Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1914, p. 7

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NEW STRENGTH Nature Needs Aid in Making flew Health Giving Blood In the spring the syste tonic. To be healthy you new blood just as the 1 have new sap to renew 1 ity. Nature demands it, uut this new bluod you Weak mid languid. You twinges of rheumatism or stabbing pains of neural there are disfiguring ‘11 I-eruptions on the skin. cases there is merely a. tiredness and a variabk mood 15 door l‘ifc v1 trality. 1s a. tomc n' and in all there is n: JVillizmns' ‘ actually 11;; â€"â€"your gre This new b of disvasv men, Women an active and sh Burns, Albany, was terribly run that I around was aft Williams they by" health, 1 ever I dence in cme d.‘ at 50 ‘ $2.50 f cine C Xny of ti Germany Plans Count, the fan the general staff of the planning the largest mili oeuvres the world has év time of peace, for next an army corps and twelve div proximately 300,000 Officers and men, and 50,000 horses. will take part in the manoeuvres. The Kaiser will be the chief umpire in the final three days’ battle. The WUUdS, hills 'nnd valleys of the west, side of the Rhine will reverberate with L056 field guns and 500 machine guns. The field of operations will cover a, large area, of a. triangle between Frankfort, Giesen and Coblenz. The problem is evidently to check and defeat a French army. Practically “the entire military aerial fleet of Zeppelins and Pursevals. with a passenger fleet, will be utilized. as well as an unprecedent-edly large fleet of aeroplanes. in order to give some 1,000 regular and Volunteer military pilots practical war cxperi~ ence. This will be the first time since 1870 that German officers will have. an opportunity to handle such numbers of men. Why Bronchial Caiarrh Is So Dangerous 300,000 SOLDIERS IN REVIEW. When Unchecked. Bronchial Catarrh Develops Rapidly-Attacks the Lungsâ€"Ends in Consumption. It you have fullness of the Mad. headache, dimculty in hearing. stuffed nostrils, droppings from the throat and hacking cough, you ought to know you have Catarrh. It begins as a cold; repeated colds inflame the air pas- sages. by~nnu~oye lt Ear clown into the l have bronchitis. The faces secrete germ-la swallowed it pollutes {em and destroys lu dosing always fails, snufis, olntments. T will cure quickest i You do not take Cat nnlly. you simply bre healing compound tlm lnstanlly. When you ozone into the lungs healing are carried parts of the breat’ Wherever troys the to go rig made whole. Then congesnon ce: the formation of mucus ceases, u: iug and spitting cease, and of ('01 dropping into the throat cease {You get well. You see Catarrllo removes the cause of the dis: an‘t you think this is the right to cure Catarrh? Can you thin any other way half so good? ( plete outfit. hard rubber inhaler sufficient liquid to last three n10] Price $1.00. Smaller size 50c. dealers. or The Catarrhozone Bunalo, N.Y., and Kingston, out. Thesc )l‘ 1g coug Catarrh :ed col‘ By~aI own in bronchi secrete )wed it and (19: z alwu: 1‘ I Would fall. treated me but- id finally I bog: l wa id to ‘ 1nd ITl be héalthy you must ‘ just as the trees 5:10 to renew their ut »the lungs, li 3 carried to the breathin Catarrhozone Munoouvrc ‘lll itis. These it a germ-laden , pollutes the sn-oys health IN THE SPRING HIS 10w I am as v nd have even“ mmending thes rers." stra-te :Iâ€"l Rv1 I‘l 1) r 1118 O 1‘ C down a! ml‘dly dl‘ so nerv 11k Jen congestion c E mucus ceases, cease, and of c he throat cease You see Catarrl RIISA of the di until u Monster Military )I‘ SIX DO: “rim-Ian“ 5‘ 1.