The experimental Farm at Ottuna and the Branch Farms and Stations muke ï¬eld husbandry investigations u very prominent part of their work. For the fmmution of those who are interested the more important results of last, seasons work over the entire system have been summarized and is ‘ sued in Bulletin No. 75 of the Experi- mental Farms. It takes up the ques- ‘ tion of rotation. Cultivation. fertilizers, rates of seeding. cost of production. weed eradicnllon and other points c0n~ nected with ï¬eld Agriculture. The information is presented by Farms and Stations and is. therefore, easily avail- able for study. This bulletin is for free distribution at the Publications Branch of the Department of Agricul- i ture at Ottawa. FIELD HUSBANDRY EX PERI MENTS clmmcters. As regards lmth tvxtï¬Ã©-n‘a- illustmtions the June number is well worthy of perusnl by all interested in the uut-nfâ€"doors. stock. Ont.) relates some Intervslxng nnd curious facts concerning plants and animals entrusted to Dzune Nu- ture’s can-e. Among the list of good things it contains. special mention may he made of “A Dog’s Confession." the fascinating autobiography of an unfortunate dog; “One Hundred Miles in the Guide’s Special.†desuriptive of a cunoeing trip in Timngnmi Forest Reset-v ; “A Guy Deceiver†an outer- miniug tale with the Boy, the “Prin- cess.†and the big trout as central Under the title “Little Stories of Natln'e,"H. Mortimer Batten in the Ju ne issue of ROD and GUN (publish- ed by \V. J. Tnylrm, Limited. \Vond- stock. Ont.) relates some ian-vsling The Home Rule Bill giving Ireland the power to make her own loca l laws was passed in the British House of Commons on Victoria Day by a majority of 77. The Bill had twice been previously passed, but on each occasion was thrown out by the House of Lords. It will now, how- ever, become law whether the Lords assent to the measure or reject it. From this time forward, let us hope, Ireland, like Canada, will be a nation within the British Empire. People who say that Home Rule means Rome Rule and separation from the Empire, are talking folly. There is no reason to doubt the loyalty of Irishmen. All they ask is a chance to show to the world that they are men capable of taking care of themselves. There is no reason why the measure just pass’ ‘ ed should lead to civil war. The bill cannot become law until it is signed by King George. When this is done will the Orangemen of Ulster still say they will not be governed by 1 law bearing the King‘s signature ? Time will tell. Sir John Willison in the London Times is greatly moved because so many people are coming into Canada from the United States. Canada is pleased to welcome immigrants from England, Ireland Scotland or Wales, but it does not sound well to insinuate that men and women from across the line to the south are not also welcome in Canada. The same cry is often raised against Italians, Galiciansand other foreigners, but there seems to be a place for all who will come to Canada and work. British farmers are always in demand, but let us not dis- courage other laborers and artisans, and especially those from our neigh- boring republic. bar?†The Mail’s inference is that drinking in bars will be transferred to drinking out of bottles if Mr. Rowell’s policy is endorsed. But under the present Government‘s policy people may drink out; of bottles as well as at bars. The Globe suggests that the ques- tion before the electors is "The boy or the bar?†The Mail and Empire says it should be, “The bottle or the Sir James Whitney has announced that the General elections will be held throughout Ontario, on Monday, the 29th of June. The electorate must bow to the will of the Premier al- though not one good reason has been given why the elections should be RICHMOND HILL. 0x12. Jl‘NE 4, 1914 eld @112 24%th muls entrusted to Dame u-e. Among the. list of it. cuntnins. special me: made of “A Doc‘s Cnnfes EDITORIAL 18 months before the proper ROD AND GUN uni Forest " an enter- the “Prin- as central or the is that g For Sale 011 Easy Terms FOR FURTHER INFORMA'IION \YRITE CR SEE . A. _SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE 8: C0., ,i v- â€"V'-‘ : PHONE lGâ€"R 2 '.§§§+O颧§§§§§§§§§§§§+¢¢§Q§§§§¢§+¢§¢¢§§O§O¢§§QO§§00¢ :GASOLENE : SUGAR Richmond Hill Annex J §§§§+OQQO‘O‘OOOOOOOOQOQOOQ §§§§§¢§§§O¢§§¢§O§§O§§09009 ‘ A POULTRY FEEDS CANNED GOODS Richmond Hill. New, solid bnck, roomy house, ï¬nished in ï¬rst- class style. Double lot. Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill. A bargain for one month. One hundred acres, lot 28, Con. 3. Townshig Vaughan, bank barn, comfortable house, twu good or ards. Land suitable for mixed farmmg, right in potato district. Terms to suit. H. A. Nicholls REAL ESTATE AGENT, RICHMOND HILL \Ve have installed a supply you with FIL’] Seventy-four acres, part of lot 48, in the village of Richmond Hill. Running Creek, bank barn, com- Iortable house, splendid land for gardening. Terms to suit. Blachford Milk Mush, used by the leading pa strongly x-ecmnmended by them for young chicks have a stock of Baby Chick Feed. Scratch Feed, Ground Bone. Charcoal. G'rit and Oyster Shell has advanced in price. Preserving time is coming. Put in bag now when the price 15 xensonable. JUST ARRIVED. Fresth shelled Seed Com from :1 reliable firm. Ordel eauly, our prices are right. \Vhen qualityis considered the prices are right. Our stock of canned vegetables, salmon, sardines, pickles, sauces and jams are the very best. All guaranteed. An Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. Building Lots on Yonge St and Clarence Avenues. lave installed a BOVVSER self-measuring pump and can you with FILTERED gasolene at a reasonale price. Six hundred dollars is the new Inice of the Ford runabout; the touringr car is six ï¬fty; the town car nine hundredâ€":11] f. 0. b. Fox-d, Ontario (formerly \Vulkexville post ofï¬ce). C(nnplete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from DAVISON & BROVVNLEE Agents, Unionvillo. Ont. occasional purchase will make you Gift! Why not a foul? You couldn’t make a better gilt to the whole family. It’s apleasure carâ€" a business carâ€"â€"an all around, serviceable carâ€"an economical car. It’s the family car the world over. Drive yours home today. ,u MCDONALD & SON FARR/IS FOR SALE House For Sale SEED CORN dollars is the new mice of the ut; the tnurm;r car is six ï¬fty; nine hundredâ€":11] f. 0. b. Fox-d, nerly \Vulkexville post ofï¬ce). 10 Adelaide St. E.. Toronto ., Belmont adirjg poultry men and regular customer. \Ve all-eat]? Cracked Corn. Townshio of ch- the EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES Motor Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN ON MOTOR CYCLES Tornnto, Canada. include the Centn Business College with Five City Bram Schools. Graduates are universally su cessful. Enter any tm.e‘ Wnte fnr cat: loeue. W. H. ’Shuw, Pres., Head Ofï¬ce L. C U R T I S RICHMOND HILL Shaw’s Business Schools. A machine that‘s always ready when the doctor is wantcdâ€"-when there‘s an urgent errand in townâ€"â€" when the need of swift and sure transportation arises in the many phases of farm life. The Indian has the. lowest cost of upkeep of any motor-driven vehicle in the world. Requires no special hOusing. Fitted with F ootboards, Cradle Spring Frame (the world famous . CURTIS age St The H. M. RIP? 80., Limited ‘ 384 SPADINA AVE, TORONTO. A G E N T S AGENT FOR Motocj/éle For an Emergency Call US'l‘lSR ORR â€"LOCAL AGENT-- RICHMOND HILL Lboards, Cradle F. O. B. Toronto, i-ncluding full e world famous equipment as above indicated. OTHER MODELS $225.00 T0 $420.00 ‘entral SHEARDOWN’S PRICE FOR APRIL AND MAY $7.25 per ton delivered. PHONE SHEARDO“’N. He handles the best In COAL, “'00D and CEMENT, and MARKET LEHIGH VALLEY COAL i‘ known to be the BEST GOAL ON THE I positiver guarantee every c: coal sold by me, Lu be as l'(‘pl‘€5£‘l The Next Sitting 0f Divxsion Court to N0. 3, Country of York, will be held . in the Court Room. WESIDE - GGURT. RIQHMGND HELL JOHN SEEARDOWN Strictly Lehigh Vallev Coal FINE TAILGRING _ON_. Monday) June 22, 1914 All standard models have electric head light, electric tail light, elec- tric signal, two sets storage batter- ies and Corbin-Brown rear-drive speedometer, and is priced at $335 DELIVERS PROMPTLY comfort feature) and exquipped with a motor that can negotiate any bill, it may be truly said that all roads are local roads to the Indian. J. HUME Pressing Cleaning Repairing (Jnmmencma at 9.30 :1. m. Take Notice RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc Direct from the mines Conveyancing pecial attention given to T. F MCJIAHON (‘LERK 11