Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1914, p. 1

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ieunsed Auctioneers torthe County of York 33103 “tended to on shortest notice nud at; rea. notable rates Patronage solicited LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Noth Toronto. Special attention iven to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales 11 specialty. Fnrlns bought and sold on commission. Ali sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-io-dnte methods. Gulls by phone 01- otherwise prompth responded to Phone N0. J '1‘ Sin-26011 Maple '1‘. F. McMAHON. 200 BERESFORD AVE, \VEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. LASKAY P. 0 I'HU RSDAY MORNING All mull orders will recoive prompt attention. Address: Phone in D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE DR. W. A. PENTLAND VOL.XXXVI. H FIN: house nm-th of Atkinsnn & Switzer‘s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER SATISFACTION G ['A RA NTEED )[aplo . ()n t. BU SINESS CARDS LICEHSED AI'CTIONEER Szllgt-on k For the County of York per annum, in advance. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Elm giihcml RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY ’l‘hox'nhill . RICHMOND HILL Emma L: PnOPmnToB. J. H. Prentice 239 Ballinl Sh . Nontb Toroutc House. North 2-392. Phune No. 2401 RESIDENCE AT THE i "(‘Ewa-n .. J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO “"0” “1097.115?! .. ""‘Khe' door wxst Outuno Bank Newmarket otficeâ€"Three ‘ postolfice T HERBEBTLENNOX G LED Mouovt can BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn Office. Rnom '328 Confedern Linn Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-31' Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftprnoon, VVnudln-idxze, Saturday forenoon. Monev to 102m at Five Per Cent (5Z1 Telephone. Main 311 Cable Address. “Dedo.‘ Richmono. Hill Tel. 31. 3631 CCDXMISSI‘ONER. CONVEY-\N"ER. ETC. A. G.F‘. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 13.. TORONTO, Canada Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, ace. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 8; Vietnrm Sts.. l‘om‘Ito. PIANO TUNING A. Cameron MacNaughton A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at. both places RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI. Graduate: of this school READILY OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT because there are thousand: of npe‘niugs in this city every year and We are called upon to fill more than we can. Enter anv time. College open all your. \Vrite fur catalogue. {or Yong: and Alexander Sis. If ynu expect HIGH GRADE EMPLOY- MENT you must make HIGH GRADE PREPARATION. One sclmnl that is well~Rnuwn lhrnughuut (‘nnndu for strictly superior I 'ning is the udortakm's A: thnInH-I's Danton, Grover & , Field H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence & Dunbar, OFFICEâ€"«SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST THORNHILL mnmissiuner, Convc Insurance, and Re Issuer 01' Marriage Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc NNOX & MORGAN gofin f7. f9avidson :Irrislcrs and solicitors. Real Estate and Insurance Organs Repaired. Expert Work Barristers, Snlicturs. &c WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 2!. 1914 EDWARD FRANCIS, WRIGHT BROS. TORONTO. ONT. VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL ELLIOTT NOTARY PUBLIC on 1 and an ac name! mortgagesat owast rates Aur'u’a. â€"Three doors south of the In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal ()l] V057] IN G STV‘ MORGAN 934.19 0151 peat ofiicc the entrance to the :11 pic-en Phone Main 2984 rl( Hill as there was Friday fort-noon whenit was learned that the Van \Vart family had suffered a seriom automobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. .l. H. Jaynes of Calgary were here visit- ing their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. l. S. G. Van \Vart. and as Mr. Van \Vart‘s car had just, arrived from The \Vest a day or two before, they started on a pleasure trip up Yonge Street. Mr. .laynes was at the wheel, and apparently all went well until the party reached Bond Lake. just opposite the. Park entrance. Here the car swerved as it struck a bank' of sand, and turned over throwing the seven