( T1 )ack r of 1870, and the army, are military man- an Lem needs a. by all m had by I a, 110))! nlltrury man- ever seen in autumn. Six thn 0 do w: } remedy Catarrln pimpl In M 1‘1 astro haie lIOZC wm 18-81 may have the sharp. ria. Often 1nd 1] 11 rmg‘ 1h ' mon 50c. Stomac :5 01‘ other 11;: of Lil mus vita] xte. the in- D x' 1V8 ET the 1nd k of _ 0m- with {1S 0‘51 READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY )r :Hfll‘ All in high school and college. says a contributor to one of the. Sunday magazines, I was employed by a wholesale grocery concern. Besides selling the usual line of groceries, this firm manufactured flavoring ex- tracts and toiled, preparations. Sometimes I travellvd as substi- tute for one of the regular salesâ€" men while he took his vacation. On one such trip I entered a. little coun- 11‘y grocery, and announced my business to the proprietor. for se in high oontribx mg The man said been looking for 1h “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortiiyir‘lg to my feelings. but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put. into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keenâ€"my blood red and pure»~heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- wrlnkled us when l was a girl: Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all.” The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a wonderful woman‘s medicine. Use no other pill bnt Dr. Hamilton's, 25¢. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. tri headed “Hp w h How a Sick Woman Can cha'n lk-a‘dh NOT H I'CH OF A S‘Vl'll-I'l‘“ l“._\'l )lxt It is commonly though is impervious to the ass: But- this is not the case exposed to the element most other substances, Very Old Glass (‘an Br (‘ul :1 Pair of Scisfiul's’. that 1 said, stance Any 000 l-d Lino of (Mods ’l‘lmt “'um't Meant for the Table. 1d 185 t thin 5's is that as 1 on the earth ) think they 0 letting their 1 side and slic tun )l' at 1 d rman scienti us all men at ('I'TTING (,2 IA KS. a} l) E 11 11 stuff your 11 {M from M1 p a ked ves at- the f‘i‘t hon‘ anything ‘ summers l and co cum bread right, . lam-’5 “'CI‘E hind you . want Men ent- eff nation “111' a-n the )0“ up t 0h 1‘( CO 1116 ] 1K 1rkne 1‘1 \Y 6 .111 3' But before I whilc ll ‘oh-erc are will be some 1 the public th Yll AX That as substi- 1131‘ salesâ€" :ntion. 0n ittlo coun- (‘IL M We w 0]“ 3' lint it. unsati It out nilai‘ 1t-oun my own 1]] that in It a cold 1d eat W as aft the up Emu BUSTUE‘fiS mum: on! ' life of he furmal c it‘ed the | paper NEW ER.\ 15 I'IHZIDH‘TH!) FUR Tl'llklh‘ll \HHII‘IN. Ming known has Just returned to m a second visit of .eve spent in the household Pasha's daughter at the Inner Ema m-ipatinn uople, where she I ity, perhaps never ed to any English ing‘ a Turkish \w It; is difficult for the \Yustern wo- man to realize what 13ny steps (“on- stitutc a'. great. advance in that country where the granting of per- mission for Women to walk unveiled will mark 2L greater stage in their progress than the vnfrunchisemeni of women will do in England; The old customs are dying Very hard: and though Djomil Pasha has «low much for their liberationâ€"he open ed the parks to them, and the aston- ished Ottomans recently heard of :3 woman even being allowed to as- ‘cend in an aeroplaneâ€"(the bond: nubh that step tram pl the tlw wome thatâ€"and the position the ‘style of The posit Lional life and the necesxity fo moving restrictluns. 