LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ‘RICHMOND HILL,ONT. JOHN R, CAMPBELL, 2200 BERESFORD AYE, WEST 'l‘mmxm Ft) Phone Jnnctum I... Licensed Auctioneers for the County at York Sales intended to on shortest notice and 21:er sci-1blerabes Patronage solicited Tt-lrphnne. Main 311 Cable Address “Dcdc 012 mu Gulls by phone 01‘ rvsp‘) IS PUBLISHED EVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING Phone N given t mm: s RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE-13. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO Hume Life & Vic A. Cameron MacNaughton All mail orders will receive prompt attontum. PIANO TUNING A. GI ll) ,ud sold on coxymiasioh a: shortest names and ‘ m-lo-date mechods. Address: “339 Bullin} S .‘. F. McMAHON. (‘udorinkcrs .\' Elzlhallllcrs. .51 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XXXYII. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE DR. W. A. PENTLAND ‘ RICHMOND HILL D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. NATIONAL. TRI'ST CHAMBERS ' KING ST E.. TORONTO. L‘auad: Danton, Grover & Field (t L_a.wren<;e & Dunbar, OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET “'EST RESIDENCE Fire: house nnrth of Atkinson & Switzer's store. VETERINARY SURGEON. Thornhill. Barrister JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Phone No. 2403 BIaplo. ()nt. BU SINESS CARDS . 30511 3. 9avidson Sed Auchone I and Nunh Organs Repaired Barristers OFFICE AND RESIDENCE :eou Maple Elm: {ggibml VVRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING 'J‘HORNHILL :tlgeou a; McEwon ‘ EDITOR BWI‘BUCB 'rister, Solicitor, Nat 8631 Mos at l 1: sales 0. J. H. Prentice 1156 s,Solicitors. Notaries, 344:. Building Cor. Adelaide :lm-m. ï¬ts... l‘ul~0'1t0. North AT THE ‘ otherwise pron)va nded t0 Flvnerul Furnishil )otb places PFBLISHER mi 3] by All :omlm ‘nlictnr w the Expert Work ictars'. E'tc‘ bb Toz'on tn Countie Special . I‘m-ms 1 sales act-e) ted by me Phone Main 2054 J K McEwen Weston Farm uL 1 York ‘1 eulvto muuyyears. Both services we and wellattended. It is oxpe regular morning and evening will he inaugurated in the me: A Garden Party under Lhe of the congregnlinn of St Church. Richmond Hill. “71†on the lueauliful grounds at deuce of Jnlm Palmer 16:11., 1‘ Hill. (m Saturday afternoon :1 Eng July 25th. A null good 51 is expected. A Poul good supper will he served on the l: from 5 to 7.3Un'clmrk. Culcs h the best, made in Tux-(mm. w Mouov to Loan onland anachutbel mortgagesnt owest. rates Auroraofliceâ€"nezrpved to the old post olï¬w one door m‘ss of the enuauce to the Outuriu Bunk Newznarket Ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the pastofl‘me T HEBDEIKTLENNOX G V MORGAN LEN N 0X & MORGAN Riohmona Hill BARRISTER. SOLICITUR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. Ruom 3'28 Confedern tinn LifeBIdg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (“Lihex'al’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. RIup’P, Thursday 21ftm-rmnn. \Vuudhridze, Saturday fun-enoon. CCMMlssloNER. CONVE Monev to Right REV. \V. D. Reeve D. 1)., will be present to address the Confinneos. and Cnngrcgutinn, and conduct: the service. A decided advance in Chm-uh Extenâ€" siuu was made lust; Sunday in St. Mary's Church. Morning and evening smvices were held for the first. lime in uiauiyyezu s. Buth services weie hearty and well attended. It is expected that. Sill (‘onï¬rmzltiun Serviceâ€"The Ap nstulâ€" ic rite of the “Laying (m of hands" will be observed in St. Mary‘s Chm-ch on Sunday afternoon next, July 19th. at. 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also {gent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and l‘lp toâ€"date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. are lhnusumh of npvnings in this city every year and we are called upon to fill more than we can. Enter amv time. College npen all your. \Vrite for catnlngue. (or Yunge and Mexandcr Sts. