When a Woman Sulfers With Chronic Backac There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attendtng ‘to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a ‘farm are weak, ailing women, dragged “down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. 77â€"_D _-..__ ,V"..- n§uch suffering isri't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. - ,y "v, .. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they reQuire the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is Well known. Because of their mild. soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Bare. and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per boxat all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- llrake and Butternut. In the courseof one of his lec- ture trips Mark Twain arrived at a. small town. Before dinner he went to a barber’s shop to be shaved. “You’re a stranger?†asked the barber. “Yes,†Mark Twain reâ€" plied. “This is the ï¬rst time I have been here.†“You choose a good time to come,†the barber continued. “Mark Twain is going to read and lecture toâ€"night. You’ll go, I suppose?†“Oh, I guess so.†“Have you bought your ticket?†“Not yet." “But everything is sold out. You’ll have to stand.†“How very annoying,†Mark Twain said, with a. sigh. “I never saw such luck. I always have to stand when that fellow lectures.†One day Mr. Smith went to buy u'bushel of buckwheat .for sowing. The man who sold the wheat was away, but his wife undertook to wait on the customer. She found a peck measure, and they went, to the granary. - “But, Mrs. Lawton,†'said the man, “it’ takes four peeks to make u. bushel.†“011, does it?†replied the wo- man, as .she untied the bag. “Well, you see I never had any experience Knocked Out Tea and Coffee Ails. There’s a good deal of s'atmfac- tion and comfort in. hitting upon the right thing to rid one of the varied and constant ailments caused by "ten, and coffee drinking. “Ever since I can remember,†writes one woman, “my fa-t-her has been a lover of his coffee, but the continued use of it so affected his stomach that he could scarcely eat at times. She ï¬lled the measure twice, and pouring the contents into the bag, oegan m tie it up. “Mother had coffee-headache and dizziness, and if I drank coflee for breakfast I would taste it all day and usually go to bed with a headâ€" ache.†(Tea. is just; as injurious as coï¬ee, because both contain the drug, caffeine.) “One day fa-ther brought home a. pkg. of Post-um recommended by our grocer. Mother made it- accord ing to directions on the box, and it just “hit the spot.†It, has a, dark, sealâ€"brown color, changing to golâ€" den brown when cream is added, and a, snappy taste similar to mild. highâ€"grade coffee, and we. found that its continued use speedily put- an end to all our coffee ills. “That- was at least ten years ago, and Postum has. from that day to this, been a. standing order of father‘s grocery bill. “When I married‘ my husband Ln measuring grain before I mar- ried Mr. Lawton. I always taught school." “When I married, my husband was a great coffee drinker, altho he admitted that it, hurt him. When I mentioned Postum he said he did SID not ab< ms 11. succ hing but ] lh‘ lnstzl ut the same. There’s a, Reasor 111d mal‘ \Viinds‘ to We Mark Twain A gain. Not in 1on- Line. 21 V6 I] ['1‘ THE SPOT e taste of 116 it tast4 stum lllll ' Canadian Ont. Rea e,†in pkgs >mes in two aste a-ll try it. “'0 11 ld by Gr pac l‘lght The have ’ added, to mild, 'e found ‘dily put 11m un 11D English Villagv Laborers I'tilizo Them. At; one stockyard after another you may see village laborers stretching foldnets for sparrows, and the birds are being caught simply for food. They keep down the butcher‘s bill, says the London Globe. In certain country places, espe- cially near towns in England, a new source of food is being exploited. The number of sparrows is now immense, probably greater than it ever has been. The regular winter population in one small stockyard near London is estimated by the farmers at over 2,000. These 2.000 months he ï¬lls largely with his grain. The sparrows have com- pletely driven away almost all other varieties of bird except a few ï¬nches. The sparrow is said by the trap- pers to make an excellent stew. or pie, or soup. It is a clean feeder‘ subsisting all the year, except for a month in the spring. on grain, and it takes from the farmer an enor- mous toll. Considering the enor- mous population of sparrows it is not surprising that this source of food is being tapped. When the peopleâ€"Conserthive-s and Liberals alikeâ€"think of Adam Beck they think of a gentleman poli- ticianâ€"a. broad-gauge, wise, kindly man doing flhings naturally on a high plane. Because he is also rich and handsome and well~dressed and a. sportsman of the highest, type he stands as a unique ï¬gure in the Province. He is about the nearest appnoach we have in Canada to a Lord Rosvebery. Pleurisy Pains Vanish! Chest Golds Cured ! Don’t suffer! Nerviline is your relief. Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. , i “I caught cold last week while mot oring," writes P. T. Mallery,‘ from Linden. “My chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the ï¬ercest stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Nerviline for all our minor ail- ments, and remembering what conï¬- dence she had in Nerviline, I sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into :1 pers- piration under the blankets. This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, and I woke up next morning fresh as a dollar and absolutely cured. Nervi- line is now always part of my travel- ling kit, and I will never be without it." NERVILINE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. The large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, or you can eas- ily get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. Rich, Handsome, a Sportsman and a Statesman. Sir Adam Beck! The new title. sounds familiar and natural right at the start; for Ontario’s “Minisâ€" ter of Power†is associated in the public mind with more than a touch of the knigb‘tliness of the old, old days. And as a matter of fact Sir Adam has taken the great British statesâ€" man-politician for a, model. He once said to an interviewer: “Like Lord Rosebery I had as a. boy three great ambitions. One was to marry the most beautiful lady in Canada, an- other was to win the King’s Plate‘ and the other was to be in politics.†These were the ambitions of the son of an obscure Ontario farmer. For Sir Adam was born ï¬fty-seven years ago, on June 20, at Baden, Waterloo County, when through all that country rough farms were just emerging from the bush. He has realized his ambitionsâ€"except the King’s Plate. He went to school in Galt. He made his fortune as a manufacturer of veneering and thin lumber and cigar boxes ,with fac- tories in London, Toronto, Mont- real, and Winnipeg. He is the big man of London. He has served sev- eral years as Mayor and has done many things to beneï¬t that city. Any child in the place wilhtell you 1 where to ï¬nd the Beck home, with; its beautiful setting of grounds and l trees. where he and Lady Beck lead E an ideal domestic life. Lady Beck! was Miss Crerar. a. member of the? wealthy and socially prominent Loud since El' SPA BROWS 1’0 R 1’00 1). m 11 1902 SIR ADAM BECK. Adam n [K 111] 5116 Ontario Legislatun In 1903 he was appoint romm takes resent ed a commissioner to develop Niaâ€" 'gafai pogexr. He becarpc; p§e§idept Scratching Made it Pain so Badly Lost Many Nights' Sleep. Could Not Do Work at All. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. of the Union of Municipalities in 1904, introduced tbhe Niagara, Power Bill in 1906 and has been chairman of the Hydro-Electric Commission since June of that year. He has been a Minister without portfolio in the Whitney Government since 1905. . HAND FULL OF WHITE BLISTERS In politics as in business Sir Adam’s Germanâ€"Canadian lineage is apparent. He is a, quiet but a systematic and persistent worker. The service he has given Ontario has been given at a. loss of much valuable time, but of course money is no longer a matter of considera- tion with him. A minister without portfolio does not get the $5,000 salary of a, Cabinet Minister. Sir Adam gets only the $1,000 indemâ€" Box 605. Valleyfleld. Quaâ€"“My hand would get; full of little white blisters and when I would scratch it; would pain me so ' badly I lost many nlghts' sleep. My hand was one mass of sores. I more than "I suï¬ered and talk about loch- ingl When I rubbed my hand it would burn. I had it about, six years. I could not do any work at all. If you had seen my hand you would have said there was no cure. I used to cry and got so dlscoumged. I was never troubled with it In the summer but as soon as the cold weather started my hand got sore. "I tried all that. was given me and was treated for three months and every night I washed my band In It had spread all over my hand. I started to use the Cutl- cura. Soap and Ointment and I got relief. One cake of Cuticura. Soap and two boxes of Cutlcura. Olntment completely cured me." (Signed) Mrs. Sarah Mercler. June 11. 1913. Prevent dry. thin and falling hair. allay Itching and irritation, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair. frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted by occasional dresings with Cuticura. Oint- ment. aflord a, most effective and economical treatment. Sold throughout the world. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-1). book. send postocard to Potter Drug is Chem. 0011).. Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A. men 1 patch nit-y of a, private member, and if he had not been a, man of great wealth he could never have carried out his pet scheme as he has. ’Dhey say he has sacriï¬ced :1. fortuhe for the sake of his idea. The “Minister of Powe popularly known, is m He Will go a, long way tc ing a speech, which is why his name is more w among the people than self. He leads 3, 111031 and simple life, Have liquor or tobacco. Per why ‘he looks so clean-c whic f Mani 1d simple life, never touch quor or tobacco. Perhaps thi by 3he looks so clean-cut and a? 1d fully ten years younger than A Greenw INTEREST T0 INVENTORS. mnard'a Eminent Cures Distemper. nadian .cmors TO REMOVE DANDRUFF f Ont Plgeon a Montreal 1ding Adam Beck z of Br and 2 léad Bower,†as he 1: is not a talker ay to av01d mak h 15 one re wide] than he Davis mu found a his potato Kr 5111115 he is 1t According to most of our books on etiquette, it, is very improper to yawn; but, from the standpoint of health it is one of the best things we ca-n do. For one thing, a, yawn ventilates the lungs. When you take an ordi- nary breath the lungs are not com- pletely ï¬lled, nor are they thor- oug‘hily emptied by an ordinary res- piration. There is a. certain quan- tity of air left, in the lungs alwaysâ€" what physiologists call “residual air.