DA\'IDSO.\'.â€"In loving rmnemhmnce of Mrs. J. J. Davidson, dled in Thum- hill, Ont._ April 2nd 1913. The flowers we lay upon his grave, May wither and decay; But the luve for him who sleeps beneath “'ill never fade away. TEASDALE.â€"Iu loving memory of \Villiam Teasdale who (lep u-tud this life April 2nd. 1913. Some day, some tiuwmureyos shall see The face we loved so well; Some day our hands slmll clasp in his And never bid farewell. Mommaâ€"At Maplv. on Sunduv. March 29. 1914, John Coombs, in his 83rd year. Funeral Tuesday. March 31. Inter- ment in Can-ville Cemetery. PATTYsox»â€"-At Guletnu, Penna†on \Vednesduy. Mulch'lf). 1914, Rev. \V. A. [“alt,§§‘501_l1 puftm' of Guleton nf Lifé Dominion from Atlantic to Paciï¬c. me. Edward Prince. Dominion Colmuissiuner of Fisheries and an authority on both ï¬sh and game. writes of “The Prong Horned Antelope of the \Vesc", which is said to he in danger of extinction unless immediate [notective measures are adopted for its preservation. The re- gulhu-depnitments are all well umin mined. Rod and Gun for April is out with a bill of fare designed primarily for the ï¬sherman. The cover cut, which this month is specially attractive, depicts a ï¬sherman holding up to view a 17 ll). prize salmon trout, secured last year in Algonquin Park. Bonnycastle Dale contributes the leading article"Halihut Fishing in the Northern Paciï¬c"; H. Mortimer Batten a. well illustrated article on “Trout Farmingâ€; and other stories and articles follow that describe ï¬shing eï¬peri‘euces etc. in various parts Mrs. Cameron. wife oer. Alexander Cameron. Cuunciilor of the Township of Vaughan, died at her home. near Kleinlmrg on Sunday (If last, week. Deceased was a daughter of the late Hugh O‘Brien of King township. Be- sides her husband she leaves two daughters to luoum her loss. Inter- ment. took place in King City Genie- tery the following Tuesday. Her Memory is precious. The April meeting of the Alumnm Association of the Richmond Hill High School will he held on Friday, April 3rd. at 4 o‘clock. The Poems under discussion for thenfternonn are Bishop Bluugrmn's Apology by Mrs. Davidson and “A \Voman's Lust, \Vord" lty Miss N'om McMahon. Do not forget, the Roll call. Poems and quotations in response to theRoll musc be memorized Members are urged to be present as important business will be discussed. The Toronto News objects to a criticism of Capt. Wallace for “offering men and money†to Sir Edward Carson to assist if necessary the Unionists of Ulster. The Nens contends that Capt. Wallace has as good right to send messages of sym- pathy to Ulster as advocates of Home Rule have. But readers of The News will clearly see a difference between sending SYMPATHY, and sending MEN to ï¬re, if necessary, on the British Army. franchise for women IIon. Mr. Lucas, speaking for the Government, con- tended that the time was not oppor- tune for the mezisnre, and Hon. Mr. Hanna in refusing the second reading of the bill to close the bars expressed the opinion that public sentiment was not far enough advanced to pass such a measure. AMPBELLâ€"At Markham village. on Tuesday, March 31, 1914, Elizabeth \Vilson Campbell. widmv ()f the late Archibald Campbell. in her 8911) year. M. E. Chm-ch: 311:. I’alttyson \v son-in law of Hemy \Vilson, Esq P.. of Markham. In the Local Legislature on Mon- d a y t w 0 measures i n tr oduced by Liberal members were voted down by the Government. A propo- sition was made to extend the fran- chise so as to give a vrzte to married women on the same basis as it is now enjoyed by widows and spinsters- Another bill introduced by the Lib. oral opposition proposing to close the bars on Saturday afternoons and 1e- gal holidays also met with a similar fate. Relative to an extesinon of the RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. APR. @112 flibemi. DEATH OF MRS. CAMERON HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNAE ROD AND GUN IN MEMORMM. DEATHS â€"Pastor and Choir. ME. Palttyson was a. â€"\Vite lQlf For Tourist Caraccomndation and all particulars in at publications. apply tn your nearest; C.N.R. Agent. or to Gener pmâ€"tment, 68 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario. “Fm-[y ï¬ve Vital Questions.