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Graduates of this schuul READILY OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT because there. graduates Shorthaul Full term catalogue Princxpul THORNHIL,L J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Bfll‘l‘ii‘ol s and solicllurs. mnmissinner, Cnnvoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. I. H. SANDERSON BRlTlSï¬ AMERICAN COLLEGE Real Estate and Insurance Electricim, Richmond Hill WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTRICALLY TORONTO, iON‘I‘. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY i6. 10H ELLIOTT 1U Church of England 1mm at; Five Per Cont (5%) nond Hi†hand \\' nd there will be u‘ ;. Admission lmh influence and success acinlizes in Gregg & Pitm l a“ Commercial Suhjuc sAug. 315:. Write fur ( 1r AT.’ 7W. Waucho‘ Aur'n'a. In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials ck McGill St \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal n'ning um] evening Jl' the first. time in n‘vices \vexe hearty It. is expected that PDE‘Y BY A N"ER. ETC. -The Ap mu»)- (m of hands" nry‘s Chm-ch mug selvices u near future. Lhe auspicu f St. Mary’s Will he hrld Min-V’s be held the resi- Lichnmnd ml oven- :L‘lal time old time ack lawn :0 Cream, ill be on the l jessful ltmnn 1L0 rnish n l' Under the above oxeeflent motto the city curs Curry curds giving the follow- ing Limer advice to the ladies who patronage their service :»~~ \Vhen yuu wish to leave the cur, \ViLh the left hand grasp the bur. Gieat changes are being made by David Burrell of York Mills in the stable building adjoining his hotel. Al- ready he. has had erected a ï¬ne garage on the east, side of the street. with a frontage of ~10 feet: and capable of housing 1‘2. automobiles. It. is solid brick, with concrete floors and titted with electric light. To the, rear of the garage he is building a very large sta- ble and carriage, house. with accommo- dation for about 20 horses. and car- riages. The ent‘iance to the stahles will he direct from Yongc street, as a new approach is being constructed for that purpose‘ \Vhen completed the buildings will be among the best of their kind on Yonge street. As soon as the Stables are. Completed work will he Commenced on thewreck- tug of the old stable buildings; on the west side. to make way for the build- ing of a row of new residences. The houses, ten in number, will he huilt of llllck and will rent at from $10 to $12 a month. Mr. Burrill proposes to open a new street. directly opposite the hotel. to connect with Mason street. adjoining the Frazer property. This new street will he very convenient to those resi- Tuesduv morning two men. father and son named Stecklvy, came up frmn anuntn on a nwlropulihm our, hired a horse at 0:: k Ridges. and drove tn the 3rd concession ut Murkhnm.The young- er man went In Mr. ’J‘. Frishy‘s,Victurin Square, and induced hIS sister, 14 years of age, to {21) away with him in the buggy. \Vhen the family learned “lat, had taken place. a telephnne message was sent: to Richmond Hill, and in less than an hmlr the men were arrested by Mr. Gen. Thnmpsnn. enmity constable. near HP'idfnl'd, and lirnghc in this village. In the after- noon the Mn» men were hmnght, he- fore Messrs. T. H. Bruntun and J. H. Sanderson, charged with unlawfully taking the child frmn her home at Mr. Frishy’s. The men acknowledged the charge. The Child in giving her evi- dence said she had a gnnd hmne and that Mr. and Mrs. Frishy had always treated her kindly. but that her broth- er had persunded her to go with him and live with her aunt. Mr. anton explained the