†Filis Lungs “'ith Pure Airâ€"Good for Hearing. The air in time becomes foul and affects the blood, and through the blood the nervous centres. Then at certain times certain nerves get tickled, as it were, and the result is a. long»dra,wnâ€"out yawn, which has the pow‘or of stretching the lungs to their fullest extent, driving out all the foul air and drawing in .a. supply of frexslh, pure air. You will perhaps be surprised to know that yawning is beneï¬cial to your hearing. When you give an extra, big yawn you hear a. cracking sound inside your head. That is due to the stretching and opening of the Eustachian tubes. These tubes connect the ear and the back of the throat. If they are congest- ed, as happens when you have a bad cold in the head, you complain of deafness. If you feel inclined to yawn by all means do so, regardless of what your book on etiquette may say. It is Nature’s way of cleaning out your lungs and Rah-e air passages in your head. Another Case of Blood Poisoning Persisted in paring his Corns with a razor. Foolish when cure is so painâ€" less and sure with Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. Use Putnam’s onlyâ€"it’s the bestâ€"guaranteed and painless, price 25c. at all dealers. Wifeâ€"if you can’t sleep why don’t you [see a, doctor? Husband (grouchi1y)â€"And then have a, bill to keep me awake! I’tilizing Gravity. Man (on deck}â€"~What are you rowing with that trunk in the bow of the boat for, Pat “(7 Patâ€"‘Sure, an’ if it was in the stern, wouldn’t I be rowin’ uphill all the time? An’ this way I’m row- in’ downhill all the time! YOUR owu Dguoexsr yugwfrgu Y Try Murine EyeRemedy 101- Red Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyellda; $10 SmartingA just. Eye Comfort. Qerte for Book of the Eye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy 00., Chicago. ture, and : ures m hie Servant (rebuked'for bringing in a dirty gumâ€"Funny thing, mum, I always seem to hit. upon this one when you have company. Hostess-Another piece of mince pie, Georgie? Just a. wsmall piece? Georgie (reluctantlyFâ€"No thanks. I could chew it, but I couldn’t swallow it. tr 0116 and my wxfe get her trm wor W h gradual] your fri respectL hard vice thlngs ; matter i Ward's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Minard’s Liniment Cures 1&5 minard's Iainhnent Cures Diphtheria YAWNIN G FOR HEALTH. Minard‘s Liniment Gentsâ€"I cured‘ a. ï¬iondville Shirking ated mar dent-s atever y has mang after him nt g( Jigâ€"hty meap ki :to do the wor suffer because After a Good Meal. Raised a Doubt. Shirk ut rea, f tell you no one can fool Dibbsâ€"Then how did you right .nd 0 Aug 3 Insomnia. Question. ithout lan with king \VILF Centr: there ; Wor kind valuable M INAR] the root RED GAGNE. ,1 Hotel. Drum Limited rin‘ Colds. Etc. f stealing him hunting )‘S LINI- l! H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. Tdronto IF YOU VVANT’TO BUY OR SELL ‘A Fruit, Stock. Grain or Dairy; Farm. write H. ‘V. DaWSon. Brampton, or 90 Célbbrne St, Toronto GOOD \VEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000. Terms liberal. \Vilson Publish- ing Company. 73 West Adelaide Street. \‘l‘fluuAu. -v..-v--..., internal and external: cured with; cuppaln by opr_ home tiegztment. Write x¢-;:_n| E. W. DAWSON. Colborne St.. Toronto. vu. .1“... v, v... ..V...v H-.. us before too late. Dr. Bellyï¬aï¬ Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwood, Ont. Yet your best horse is just as liable to devqlop a Spavin,‘ Ringbonc, Splint, Curb orlameness asyour poorest! has saved ignny thousands of dollars in horse flesh by entirely curing these ailments. Garnet, Ont, Feb. 25th. 1913. “I have used Kendall‘s S avin Cure to kill several jacks, and rcmovc a bunch of long standing, caused by a kick." Sm‘ GRAHAM- Don‘t take chances with your horses. Keep a bottleofKendall'shaudy,€1â€"6for35. Ourbook “Treatise on the Horse" rec at druggists or Dr. B. J. KENDALL (30.. Enosburg Falls, Vt. Creditorâ€"You couldn’t go around in your ï¬ne aumomobile ii you paid your de‘b‘té. Debtorâ€"That’s so. I’m glad you look at it in the same light that l SUMMER TOURIST RATES 1‘0 THE PACIFIC COAST. " \‘irL Chicago and North \Versperr) Ry. NANCERfTUMORS, IfUMPS; ETC, .01... QUEEN’S ITN] 117131 JULY and AUGUST 22 G. Y. CHOWN, Registrar. Kingston, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. KENDALLSS SUMMER SCHOOL Same View But Different. SPAVIN CURE FARMS FOR SALE. rm MISCELLANEOUS. UNIVERSITY The Arts Course may bejnkcn by correspon- deuce. but students desiring to graduate must attend one session. s in Canada. t4 isco, Portland. fictoria. Edm lowstone Park st and Septe cice. For rates. tables and I}. H. Be und-trip tickets 9h" ‘ In Canada. to Log; sec. Portland, Seat-‘4 ictoria. Edmonton; owstone Park, etc." t and Septemberï¬ ioe‘ For rates, illu'ï¬ tables and {1% < 1:. H. Benne {UPTc Street. HO M E STUDY ISSUE 25â€"â€"’14 1y 'th "'V ugh'b than auditioné 82