Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jul 1914, p. 5

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Order that job of stationery at the Liberal Office. The prnceeds at the LadiPs Aid Ice ln‘am Snci ul. Saturday eveninqin Mr. Hagerumn's lawn «me $47. The grounds were ln-illiuntly illuminated from electric wires strung from the even-grep" trees. and looked like fairv- land. The hand gave luts of music of choice quality. Heinz’ mustard, :m :mpetizing cnn‘ dimenb for meats andfish this hot wea- ther. 15c. Tryme Clntsup. made from finest tonmtnes and spices. large hot. tvle 15c. Tea and Perrin‘< Worcester- shire sauce. gives an added tam: to meat. 40c bottle. Atkinson & Switzer. Thomin somewhat interfered with the Aurom Old Boys and Girls cele~ bration on Dnmininn Day, but the attendance in the afternoon wue be- tween four and five lhnusund. Larsz 1-H)st alsn nttpnded the fullowing Thusdny and Friday. \Vit.h Dr.\Viiliams and his Grenadier Guards Band and Gnispppe Creature and his famous concert hand.the Gann- dian National Exhibition will this your present the two greatest bands and the two most, famnus loaders of two 8 to 14 yrsffnry “Ni gingham house dresses $1.15. Atkin- son and Swilzer. continents. We regret to announce that. Mr Amos. \Vright had :3 sudden attack Sunday fm-enunn. rendering him un- conscious fm-snme time. He has been confined to his bed but seems to be gradually improving- Men's tweed mints. all sizps $l.75. Gil-1's middies. white and navy. cadet m‘ caldinal. with belt $1.45: piain at. $1.00. Boy’s shirt, waists. blue shades. English made nprnn gingham, blue and white check. 37 inchns wide at 200 .yd. ()rum’s mints 150 yd. Suiting gray. cadet. linen. skv and white stripe 14c vd. Dli“. cadet. tan and cardinal Picture post cards of the Lawrence and the Mills greenhouses now on sale at, THE LIBERAL Office. The plate nf the Dunlap greenhnuses was spoiled. but it is hnped another will be secured at an eat-1v date. Drs. Ralph L. Langstaf’f and Lillian Lungstnfl‘ and family leave \Vednes- (lay. July 15, to sand 3 month at their cottage at. Gnrdon Bay. Musknku. The work in their absence will be taken by Dr. Poutlund. Mr. J. Davidson. Principal of (11‘1 High School and Mrs. Davidson have gone to Stony Lake to spend the holi' days at. their summPr homP. Their Post office address is Clarinn. At tl‘Olt‘ last meeting the Bum-d of EdllCdtinn granted the "so of the High Schnnl in which to hold the monthly meetings of the Horticultural Society during the summer. The Firemen expect :1” good citizenm who can do so, to accnmpzmy them: on their excursion to Niagara Falls tn. nmn-nw. Friday. Special curs leave liexe at 7.15 :1.m. Mr. All. Sherrick of Kalamazoo. who with his wife has been visiting friends and rPlatives at Auran called on a number ufnld friends in the village Friday. game. Ad! children 100. A baseball nmlch in the Metrnpulitnn Lvague will he played here Saturday :ll'temnnn between Am-nm and Rich- mond Hill. Come out and sou the game. Admission 150., Indies and Th9 Epwm-th League will hold an Ice Cream Social (in the chnrch lawn on the evening of Sntnrdnv. July 18. Hume-made candy will be Sold. Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. Aikmsnn nnd three children of Unquillnn. B. (1., will spendnnmnth or lwn in Richmond Hill, vaunu-ket and Bethesda. Communion Service will ho hold in: St. Mary’s (Anglican) church next Sunday. There will he service-M11 H.111. and 7 [Ln]. Mr. und Mrs. Alex. McCuguv and daughter nf Nanh Tnmntn are making n visit with Mr. und Mrs. Ashfurd \V Missvs Murinrip and Helen Curriv nf Bvllm-illp nus \‘isitlug friends in the village and are guests of Mrs. T. Now- ton. Mrs. \V. H. Alwrnvthy and 5(le Herbert. (If Cumphcllfnrd. are spending .1 few days with her daughter, Mls. C. A. Ron. Mr. Llnyd Hill and Miss Eva Hill are this week tnking th? St. Lawn-nee trip They will return :leutSuun-dny. This is Pvnco Your at the Canadian National Exhibition. August, 29mm September l-lth. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., JULY 9, 1914 Mrs. Swilzor and Miss annl Switzer loft. Tuesday In spend :1 month 01- two at Grimle Beach. 531x 9 i luv ml right. Mr. A. E ’. A. E. Glass reports the sale of u re farm. west of Aurnru. tn Mr. 3 Klinck nf Markham Township. has been offered and accepted 59y Miss Leila Douglas of Strathroy. Miss Douglas is a. graduate fiom Toronto, and is a specialist; in Modems English and History. Initial salary $900. There was a full board of twelve trustees at. a meeting held at the High school Thursday evening (0 select. a teacher to fill the vacancy in the HS. staff caused by the lesignution of Miss Carpenter. Them: were abnut 70 appli- cants for the ppsitign. The.positiun Li... I_».