Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1914, p. 3

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lliey Helped Her Wonderfully WHAT MRS. II. BEST SAYS DODD'S KIDNEY PlLL.‘. 0 1“ 'Alberta Woman Voices the Senti- ment of the Women of the. West That Dodd's Kidney Pills are Wo- man’s Best Friend. Retlaw, Alta, March 30.*(Spc- Clallâ€"“Dodd’s Kidney Pills helped me wonderfully.” So says Mrs. H. Best, :1, highly respected lady living here. And Mrs. Best expresses the sentiment, of thousands of women in Alberta. Like most women Mrs. Best. does not care to talk about her troubles, but. she does wish others who have suffered as she. has to know that. they can find relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. “I found them entirely satisfactory. They helped me wonderfully," she says. BEST BRAINS AND SLEEP. Insomnia One of the Penalties of Strenuous Modern Life. So many men and women, espe- cially those past. their first. youth, find difficulty in procuring the sound. restful sleep so necessary to keep mind and body fit. Although physically the body is tired. out, the brain is alert as ever, and perfect. oblivion is impossible, says London Answers. A London physician gives some interesting advice- on the matter. “Insomnia,” he states, “is one of the penalties of the incrutsing,r strain modern life. throws upon our brains. The man who works with his muscles and lives in the open air is rarely a victim of sleeplesaness. “The essentials lo'r a. good night‘s rest are mental repose, a requisite ‘amount of muscular fatigue, Contâ€" fortablo. body heat, and plenty of ventilation. “The most difficult to secure is lessened brain activity. An excel‘ lent. plan is to take a, brisk half‘ ,“and I give you my full permission to tell the public what they have done for me.” Women who suffer in silence can be cured just. as silently. The keyâ€" stone of woman's health is. the Kid- neys. If they are kept strong and healthy, they keep the blood pure, and pure blood moans good health all over the body. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cure Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys and good blood. That's why they are known as woman‘s best, friend. m‘d‘ CAN MICROBE BE T {Dawn of New Era in Preventive Medicine. The recant triumphs in bacteri- jology lead science to hope that. a. new era in preventive medicine is {beginning to dawn. It has long been known that, microbes war Iagainst each other, some of the most deadly of them falling a prey to others, which have no harmful ‘effect upon the human organism; but. it. is only very recently that the possibility of breeding them, so as to lessen or destroy their patho- genic properties, has dawned. Pasteur held that no change in the form of bacteria. was likely. Koch apprehended the truth and lived long enough to see it demon- strated. It is now known that there are at least. four strains of the tu- bercle bacillus, only two of which are pathogenic for man. These may be changed from one form into an- other. The human tubercle bacil- lus, for instance, become bovine when passed through a. cat. Their virulence may be largely or greatly intensified by culture. The human AMEDZ tubercle bacillus, cultivated in a. turtle, becomes almost- harmless. Other germs, harmless] in them- selves, become disease breeding~ if injected into a living organism with salt, water or when so cultivated as to endure a. lower temperature than that. to which they ltave been ac- customed. I In the light of the latest. re- searches it. is quite clear that. these minute living things may be devel- ed at will in time along lines that will destroy their power to poison. Some authorities go so far as to predict- that. in the success of this work lies man's principal hope of finally Conquering disease. 4‘ Quite Mechanical. “Yes,” said Mrs. 'l‘wickeubury. “my daughter has published several poems, but all of them autonomousâ€" ly." >7: hint and Muscle Pains llillllSllllll by luv IT CURES RHEUMATISM. { l Thousands of people, chuck full ol" the joy of liviiig-â€"lmiu>_v. glad. bright, people, that Nervilinc has cured of, their pains. all tell the same wonder, -’ul story of its power to drive out the aches and tortures of rheumatism and ‘ kindred ills. ‘ “My goodness, miracle-worker." lolte (‘ltipliuttt, mother of a wed. known family residing at Maurie Pleasant. "Last month 1 was so cripâ€" Sled up with sciatica and muscular, rheumatism as to he almost unable to do a hit of housework. My joints were so stiff and the muscles 50. frightl‘nlly sure that I even cried at timt.