0M ’l‘l-uditiuus Bio Slowly. woman (we‘ ceud in an gull chug c me at m though I “11 proprietor ( them [enter mm for the matter when ho gave V [81111 ll] 1n Spe DIM 113p m ( 111 e I) llu- Bout-1' I] he (1 u g‘h t 10D Di When my fri at my hotel th< I‘m )11t 1t )1 vn M iss t diff rwax-d. 1011. th( kmg unport read Uracv Elhson. writer on Turk) . returned to En ll 1' vanm ; that J11 e h th IIK for “x hygiene ion of [If mt W C ill 1mm the Ymumu unent 1 the 1m )J 111 trefu 1] m 1 1' TCDCE 1t 71 om but Mi this won m Withd r; it from she had 9.110 f women Wlll be aite‘ ur extension lectures n of Wumen seems i 11 \‘01 “'0 111‘ (‘law Thruughout cunt ry Favored By .“Nl of m prer l S h lS( It )t :00 startlmg 1 )\\'n homes the .lke re Elli 111' 1d nds Emu ucip hith :cently to Inrsit’y is and. ultvhc 2w will 11.1 ll Turk then- ses spec ostern ‘1‘ ulllVE mzck 113.060 11d th l)j9mi ()n a} aid Miss Kelli refused h» 19 1. ll‘ ve ea in that nting of perâ€" rqu unveiled tagc in their ranchisement nglamL The 3; Very hard, shu has done 1n wh (lie sh Women, gland from 31 m ontvhs of Kiamil rt E11 m m llte I'll} ilh tl W s will ina In th eauy 'ially (10m su IH portun SltV flC( 1t U hm a1 rapx rfect 1d m .1 rd tlL 1K ,lnh 9D )HS amen then Vlsit all“: 4 l] t11e naâ€" Exam Gmmfiaied §ugar D (l S 111 (1E sh‘oy the. char] harem life. bm arouse the wor on their own 1 dem RINSHN \HHHCN ()I'TWI'E‘T} 11 1‘4 ati “(R olH‘f‘l'h‘d AH: ll‘( While urhofi' D] m. we ‘ently t1 ldenh’ f clupecl pm The f rcein CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, and 100 Pound Cloth Bags, and in 2 Pound and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons ngh Class NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LlMETED. ant problem Only flung oan and. me Village enfered 1' mdmg that the 1m \glish 311 th 118-11 is put up at the Refinery in 10 Pound, When you buy , 20 Poumiy 1 Extra Granulated Sugar in any 50 Pound 5 of these original packages you i . . and : are sure of gettmg the genume Pound W, Canada’s finest Clotlagags, ] sugar, pure and clean as when an m it left the Refinery. O DA____.I 1n 51.x prevent Ly taking two or three homes of Naâ€"Dru-C-z Tastelessfreparation of Cod LiverOil at onceâ€"ml: Fall. This pleasant-tasting food-ionic gives ions and vigor to the w} ' ystcm, am! NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. I'U‘H‘S 1t hemse Prevents Sickness 3 otherwise take CONFEDERATION LIFE BUIL DING 11' .er holdin 1001‘s of was 3:33:20]: 01 1d“ Ives 1t (l Profit-S ha rl TMENI‘ may bl at the t1) (Ill I‘C‘C u Demon Failure. i} a, Jar it wa f hitl .vcff thecold: whic hold of you. I DO 11 1 \' ITIUC Old Wc lso furt h r 0 w room wet the wome: 11 a body 1ft I“ E and It’s worth while to insist on the Original Packages. ll rm llUllid ‘ers tvh 111160. 1T1 10111 tht ("N then U. rm witne I) 11H In I! $1.00 bottl: T110 D uld Honest u take 1n and & (liqu antly troode was then séct eeting proc‘eet at ufional weai Restores Health more dzfimu secret after _\'O 11 11‘ of the '] (l 1’ Not Even t}1( Cod Liver 0i! Did J3. TORONTO. CANADA Itl' find W h 1‘le inlon y (lm as you; th il'r larged your maid. her honest?" that girl wouldn’t in from me.” 1d eft pr :1 “int. 'StE JCCZLII of Adversity aster asked ot-lme \' w i astor askec *d dolofnlly always feel )I an a 50:. or \Vlfe aft-e rward alone. The locked and )NTREA the only 311. man to )lut-i lbad ice '1 l.) \V )Tl a1 )n

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