Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1914, p. 1

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LASKAY P. 0. ,__,_~ up xuv wuuuh’ UI 1011. Salosntmlndéd to on shortest notice and as re:- aonable rates Patronage solicited J 1' Samoa Maple Licensed Aucnoueer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Tomato. Special attention given to sales of evory descripuon. Farm and arm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest unto-date methods. icensgg Apcgionaersrtor the C Phone No. 23. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respunded to JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Address: 239 Balliol St. No Phone in House. North ‘ All mail orders will receive prompt attention. 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Juncth 72. SATISFACTION G L'ARANTEEL. llBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE '1'. F. McMAHON. DR. W. A. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL LICENSED AUCTION EER I'HURSDAY MORNING TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE . H. PINKERTON, V.S. Fm: house north uf Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. Blaple, ()n t. VETERINARY SURGEON, Snlgeon & NlcEwen . 'U l‘ VOL. XXXVI. $1 per annum, in advance. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER ‘6 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE BUSINESS CARDS. J. H. Prentice Thornhil]. the County of York. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Elle fiihml IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY Euros I: Paormmoa. Phone No. 2102. RESIDENCE AT THE '01 H: Toronto‘ qunty of York ONTARIO J K McE wen Wes ton RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL COMMISSIONER ,, _‘ â€" V, v“ & I Graduates of this school READILY oa'mxx EMPLOYMENT because there are thousuuda of openings in this city every year and we are called upon to fill more than we can. Enter anv time. College open all year. “'rite fur catalogue. for Yong: and Alexander Sts. ,7 . ‘4." - 'll LIII well-known throughout Canada strictly superior training is the BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, N OTARY‘ Tot-unto Ofl‘ice. Rnnm '328 Conf tinn Life Bldg.. Na. 12 Richmond Richmond Hill Ofl‘ice (“Li Ofl‘ice), every Thursday forenom Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVnud bridge, Saturday forenoo Mouev to 1mm at Fin. pm. In.“ If you expect HIGH GRADE EMPLOY- MENT you must make HIGH GRADE PREPARATION. Ope schrml that is monovt can salami anucnattel mortgagesat " owast rates Aurotaoflicoâ€"Rev owed to the old post offica one door wut of the entrance to the post orfice EBBEBTLENNOX G swv hfnbn-n (linden-takers d: F Money I: LENNOX & MORGAN Tel. M. 363] NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada Telephone, Main 311 CH ble Address. “Dado.” urge stock kep THORNHLLL Oummissioner, Insurance, ; Issuer of Mn Barristers,Solicitors. Nata Home Life Building Cor PIANO TUNING Denton, Grover & Field . Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG..18 KING STREET \VEST NOTARY PUBLIC .lSéIONER. CONVEYAN'WSR. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Lawrence & Dunbar, VV T.ORPNT6. ONT WRIGHT BROS EDWARD FRANCIS :lrrlslers and Solicitors WILLIAM COOK .7031: Organs Repaired NOTARY PUBLIC ‘aI-risters, Solictors. RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. voucmc AND. . _ ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL ldqe, Saturday forenoon. 1mm at Five Per Cent: (5%) Ron m 328 Con fed em of Fvnex-al Fur'nishing at both places re Building 00:. Adelaide 'ictnna Sts.. l‘oro'lto. .. Na. 12 Rich'x.{<$i}}ivs“{.‘i§ Hill Otfice (“Libel-HY Thursday forenoun. Aunts. er, Cunveyanom'. PM *. and Real Estate Ian-riage Litt'nses. “In Essentials, Unity; in ‘. ELLIOTT. Principal Inhnlmers, S'rv Manon Qauidson Expert Work . Notaries. 85c. Phone Main 2984 a for '. ETC. A game was pulled off last Saturday betwpen two picked teams of the home talent, Burthulemew’s side haviugu. walk-away. The officers and members of the Richmond Hill lmll club wish Ln thank the citizens, through their Manager Mr. J. A. Gleene. for the Inval qup- port tendered the Club. financially. On Saturday next the team of the United Typewriter 00., «me of the strongest in the Toronto i\Ia.mxfnct.11r~ ers'Leugue. will play here with the locals at sharp. Everybody is invited and no admission will be charged. ,, a, v......, V-uvutn, n;ch Lu'lllt'. (Hass C.â€"â€"Hazel Gordon, Hazel Bowes, Bert Lune. Lorne Oster. B.â€" Bezltrice Bone. Abraham Baker, Vex-a Heise, Amos Baker. Marion Sim-“iv, Beatrice Prest. Gordon Burger. Kath- leen McMahon. A.