‘~ v.i(h the pain. For years we. have used Nervlline in our family and I just got busy with this \vtmdvrfuL good old lininit-nt, Lots of rubbing with Nerviliue soon relieved my mis- ery and l was in a real >l)(ll‘l time about my work as l‘mllill." No matter where the lit'llt‘ is, no matter how distressing: the pain you .-an rub it away with .\'vr‘;ilint-. l'or forty years it hrs bw‘t curing lum- liagro. sciatica.'l.-:iclie. (oltls. chest iliuel is a (‘har-l but \vrltes Nervilinc Mrs. trcuble and all sorts cl winter ills. l{l‘-"|l a large Tine. family SlZl' ho:th handy and you'll be suvod 10!; of trouble and lame smaller tloClvlr ping, Sm'l" trial size “lie. at dealt-rs- “my. uhe.e. hours’ walk just before bedtime, fol- lowed by a hot; bath and a. rub- down, and then a cup of warm milk and a. biscuit or two as one gets into bed. If, in addition, the mind be focussed on some pleasant but not exciting topic a. night’s rest is as- sured to all but the most chronic sufferer. “Tho type in which the sleeper suddenly takes an hour or so after having fallen asleep usually means that more outdoor muscular exerâ€" cise is required.” â€"â€"->X‘ WHEN BABY IS ILL. When your baby is ill; when he is cross and hard to mind; when his teeth are bothering him or he is troubled with Constipation or indigestion; give him Baby’s Own Tablets. ' hey are the best mediâ€" cine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus making teething; easy: curing constipation, colic. indigestion, and breaking up colds and fevers. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at. 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' .____â€"â€"JI'â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Costs Nothing to Ask. Caller: “But you said you would not. charge me anything for the litâ€" tle legal quest-ion I asked you.” Lawyer: “I didn’t; what I’ve charged you for is the answer.” To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have. used MINARD‘S LlNlMENT myself as well as prescrib- ed it in my practice where a liniment was required and have never failed to get the desired effect. 0. A. KING, M.D. llone In a Jilly. You ask me if I'll print for you A paradox? I will, sir. A comb is oneâ€"you part. with it. And yet you have it. still, sir. Pue- Cured 1n 6 to 14 Days Drugglsts refund money it PAZO OIN’l‘MENT falls to-cure Itching, Bllud, or Protruding Piles. Flrst application gives relief. 60c. __.â€"~ 111‘) MEANT WELL. What 'l‘l'aveller Received for Ten- dering a Little Assistance. English cyclists travelling alone on the Continent. have many queer experiences. says a contributor to the Boston Traveller. One of them it tells. A young man who was bicycling in southern l’i‘ance was pushing,r his machine up a steep bill, when he mertook a peasant. with a. donkey cart who was making but little proâ€" gress. although the donkey was doâ€" ing: his best. The benevolent cyclist. putting his left hand against the back of the cart. and guiding.r his machine with the other, pushed so hard that the. donkey. taking fresh Courage, pull- ed his load up to the top success- ‘ fully. The summit reached. the peasant .urst imo thanks tubis benefactor, "It was very good of you. indeed, mousieur." he protested. “Ishould never in the world have. got up the \hill with only one donkey.” __ >l<___ __. Breaking It (-‘ently. Hello‘. Sit down. I llellL‘YL‘ you have come to ask lll(‘ ” “You lzave been misinformed. l .liaven‘t come to tl>l\' you anything." “Why. I understand y<~u ~77" "l came liicl‘e’ly because I wished tell you a bit of gmgd ‘ l v l l l l . itu lll‘ first ts. nous. I am going to marry your daughter. ’ lllltll STARTED ” l Suffered Terribly. From Eyebrows Spread to Neck, Chest and Arms. Completely Cured by Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. â€"â€"â€"â€".__ Drlcrcrest. Sask. â€" “ When my baby boy was about. four months old he sull‘crcd ter- ribly from eczema. The trouble started in a rash and was very itchy. It; made hlm Very Cross and frctl'ul. l notlv‘t‘d the rash first in his eye-brows. From them it. spread to his neck. chest. and arms. “'hcn he. would scratch, it- would make sores. “I got. mediean but. it, dld no good. I tried dif- ferent remedies without result. At. last I got. a sample of Cutleura Soap and Ointment and after using them for two days I noticed a. change. I then purchased a. full-sized cake of (‘utlcura Soap and Cutlcura ()lntment. I would give him a. hot. bath with the Cutl- cura Soap every nlght afterward applying the Cuticura Ointment. Before I had used half of the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment he was completely cured." (Slgned) Mrs. H. L. Stromberg. May 29. 