llBERM. PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE JOHN R. CAMPBELL. All muil orders will receive prompt attention. BHURSDAY MORNING iosussd Auctioneers {or the County of York. Sslosnttouded to on shortest notice and at ros- eorsbla rates Pnttonase solicited 200 BERESFORD AVE... \VEST Tuaox'ro Phone Junction 72. Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended (-0 on shortest notice and conducted by the latest. np-to-date methods. J ’1‘ Samson anle )ulls by phone or otherwise prompth respended to. LASRAY P. 0. .‘. F. McMAHON. $1 per annum, in advance.] TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE DR. W. A. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. VOL. XXXVI. Adm-ass: 239 Balliol St. North Toronto Phone in House. North 229%. ‘O FIN: house nnrth 0f Atkinson & Switzer‘s storm VETERINARY SURGEON. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER I“. C. EGAN BUSINESS CARDS. BIaplo. ()nt. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LICENSED A who Salgeou & McBwen. OFFICE AND R ESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY ’Phoruhill. 'm- the County of York Eon-on J: Paovmmon. J; H. Prentice P110 ne N0. 2403 RESIDENCE AT THE AL‘C‘TIONEER ibcral J K McEweu Wanton ONTARIO Mouov t can on I and announce] mortgagesnt owest rates Aurora omceâ€"Beu’oved to the old post oï¬ca one door wan ot the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post oflice HERBERTLENNOX u 31‘" MORGAN A urns. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telephone. Main 311 Ca ble Address. “Dedo.†LENNOX & MORGAN .7051: 3. Qavidson PIANO TUNING A. Cameron MacNaughton BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. annm 3‘28 Confedem (ion Life Bldg., No.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal' Ofï¬ce). every Thursday foremmn‘. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnodhridqe, Saturday fox-ennon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victnma Sts.. I‘m-onto. Tel. M. 363] Richmonq Hill CCDIMISSXONER. CONVEYRN'WZR. ETC Real Estate and Insurance A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at, both places Undertakers dk Fmbnlmers. RICHMOND HlLL & THORNHILL ELLIOTT 1W Denton, Grover & Field H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence & Dunbar, the School that has the habit of doing a class of work that bears the stamp of “Superiority.†Open ail yem‘. Enter any time. Handsome Catalogue sent on re- quest. Cor Yong: and Alexander 515‘ OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNIâ€"lILL Barristers and Solicitors. Barristersï¬olicitors; Notaries, 86c, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Organs Repaired. Expert Work Barristers, Snlicmrs, &c WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. APRIL 16. 1914 VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC WRIGHT BROS TORONTO,â€"ONT. In Essentialc, Unity; in Nan-Essentials, Liberty,- z'u all things, Charity.†W. J. ELLIOTT. P rlnclpal Phone Main 2984 The report of the Seed Cnmmission- er of the Dvpartnwnt 0f Agriculture for Canada for the pexind from March. 1911. to August 31. 1913. has been printpd. It cnncludes nt this due ho- cause the annual routine of seed testing and SPPd inspection commences on the _ï¬lԤt of Septvmhfr. . . . .. .1 The repin‘t is divided under the three main heads of Seed Growing. Seed Testing and Seed Inspection and those are again subdivided in such :1 munnvr as to rendex the report ofgrmt interest and value to seed growers and others iligergsteil in gong] pure sePd. Referring to Alfalfaâ€"a crap of great and growing importance in Canadaâ€"â€" the repnrt sayszâ€"“Cf the 353 samples of send tested at Ottawa last season, Drohahly not more than half a dozen Were of Canadian origin. While more than one-third of the tntal number contained Weed seeds which occur nnlv in Alfalfa produced in Europe. The remainder originated in the Western and midle westm-n states. must. of them probably in Mnnlana and Utah. Very little Alfalfa seed is produced in \‘Viscnnsin and Minnesota and practi- cal_ly_none of ibis tn hehad in Canada." Referring to the influence of frost nu immature oats it is stated that th degiees when in the milk stage