That have been in their lumber camp near Sudbul-y all Winter. All in good working cnnditiun. ranging from}! to Syezn‘s old. and weighing from 1,400 lbs. up. This affords per ple in noed of guod wnrk horses an ideal noportun~ ity as they are a good lot and [mist be sold without resen‘P. TERMSâ€"Six momhs‘ credit on approved joint notes. 5 per cent al- lowed for cash. Success can only be obtained by de~ veloping early winter layers. Having spent; six years selecting special matings from my own pens. and each year intrnducing new blood from pens holding highest egg records in America. I have (0-day the Best Early \Vinter Strain of S. C. R. I. Redsin Ont-al-iuâ€"-inst:mce December egg record. when eggs were 70 conts per dnzvn. of 715 eggs from 71 hens an}! pull_ets._ _0:\'_. Tuesday, April 7, 1914 Hotel Richmond, Richmond Hill Lauder, Spears 8: Howland Lumber Co. 40-t.f 404.11 Indian Mntor cvcle. 7 H. P.. 1013 model. cradle sol-imp; frame. This 1% practically :1 new numhiné‘ in Al shape. and run less than 1,000 miles. Price $250. EGG IREUORDSâ€"K) prizes won this winter nt Orillia. Meaford and Newnml-ket. can be seen at my yards by purchasers. AUBREY DAVIS, Millsnd Ave†Newmarkot. Heavy Draught HORSES Agricultulul experts stutv that Paul try can he made the most proï¬table depurlmont on the farm. AUCTION SAL'E 40-! ,l' 40-3 Egz'gs for h~|tchiug*$l to $2 for 15 01- $6.00 per hundred. 39-3 Hwy-shoving“ and jobbing shop. with tools for rent. Thorough I Terms $1 cash. Terms 5 nmnl hs. TUESDAY. Apr. 7â€"Anclinn snlv of 40 draught horses at, “(:lt'l Richmond. the property of Lumier. Spenn & Huwluml Lumber Co. Sillt' nt 12 o’clm-k. Tt-rxus 6 months FRIDAY. Apr. 10â€"Auctinn 3.110 of hnrsns. farm implements &c., on lot 2. Cun. 2, \Vest York. tho pruportv of C. & J. McKay. Sulvzlt 12 o'clock. Terms 0 months. A quantitv of Sued Potatoes. about 50 bugs. FRIDAY. Apr: W 1‘ LVEDNESDAY. Apr. 8 wAucfiun S farm stock. iluplcnwnls, &(.-.. 14 CHI]. I, Markham. Lungstufl‘ px-npm-ty of David Buylv. sun n'cluck. Terms 8 mnnth. WEDsEHDAY. Apr. 15~Furm implvnumls &c., In! 8. (‘un. 2. V am. (n0m~(kmcnu1 l’.0.). lhv pm of N. J. Smellio. Sale at l 0'( Terms 8 IIIOIIHIS. [‘UEsmv. Apr. 7â€"Anclinn th‘ draught, horses at, “old Rich" ABOI’T 40 HEAD FIRST-CLASS Good svcond hand Rungv Apply at A Saw with 8_pig§_t}§9 ‘yvnï¬eks old dun Heavy Draught Horses \\'( FARMERS. ATTENTION! SALE AT 12 O'CLOCK For Service Prentice Register. implements Jan. lot, 10, st York. the mum-my of '1. Uuuderhsun. Sale ‘- (. Ton-ms 8-mm1(hs. For Sale For Sale For Sale To Rent The property of For Sale. bred [{nlstein _0 F_ H. ~M [("H AEL, APPLY LIBERAL OFFICE JOHN SLINEY Auction 8qu JOHN SLINEY GEO. (‘OYVIE Auction snlo of 40 G. KIRBY. Prentice. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Fill'm stock 'tIn. 2. Vnngh ['10 "upper! y "I 1 O'clock. Elgin Mills. Elgin Mills. Cm-rv ille. Lnfl‘, thl; Sulonl l Alict. hull. 'l‘ln (m I Tombstone Center St Sensation and Gurton's Regeneran Abundance Outs for seed, guarantee-d clean. Twn good budding lots fur sale on Centre strvvl. Rust. 40-2 I'M-ti. Two colts. lising two vmrs, two brood sows, due the middle of May, on lot 46. (Jon. I. Vaughan. A p13] )7 One gond (‘nwz 1 l~hm-se light wagon as good as new. wmxld suit market. ardener or lllllk man; 1 good [up nggy and a set of harness. Apply , POST MASTER. ALL BRAN( HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED ’1‘0. F. J. WUUDWARD In Mnrhlo 01- Gr: rmsnnuhle- charges “'l-ito. ï¬â€˜unu‘nmnï¬l‘mt '7-t.f. A dl'h ing burst: wright: Apply to PATRONAGE Snucx'rEn Axn SATISFACTION GUARANTE SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. 'I‘urnntn Momnm-nls. Makers and (‘m'nm- ‘ m GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley No more unsanitary. unsatisfactory wall paperâ€"no more stick , shiny woodwork. Your walls and wood- work will alwavs fresh and clean and beautifulif you‘ll use Washable Interior Colors. And bear in mind that this finish is permanent. Follow this Fashion--- It's a Good 0ne-- ,«s‘i’flï¬â€˜ m The dictates of style in interior fin- % ishing now indicate the soft, velvety My 4 tones of _Washable Interior Colors as the proper thing for walls and woodwork. In addition to insuring a home that will be beautiful. these handsome tints insure one that will stay beautiful. Soap and water are the only cleans- ing agents neeessary when you paint your walls and woodwork \Vlth Minerva Fresconette For Sale RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Phone 18 “U A. JONES Come in and look over our color mm Poo! round! a inns-int float-36°- when»: you’re roubl- buyer-9%. JOHN KIRKLAND. H. ESPEY, Apply 0. MA SON N. J. SMELLIE. Buchanan St Lettering llliU t0. Gum] \vmk. 