occupants in all directions. Passengers from a Metropolitan car which had been running almost side by side with the automobile, and neighbors, carried the injured to a grassy bank by the roadway. and doc- tors at Richmond Hill. Aulora and King City were telephoned for, also two ambulances from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes and Mr. Van “'art were unconscious. Mrs Van \Vart and two children, Ruth and Dorothy. es- caped with a few cuts and bruises, while \Villie. an infant a few months old, was uninjured, being thrown in a pile of sand. » . Mr. and M rs. Jaynes were conveyed in the ambulance to the General Hospital, Toronto. but although the latter regained consciousness for a short, time, she died shortly after reaching the ward. Mr. Jaynes had his leg and several ribs factured and was severely cut and bruised. Mr. Van \Vart also had a factured leg and several ribs injured, and a large piece of glass was taken from his leg. After the accident the Van \Varts were driven to their home, and considering the serious nature of his injuries he is recovering rapidly. ,The. husband of the deceased lady is now said to be out of danger, and is progressing as Well as could he expected. Needless to say the family have the deepest sympath of the community in their sorrowful mishgip. Sincvre x-egret is felt hex-e upon the death of Mr. Lloyd Chapman who passed away at the home- of Mr. J. L. McDonald on inday last after an “L 11053 of seven weeks. The deceased was a son (=f Mr. and Mrs. F. Chapman The annual meeting ofthe Richmond Hill \Vomen’s Institute “as held at the home of Miss Pentluml on ‘VPanS- (lav afternoon of last week at 3o’clock, with :1 fair attendance. The Sec- retary’s report showed :1. year of many autivities, and a total men‘ihcrship of 67 for the past. your; the Treasurer's report showed :1 fair balance on hand. The following officers were elected for the ensuing yvnr :â€"Prvsid9nt. Miss Trench; Vice-President. Mrs. Switzer; Secy-Treus.. Miss McLean: Directors, Mrs. Oliver. Mrs. Palmer. Mis. Redditt; District represenhitives.Mrs. H. Legge, Miss Moyle, Mrs. Pugsley. Mrs. P1 ntt; Programme connnittee,Mrs.)[cM:n hon. Mrs. AllenJII-s. Lynett. Miss Pentlund. Miss O. Mortson gave an Instrumental svlection whirh was much enjoyed. after which Miss Penthtnd served reâ€" freslunents. The following artists will take part in the Concert m be held in the Agri- cultnralHallnn the evening of Vic- toria Dayzâ€"Mr. “'alter Edwards. cum- edian, entertainer and vocalist; Miss Louie Rodney, cb:u-a:ter costume changes. vocalist, dancer and elncntion- ist:'Miss Florence McMullen. Violinist. Bells and Mandolin; Miss Mildred \Valker, elocutionist and soprano; Harold Rich, pianist and accompanist. SIM “'0 .\I EN'S‘ INSTITUTE CONCERT ARTISTS FATAL ACCIDENT. Thornhill. There has been issued at the depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa a re- markable well executed folder. Farm- ers Circular No. 4. entitled “Potato disease transmitted by the. use of un- sound tubers”, showing in natural col- ors. ’ lepresentation of specimens of diseased potatoes. DiseaSes and other blemishes represented are. potato cank. er. powdery scab. hollow potato, in- ternal brown streak, little potato dis- ease. drylrot. wet rot, qonnnon potato scab, and stem end rot. Special refer- ence is made to potato canker and powdery scab. the latter of which oc- curs‘already in Canada and should be carefully avoided. The folder points out that. underthe destructive Insect and Pest Act of Canada, any person using for seed potatoes infected by potato canker Or powdery scab is liable to prosecution. Potato growers who suspect the presence of either of the, latter diseases are requested to send specimens to the Dominion Botanist, Central Experimental Fain). Ottawa. This folder. prepared by Mr. H. T. Gussow. Dominion Botanist. will he sent free to those who appr for it to the Publication Branch of the Depait- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa. a large numbergathered. and an illii minated address was read by Rev. J.H. (lolcluugh, rector of the church at England. The address included a cmn~ plimentary reference tn Mrs. Larkin and family. and it testified to the high esteem in which Mr. Larkin was held in the community. Mr. Laikin’s