seriousness at the offence. said that he Chuld send them to penitentiary for '7 Vents, hub would let then) off this time lay paving the costs of the count. In future they are forbidden t0 see or talk with the Child, exrvpt in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Fl'iShY. and by their cumwnt. Bull) father and son were lmnnd over with $200110ttn intelfm-e in zmy with the child who had been legally given to Mr. and Mls. FI-ishy. The [bank their the b‘ruzex' pmpuxty. This new street will he very convenient to tlmsL- resi- dent in the vicinity of Mnsun street. as it will provide than with a much needed llmwfui'e (n Yrmge street. Samuel J. Carson a well knmvn resi. dent, of York Mills diedJulyS after utwn \veeks’ illness, at the home nf his brother \Vm. Carson. J. R, York Mills. 1118 late Mr. Gill'SOH was a prominent hmsmmm and highly es~ teemod in the district. Thv funeral took place on F1 iduy from his brother’s house. donated i held here collection Lillian La A letter was Douglas. Secre Florists' Assncin vitatiun of the Ml A regular meeting of the suuiety wusheldin the. High \Vodnesduy eveningyf last “the he following special px-izvs were ed for the Flower Shmv tn be here the 6th of August: . Besl tinn of flmvermg plants. by Dr 1 Langstntf; best cnllectinn sweet by Mr. Han(1:pntted foliage by Em and fox Muyle. \Vhen the family learned (1 taken place, a telephune was sent to Richmond Hill. 55 than an hnm- the men WOH‘ A Serious Ufence “Safety First" York Mills Horticultural baskets at certain uper. banana skins «id the :lhuve [e Ive their best con~ ll) f the above High School Josted tation \v 1‘ Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†E.A1-nold. Hum. J. Black. J. Ch mers. L. Chnppelle, C. Cuckhnrn, Hu (1. Cl-unshr-Iry, B. Clusier. B. Gre‘ wood. H. Hunter. R. Johnston, Keir. M. Mutton. E. Shoppuld, Stevenson, A Slilt‘s. “1111., E. sm land, Hon, J. Tz-elnur. C. Luriolette )lotx'r ALBERT A. Brooks. 0. Dyke, L. Dupnnt. Gilmey. 0. Lloyd. F. Momehwld, McFarland. L. Phoenix, R. Ranlsch I“. Ross, L. Sllnulewm-lh, F. \Vurn le following didates at the. n the different 09 302 wrote, 223 p2 R. McPhH-snn, Hun Niceley, G. Pipher. A. ley. B. Tuun, E. \Vau SLeckley. M. B'lrnes. MAPLE 1C. Dicmnun, V. Dmvnev. Q. F1 3‘, A. Juckeun. M. McMm'chy, H. McQuzurio, (1‘. )Iuï¬it. F. Olin-r, Y. ()H', Vich 011'. 7 S\\:Llluw. M. 'J'Aggzu-t, E. doom. M. Murphy, \V. Riley, U. Robb Snnth. \V. 'l‘holnp Tyndall, M. Witty. E. Adkins, G. Brvndl'elh, Ur. Umniskuy, Hun Uomiskuy, Hum. U. (Junk, J. Urngim F. Dove. L. Humer, Hum. H. Hutch- esun, Hum, S. Kerr, D. Legge. Mu}- luy, [. Richardson, Hon, 0. Rohells. E. Tuylm-. R. \V’ohl), Hum, 0. \\'e115, G. \Velsh, 11‘. \Vhite, G. \Vilkinsun, Hum, E. \Vifh's, Hum, P. \Viih's, Hon†R. \Villson, R. \Vood, H. Legge. M. Alix-allums. G. Brown. 0. Brown L. Brynn. B. Umxller, M. Duggnn, J Muh‘innis, J. Huule, J. McKtnnn, H RnUn-J-fm'd. Subjects fur Sunday 11 u.m.: "Looking gins", John VI, 7 “Giving lh Big End". Gen. XIII. 11011., A. J Smith, P. \Vntsun, L‘ Bezlttie, H. Benson (jumphs-ll, R. Cull (hady, U. Grating?) A. Hoover, G. HI Kirkland, A. Knup 1". McCon-dghv. N. I 011'. E. \\'L‘ld)'ick Hemphill HUH.‘ (1‘. Watson. Hum, L. Bvlfrey, G. Binns. Hon Bl-uwn, Hum, V. Brown. Hun. Bandy, F. Cain, H. UnllillgWOUd, Dem-Ht. H. Daughean How, L. lmn, N. Gumhnan, 0. Hle, H. l V. Huhse. \V. Johnston. 1.. Juhl V. Lennux. B. Lyung, 11011., E. E E. Pope, 1101)., D. PuthgL', A. ; xtlmr, S. McCarty. “ML, M. Gin-Len, G. A. Mchngnll, Hun McGnnnigle. H_nn., M. Muuur. J Ruhinsun, C. Ru§ Hushhumk. Hun dun, E. Smith, A E. Tuuhu E. TI L. Allan Hamilton, M. Bogmt, E. Emm-s. 0. Foster. Gilmy. L. Hamilton. F. Lewis. M. Clure, G. McInnis. O. D. McNt‘il. )chmwy. Hum, E. \V. Pl-usscr, I’uddy‘ P. Richardson. Hum, F‘ Sennett, P. Stilt-s, V. R. Thompson \Vatson. V. \Yllliumson. V. \Yilao Mchmigle. Hum, M. ML-nur. Ham, \V. Miller, F. Moore, 1.. Mllnshuw. M. Rubinsm), 0. Rogers, M. Kugersnu, G. Hushhmnk. Hum, E. Ryan. M. Sheri- (Iun, E. Smith, A. S()lI-(‘l'\'illt“, (I. Tutv. E. Tuull‘, la‘. Truviss, I. Trivott. B. ’l‘unny. B. W'tuY How. A. \Vulsh. (1‘. \ansun. K. \Vedde'll. L. \V‘xil‘. V. \Vefley. 