1913. The regular use of Cutlcura Soap for toilet. and hath not. only tends to preserve. purity and beautify the skin. scalp. hair and hands. but assists in preventing inflammation. lrrl- tntion and clogging of the pores. the common cause of pimples. blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow. Olly. mothy and other unwholesome conditions of the akln. Outl- cura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug- glsts and dealers everywhere. For a. liberal free sample of each. with 32-1). book. send pest-card to Potter Drug 6; Chem. Com, Dept. 1). Boston. U. S. A. {'NNECESSARY DISTI'RIHNFE. Young Man Was Making Much Ado About a Small Matter. During the hearing of a- law case, a. man began to move about; in the back of the court room, pushing back chairs, and disturbing things generally. "Young man,” the judge said, at- length. looking,r at him sternly, “you are making a great deal of noise.” “Your honor,” was the reply, “the fact is that I have lost. my overcoat. and 1 am looking about to find it.” “Well. sir,” said the judge, “peo- ple often lose whole suits here with- out, making half as much disturbâ€" ‘I‘ Suffered 20 Years “tilt Iudney Trouble, Cured By Gin Pills. Mr. Daniel 1“. Fraser of llridgeville, N.S., Says about tllN l’l].LS: "For twenty years l have been trout-led with Kidney and llludder .'.)is.l.ts.-_ and have been treated by many (int-tors but found little relief. 1 had given up all hope of getting: cured when l tried GIN PILLS. Now, I can say with a happy heart. that I an) cured after using only four boxes of GIN PILLS." 50- 'l box. (3 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug & t‘hemil-al (So. of Canada, Toronto. 54 ‘ Even Harder. He had a heart as hard as stone, This villainous old gent: Perhaps we'd better say as hard As reinforced cement. Mlnard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgla. Not a Professional. Ned: "What. did Miss Petite do when you kissed her 2" Ted: “She told me to call on Friâ€" day hereafter, because that was antatcur"s night.” Don’t waste time on inferi- orsalves because they're a few cents cheaper. I have proved Zam=Buk best for Eczema. Piles. Skin Diseases. and Injuries. As a mother, you owe it to your family to use the best. that‘s Zam-Bukl 50cbox. All‘Dmggists andSMru. IN A HASH. l .lnent‘. IH'I‘ IS FOE 01“ )lOSQl‘I'l‘O. he (‘heap and Sanitary Workers. Would Effective A unith experiment now in pro- gress in the vicinity of San Antonio, Tex, seems to indicate that the but; has (L mission of the first importanee in its relation to the health of man. .‘\ wellvknown physician of the city named, knowing that the mosquito is a favorite item on the bat. menu. has constructed a. "lrelfry” near a. swamp where mosquitoes abound. ‘It is a high wooden building. with lmdows windows so fashioned so llashioned as to permit the bats to come and go at. will and yet ('Xt‘lllde the light. as far as possible. It proves to be exactly to their liking. and, alli'acted by its evident adl'itztbility to their needs. as well as by its location so near to an abundant fo-od supply. they have ocâ€" eupied it in large numbers. The result. has far exceeded the hopes of the. author of the experi~ illfnsqllllnf’s have already al- most disappeared from the neiglr borhood, and malaria, once a scourge, is now practically unâ€" known. Al, the same time, the. nuâ€" merous Conveniences of tlic “bel- fry’" are certain to make, it. a. p01” manenb abiding place for the bat- population, thus, assuring freedom front mosquitoes and consequent immunity from mosquito-bred «(lis- eascs indefinitely. It is not only a cheap system of sanitation. but; one that promises permanent, effectiveness. Its orilr inator commends it for general use in all communities which prefer bats ous folks that- bats really aren’t' very unpleasant ereat-uresâ€"When. once one becomes habituated to them. 4.“ Unsigltlly Wartsâ€"hemmed The, operation is simple and painless â€"_lu::t apply Putnam‘s \Vart and Corn Extractor. For fifty years it has been curing warts and will cure you too. Try I‘utnam‘s Extractor, 250. at all dealers. Something Turkish. Mrs. Kawler: “And is Henriett-a‘s I parlor well furnished ?” Mrs. Blundt-rby: “Indeed it. is.i my dear. She has one. of the most Comfortable ortolans I ever sat upon." Only one “BBOMO QUININE" To get the genuine. call for full name, Liniltcd,‘ he had carelessly thrown it in. she l l ,~ l "('41lll‘lin.. sir.“ “(1.111'11‘1' .’ ('wttttin' with a lan- ‘ ‘ tezn.‘ \3 u stuptl. I never used a 'l:tt\.:~“n \‘il' ‘l l. mm: c lll‘li'l. N i ' !: ;~'Utl :3:- lat-unload. V :1: can all. see Isst‘t-g u sill" ‘ â€"-Soothes Eye , Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c. 50c. l ' Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. , 250, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mall.’ Room SaverS. “These collapsible opera- hats are a. great convenience." ttSO I'} “Yes; you have no idea. how ad- . ' lug Com pany. to mosquitos, and suggests to nervul l l LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Lnokl . for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures . a Cold in One Day. 25c. l All ready baked to a nicety; whole, mealy and full flavored. Heating only is necessary. FARM! FOR SALE. H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Cotborm St”: Toronto. F YOU WANT To BUY 0R SELL A Fruit. Stock. (train. or Dairy Farm- erte H. W. Dawson, Brampton. ot- 9‘ Colborno 91.. Toronto. H. w. DAWSON, Colbornn 5L, Toronto WANTED. AGENTS FUR \\'lC.\THEIt INSUR- anve. low rates. liberal commisslon. {\llllll‘. The (‘anmla Weather Insurance Conunuiy. Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00]) \VEEKLY IN LIVE TO\VN IN York County. Stationery and Book in Connection. Price only Terms liberal. \Vllson Publish- ”" \\'est Adelaide Street. G Business $4,000, Iu anon to. NURSERY STOCK. â€"-â€".â€"___.___________ W TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY L Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell a Son. Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANGER. TUMOBS. LUMPS. 1-30., internal and external. cured "like em. paln by our home treatment. Writ. no before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collinzwood. Ont. T‘B'D '85 I, ‘ Used by success- . ' ful planters ' for over half a century ' Outlargeand beautifullyillustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS, Limited .f. TORONTO. ONT. much room they save in a- flat.” Mlnard's Linlment Cures Burns, Etc. A Mean Man. She saw him fold a. piece of paper and put it in the farther corner of the drawer in the library table. If: would have tllougllb nothing of it. “What‘s that 5" she. asked. “Ob, nothing." he replied. She, wondered what. it. was, and as he had said it. was of no impor« tance, he had no one to blame but himself it she looked at, it. which she did, at the first <.:pportunity. This is what she read: Yet your best horse is just as liable to develop a Spavtn, Rtngbonc, Splint, Curb or lameness as yourpoorestl “I‘ll bet you a. new but yOur curl» osity will not permit you to leave this alone." The, Demagogue Described. “Father,” said a small boy, “what's 'a demagogue ‘2" “A demagogue, my son. is a man who can rock the boat. himself and persuade everybody that. there~ a lcrriblc storm at sea.” < l Try Murine Eye Remedy ‘1 If you have Red. Weak, Watery Eye: or Granulated E elids. Doesn't Smart ain. Druggists Sell An no tonic Good for All Eyo- um Nut! Cur. Ila-Lao Ev. Round! Co" Chicago1 An lnl‘erenee. “Is old Hardcaslt keeping.r Lent 7" “No; but you can bet his money n; Minard's Llnlment for sale everywhere. Love By Lantern Light. A farmer, returning home late at. night, saw :1 light llhflillg about the farmyard. When he lil\t'.<tl_‘_"z1[t‘(l he found a n. ighb:.»i".. farinbantl carrying a lantern. “\Yhat are you doing; lzere 3‘ !l:£l?‘.(l"(l the farmer. v d '» \I..‘ KENBALUS SPAVIN CURE has saved many thousands of dollars in horse flesh by entirely (in lug; tlttsc ailments. Garnet. (min Fob. '_’.'»tli, 1911i. . ' ' l‘s. >1).l\'l!l Cur.- tu kill vol :1 bunch of ion; Sm. GRAHAM. “I have u Sevrral Jack standing, caused by Ilmi't take chances tv. ‘t your lior' ‘ chp .l halibut-Kendall .s’ hand». ,g’l ~41l‘vr... . Qlll‘luufl. “Treatise on the llorsc” tree at tlrttggists or Dr. B. J. KENDALL (30.. Sanctum Falls, Vt. â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€":: (harming; Hostess. \- l:::‘.l~'..' l ill it‘L‘l ill “llitl ‘Vll‘f b one ?" "NH. v as.” wish I but site inad- in: Minard's Llnimcnt Cures Dandrufl. Very likely. Personal in New lurk "Gentleman who cut a Ill‘lll‘li in 11:1 for lady on train. {lease 'sanic train \Vt‘tltte~tl:ty, ‘pointmt'ntf’ I Lady in Brown: !l\{?llls the pencil .~ll;‘tl‘l‘!'ll“(l ,. "Sh-- probali'} Dir. Flier-sets Indian Root Pills exactly meet the need which so often arises in every Ian:in for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all cases 01' Constipation, but. tltcy help greatly in breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by cleaning out the system and purifying the blood. In the same way they l‘Cllt‘VC or cure liiliousness, Indigestion, Sick llt-czdarhcs, Rheum. atism and other comi..t~n ailments. in the littlest sci so of the words Dr. Morse's Indian lx’oot Pills ar 47 A Rousehold Remedy

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