was mad-e by his wifi turned from Work. C husband's ruqu she I" on the bed apparentlg unable to Dr. \V. N« man had 1' He had [)1 time and drinking 1 Discovery Was thuruiuy; wondc Sum-n00 on Killed tr i 1' ma ml M 1' 1'“ 1-1 N TX ront l) E.” ra 1101 (11‘! am lblt 1’0 l' N D H l' SIM N l) I) EA I). Hem of News by Wire L graduate of T died in Califon 3. Albert \Vhah ue. Toronto. w Duke of ( m Ontark Ma putatl (l .‘Iurkonzit' is First so flick-(l In “'in Uvgrvv. water pr) Jbsidy of 3.1 radial ful Notes of Interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World ctric heavily .‘vll 1t prer at (:‘I‘EIISK 11 nglar lice YEARS FOR )ll‘IHHIR. te n' 3.6 11‘ ’U‘V‘ ‘amadn .n of some two thou farmers waited on tln urging; the construc l‘ I‘ prm'm l‘ W l‘oronto 16 ad for ut 11'“ at Ma ll‘ $6.400 nnaugl‘ about .‘laulo By \Vil‘c on From Work. “15(1) )1 ES )1. ll 116, 112 Haze was struck l r and instr: ; on Thursdz 1d fifty dese ml Toronto says: , a- Scotchman, “at 389 Adelaide found dead in his 5'. The discovery wifr. who had re- On entering her .\l im she ma, [ fifty deserted lave asked the find their hus- d 27‘ wont 01' rep waterw ays, come for the pm 00 nor mik isions in the 0f woml in 01' F0): some tune S< I] ttawa M 10 summonec lted that the cas< mate. 11; W11] visit the middle mnor of \Vix an. um): “'11 m. 1 hard 1H1 M a Ln 13‘ ant met “'3. S \V Ill ,1 N 111 \f- Dr. Max Klotz of Ottawa, presii‘ dent of the Ontario Medical Coun-’ oil. has issued a. condemnation of the Workmen’s Compensation Act. George Edwards, boarding with' the family of G. S. Graham in Strat-hroy, on demand of payment of his bill in arrears, stabbed Gra- ham several times, also wounding the fa Strat-hr of his } ham 5:: himself of the first chem Brockville sectio dead, aged 64. Twenty-two B coal mine strike era] months ago at General Villa. suffered a, serious reverse in his attack upon Torreon,‘ the Mexican Federal stronghold in the north. The rebei casualties are reportgd at 2,000. Madame Caillaux, assassin of odii tor Calmette, is to be permitted the service of maids While in prison. A world-wide wireless appeal in behalf of the blind was sent by the King from London Saturday night. decoycd over Mexican Fed. ported killed prm< Dr ient Field Marshal md Lieutenantâ€"( Ewart, haw- resig the British Army bor. Despite his obstinacy in re! fusing to plead guilty to murder ih the second degree on the pretext that he would rather go to the elec- tric chair than spend 20 years in prison, Schaeffer was elated when his life was saved, and smiled as sentence was pronounced. In sen- tencing the prisoner, Justice Davis said: “Schaeffer. you are undoubt- edly guilty of murder in the first degree, but. I am glad to know that the jurors did not wish to send you to the death chair because of your youth. You are a fortunate young man.” Know How to Keep Peace in Family It is quite significant, the number of .persons who get well of alarming heart trouble when they let up on tea and coffee and use Postum as the beverage at meals. There is not-hing surprising about it. huwevcr. because the harmful alkaloid~caffeineâ€"in both tea, and coffee is not present in Postum; which is made of clean, hard wheat. “Two years ago I was having so mudx troler with my heart,” writes a lady in the \Vc-st. “that at times I felt quite alarmed. My hus- band took me to a. specialist to have my heart examined. “The doctur said ho could find no organic t-ruuble but said my heart was irritable from some-thing I had been accustomod to, and asked me to try and remember what disa- gan to use further t1“ The King of Italy met th Venice. tead reed wich A world-wide wireless appeal 1n half of the blind was sent; by the ng from London Saturday night. A large force of rebe‘l cava_lry was ll 1‘ Hm R1 111 tun H mt 3T8 111 (‘ 1n .l b il l‘ I] (' LEV I'll! W1 F E ank the 1rlow. whc instant m hecse fac ctlon at General. 1) ustum B ri’ti sh lHl mum rs, sentenced sev- to long terms 1n 3 released. leneral n-ed th that ( )mach “Ci mmes nd 50 ) erected one :tories m the , Addlson, is lll‘ offee always and caused ation of the H90 and beâ€" II Columbid 3. ranch John 11 11 H 1H

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