SHIPMATE~â€"Tr0tting bred c stallion. the propeer uf \V. . gin. BondLnke. wil' make the at his mvn stable. Int 61, Yu Terms $13. NESBITT MACQUEEXâ€"ClyllPsdule Stu]- lion. the property of W. J. Hndgins. Bond Luke. will stand at his own stable. 'nt, 61. Yonge St.. during the seasun. Terms $12. DUKE 0F YORKâ€"Clydesdale stuHinn. the propetty of \V. J. Hudgin. Bond Luke. will make the seasun at his uwn stahie. lot, 61. Yonge street. Terms $12. Also a few yearling malesâ€"a Bargain! All going at $1 each. 400 yearling and two-year- old Hens for sale, all from my noted heavy winter laying strain. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES 8.0.Whiieleghurns Annual Sale of Breeding Stock Stallion Register, I9I4 RICHMOND HILL. ()N ROSEHEATH POULTRY FARM! RICHMOND HILL, ONT. I Iâ€"IS long: as our supply lasts. “'0 have also received a shipment of Pearl Grunite “’ure such as Preserving Kettles. Sauce Pans. Dish Pans. e!c4. which we will sell at close prices. UST‘ NOW' is :1 good time tn put in your supplv of Sugar us market repofls indimu' another advance in price. due [0 iumelsod demand during Hu- hnsy preserving sexism). \\’e have .‘l good supply 0f Extm Granulated on hand. and will give 0111- customers the beneï¬t G. Cowie & C0. (flu? E‘ihrrnl 'EZMS GIVEN 0N MJTDR CY: Motor Repairing Done RICH MOND HILL F. R. OLIVER Proprietor L. CURTIS L. CURTIS Sugar AGENT FOR Ctll'l'inge , J. Hud- 8 season unge Sr, ICLY ‘JLES 9. [914 REA L ESTATE AGENT, RICHMOND HILL One hundred acres. lot 28‘ (Km. 3. Township ut Vaughan. hank Inn-u Cumfm-Luhlp house. L‘vn gund m- chards. Land Suitable fur mixml farming, right In the potato (lis- u-ict. Terms to suit. HOUSE FOR SALE New. solid lu'ivk. mumy lmusv. ï¬n- ished in ï¬rst-class style. Dullth Int. Rnseview Avenue, Richmond Hill. A Inn-gain fur one month. Sevr‘nly-fmu- nchs, part of Int 48, in the Village uf Richnmml Hill. Running creek, hunk harm mun- fm-lnhlv hous‘v. Splendld land fur gardening. Terms to sun. FOR SALE Does not the publicly oxpx-esged will and wish of the mprrhnnls of this community lnflnvnce you in yum' shupping ? Du yum not gu where ynn are guided ? Are- vnn nut Very :Ittontiw and re- sponsive t0 the advertisements which appear cut-h week in tho columns uf the LIBERAL P You CAN teach the public new cnstoms. new tastes, new habits. You CAN make the public do what it is not in the habit of doing. Powerlul and persistent advertising has revolutionized modern life. It sends people travelling. It has made them photographers. It has made the motor-car a necessity. It makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice or thrice a year. It selects the very food we eat. You CA N We want to say this t ADVERTISING is the public expression of master’s will and wishâ€"his word of power. goods from FA RM [’0 R SA L [C FARM FOR SALE . Nicholls SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP make you. A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC the public of ‘6 9, the merchants of this communitv 3m. Richmond St. Good work is what you want! then, go to HOUSE AND SXGN PAINTING I’APERHANGING. GRAINING GLAZING. KALSOMINING. Etc. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hill Paom 29â€"R 2. PAINTER AND DECORATOR JOHN ELLIS this community buy more 0 NTRACTOR & BUILDER Plans and Estimates Job work J. V. BUFFEY Wï¬mwmmm Richmond Hill. WM. TRENCH & SON Repaixing neatly and prompt‘y done Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Trench’s carriage Works “TIIX’ (S‘rO 'F() rP()I{()I\’ ’I‘() nlL‘HMULVU HJLL is gning right ahead while other lncalities are at a stand- still. Thcre is nu safer place in Canada tn invest. your mnney than light in Richmond Hill. It is estimath that; there will he- almub forty acres (if glass houses. (lewnled to growing flmvers, at, Richmond Hill in ten yeais. This will mean empluyment for hundreds of men. HIGH SCHOOL. new (i l‘llï¬fned Public School lwing built. good Churches. two Railways, Electric Light and mer at minimum cost, and an abundance of good thtt‘l‘. Right on Yonge St. Good mad and only eight miles £10m Toronto City limits. For further particulars write or see HA I IAVAY LOTS Shepherd Bros. RK ESTABLISHED I813 ROSEVIE\V AVEâ€"Three Ema (-m-nm‘ x140. Also some chnice lots BUXIBU park. W. H. BASSETT The high Class section of Richmnnd Hill. Baker Ave" nuw open, 66 feet wide. good (ll-mung“ and splendid outlnnk, running from Mal khum Ave. In Ruse- vlew Ave. Lots 50x150 with ideal drainage. Only houses costing $2500.00 and upward can he built on this Avenue, which insures you against, depre- Ciutiun by HUN-'18 buildmg a cheap house beside yuu. RICHMOND HILI. HARNESS SHOP T HEN ynn can get :I gnnd ï¬tting Suit here. Having just. received :1 splendid line nf patterns at a greatly re- dur-ed mice, I am offering Lndivs’ Suits In any style frvm $15.00. Ladies†lets fwm $7.54). Call and see patterns and judge for yum-self. L. E. HAND, ©IF‘ @ANADA Y‘EAD OFFICE TORONTO interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired wilhout delay. Decorators, Painters. Paperhangers, Grainers, Etc. IN CONNECTION \VITH front of euch Int. VW'ru‘t-e“ to 104) gallons per minute ‘HMOND HILL is giving COME AND SEE L'S BOX 23, MAPLE Roseview Gardens LOTS FOR SALE Brunrhe- also N.B.â€"Cnt this udvt. out and send it [0 your fl iends \Vithsidingnlrendy in. Powm‘ line . J. LAWRENCE, a! Maple, M \Vutel- sup-pliedvzit v Bit-'SS‘L-H'e. :IL minimum cust. right ahead while other lucalities :u-e- ‘arkham.itouffville. Unionvine and L 94 ROSELMVN A6}: , TORONTO. or RICHMOND HILL DZ!!! ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRA STRICTLY ATTENDED TU. F. J. WUUDWARD HOUSE PAINT R, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Goods called for and delivered, if de six-ed. W. HEWISON He solicits a trial on work and gnu antees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each parcel giving residence and name in full. has opened :\ Laundry south of McDun ald’s Grocery Sim-c in VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. BHOEING LALIE AND INTER HORSES A SPEC ALT? REAL ESTATE AVINGS deposited in [his bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. ATRONAGE Soucrmn GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ~AGENCY~ . H. SANDERSON. V. S. lots50xl40. Full! 'm:ing south and AND SATISFACTION GUARAN New Gormley G. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill WUODWARD MANAGER small lots 42 ft. (sin. barking up to the passing right «wer- und in quuntity up Locust Hill. \Y'FL'DP'JD'". Manager.