-â€"-Flossie Keys, Hun-y Taylor. SI'.'IIIâ€"Mildred Heise, Hazel Mm- ton. Charles Cooper. Harold Gordon. Jr. IIIâ€"Stewart Brillinger, Newton B(}_nu, plum) Bowes. Sr. IVâ€"Meh'in \Vitty Gordon. Ernest Clarke, Cooper. Ida Fisher, Allan 1 “guy. V Classâ€"Gordon Hoover. IVâ€"-.lnsth Kef’fel. Helen Mi Hazel Anderson, Allan Smith. 1 Gihhins, Veda \Vhitmore. D0 Aitchisnn. \Vinnie Rubb. Allen I IIIâ€"â€"l{uby Aitchisrm, Russ Ste son. Norman Kefi‘er, Mary K Viola \Vhitmore. IIâ€"Rolm-t. Mitchell,1\hlrjmie M Cm'n Snidex‘.m\V_ilu|el- Kefl’er. D..L|. 1 r Before the High Mass on Sunday last the. new statue of St. Ann present- ed by Mr. and Mrs. P. D. O‘Lenry was blessed by the pastor. Rev Ed. Kelly. In the sermon which \'as a sketch of the life and virtues of St. Ann the pus- tur referred to the gift. made to the congregation. and thanked the donors in the name nf the parish. A meeting of the gentlemen 0f the congregation was called. and itwas de- cided to go un with some extensiveim- provements on the church in the very near future. The ladies of the parish will hold an ice cream social at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 231d. Uhurch debt. ()1) Monday. Victoria. Day the Ladies Aid will Serve :t Dinner and Tea in the schnulroom of the chuich whern they hope to meet many old friends as well as new ones. t The Quarterly Official Bourd met on M-ondav. The following officers were up ointedz~Uircuit Stewards: G. Ger. '1‘. ranch. \V. Rumble. W. Nichols. A. Helmkuy, C. W'iley and T. McMahon; Recording Steward: Mr. Gee; Repre- sentative at the District meeting; Mr. Gec with Mr. Reumim us alternate; Class leaders for Richmond Hill: Mr. Hurt ison. Mr. Rcuumu; Local preacher; Mr. Woodward; district visitors for Richmond Hill : Messrs. Hume, \RL-amzm and Hurrison:Victm-ia Square: Messrs. Read and \Voodwaid; Head- ford: Mr. Brodie: Conference commit- tee: Messrs. Hume and McMahon. The congreations at the different appoint- ments will elect their quarterly board representatives next, Sunday after service. A resolution was passed re- commending Rev. Dr. Smith to any circuit iequiring hisservices. and Mr. Foster Hickson will he asked to take the Work of junior pastor on the circuit. Anniversary sermons will he preached un Sunday, May 2!, by Rev. \Vvsley Dean of the Fred ViCLul‘ Mission. Torontv. Services at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Special music by the Choir at both services. Collections in aid of Church debt. On Monday. Victoria Day the Ladies Aid will um”. .i rum“... Edgeley Public School Report for April April Report of 3.8 N 0. '7. Vaughan MARY FITZGERALD, Teacher ST. MARY’S CHURCH METHODIST cauch BASE BALL Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- ef’fel. Helen Mitchell Allan Smith. Albvrt \Vhitmore DQ‘x-nyhy . :,. ‘D LL . n 40-5. - “IMY. gummy Jack Lam". Gorgon, Hazel )r. Rev Ed. Kelly. 3 was a sketch of ‘1’ St. Ann the pus- gift. made to the ;bb. Allen Poole: u. Russ Stephen- ', Mary KPffer. THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1914 ers of the ;h Ln thank ' Mnnzxgw: anal «up- , Mnrjm-ize Ostur, Burt, :lllny, Earl The Excelsior Men‘s Class has set out (in practical linvs. :1 number of me class spending last Saturday afternoon cementing the cellai 0f the nmnse. Mr. Enile Newtun our mganiat and chuir lender is leaving shortly for three months study and travel/in Eur- ope. Mr. Newton has worked wun- ders With his chair by his skill and en. thusiasm in the last couple of mombs, Theladies are very busy pxeparing for that. eventful day in the village calpndar. "the 21th,“ also the 25th when dinner and tea will be served. aplubuiu mummou.” Uren. 5. The Sunday School is breaking all records for rapid increase. having ad- vanced 65 percent in attendance since April lst. The Anniversary servin of the schunl will he held on the 24th of May when Mr. Hulpenny will be present. Subjects for Sunday. 11 21.11). “Not 11) condemn Jnlhp I!I.; 7 p.u1. "The d spilituztrl manhood On Motion tlléfiflleuvez Tyndall were added to U of streets and sidewalks The Reeve was authorized to sign an agreenwnt relative to electric me- ters. Mr. Geo Smith was appointed Health Inspector. A letter was read from the Inland Revenue Department whxch the Clerk was instructed to attend to. The Court. of chsion was set for the 2nd day of June. ,._ i .. ‘y Jauun‘ ham ()0. with reference to a contract for meters. From a. number of rate’ payers with reference to a. sidewalk on Church Street. lVlllthlpal lighting for Amil ...$ 95 90 Can. Gen. Elec. 00. wire. . . . . . 