Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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It is to be hoped that a bill now before the Ontario Legislature, enti- tled “An Act to amend the Industrial Farm Act,” will not become law. The proposed aet provides that when lands are taken for such a purpose without the consent of the owner, the value of the land so taken “shall be the value thereof as fixed by the last revised assessment with 20 per cent of the assessed value added thereto." Some of the farms along Yonge St. have recently been sold for probably five times the price of their assessed value. If a man's property is taken from him without his consent surely he is entitled to what his land will The Economist insinuates that the detectives may have been dishonest, saying that “there is a possibility that the wine was doctored after the hotel~keeper sold it, and before it reached the department.” That is hardly fair to the detectives who were sent by the Ontario Government to perform a very unpleasant duty. There is generally a prejudice against detectives, who have to do their work secretly, and yet the people expect the Government to see that strong drink is not sold in local option dis» tricts. The hotel-keeper may have sold the liquor innocently, but that is a matter to be settled between him- self and the firm from whom he pur“ chased. Last week’s Markham Economist argues that a. fine of 3100 should be remitted to the proprietor of the hotel at Ringwood, who was recently fined for selling liquor containing twelve per cent; of alcohol, in a local option constituency. The proprietor claimed that the wine, which was labelled “John Murray & Son, London, Ont,” was guaranteed to be nonâ€"intoxicat- ing, in which case he should be able to secure damages from the manu~ facturers. The charge was laid by detectives from the Provincial License Department who purchased the wine from the hotel-keeper. The G overnment was non-commital in its answer to the deputation. More of the matter will undoubtedly be heard, as the petition revealed a Wide-spread revolt among the young men of the Conservative party on the temperance question. “Supporting loyally as we have done, and as we do now, the general record of the present Government and its many advanced policies, it would be with reluctance that we should find ourselves obliged to for- sake the Conservative party in order to see a Liberal Temperance proposal through, but if the present situation continues we will feel morally bound to pursue that course.” “That you pass an Act in the Legislature abolishing all liquor shop, bar and Club licenses in the Prov- ince, such legislation to come into effect onlyâ€"and thereupon automat- icallyâ€"after a majority of votes have been cast in its favor, in a plebiscite on the question presented to the peo- ple within a year after the passing of the said Act.” The memorial signed by the deputation represent- ing the Executive, declared : Quite the most significant event of the week was the deputation of Con- servative Members of the Ontario Young Manhood Association, which waited upon the Government and presented a petition signed by 9000 Conservatives asking for more ad- vanced Temperance Legislation by the Government. The petition re- quested : RICHMOND HILL. 0m. Am. 16, 1914 CONSERVATIVE YOUNG M EN. AN UNJUST PROPOSAL In: “flihcmi. FIXED $100. the school room of the church last. evening was well attended and :in in- teresting programme was furnished. The mite boxes which had been in charge of the. Ladies Aid Society were opened, and contained the very credit able sum of $142.93. Refreshments were served during the evening and thoroughly enjoyed. Satisfactory re- ports of the different, departments of church work were given as follows:â€" Sabbath School. J. H. Sanderson; Trustee hoard. \V. Harrison; Epworth ,1 League. J Hickson; “’mnun’s Mission- ! The congregational meeting held in bring in the open market. In some townships farms are assessed for only 50 per cent of their value; in other townships the rule may be 75 per cent. It would be a great injustice to force a man to sell for whatever price the assessor chose to assess his land, plus :20 per cent, or even 50 per cent. : PHONE 16~R 2 O §§§§§§§§§§§§O§§Q¢§§OO+§§¢§§N+§§§§§§O§OOO§Q§§O§O06¢ 0090§§§§§.§§O§§§§§§§§§§§Q§ §§§§§§096§§§§§O§§Q§§§O§§§O . o Exclusiveâ€" Mnde-to-Meusux'c Tailor- ing. CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE C0. E beg to announce to our many customers, frIends, and prospective customers that we have secured and hold the exclusive selling rights for the following well-known merchandize all of which are of proven merit and are properly suited to the purpose for ‘ which they are intended. \Vil-e Fence and Gates Ask for price_ on Special Fence N0. 9 THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN METHODIST CHURCH G. A. MCDONALD& SON SUITS S: OVEHCOATS $20.00 to $40.00 There are few better foods than Rice. Easxly prepared, easily digested, strongm nutritive qualities and above all~cheap. GOVERNMENT STANDARD Timothy and Clover is the kind to Sow. Rehable Seeds cannot be afforded at half price. SEEDS! ' SEEDS! A HEALTHY VVHOLESOME FOOD. Naughton Brass, Elgin Mills ESTABLISHED 1889 Six hundred dollars is the new pxice of the. Ford runabout; the tnurlug.y car is six fifty; the town cur nine hundredâ€"all f, 0. b. Ford, Ontario (formerly \Valkervill9 post oflice). complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from DAVISON & BROW'N LEE Agents, Uniunville. Ont. It’s the prince of carsâ€"and car of princes. Two grand dukes and nineteen princes drive Fords in Russia. And the sturdy car is as popular with both classes and masses the world over. Its unâ€" equalled merit has won it world« wide recognition. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1914 'ill'll) 41-3 ary Society, Mrs. Switzer; Envelope committee, J. H. Sanderson; Ladies Aid. Miss Trench. The reports were interspersed bv a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Uruwhurst. readings and instrumental selections hv Rev. J. U. Cuchmne. vocal solos by Mias Switzer, Miss M. Trench and Mr. D. Atkinson, and a corner, solo by Mustpr George \Viley. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Smith, preside. Indian Motor cycle, 7 H.P.. 1913 model. cradle spring frame This is practically a new machine in A1 shape, and run less than 1,000 miles. Price $265. ENNYROYAL WAFERS. THE JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. DUNLUP TIRE & RUBBER CU. PLO‘VS G AS ENG IN ES HARROW’S DRILLS CULTIVATORS RAKES ROLLERS SPRAYERS SUU FFLERS CORN CUTTERS REPAIRS AUTO TIRES BICYCLE TIRES SUNDRIES For Sale \ Alpcdnc monthly medic me for lnd‘u k‘ restore and regulau the menset producan free. healthy um painlen dllchnrgu. No Ache: or pain- on up pro-ch Now used by over 30,000 Indie; Uncc used wm unengxin. Invisoxsze. 1' [hue org-n; Buy 01 your druzglst ’ only muse with our sign-lure Aaron tumor hbeL Avoid “batman Scued rtlculnr: mulled :c sump. 1.00 dgnu. EUMK} CB {AL KIRBY. u'rville The Daily World A safe reliable lighting system for Automobiles. Phone us for prices and information. PEABODYS SALES CORP. LTD. Pea bod ys' THE PREST-O LIGHT C0. Every family should have both their local paper and a City paper. FULL “\Vc Overalls Smacks and Gloves 11' like a pig's nose” Y GUARANTEED â€"â€"AGENCY~â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. Holstein Bull Calves from R. O. M. dams for sale at, the above farm. 33â€"2 m. REAL ESTATE VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. RICHMOND HILL A. J. HUME FINE TAILURING Toronto. Canada. inciude the Central Business College with Five City Branch Schuols. Graduates are universally suc- cessful. Enter any tune. Wnte for cats.- logue. W. H. Shaw. Prus.. Head Oflices. 391 Yonge St. Shaw’s Business Schools. RATES Walnut Grove AND RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given to Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing. MANAGER U. R. JAMES. Lungstaff 3. Q 0

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