“This is the greatest insult I have received during the whole course of my ministry,†said Rev. A. P. Brace to an evening paper Friday. “I will tell you the facts as I know them- Some time ago I was invited by the committee in charge of the arrange- ments which are being made for to morrow to address the Order in Ex- hibition Park in company with other speakers, but because I and some other Methodist ministers had the audicitv to come out on the public platform and ï¬ght for the abolition of the bar the Eastern District Com- mittee put us upon the black list, and yesterday I received an intimation from the committee of tl.e County Lodge of Toronto stating very polite- ly thatmy services would not be re- quired and that another speaker had ‘ been put in my place." ; And yet the Orange Order boasts; that it advocates freedom of speech I and takes for its motto “Equal rights 5 The Rev. A. P. Brace, pastor of Gerrard street Methodist church, is one of the ministers to be debarred. He was to have spoken at Exhibition. Park on Saturday, but received an intimation that he had been replaced by another speaker. Liberty of S;eech (?) The Eastern District Lodge of the Orange Order passed a resolution debarring from appearing in a public capacity for ï¬ve years all members of the order who were on the platform at the recent Abolition of the Bar rally in Masseyr Hall. â€"-at present they can be voted out of any municipality by a threoï¬ftlis majority. Under Mr. Rowell’s policy they could be wiped out by a bare majority. the Methodist church give one good reason for stating that the Conser- vative party in Ontario is in favor of "wiping the whole thing out.†The Rowell policy merely left; the shops as they are under the Whitney Government. The only difference is The ï¬rst sentence, referring to the Liberal party, is strictly correct, If it is true that the Conservative party would wipe out the whole liquor business including shops, why in the name of common sense does it not do it with its big majority? Surely The Guardian is in crrorin making such a" sweeping statement. If not, will that organ representing Where !s the Proof? Under the heading “What about the Future,†The Christian Guardian of last week in referring to the two political parties and temperance re- form says:â€"â€"“One party would cut oï¬" all the bars and club liccnses,and has deï¬nitely committed itself to that. The other party does not beleive in halflway measures. It would wipe the whole thing out, and has a special aversion to liquor stores, and can pic- ture most eloquently the evils that they do." Monday's Mail and Empire in an editorial note says :â€"â€The Dominion revenue for the opening quarter of this ï¬scal year shows some decrease. But oflatc years it has been mounting up at such a rate that a slight re- action is a. healthy sign.†If the revenue continues to decrease throughout the whole year no doubt The Mail will argue that the falling ofl‘ is a sure sign of prosperity. There was an enormous turnover in Manitoba on Friday, and the Roblin forces were nearly over thrown. The Conservatives, how eve-x; claim a majority of 4. Rmmsmxo HILL. 0x1. JULY 16, 1914 @112 flihpml'VUTERS’ LIST, 1914 l Municipality of the Village of†11:85 for its motto and special px‘ivil EDITORIAL eges to n FOR FURTHER INFORMA'I C. A. SKEEL'E, J. Richmond Hill. For Sale on Easy Terms Our Unlimited Guarantee Pgted this 9Lh day of July. 1914 Ever Ready Goods For the Summer of the Ontario "Voters" List Act’ the copies required by said sections to he so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all perr- snns appearing by the last Revised As- sessment Roll of the said nmnicipalitv to be entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly. and at Muni- cipal Elections: and that tho said List was first posted up in my ofï¬ce at the Village of Richmond Hill on the 9th day of July,1914, and remains there for inspection. Electors ate called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have lthe said errors corrected according to .uv. Richmond Eï¬EE Aimsx RICHMOND HILL A. J. HUME. Clerk of the said Municipality. This is the money back guarantee we give on every article we sell. Your money will be promptly refunded if the goods you buy from us prove unsatisfactory. “That guarantee only is good which is absolutely unnecessary.†Potted Meats, Catsups, Meat Sauces, gill kinds of Canned Fish, Pork and Beans, Jams, Pre- serves, Pickles. Olives, Soups. SPECIALS : Fancy Biscuits, Summer Drinks. Our stock is complete of a high grade line of _Canheï¬di :l‘omatoes. Corn, Peas, Beets, Beans, Trackage Lots on Canadian Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge}St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands County ( Six hm run 11m car min with H] from G Quality ! Quality ! Quality I The Ford is the quality car the world over. He who demands a car of hxghest merit at lowest cost buys the sturdy Ford. He knows it’s the one car with a world-wide record for degendable service. G. A. MCDONALD & SON hundrvd dollars is th leut; the touring cur nine hundredâ€"tub. l 1 equipnnjnt: Get cutn )rk Duvison ) pnce of the Ford is six ï¬fty; the tmvu ‘nrd, Ont., complete lngue and particulars gent. Unionvnlle. T. LOCKE & C0.. ’L'C 10 Adelaide St. E Go to the School Books, Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, I‘apetcrz'cs, Rubber Balls, Eta, Etc. . . THE LIBERAL RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Bill Heads, Lcltcr Heads, Wedding Invitations, En- !opcs, Programmes, Etc. 39217111719“, CQQII'OIIC’Zfl Northern 624/109! Liberal oflice for :0 O 0 Hr} Tommi The J. B. Young Utilities Company Have You a Bath in Your Home? inu The \\'h( inches deep. [t is made of heavy ru‘fliex ducking, pm and with ordinary care will last from 10 to 15 years. tub rests on the floor. There are [in pipes to leak 01' ( bills to meet, it weighs but 15 poun Is. and when not i up and placed nut of the way. One of the greatest aid piness is frequent bathing. The Robinson Bath Tub i case of sickness in the home. It can be placed hesid patient lifted out, gin-n a. good. clean. refreshing 1):: into bed Withan any excitement or undue effort that n The price of the Robinson Bath Tub is $10 f.o.b., To: Toronto. Canada, give high grade cox and qualify young peopleto earn {:00 uries. Theymclude The CentmIBus' College. Yonge & Gerrard Sts.‘ and City Branch Schools. Curriculum sel request. Enter any tlme. \V. H. S president. Shaw’s Business Schools. s to meet, it, weighs bl and placed out of the955 is frequent bathing e of sickness in the h( ient lifted out. given; I) bod Without any exci 9 mice of the Buhinsox ' 'e on receipt of price. THE H. M. KEPP (363., LTD. fl What is the matter with the The answerâ€"paper horse power {I On the Toronto Motordrome, there has not been a single race won by any but an INDIAN. 97 The Indian Motorcycle leads for Power, Speed and General Utility. {I Real horse power is what counts. Paper horse power gives no results. Buy an INDIAN and be in the Lead 15 JARVIS STREET, TQRONTO 384 Spadina Avenue, Toronto ol side (1 inches In most of tde homes out cities there is no satisfnc 01 tnkinga bath. It. is fills The Next Sitting of Divnsion Com-t h No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. RICHMG FENE TEQRENS The Robinson Bath Tub a long felt want. It takes 30sz 3100 bath room. The dimensions of the tub are 95 long, '25 inches wide and _QN_ Tuesday; July 28, :91 AND YOTAEY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Unmmencmc: at 10 :mn. Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given tu Pressing Cleaning Repairing T. F MCMAHON CLERK 1h NEE EELL HUME ll] DLUJUI t. no pluu tan be i nlth and convenie Ship; tory jug) ide (-‘I’C “It