Alarge stock of Funer A'H uvvn ‘1 RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Tel. M. 3631 Telvphune. Muin Cable Address. " A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Burriskrsï¬olicitéés. Notaries‘ Home Life Building 00:. A & Victoria Sts.. J‘nmnr. Undermkers dk Licensad Auctioneers for the County Balusattendod to on shortest notice an soluble rates Patronage solicited PIANO TUNING J T Salgoon Maple LASKAY P. 0 Licensed Auckoneer for the Onurio and Nanh Tmonto. given to sales of evury tlescri; arm stock sales a specialty tnd sold on commission. All on shortest notice and cumin: up‘to-date methods. Address: 239 Ballinl St. Non Phone in Hausa. North > l‘Iaple. ()nt Phone No. 28. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ‘ KING ST E.. TORONTO, Caumda JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Gulls by phone or otherwiso promptly respflulcd to Dennton, Grqver & Field . Camerqq “Mapraughton In-__:_ , _- “flâ€"v‘ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. lS KING STREET \VEST 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TURONTO Phone Junctmn 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will recoive prompt attention. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. Lawrence “&. “Dunbar, n..-;-.--- nun '1‘. F. MQMAHON. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY .DHURSDAY MORNING E GAIV DR. W. A. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fur the County of York. SATISFACTION GL'ARANTEFE RESIDENCE Fn‘ï¬t house north I»? Atkinson & - Switzer's stow. VOL. XXXVII. . H. PINKERTON, V.S. $1 per annum, in advance. VETERINARY SURGEON ’I‘hornhil]. Soï¬n .7. ‘6 WRIGHT BROS Phone No. 2101 Organs Rapnired JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Snlgeon a: McEw BUSINESS CARDS . VOIcmG AND, _ , ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL Izu'risters, Snlicmrs. &c OFFICE AND RESIDENCE @5112 {Eihml J; H. Prentice EDITOR & PUBLISHER “a vuvu yniuca‘ meer for the Counties 01 York. uh Toxonto. Special attention evury description. Farm and | a specialty. Farms bought ï¬ssion. All sales nttauded to aland conducted by me latest 311 Dede Mrs. Nam-lea, kc. ding 00:. Adelaide Sts.. l‘m‘o'xto. AT THE k Embnlmers. )rthe Countyof York. ‘rtestuotice and acrea- ge solicited 2’avidson )‘IUARAXTEED Expat: Work r1] Furnishing tb Toronto Pnoue Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO H _ in. _..\....y uhlr“ Ill l The snip will be subject to a I bid and subject to a lease expil-i the ï¬rst of April 1915. Term: per cent on the day of sale :1 nalnncc an or befure the ï¬st of 1915 when p0350$sin11 will be Further r‘nnditions and part will be made known on the day‘ sale. Dated the ‘22 Them will he sold by public auctinn by John T. Saigon". nnctiuneer on Thursday the l6lh day of July 1914 at 2 o’clock in thc afternoon (In the fen-m. the east half of Lnt Number 32 in the eighth Cnncessu-n of the '1‘mvrr;l1ip of Vaughan. Onc hundred acres "101'? ur less. L'pnn the farm, which is cluv soil. is a gum] frame house. large lmrn un stun» fmlndntinn. twu sheds. [\vn newn- fniling wells, cistern and ncver failing spring. twenty new; “f hush "l‘l...._,) .,~n. .. r_-' Graduates of this school READILY OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT because- there are thousand: of npmxings in this city every year and We are called upnn to fill nun-e thun we can. Enter anv time. College open 51†your. \Vrite fur catalogue. Cor Yong: and Alexander Sls‘ CCMBHSSIONER. (‘ONYEY Real Estate and In If you expect HIGH GRADE 1:: MENT ynu must make mun PREPARATION. One schmd \veH-kuuwn throughout Can strictly superim' tr'uininp: is l _._v- uuvnl BARRISTER. SOLICI'I‘OR, NOTARY, ETC. Tnl‘nntn Ofï¬ce, Rzunm 3'28 Confedern tinn Life Bldg.. N::.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheral' Ofï¬ce). every Thursday fnrenoun. Muplo, Thursday afternoon, \Vnudln-idzv, Saturday forenoon. Monov to 1mm at Five Per Cent (51,) Also agent for } Cleaner at. $35.00, $3.50 to $4.00 and and up‘to-date appl time and work fort Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House_ Wiring, both old Money to Loan on 1 andanumatbel mortg‘ owest rates Aurornoï¬iceâ€"Ren oved to the old post one door wust of the entrance' Ontario Bank Newmarket ofllceâ€"Three doors south ( postolï¬ce T HEBBEBTLENNOX u v Mnnmn Leads in use. influence and successful graduates. sre :ializes in Greg 6: Pitmun Shortband and all Commercial Subjects. Full term opens Aug. 315B. Write for our catalogue. Addrezs '1‘. W. Wauchope, Princxpal, Yonge a McGiil 5:5,, Toronto LEnNNOX & MORGAN THORNHLLLL Oummissinnex, Conn Insurance. and R9 Executors Sale of Farm Property BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE I.H.SANDERSON [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Electricizn, Richmond Hill vunnlsslnnel, Uonvoyancer. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issu‘er nf Marriage Licenses. T_ORQNTG.T)N’ T EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC :Irrlsters nml Solicitors DO IT ELECTRICALLY 22nd day of June 1914. COOK 8: GILCHRIST. auncuurs 1‘01- Executors. WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT ent for Frnntz Vacuum tt$35.00, Electric Irons 54.00 and all convenient date appliances that save work for the House Wife. and new. Aux-ï¬rs. ‘â€"Three doors south of the “In Essentials, Unity; in n will be given. my} particulars and Insurance )JPCI‘ to a reserve ease expiring rm L ELLIOTT. Prlnclpnl - '1'erms:â€" ten ofrsnle and the schnnl that o the old post oflied the entrance to the G V IdORGAN hmndn for is the EM PLOY. i1 GRADE of the April [ gages“ Advertising doesn’t pulls. wall again meet. in the same place next \Vedm-sday eVPning to complete arrangements fur their ï¬rst annual flower show to be held in the Agil- cultural Hall the 6th of August. The Richmond Hill Horticultural Society held an interesting meeting at. the High School last evening. They will again meet. in the grim» nlnI-a \vsvll Morison. 281; Harald Dihh. To JR. Hâ€"Annie Clubine. 277 (Hon- ors): David Archibald, 262 (Honors); Zilphn Topper, 191. To JR. Iâ€"Homer Legge. Agnes \Vhitty, Ernest Archibald. Primer (In) to Primer (:i)â€"C:u-ltnn Alchibald. DnuglnsDihh. Charlie Dihb. Gertrud: Cnnwuth. \Villie Conwath. Primvi (c) to Primer (Inâ€"Martha YUhnsnn, Ciarksnn Murphy. Freddie Brown. John Cluhino. \Vinnie Murphy. ,~ ~...... ..-. ‘4uuu J)I‘iu:Klll. . T0 SR. IIIâ€"Fred (.‘vluhinP. 