33 97 Geo. Cowio, sharpening tm»ls.. l 30 L. Innes & Sons, lumber . ‘ . . . . A 19 97 J. Eyer. tools . . . . 3 40 H. Y. R. R. ctlrrentfor Match. 93 29 Chamberlain 86 Honkhum me- lm's . . _ . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~16 50 Geo. Hewis. rink . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . l 90 Communiontions wen-s road from the followingâ€"The Chamberlain & Hcok- The couucil met; an May 4th in reg- ular session in the clerk’s office. All the members present. Minutes of pre- vious meetings read and confirmed. The following accnunts Were passed and payment ordered: Municipal lighting for Amil ...$ 95 90 Can. Gen. Elec. 00. wire. . . . . . 33 97 Geo. Cowio, sharpening tm»ls.. l 30 L. Innes & Sons, lumber . ‘ . . . . A 19 97 J.Eyer. tools . .. .. . 3 4|) sex-vice. H _ , V ...e «.h-u- uuu Aul. Poi-re“ of the. Richmond Hill Choir took lhe solo pal-Ls of the psalms. while Mr. Greene also of Richmond Hill sung the solo part of the Mugnilicub. Much credit is due Mrs. Hughes in her untir- ing Work in giving the congregation a. service at once so difficult and so per- fectly rendered. The members of the congregation are. very thankful to the t\vu above named gentlemen and the other membels of Richmond Hill Choir who helped in the rendering of the ear-Inn“ first, time in recent ye.- or sole run (-venin Hughes presided D.» .II . c .- ., anus nun Lut: Its, the Vespers gvservice. Mrs. Annie at. the organ and M r. On Sunday evening the Choir Luke's Church. Thnrnhill amm- F The Suciety has now 54 members and when our friends in the countly know that this organization is for them too. because distance is no bar, thin there is no limit to the broadening out of the influence that will make Rich- mond Hill and vicinity the beauty spot nf than {En-".4" of the County. nu uu: wrong and right of treating lawns. beds, bordexs &c., and really the actual compelling beauty, or the ridiculous. absurdity as the case may be of a great deal of home ornamenta- tion can 0an be completely realized by contrast. The Prof. promised to give his services free if requested to lay out and plan the new School gmunds; surely this is a sufficient hint t,0_§_he School Board. H ..-.,, “viylllll mu (m the wrong and right of trezl lawns. beds, borders &c., and n the actual compelling beauty, 01‘ ridiculous. absurdity as the case I be of a great deal of home m‘nalue tion can (mlv be nnlnnlpfulu mm] Prof. Hutt of the 0:1 0. Guelph gave an address that was surely a. treat, illustrating his subject by the use of lantern slides. dwenino lnro'ulv The Society's meeting on Tuesday evening of last weeK was not overly well attended considering the attrac- tiveness of the programme, but it was a very enthusiastic and highly de- lighted audience nevertheless. Mr. J. Lockie \Vilson, Supt. of Hor- ticultural Sooieties was the first speak- er. and gave a great deal of infor- mation. suggestions and advice to tlze new Society advising them amongst other things not to be afraid of spend- ing money nor yet to he backwald in asking for it either, claiming that n grant by the. Village, Council, would be well spent money, in fact he hinted that expenditure along those lines would he better in the Society’s hands, instancmg trees planted carelessly and without proper design, also the neglect ed unsightly condition of the Park. he also strongly advocated wider streets. Mr. Wilson pointed many ways in which the Society could do a great work in beautifying the Village and pledicted a brilliant future for Richmond Hill. PRESBYTER’MN CHURCH mnaay evening the Choir of St. Chl'll‘Ch. Thprnhill, sang for the HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ST. LUKE’S CHURCH. VILLAGE COUNCIL the Reeve and Councillor "(fled to the Commission slides, _d wel'l'irljgi iiirgslv May 17thâ€"â€" l)ut to save.” awn of the amongst, of sppnd. kwmd in RICHMOND HILL. ONT I D. HILL & Go. Bankers and , Confectioners Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock STWEB & HAMER We have the DL, a,- W. Scranton Hard. Goal “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Orders taken for WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY . . AND . . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. k car load of fresh Gluten at the Elevator. Also one of good Bran ard Shorts. A good supply of ’URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA ‘ Puhiic Attention [Single copies, 3 cts. for the Chickens or Red Clay Pressed Brick. 1. 3, iHnrlock’s Cracked Corn and Food, N o. nkes

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