will. in most cases. ruin outs for seed even though the heads may ï¬ll and give of u [33qu bushel weight. This report, which constitutes a con- cise summary of the work of the Seed Branch fur the period indicated. is available tn all who apply for it to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. There was a good attendance at the choir concertin the Methodist church on Good Friday evening and everyone was Well pleased with the programme. The choir sang a number of Easter anthems. and solos Were sung by Miss Lily Urnsslev, Miss Dora Mon'. Miss Myra Hudson and Mr. Ollerenshaw. all of Toronto. All of the selections were suitable for the occasion. and were heartily applauded. Miss Gross- lev sang ver'y sweetly and with much expression "There is a Green Hill Far Away†and for an encore “He Knows." Miss Thompson of Toronto delighted the audience with her rendering of a number of recitations, and received en- cores to which she responded. The proceeds amounted to $56. I The service on Sunday evening under the auspices oftyhe \anen’s Auxili’lry was Well attended. The sermon was preashed by Rev. H. S. Lovering and special music was rendered by the choir. An offering of $27.34 was taken. The Junior League had :1 social after- nogn at, the Rummage; (2n Monday. The monthly meeting of the “'0- men’s Institute was held at the home of Miss M. Johnston on \Vednesfluy of last week. Pnpms were read by Mrs. \V. Mylks and Mrs. J. B.'Mr:Lean. Mr. and M rs. J. \Vnudmw of Aurora; spent Gnqd Fridjgy Hti‘ll'. Norman’s. 'Mr. :lhd Mrs. W'm. Brown and Mrs. meey 0f Torunto spent. Good Friday at H. C. Bailey's. Following is the report of 5.8. N0. 7. Markham. for month (if Min-ch, standing head on general eï¬icieucy throughout the womb. Names in order of merit. Class Vâ€"â€"Murr;1y Smith. Sr. lVâ€"Stellai Hel89, Alfred Smith, Elva Hyise. Jr. IVâ€"John Cuber, Douglas Fry, \Vesley Sider. Beula Stevens. Class IIIâ€"Mnbel Coher, Joseph Fry. Lillian Sliiilh. Tydiu Sidel'. Class IIâ€"“ï¬lter Smith, Annie Heise. Earl Honsberger, Mary Bnillingff. ParLVIIâ€"Juseph Sider. Peger Sider. Donald Lehman. Alvin Farmer. Pt. II (a)~Levi Side]; Gem-g9 Coher. Pt. [â€" -ll'ene Fry, \Vyntt Mom-by. Vet-mm Dennie, Gerald Lynn. The regular monthly meeting of the Thornhill Branch of the “'omen‘s Institute will meet today. (Thursday), April 16. at, 2.30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. \l’. D. Scott. Papers will be given by Mrs. Ashcroft, Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Cmson. Members will res« pund to the roll call by a quotation from Shakespex-e. A most enjoyable and profitable evening is expected at, the residence uf Mrs. D. James on Monday evening the 20th inst. when the usual monthly meeting of the Literary Circle will assemble. Music. vocal and instru- mental. and readings will he rendered. 3150 an address upnn "Citizenship" by u talented lady of Toronto, Mrs. Picn- ton. All welcome. REPORT OF THE SEED COM- MISSIONER March Report of 5.8. No, 7, Markham Thornhin. Maple. m'mï¬‚ï¬ Divine service will he held Mmy’s church. Richmond Hill 3.11)». Sugd 1y nex_t. The Easier Festival service and music will be repeated on Sunday next at Trinity Church, Thornhill. A full Account, of the annual meeting of St. Mary’s and Trinity Chnrohm will appear in THE LIBERAL next week. “’ith but four dissenting voices. the ratepayers of \Voodhridge on Saturday by an overwhelming majority endorsed a $6,000 by-law to take 100 horsepower of Hydro-electric energy‘ at $33.30 per horsepower. The vote was 106 fox-and 4 against. The supporters of the by- law claim that by obtaining Hydro- electric energy it will he the first step in the new policy of expansion. Chief Engineer Gaby, of the Hydro-electric forces. hasassured the Councillors that, following the passing of the by-law. the Commission would erect a step- down station at \Voodbridgn. which would enable power to be supplied the farmers of Vaughan townshlp and the adjoining: municipalities. These dis- tricts have applied for power, and the by-law means as much for them as for the people of \Voodbridge. After the result of the voting had been an. nounced. Reeve C. L. \Vallace stated that another object which