452(H0n- ors): Ulnudiu Luggr, 340: Harry Mur- phy. 304: Roy Dibb. 253. To JR. IIIâ€"Florence Hazlehuxst, 419 (Honors); Hnwnrd Smart. 369. To SR. IIâ€"Ella Dihh. 330; Cecil Morison. 281; Huruld Dihh ‘55 Jefferson School S. York June Promotions T0 SR. 1V2â€"Edmt Unnwnth Lola Huskiu, 472; Edna Bruckin. T0 SR. IIIâ€"Fred Clulvinv. 452 m-sr ‘ nuiiu Iï¬ggv, 340: Harry 7 p. m.: “Giving the other man the big end". Gen. Kill. The Excelsior Bible Class regret the 10‘s of Mr. Bell. their ï¬rst teacher. Mr. Bell gave himself to this and other church work quietly and efï¬ciently and the whole congregation will feel his absence. Mr. Phipps has been appointed to take his place; his genial manner and long experience promise to make him an ideal leader. Subjects for Sund 11 a. 111.: 'An I Accept", John V. 7 p. 11).: "Giving big end". Gen. XML The Excelsior Bil; Considerable discussion was had re- lative tn water supply but nothing deï¬nite was arrived at. Moved by Counciller Sanderson. seconded hV Councillor Sims that “\Vhexvas com- plaints llan' be?!) made t) the Council by certain ratepayers that their pro- perly has bPen damaged and their flowers stnlen. Be. it resolved that this Council vtfer a reward of $10 for information leading to the arrest and canviction of any party or parties Cunnnitling act of vandalism as afore- sai(l.â€"Uarned. mt, r. ., was given its several l‘eudin‘s and passed. On mutinn the Streets (‘ummissinn was instructed to proceed with the laying of sidewalks nn (‘lmroll and Al'lluld streets pursuant. to [he By-lzuv In phat. helmlf. U H -t WU..." cans for the deposit (If papers and nther rubbish with the idea of keeping the streets in good mile-i. Miss Trench addressed the Cuuucil on behalf vi" the \Vumen's Institute. asking that some- thing lie-(lune to beautify :md impmve the Hulk. The deputations Were :15- sured thntthP Council would (in all in its power to take uctiun m the diiec- HIE] indicated. 4. umu , , __. .,, . . . . . . H. B. Stirling. service . . . . . . . . . 3.]5 J. H. Dunlop. tile . . . ., . . ... 3.0.3 F. Lynett. teaming . . . . . . . . . .. 5.23 .l. Sheax‘dmvn. coal . . .. ... . 17.48 T. & Y.R.R., current for May. . 82.51 L. B. Stong, teaming .. . . 21.45 Geo. Allison, teaming . . . . . . . . . . 21.50 Geo. Hewis, cleaning tanks . . . 3.25 R. H. Hardware ()o.. ta] etc-m. 41.1“ '1‘. (Ilaxton. instrument ace . . . . . 14.00 E. W'atson, digging. . . . . . . . . . . 2.59 A communication from the Rich- mond Hill Hardware Co. was lead asking permission to install a gasoline pump in front of their store, pel- misslou was granted. subject to condi- tions to be embodied in an agreement to he signed by both parties. A letter was also read from the Hydro Electl ic Commission re appointing an inspec- tor. The matter was left in the hands of the reeve. A deputation representing the Hor- ticultural Society was present and .- d- drcssed the Council with a view to as- ‘ certaining whether the Council could not devise some means of p10- tecting lawns and flowers vandalism and from damage by cattle, and also suggesting that the Council provide , fl ., , ruin.