'uwn or (‘nuntry, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 30ncm-d P.0. (Bu-Hille- 39-Lf. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hill Eggs for Hatching Ten young pigs 7 weeks old, and one fresh milk cow. first-class. GILES KERSWELL. Phone King, 33â€"11;. Jefferson. 39-2 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper-- Hanger. 35:51: ENCE. RIEHMOND 1m 1, Immediately. a good working house- keeper. Liberal wages will he paid. Apply (0 MRS. VAN\\'AR'I‘. Pure bred white “'yandntte eggs for h:\tcl1ing.60c.per setting of 15 eggs. for your stock. Nothing better for putting your stock in good condition, especially for milk cows. Highly recommended by the best authorities on milk and beef production. Also an excellent food for horses. For Sale by W. HEWISON NORMAN BA'I'I'Y. Manager Caldwell’s MOLASSES MEAL PAINTER AND DECORATOR HOSE 29â€" L. Innes 8c Sons RICHMOND HILL JOHN ELLIS \Vhy not try HOUSE AND SXGN PAINTING PAPERHANGING. GRAINING GLAZING. KlLSOMINlNG. Etc. ATTENTION T For Sale Wanted APNF H. R. HEISE. Richmond Hill Gunnle Tpn to 20 acres. with or withoutl buildings. anywhere between- Tlmm- I hill and Aurora. 5 A grocery c191 k wishing to learn f erred. l have a. client. whn will pay cash 1 farm of this description. Send detailed particulars to A. E. G LASS. Phone Richmond Hill (,‘er‘tnï¬ 403 Ono registered Shorthom bull months old. Six choice. B. I. R Cockerels, fur Breeders, $3.00 and down. Also R.I.R. eggs for hatching. after April lst. “Utility Stock". I). \V. HEISE. 8-3 Gonnley, Ont BAKER AVEâ€"Running frnm Markham Ave. to Roseview AVP. Lots 50x17“) with ideal drainage. ()nlv houses costing $2500.00 and upward can he built, on this Avenue. which insures you against depreciation by others building a cheap house beside you. ROSEVHNV AVEâ€"Three good corner lots .50an. Four small lots 42 ft. Gin. x140. Also some choice lots 50x15!) facing south and bat-king up to the park. PL'USLEY AVEâ€"Choice location for factory where women are employed. with park on one side and flower garden on the Other. Close to railway. Electric light. and po\ver. \Vater at 90 lbs. pressure supplied at minimum cost. RAHAVAY LOTS~-\\'ith siding already in. Power line passing right over front of each lot. \Vatersnpplied at 90 lbs. pressure and in quantity up to 100 gallons per minute at minimum cost. RICHMOND HILL is going right ahead while other localities are at a stand- still. There is no safer place. in (‘anada m invest. your money than right in Richmond Hill. It is estimated that there will be. about forty acres of glass houses. devoted to growing flowers, at Richmond Hill in ten years. This will mean employment for hundreds of men. HIGH SCHOOL, new (i roomed Public School being built, good Churches. two Railways. Electric Light and Power at minimum cost, and an abundance of good water. Right on Yonge St. Good road and only eight miles from Toionto City limits. D THE L. E. HAND. HEAD OFFICE invaluable assistance in collect- in drafs,ec. TORONTO g t t RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 1.13 Phone Richmond Hm Central Shorthorns Present offeringé Bulls from 5 to 14 months, of the low down, thick kind, all Red. Ten Cows and Heifers Bred. Bulls and Heifers are sired by a Half Brother to the ï¬rst prize milking Shorthorn Cow two years in succession at Toronto Exhibition. The Cows are of a good milking strain. In Leicesters a few Ewes and Ewe Lambs can be spared, all Bred. Farm Wanted TH E ESTABUSHED 1873 HE business man who rndnmprc ;n var;mle r ©F‘ @ANADA Boseview Gardens LOTS FOR SALE For Sale \ND. U U a Manager. Branche: aka a! Map‘e. Markham. Stouffville. Unionville and Locust Hi". For Sale Wanted P. BOX 69 (‘31) “THE LIBERAL A. H ELM KAY. Elt’lk. A young man Irn the business pre- ELMBANK FARM B.â€"Cnt this udvt. out and send it to your friend> Ccdnr Brook Farm. Head ford. For further particulars write or see w. J. LAWRENCE, Richmond H’rll in-wm-gm-dmmuil the Other. (Hose to raiilwi'd): \Vnu‘r at 90 lbs. pressure supplied at minimum g4 ROSELMV’N AQE, An eight room brick house in the village of Maple. Immediate posses- Smn. HE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will ï¬nd the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. 13 The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court t( No. 3, County of York, will he held in the Com-t Room. 24-6 m DIVISION - BUURT. For Sale or Rent We sell Farms and country roperties. JOHN FISHER. Real Estate 8: Farm Bloker. Lumsden Building. (6 Adelaide Street East) Torcnto. Farms Wanted -0N__ Monday; April 20, 1914 THOS. THOMSON. HEADFORD P.0., ONT. (Jnmnmncmq at 9‘ APPLY l9 RICHMOND HILL TORONTO, or RICHMOND HILL 211 RS. ISABELLA JACKSON ’I‘. F MCMAHON CLERK Leicesters