___ _m , On the evening cf June 30. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Smith were invited tn the. limne of Mr. and Mrs. 111 Ramer where a number uf their warmest fiiends Were gathered. and where Dr. Smith was presented with a. beautiful chair. and Mrs. Smith with a Sterling card reelever. accom nnied liv a Well worded address to w irh both Dr. and Mrs. Smith replied in filling tennis. thanking their many friends for this tanjable token of their high esteem. Nearly all present gave short, ud~ dresses of a most complimentary char- acter. The gathering broke up about ten o'clock. A vet-v pleasant event took place at the Methodist pzllsunalge on Tuesday evening, June 22nd. when at the close at theynuug ludies’ meeting Dr. Smith was presented with a beautiful rlectric study lzimp with an address expressing to Dr. and Mrs. Smith the upprecutinn uf the ynung ladies of the class of the inteiest that they had taken in them. aud at the same time wishng them both God‘s speed in the days tn come. "\Ve find that, Mabel Marsh came to her death June 20 :is a. result of in- juries received by being struck by an automobile driven by John B. \thley.”, “\Ve believe that the said Juhn B. \Vhaley did not exercise due are in driving his carat the time of the accident or subsequently.” It came nut in midenm‘ inst Thurs- day that. \thley and his cmnpanions had been drinking un the fatal ride, and that the. accused refused to go back to the scene of the accident. after being mld by two of his companions that. it, was his duty to do an. Mr. \Vhaley will face a charge of num- slaughter. others. The above Council met at Sultan’s Hotel, Schomberg, SaturdnyJune 27. The members were all present. A large number of mad :lccnunts were passed. and other impm-tant, business transacted. The next meeting will be held at Brigg’s Hotel, King Stationmn the 25le of July. P. \V. \Vallace; “Run-e Old Canadian Books,” by Janet Usunochan; “The Gael and the Sea,” by S. P. Mac-don- aid, with excellent slim-t stories by Madge Macbeth, Sax Ruhmei. J. J. Bell, Lewis Hopkins Rodgers and The Jury’s Verdict The jury of Coronet- M.M. Crawford, investigating the death of Miss Mabel Max-sh. who died of injuries received when struck by an automobile near the power house of the Metropolitan Railway on North Yonge street, on June 20. returned the following verdict: Canadian Magazine “The Last of the Ungas.” a tragic narrative uf Behring Strait. by M. Grattan O‘Leary. is one (If the features of the July Canadian Magazine. It is the story of the massacre and absolute obliteration of a whole race nt’ people and is in this Instan'ce told fur the first time. Other contributions of unusual interest to this number are: "Musical Currents in Canada," by J. D. Logan; DIED SISLEYâ€"At Calgary. (In June 30, 1914. Lester RJMns, Sisley, only son of Dr. Eustun Sisley nf Calgary, aged 23 years and 10 months. funncrly of Maple, Ont. IntermentiuMountPleuszmt Cemetery Saturday. July 4. CARLISLEâ€"HILLIARD»~At the Metlm. dISL parsonage, Juno 3U, 19“, by Rcv. Dr. Smith, Mr. Rubt. Unrlisle Hf Gulllllt’y [(2 Mia's Lucinda V. Hilhmd uf King. CLEMENTâ€"\Voonâ€"At the )It'thudibl pnrsunugc (In June 2.3. 1914, by Rev. Dr. Smith, Mr. \V. J. Clement to Miss Annie \Vuud, hull) of Vaughan Township. Prolmhly 500 peopleâ€"men. women and children~nltendud the burn- ruising of Mr. Goo. B. [’ntlgvt. deputy- I‘PeVH of Markham. last. Thursday. The timbers went together in good style. and Mr. Pndgt-t will soon he the owner of unolhvr up-toâ€"(luu- Inun in Markham township. The assemblage was royally emu-Luian to :1 tompting supper hv Mrs. I’adget. assisted by tln’ ladies of the neighborhood. The visitors in the unornoon included mnny .promlnent fan-owl's, business and px-otussionul uwn. dny§ in [he hm Reddilt The trustees are advertising in This Glulw and The Mail and Empire ful‘ an assistant for Richmond Hill High Schunl, in place of Mr. Bell. resigned. The asslstant will teach science and geometry. alsu bcnk keeping and alt. Applications received up to July 13. M nunthlilqbson: A»Cunéga»(jlrant.l'i by" Miss Bertha Goodwin ome-nnlo i pending a. week with her cousin. Mis Miss Ilene Scum; and Juper are spending pun-b