~ L“. oltd Municipal lighting for May and June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Innes & Suns, Lumber . . . . _ . Chamberlain & linoklmm. nwtex-s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gen. Hewis, digging trees . . . . . , H. Tyndall. gmding . . . . . . . . . . . J. H. Sandmmm, Lumps. .. . H. B. Stirling. SPl-vir‘p The Treasurer was in the fulluwing accounts Municiple lilzhtinu fm. Tho Cnuncil on July 7, all Minnu-s of last ï¬mwd. I.“ w Presbyterian Ch urch VILLAGE COUNCIL 258 for harrowing purposes :A Horticultural Non-Essentials, Liberty ; 1' Sunday, July 12th :â€" 3‘25) Expensive Gift to payers that their pm- 1 damaged and their Be. it resolved that fer H. rewm-d of $10 for ding tnthe :urestzmd any party or parties met in the usual place the memth present. meeting read and con- .. THURSDAY, JULY 9. 191.4 instructed to pay jerk it’ 17. 82. 21. 46.50 4.00 I To HIGHEST TABLETâ€""Edward Robinson, George Patton. Elmer Harding. Elmer Martin. Fred Kaith. Charlie Todd. Bruc» Innes. Bertram Grainger, Alberta. Hewisnn. Dorothy Dunlap. Hazel Darling. Elsie (‘nmlnsx Helen Innes. Queenie Smith. Florence Page. Aileen Atkinson. Laura Ellis Velda Stung. Max-inn Grainger. T0 3RD AND 4TH TABLETâ€"-Ge0rge Taylor. Harry Hopper, \Valluce Bus- '9“. M‘ushal MrDougnll, \Villie Keith. Frank Nicholson. Jimmv McLean. Deen Innes. Harry Burns. Eva Muynmd. Marian annl‘. Hazel Ellis. IdaL Blanchard, Maggie Bax-her. Thelma Ormerod, Isabel “'iley, Lorraine Dunlnp. l IST ASD 2XD'TABLET~John Meek. Edith Bassett, Max-inn Combs. Leslie PagP. Hilda Harmon. May Greene. Francis Butt . Isabel chie, Alfred Grainger, W’ ie Killeen. 51 4E) _ ,, , 7 __‘ . ... "nun.- -ununlr. Olt'llfl Muckie. Ed. Mnnsbridge. Rex Mans~ bridge, Mabel Button. Stanlvy Page, Pearl Robinson. Jvny Rnhinsnn. Lillian Robinson, Bpatrice Smith, Agnes Sims, Rolph Tyndall, Jack Vunderbm-gh. ‘To JR. II.â€"M:u-y Batty. Ernest Bul’fey. Jack Glass. Hurry Heap, Evelyn Kerswell, Juhn Lehman. Vex-:1 Nicholson. Emily Meek. Reva 0TH]?- rod. Muhcl Rnhinson. Gertie Smith. Evelyn Tut-p. Zt‘ll-‘l Tyndall. Recon: mPndedâ€"Alhert Hill. Rubble Marsh. T0 JR. I.â€"MM’y Barber. Pearl Bulfey. Idil Carlyle. Roswell Gnult‘, Lillian Harding. Jack Innes. Violet, Killeen. Violet Leece. Thornld Lph' man. Fred pie-0k. Mabel Mackle. Stella , "inn"... .nuw nun-s, lel'ne Martin. Roy Mcsziv. Rand Phipps. Alice Roberts. Mulwl Sims. Rhoda Tuck. Recon-mended «Veldelhl Dom-r. Albert McMillan. thJR. III.Â¥FI:IVl-'l‘iï¬1:¢:;vllz}ng. Annie Ellis. Ackerlv Innos. Clam. Muckie. Annie Blill'ah. Hazel Mnnknmn. Rosie Ruhinsnn. Vivian Stung. Mildled \Vright. To SR. II.â€" 'm-a BHHVI i 12, Aggie Cowie. Percy Caldwell. Cecil Harding. Mabel Hagermnn. Doyis IIIIIPS, Chm-lie 1r,._A:Â¥ v. I- v- Susan Blanchard. Cecil Glass. Lander Glass. Hurry thor. Arthur Harding. Mary Hunt. Stanislaus Killeen. John Lynett. Chmlie Nunghtnn. Robert Mzmshridge. Lnrt‘ttu Rnhinsun, Stunle Ransom. (:‘reorgn \Vih-v. Romm- mendedâ€"Ernest Bt‘tllt‘S.Jl-hn PnllllC-l‘, Evolyn Ruhr‘l'tï¬. \Vzn're'n Runner. To JR. [ILâ€"Earl Browning. Annie DII:_ T5 Susan Report of the Promotion Examina- tions of Richmond Hill Puhllc School. for Pass. 60 7; (If thv total. and 40 2' of marks on ouch subject ale quniwd, Recmmnended pupils are tlIOSP who made the total marks, but failed by a few marks to obtain the 40?; of the marks in one subjch Nanws arranged alphahutically :â€" TO JR IV â€"Ernvst Allen. Norman Batty. Viola Caldwell. Madeleine Cooper. Vinlet D Irling. Briric Patton. Velma Ransom. Marv Robinson, Cora Smith. Irene Scutt. Frwl Vanderhurgh. Recomendedâ€" )nra Benson, Edgar Lang. Irene ’I‘hmnpenn. T0 SR. III.