“ “Pence R It.†“'estern Canada Has a Home fur You, Home steads.†Stop over penuilted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station west ofâ€"PEt Arthur. From March 3rd. to the end of October. Hmueseekers Excursion tickets are on sale (’VBIY Tuesday and are good to return \vithm two months from date of issue. 7 Prior to August these tickpt: umv be extended for two months nn pn yment of $5.00TJ ’AEéiit‘ ada . ERN SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS ; PHONE ltinll §§O§§§§§§§§§§§§§§+§§§§OO §§§§§+§§§§§§§§§§¢§90 9000 OQO §§§Q§O§§O¢§¢Q§O§MOOOQOOOQ §§§O§QO§Q QOQOQQOQQQQQOOQQO ing. CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE C0. WE beg to announce to our many customers, friends, and prospective customers that we have secured and hold the exclusive selling rights for the following well-known merchandize all of which are of proven merit and are properly suited to the purpose for whichflthey are intended. THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN \Vire Fence and Gates Ask for price on Special Fan-m Fence N0. 9 Exclusiveâ€"Mude-to-Measure Tailor- There m'e now open for entry- ]‘25.000 free homestends in \Vvstern Can- 'l‘he hulk of these are lucated arlongr (pl-333:1? thCANADIAN NORTH- RAIL\VAY which is recognized in'the \Vest :15 the G. A. MCDONALD& SON for you. Marmalade Orangesâ€"order now while the fruit is at its best. An occasional purchase will make you a regular customer. SI'ITS 3c OVERCOATS $20.00 to $40.00 Fish is very nourishing. If there are other kinds you fancy we can get them WE have a splendid assortment of Fresh, Smoked, Salt and Canned Fish for your Lenten requirements HALIBUT HADDIE RED B.C. SALMON ARCADIA COD DRESSED \VHITEFISH HERRINGS FILLETS OF HADDIE PIONEER FARMER'S RAILVVAY Naughton Bros, Elgin Mill ESTABLISHED 1889 - Six hundred dollars is the new mice of the Ford ruualmut; the tnunng car is six ï¬fty; the town cur nine hundredâ€"all f. n. b. Fun-d, Ontario (formerly \Valkvn‘ille post ofï¬ce). - devl'il-lgté-\§;iEâ€"é6uiplneln. Get-cumlog :uid particulais from ’1‘)AYISON & BROVVNLEE It’s the prince of carsâ€"and car 01 princes. Two grand dukes and nineteen princes drive Fords in Russia. And the sturdy car is as popular with both classes and masses the world over. Its un- equalled merit has won it world- wide recognition. ‘ Agents, Uniom‘ille, Ont. LENTEN SEASON SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1914 Far-Sighted Farmers a destination FREE FARMS 9 River. Alberta and Bow to Reach Ton,†"Thxrty Five Thousand Free THE JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER C0. PLO‘VS G AS ENGINES HARRO\VS DRILLS CULTIVATORS RAKES ROLLERS SPRAYERS SCUFFLERS CORN CUTTERS R EPA] RS AUTO TIRES BICYCLE TIRES SUNDRIES FOR ’1‘ Ich month ()I‘ addition to above i1 P‘ p.111 thereof \ssenger CLUBBING A safe reliable lighting system for Automobiles. Phone us for prices and infornmtion. PEABODYS SALES CORP. LTD. Peabodys’ Overalls THE PREST-O LIGHT CO. Every family should have both their local paper and a. city paper. FULLY GUARANTEED Smocks and Gloves “\Veal' like a. pig‘s nose†â€"â€"AGENCY>â€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. Holstein Bull Calves from R. O. M. dams for sale at the above farm. (77. R. JAMES. 33-2 m. REAL ESTATE VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. RICHMOND HILL A. J. HUME FINE TAILURING Toronto, Canada, inciude the Central Business College with Five City Branch Schools. Graduates are universally suc- cessful. Enter any Mme. Wnce for carat logue. W. H. Shaw, Pres.. Head Otï¬ces. 391 Yonge St. Shaw’s Business Schools. RATES Walnut Grove AND RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given to Conveyancing, Pressing Cleaning Repairing MANAGER Lungstaf‘ï¬