Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1914, p. 5

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hex letie and wmks. :m North Y0 the event. kih all] Mr. Silas Chadwick uf Severn Bridge spentn few days here. attended the celebration at Alll‘Ul'H. Saturday with his Orange brethren, and returned Tuesday. lieinz‘ mustard. an dimem fur Ina;th and ther. 15c. Tryme Cm finest, lunmtues and : “(1156. Ten. and PH shire suucv. gives :u moutflfl: lmllle. AH Then tvnluy Rlcmmxn HILL. ONT.. JULY 16. 1914 Nownuu'ket. Express Heraldâ€"Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mason of Richmond Hill spent .1 fewdnys this week with Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Boyd. \Villic Butty’s nzlnn- was omitted from th(‘ list nflhose who passed In Junior Svcund Glass. \Villio umk full marks in Arithmetic. Evidently the school (embers me ‘on the Inuvb." In Saturday’s Globe there were nine and :1 half columns of udvertisonmnts for teachers set solid in very small typ.‘~ Don't fnrgot, the Epworth Lougue Social on the McLhudisL church luwn Saturday evening nflhis wee-k. Irv cream :fnd (:ukevwill In: sex-\‘ed. and there will be lohs of 1101119 made candy. H sun \Yhilch: Tuesday track a L hm Ammu lmscl an appearance quuenlly the Hill was with At the mm nu Council Stucklvv, (If st. Hollingsbend, of I is a guest of Mrs. \V. Com; Mr. and Mrs. D-m'snn. of Lnndun. Ont.. Wen- guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson, fol-:1 few days. sh shlp. Miss Bella. Hoise- (If Victoria Sqmue is just recovering frum a severe attack of x-hcuumtlc fever. Mr. F part of J. Mr. A. E. Glass reports the Mr. Juse-ph Bales farm on tlu-E Vaughan. tu Mrs. H. Scott of 'J \ Mrs. (Run) A. I’. Bruce and Duuglus have hwn Vlsiting 119w, [he gnvstsof Mrs. \\'.A. b'u i 1‘ The Mrs. L. Eshlemzln of Clarence Centre: New Ym-k, was a guest or Mrs. Len Heise last week. (IT-he flihmtl The matches advertised fur Saturday )f this week in $111: Mclmpulituu Buse- mll Leuguu are as follmvszâ€"Nm-th Mrs lllra lcksmfs econ-{ted ltloll lu Englisl) unude :lpmn ml White check. 37 im .L ()nuu‘s plints 15 my. cmlvtllinen. sky: \wl. Dull. cadet. [:- A marriage has been Arranged ill take plum: curly in Aug aLweeu Mulwl \\'ensll-y,uuly duugl ’ Mr. and Mls. J. 11. Bruwnsun, edfurdshire. England. and Non lug, elder sun of Dr. and Mrs. \u'ilsun. of 350 Bluur SI. \V .uruntu. - Misses Louise nuntu und Hill ‘ Aumm It. Mu )wi‘ miesou, 15 u sxster nf kenheud, and previuus LEG the sisters were for ars engaged in evange! Men’s tweed Mr. L. Puntnn week’s holiday \Vond. Miss Beryl Gould spent :1 few days {1h Mrs. J. “'oud of Vaughan Town- Men’s tweed punts. all sizvs 81.7.3. rl’s mitldius, white and navy. Cildt‘l Cilldlllzll, with belt $1.45; plain at .00. Boy's shirt waing blue shades, .o 1-1 yrs. for 55¢. Ladies print and (ll (in u ht: yd huh: house 1nd Swilzex Ithe monthly meeting of Vaugh- Uouhcil or, Munduy, Mr. J. C. klt-y. (If the Ontario department, \grmulturc. Newmarkut, applied ' grunt Lu the Township Sclmul ,lu he held later in the season. Council made .1 grant of $10. S \\' SDI] mn uu-ch Of 0: each in the next Sum] Ind. \ his Holiday Innos. Ullung. nf Chic-11:0 is spending his holiduvs with his sister. m null we“: inst while crussin~ Mount Albert. were also struck xpnjss \v ithd mw n the Herb L Pumt. Th automobile the Pmnt. an aquatic 5px 1:11 In M. m: «My. '1 Ludge :I '. .BIU. H: H. A. Nil Illa crossing ‘unt Albert. also struck 11-53 [min the dvmncr mutchwuud s :1 vvu' 2 are as folk-“'5 Hichmund Hi“, nd Newmzu'ket v t-vches‘gu .