the Council will endeavor to promote will he the building. of an adequate number of houses to meet the demands of pros- pective residents. At their meeting Tuesday the York County cnmmissinnexs awarded the contract for the new bridge our Massey Creek nn the Dawes mud to McDougald and Tunie. their tender being $3127. Fifteen tenders were re- ceived for the work. Mr. A. J; Davis of Davisville was fatally injured Good Friday afternoon and died on Monday. He was standing on the comer of Shaftsbury avenue», north of the C. P.R. Crossing. Yonge street when he was run down by a Waggon belonging m the Canadian Transfer Company. The York Highway Board met Tues- day and authorized the engineer, EA. James. to put-chosen sufï¬cientquantity of road oil for the summer. A few ac- counts Were passed. but no new work was considered. Ha the government is now dealing with the matter of road construction. The fnllowing are the ‘overseexs of highwavs for the west pm-tnszIrkhnm annship, fxom Ynnge street to the 4th concessinn:-â€" l Hem-y Harper, Thurnhill - 2e Gen. Robinson. “ 3w \Valter Chutterly “ 3 “7m. Ness. 51¢. Lungstnfl’ Geo. Hamming. Richmond Hill Jus. Keith. “ †Jus. Cusgmve, Elgin Mills \V. CnsgI-m'e. Elgiu Mills 9 \Vultel' Hood, Amber 10 J. lV. Beutty. Thomhill 11 \Vm. Gnhn, Dollar 12 Henry insun. Dlgllnp 4 5 6 7 l4 17 18 21 Everyone is guilt of an offence and liable in the. case of a ï¬rst offence to be reprimanded. in the case ofa second offence to a penalty not exceeding one. dollar, and in the case of a thild or subsequent offence to a penalty not ex- ceeding four dollars, who, being under the age of 16 years. smokes nr chews tobacco in the street or public place. nr purchases or has in his possession, whetherforhis own use or not. any cigarettes or cigarette papers. In re- gard to cigarettes everyone is guilty of an offence and liable on summary c0n~ viction in the case of a fixst offence. in a. penalty not exceeding ten dnllars, and in the second case of an offence to a penalty nut. exceeding one hundred dollars, whu directly or indirectly sells nr gives or furnishes tn a pen-Sun unde: the age of sixteen years, any cigaxettes or cigarette papers whether for his own use or not. The reguhu mnnthly meeting hf the Richmond Hill “'ouu-n's Institute was held at. the home m“ Mrs. H. Legge. Jetfersmn. on \Vednesduv afternoon nf last “’ei'k. when thirty members were present. The pmzramme for the after- noon was 3 Salad Demonstration by four of the members. which proved very instructive as Well as appetizing. The Instrumental Selectinns by Miss Nora McMahon and Snlu by Mrs, étddul much to the ufteE‘mmn's enjnyment, after which refreshments were served. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS MINORS AND CIGARETTES Jas. Barker. Hendfm'd Herbert Smith, Hetldl‘m'd T. E. Buyntvn, " Simon Nelson, Victoria Square Rich. Smith. Gm mlvy Jus. Fierhuller, Buttnnvillu Henry Huopel, “ .las. Reynard, " \Vilnmt Brumwell.Victoria Square 0. I). Stoutenbm'g. " CHURCH OF ENGLAND “'OMEN'S INSTITUTE News Notes. in St at, AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAA VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VYV iComforts and Teething 3 ngs Wheat, Buckwheat. Manitoba Oats Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the DJ... 80 W. Scranton Hard Goal. “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A car load of fresh Gluten at the Elevator. Also one of good Bran ard Shorts. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. STIVER & HAMER I]. HILL & Go. Bakers and Confectioners All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Everything up~to‘date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES. RICHMOND HILL. ON I'. W. A. Sanderson consisting of all the best makes WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Sanitary and Measured and all accessones for the same Puhtic Attention For the Baby And everything for the Baby Allonbm-y‘s I, 2. 3, Hnrlock's Malted Milk, Nestle: Food, Mellins’ Food Talcum P owder [Single copies, 3 cts. Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Bordin Eagle Brand ALSO HANDLE THE Baby Foods Our lmes of DRUGGIST for the Chickens Cracked Corn . . AND . . No. 42