â€"Marimiu‘ Atkinznn Teachers, trustees, pupils and friends of both schunls to the number uf awn-r 200 attended the Union Picnic of Oak Ridges and Jefferson schools at Bnnd La Re on Tuesday. The :Iffernmm was spent in heating. racing and spurts, some of tl.e.cmxtesl.s lleing very exciting. At the clnSe of the spurts the trustees pu-sented the priZes tn the winners. Matriculation Honom-szâ€"Dnnald Findlav. Pass zâ€"Jean McDonald, Alma Nicnll. FORM II TU III Normal Entrance The report will appear laterafter the results of the Junior Normal Entrance are known. Some nl’ the best in the form .‘ll‘l’ in this list. Those pupils who pass or obtain a certain percentage will it? promoted to the middle Schoul. Baldwin Ransom whn did not, write on the departmental Examination was successful in passing into Form I'll. Pa ss :â€"-Joseph Dy mnnd. “‘m. Mackie, Beryl Gould, Jnyre Larkin, (Exeept in Latin). Gem-ge Blanchard, Herman Lang, (Except in Latin) Ella Nichols. Enunera Smith. \Vn‘nifred Nlclmls, Kathleen Ellis. J’Jhn Darling. Clarence Palmer, Gordon Ryan, Kit- sey 'I‘npper,~(lharles Eckaxdt, Orville Harding. (a supplementary in spelling required). Nelson Simpson and Nellie Mctlnnaghy were ill and did not write on the ï¬nal. The Standing here given is (m the basis uf their excellent class work during;r the year and the maiks taken at the different, Exams. through three tennis. Honours :â€"Let Simpson, (.‘lnreOl Marjorie Clubhm HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION EXAMS in all thin as , Charity PROMOTION EXAMS. PRIMARY R0: )3! Form II T0 III Bond_Lake FORM I TO II â€"Letn. Cnnnell. Nelsoï¬ Ire Oke,Nellie McConnghy, Jun" 'ph Dymrmd. \Vm. ,‘l Gould, JnVu-e Lurkin, nlin). George, Blanchard. ;, (Except in Latin) Ella nvm Smith. \Vn‘nifred u-jqnif': Atkinsnn. spent in hcnti ng. nu of the contests At the CIUSI‘ of es pu-sented the ‘RICHMOND HILL, om: {A11 kinds of CAKES and § BISCUITS kept in stock THIS STORE \VILL CLOSE EVERY “'EDNESDAY AFTERNOON DUR ING JULY AND AUGUST OI<ANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. D. HILL & 60. Bakers and Confectioners STIVER & RAMER We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard coal. “None better†Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Orders taken for ..AND.. Maï¬itoba. Oats verything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Wheat, Buckwheat, Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ' V" VVVVVVVVVYVVVV'VVVVVV'V Canada, Portland Cement . .AXD. . Tile for Draining. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. A. Sanderson Comforts and Teething ngs Puhtic Attention consisting of Sanitary and Measmed and all accessories for the same __0___. And everything-for the Baby Allenbnry' For {he Baby; allenbnry’s 1, 2. Hm'lock’s Multh MiIk. Nestlea Food, Mellins’ Food _._()__. ALSO HANDLE THE RICHMOND HILL Talcum P owder Condenséd Milk Feeding Bottles [Single copies, 3 cts Bordin Eagle Brahï¬ __O __ Baby Foods for the Chickens Our hnes of DRUGGIST or Red Clay Pressed Brick. all the best makes â€"0 Cracked Corn No.