\I.P.P. \v Ol has been arranged and me curly in August, \\'enslvy,umly daughter ls. J. H. Bruwnsun, of England. uud Norman mll tenm did not put in lust Saturday. nml con- nmtch with Richmond I) (l res St from New Ym'k spent swith Mr. and Mrs. md M {in the rust, Metho- -Kosh, \Viscunsin, Mellmdisb Church F evening. Mrs. er of Mrs. (Rem) \‘iuus to their mur- ‘e for n. number of angelistic work. urge crowd yes~ .enuox picnic at me was :0. gram] plocessiun ("mm 1” kinds of illll- urts. loLs nf fire- ;xlnre. As usual. f: L Nid gingham, blue :hos wide at 20c 5c yd. Suiting md white. stripe m :md cardinal {I Is “'ul [my Stu-1' of “HIV killed uu the U. N. R. Their span of by the engine and instantly Ht; Wqun \vus Newman ket. f Rev. Du “ix-st )[elhu the lion 1nd Lm Bu US | Sn]? (If 3rd Uun. Tum-nu». Mustm fl iends \Vright. Atkin llld1{ \Vest . .1 1'0!“ (k llls th ll] Saturday :1 Mr. E. “C A] into the \‘iilu é++++++++++é++++++++++++++ and :qun-r gentlemen frnn who had come out to ins farm property. In passing politzm station n cur wh causing the hurse to sprin; The back seabof the rig nn ' Toronto men were sitting 0‘ and hnth went backward: their head's nn the mucu6 They were quite stunned :- and for :1 Hum could scan vl her where they were. Tl wards returned hnnw, and n sults are fem-9d. ulthnngh lh might easily have been fatal ++++++H+-!‘-3'+++++++++++++++ Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Glass and of Midland are at present, visiting allives in the Village. une year in Furm II. This is a. very Crediva showing. The Candidntt-s who failed have taken the pt-xcentugc nncessury fm promotion Lu the middle school. - Saturday evening after d. i. k. Dr.L.G. Lnngsmlful’ Thm'nill was di i\ ing b'Hth with his :mlmxmbilv and Mr. Hflll'y Ful'stermf Victoria Square was driving snuth with a double soured carriage. Near, lilgin Mills Mr. Fol'StH' turned out In (in iVP past A rig that, was ahead (If him. A t‘ollisimi was the rmult, A 1'9L‘.0pli(mtnRe\‘. J. R. Aikonhmd. supvl-intondent and family, and Mr. Foster Hicksmi, junior pnstur. was held in the schnnl mom of the Mollm- dist (-hurch 'l‘m-sdny evening. The receptiun was purely satin]. and nu prugrnnnne hnd hevn :u ranged. Every part of the circuit was well represent- (‘d and u pleasant hour was spent be- tween pastors and people. Ice m-wu’n and timer light refreshments were corn-d. (Hill). for the Hip; Stewan has It til Tho list (If successful candidntvs at the recent High Schon] Entrance Exâ€" :uninminn nppL-nl‘s elsewhere in this paper. The Riuhnn-nd Hill schuhuship was this year wun by Mnrjnriu Murphy luf Juifm‘sun S('hlm|. She is 13 ymrs of age. and is n pnpiinf Miss RM. Bruwn. The scholuiship carries with it a year‘s free tuition in the Richmond Hill High School. and Mr. 31nd Mrs. I other nccupnnts of [hi thrown out, and were jun-9d. The dash hmn' curriqu whee-ls we! Thofnllmvmzr {mm Riclmmnd Hill High Schuul passed the Junior Nur- nm] Entrance:â€"U(‘rnthy FindlayJuhn McGuguv. Stkurt Page. HI-lell Okt'. Jenn Beyuun. Earle \Vulker. BeSsio Brukon. UH) recommended, 7 passed, and (If those the mujm-ity \vc-re only the ln [1512.