lys at Sunnysidc Villa 9 hnme uf Mr. and KING TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Miss Douglas Engaged (mpel Methodist Church Barn Raising MARRIED nnd Miss Mary pgfl,uf1heir holi- . Uninsvillv. Mrs. Hully i: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS There will he sold by pnhlic auction by John T. Snigeun auctioneer on Thursday. the 9th uf July 1914, at, 2 O’cluck in the afternoon :It the Maple Leaf Hotel, Maple. the easL half of Int lhirLy-fnur. 34, in the fifth concession of the Townshlp of Vaughan. being one hundred acres. more or less. The farm will ne sold subject to reserve bid and subject. to lease expiring an the first of April 1915. The. fullowing are the. terms of sale: Ten percent of the purchase price on the day of sale and the balance on or hefme the first, dav of April 1915 when possession will bu given. U Further conditions and particulars Will be made known on the any of 5310. Dated the 24th day of June. 1914 ANTEDâ€"For a month in Mus- knkn, a girl [U do hnl:S(‘“‘Ol'k. Fare paid and gnnd wages. Good (mt- ing for right person. Apply Drawn: 69, Liberal. 2 1 de about a -.. .. w«vuu, .uwuununu Jun. ..’.-..’. \‘fANTEfifâ€" A Cmpéhtor {mints / ' \vmk. .luhlfing m- trimming. \V. \VUOD, Richmond H"Il. 1 :3 OTICE.â€"A car of \Vostt-I-n nuts int :n-Iin-d :It the elevator, Maple. Alsnn our of Iut'n. :1 our of B. (3. shingles. and conwnt always on hand. JARVIS, Maple. 1 4 [f1 clad hnuso, with fulnucé. lfch'I Ll'ic wn-ed. Applv C. Mason. lf 0UND.â€"0n Ynnge suoct. Rich- mond Hill. :1 sum (if money. Owner may have same by proving [n-Upmty and paying for this adver- tlsmont. G. A. ROE. Riclmmnd Hill. ARM FOR SA LFâ€"â€"One hundred Fncros. lot 38. Gun. 3, township nf Vaughan. Bunk burn, cmnfm-Luhl» house. two good orchards. lots of gnml \\'-‘llk‘l'. garden with all kinds of small fruit. Price $6,500. Terms to suit. Ap- ply Lu \V. Ulenu-nt. on [he [)lelnisos. Maple P. O. m' H. A. Nicholls. Rich- muhd Hill. :mylhing fwll, chase snmvthing [his "NEW ADH- as new, ('heup. chhmuml Hill. an SA LEâ€" 0.; and 24 fvvt, BERT Busnx. (Lu- 3 m. Sulicitors \Ve have clients daily to pur- chase moderate priced farms. If you wish to sell yuur property kindly let me have the particu- lars at once. $1.000 six rnnmed house. semi- detached. Plenty of garden. close to Metropolitan station. Small cash payment, balance like rent. New solid brick. nine large bright; rooms, oak trimmed throughout, hardwood flours. fire place. electric light. veran- dah. three piece bath, septic tank but water boiler, pease furnace. This is one (If the best houses in Richmond Hill and must be sold. Lat 50 x 220. Six roamed bungaln, beauti- fully decm-uted, vel-andnh. hard- wood floors. large fire place. elec- tric light etc. Make an offer. Monuments, Markers and (781:1;él“ Pnsts A. E. GLASS MS llm Tombstone Lettering Mal-Me 01- GI-anitv. Gtmd w Executors Sale of Farm Property (JR SALI‘ ()R HALE. 7â€" 2 Sth‘lItt’l‘ll lln Lm'. \VHJJAM P.O., Onl. PROPERTIES F OR SALE DVI‘IR'I‘ISEMI OUSE TO RENT REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL \VHY PAY RENT ? ring quick 11 for tho executors of 13;;ch Gordon Estatl'. pOOAK & GILC-H RIS'l‘, FARMS HOUSES an )lw silo . high. n'rville [ENTS in this column results. If ynu have u- if you wish Lu pur- hirc help. etc” My unsmm "r“ column. Traction '59 power: MCDOL‘GA k. 14ft, good R. OLIVER. Good brick [It \I.I‘ 4!) nrly Tumntn md with new. Ill. IH( WAVE; a...:fi.§za§ m : Our furniture catahwguos have ‘ prices. Ask to see them and compare I Also a. 1 choice building ASOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE > b VVVVVVVV VVVYVVV VVVVVYVVVVVVVVV'V‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA p W'E ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult Us For Rates Your Insurance will be well looked after if 16m to WVVVVVVVV 7'77 7'! WALLPAPER STOCK COMPLETE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE Jelly Jars Fruit Iars from ATKINSON & SWITZER . G. SAVAGE & SON Imperial Pints Solid brick dwelling on Yonge St. Good size lot. A : lot; the best. location on Yonge Street. p Jar Rubbers REMINDER LIST Wine Quarts Concrete House RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill 1!!READ THIS!!! Imperial Qua rts Fruit Sugar Redpath’s Granulated Su \Vine all the newest, designs at. model-atte- p1 ices with other places. ‘3, I t, P. G. SAVAGE Gallons Imperial A. G. SAVAGE Gallons gar

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