res. ponse was'a feeling of expression of appreciation at the htnmr paid himand his wife and family. Later in the evening a musical programme was given by the Nubleton orchestra and others, and refreshments were served by the ladies. among the young penple (If the village. The remains were taken to his mother’s home at Bradford. whore interment took place on Sunday afternoon. The monthly meeting of the \Vnmen’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. T. I). Kt-ffel' on \Vednes- day of inst, week. A1ml1t250 people ft on] Nobleton and surrounding neighlmrhumls gathered at the village hall Saturday evening tn bid farewell In Mr. J. \V. Larkin and family. Mr. Lat-kin had been merchant and postmaster of Nobletnn fur the past 24 years. hut has sold his business, :lndeilh his fmn'rty. is-nmv residing at Jetfei'sun. Yunge street. He had long been a lr-ader in the val-mus iiqu-nients in the interests of Nnhletnn, and his departure is cause t'ni' general regret in .l he vicinity. Sumething (If the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Larkin are held in the village and surrounding district. was made manifest Saturday evening when such ‘At a recent Inevting of the Rich- mond Hill Board (If Education a num- bernf accounts were passed. Princi- pal Davidson nf the High Scllnul was granted permissinn to preside at spec- ial examinations at Maple on the 15th and 16th ofJunD, the three teachers in the Public School were re-engaged at their present salaries. Mr. Davidson was re-engaged at his present salary, and MW. Bells salary was raised fmm $900 to $1,000. Miss Carpenter hand- ed in her resignation which was ac- cepted. and a committee was appoint- ed to draw up a suitable testimonial in reengnition of her valuable services as teacher in the High School during the past three and a half years. Rev. F. Manning preached his fur?- well sermon here on Sunday and leaves this week to take up Mission Work at Cocln'ane. After :1 lingering illness Mr. Thns. Rupert passed away on Saturday last at, the home of his daughtm' Mrs. B. Jackson. The funeral tnuk place on Tuesday to Aurora cemetery. \Vurd was received here last, week of the sudden death at Prussia. 8.131;, of Mr. Frank Frame. The deceased was formerly on the stuff of the Standard Bank here and had - nmnv friends The twenty-fourth is to be Sunday School anniversary in the Presbyter- ian Church. Three regular services willhe held. Rev. Mr. Hulpenny of Toronto will preach in the morning and afternmrxn, and Rev. Mr. Herbisnn \Vednesduv, May 13th it was resolved to install an np-to-dnte water system in the nmnw. The Ladies repnrt mnst genm'uns supplies for fair day. Dinner and tow will he served in the basement of the chm-ch :It the usual rates. The vnung men of the Excelsior class have laid out uni are preparing a ten- nis mun-L for summer use. 'l‘umnto will preach in the‘mm'ning and :Lftemunn. and Rev. Mr. Herbisnr will Luke as his subject, for the even ing “How to begin life." BOARD OF EDL’CATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH POTATO DISEASES Nobleton Mame. Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.\L. 86 W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better” Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRI‘CES CHANGES, PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. D. HILL & 80. Bakers and Confectioners STIVER & RAMER All kinds'of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Wheat, Buckwheat, . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR ’ ' avi'lwaj's’~ off hand. Everything up~to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES. v" vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv’v AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Comforts and Teething Bangs W. A. Sanderson consisting of all the best makes Sanitary -md Mensmed and all accessories for the same Puhiic Attention For the Baby Allonlmry's 1, 2. 3, Hot-loc Mailed Milk. Nestle: F00 Mellins’ Food _.__()__ And everythingifor the Baby [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum P owder Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND 'HILL ALSO HANDLE THE Bot-din Eagle Brand Baby Foods __.o___ Our [mes 6f for the Chickens DRUGGIST Cracked Corn 3, Horlnck's r"

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