0. “When. Hun. QUEENSVILLE A. Brooks. 0. Dyke, L. Dupnnt. M ‘ilmey. 0. Lloyd. F. anehwld, A [chu-land. L. Phoenix. R. Rumsdeu ‘. Ross, L. Slmulewm-lh, F. “Eu-run HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS 'H. Cain , now pus spending 5. Cnnie old friem x following are the successful cnn~ as at the. recent; exuminntlons at iï¬erenb centres in North York. rote, 223 passed. RICHMOND HILL Arnold, E. Banks, P. Batty, A ie. H.13e113011, R. Boyntnn, M. )hvll. R. Collins. M. Ellis \V. Gibhins Addison. L. Btlfre 1, Hum. farm-s ,T} Presbyterian Church lisun. Hum, A. Ax-umtrong Bvlfrey, G. Binns. Hum, M Hum. V. Brown. Hum, M ‘1 Cain, H. Gullingwwul, U. E H. Doughertv, How, L. Fm iundll)1\l),(). Hull, H. lingo a. \V. Johnston. 1.. Juhnstun r, G. Hunt, (L limes, 0. A. Knupmnn. G. Lnngstnfl‘, Ighy. N, McDonald, A. Mul- Mlu-phy, 11011.. G. Reynnr, M KING 1. Badger, R. Gillivs, J. I). Louknl't, U. MchLtrick. NunLETnN M. Chapman, R. Fry. LEMUNYILLE ‘ lbe \vannth of his expres- : action ful' this part; of the and I :elleville has nnt won his â€"_o__ -t. Mr. Currie preached to 7 v ‘ ‘ egntinns last. Sunday morn- THIS STORE “ ILL CLObE E‘ ERY mnngl Hill and in the after- \VEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DUR [EE'L‘II'FHHN_:_\__M_ Q 7. I ING JULY AND AUGUST KLEINBURG ‘ 3, Hum. H. Coward. \V' i. Hilliard, A. McUutL-hetm' ml, Z. Scott, 0.1‘miu, R' Richardson, Hum, F. L Stilt-s, V. R. Thompson. l \Yfllimnsun, V. \Yilaon. \VOODBMDGE “'1 N1 s, F. Huggiâ€, J. K9 xynzud. b‘. McIntyn‘, ruinnn E. \Vllinnuz'e- _. Robinson. D. Semi, A. [‘1 Hmpson, J. Tupper, L‘ SCHOMBERG his zmd AU}: n-rie the. forlnur minis- ‘ of St. Jnhn’s,BelleviIle. is holidays along with 1d the children among 11‘ S L’T’l‘ \VMARKET 5a teman ‘ use, L. Hum, L‘ Mitclwll, H. ‘1'. A. Suntt. L. Stka- \Vaud, I). \Vau'd, D. 1 La} ORA ne Ch nd Rf Hon the . Black. J. Chal- J. Cuckhnrn, Hum, msier. H. Green- R. Johnstun, M. E. Sheppuld, J. sinnurv Society nic \Vedl)esday July 191)): un Sun†Mar- Olhc-x- Man the Heise 0. Foster. R Lewis. M. No ; along with ldl'on among :hnmud Hi“. uf Ins expres- part of the nnt won his , J. Urngio, H. Hutch- gge. I'DIll1' U. Roberts. L. Band, C Uljlpspn, ‘1. Patch. M. Hi“ A. )IC M. MC Slick- 1H M AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Canada Portland Cement . . AXD. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard coal. “None better“ Order now VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV Wheat, Buckwheat, . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats SWER & RAMER RICHMOND HILL, ONT age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts D. HILL & 60. Bakers and Confectioners CHANGES, PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Different Varieties of Ensil- Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Everything up- to-date A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Comforts and Teething Rings w: A. Sanderson consisting of all the best makes Sanitary and Measmed and all accessories for the same Puhiic Attention For the Baby; Allehlmry’s 1, 2. 3, Hurlnck’s Malted Milk. Nestle: Food, Mellins’ Food ~._n___ And everything for the Baby CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Talcum Powder [Single copies, 3 cts. Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL ALSO HANDLE THE Bord in Eagle Brqu â€"\..._n___ Baby Foods __0_-_ Our lmos of DRUGGIST for the Chickens Cracked Corn