“ Ilh |ur‘ll'illlllll£ll (‘Xt‘lll‘slutl [U nguru ansm Flidny. The trip across the Lukvnnsnrh an ideal dnv was de- lightful‘ and the I'mnnindL-r of the journey by tho Gorge route (m thé American side of the river was equally cnjnyafiulv. Almut 140 tickets were Sold at Richmond Hill. and :L number of exct'n’sinnists lmurded the _cur at, Thom-hill and other places. hesidrs :1 [urge number at Toronto. All return- ed home bl‘ftll‘P 11 n’duck \vithuut, an accident of and kind. alll Art, Specialist. nndor-gmduute Uniw-rsity. He book-keeping and The names of SliCCPQSfIll cundidntos at, the “remit Nm-nml School Exzuninu- tions were given in yesterday‘s dailies. Miss Susie M. Cw:me was in wan-(10d an interim second-class celtificute, and Misses Jessie D. Hamilton and Mary Vamdvrhurgli limited third-cluss cer- tificates. ThL-lutu-r is good for five years. The '1- their frie :1: their: The Board (If . «gt-(l Mr. James Ito. for the Hip; At. the lust mo AVHShip Council to $5” tn the I’ I-khum :hmoml Wedding élafl'onery 11 mm, and were mnn- m- lcss in The dash hum-d and (me of [111‘ {9 wheels wexe smashed. and rses brnke :quv. ’ Junior Normal Entrance Reception to r'. Alnyle of Lnngslnff drove \"iilnge with n Mr. Spnulding ,hvr gentlemen frmu 'l‘unmtn. Icmne out to inspect some Iperty. In passing the Met“)- statinu u cur whislh- hlvw, the hurse to spring forward. Jnichnmnd H: )ndshud an e mmml vxrm Flidny. The Firemen's Excursion £z'6eral @ffz’ce H.*S. Scholarship @rder your Free Reading Dangerous Itvl‘lltmn: at [fie Coliision II) PC uld scnrwly l'wm'l were. The-y nfu 01119.”!!de lmd 1 llthnngh the accide‘ Education have my 1]. Stewart, nt‘ Tur- ;h School stulf. Mr. rsL-cluss (:cx'tficuto. is , and is a second your from the Tux-(mu) will teach scivnce. l :u-t. H1117 fin ting of Markham it. was decided to 1hlic Libraries of Unionville and be divided among: Fm-sterumi (w; ' Cru-niage \wu 'njnyuhlc (.1: Sim) tn NIH trip across Fall ‘s. Tin-Rich- 90 to all resi- Mnrkhzuu and very Tuesday frum 7 L0 9 nn whitth Ll); g (n‘el'llll'lwd urds striking madam mad L] 9nd dazed ut lllt‘ll 1 and puting llll‘lll nl I LACK CURRANTS, Cherries, (‘}005{’l)81'l’i('s and Raspberries an \VIHGHTS. Cur-nor Yungo & Richmond sheets. Olden-curly. lll’q‘ lay IQOR SALEâ€"Onnsiln, 12 fat-t, \Vido _ and 271 hot high. nearly no“. BERT BOSTIN, Carrvillo. 1 4 ARM FOR SA LI‘Lâ€"One humln'd acres, Int 38, Gun. 3, township of Vaughan. Bunk burn, cmnl‘nl'tillllu hnnse. two good orchards, lots uf gnnd \vnu-r, garden with all kinds uf small fruit. Pl'lL’C‘ $6,500. Terms to suit. Ap- ply to \V. Clcnu'nt. (m the plemisvs. Maple P. 0. m- II. A. Niclwlls, Richâ€" mond Hill. ’ 2 4 “ OR SALE â€" Second hand milk stove. Sell cheap. Apply to GEORGE SMITH, Richmond Hill. 3 2 B. C. shingles. hand. S. JARV yard it as Band will lw in attendance. Sn will I» served from 5 to 8 o’clock, a gund programme will follow. fl hring quivk results. If yuu have anything to 59]]. or if ynn wish tn pur- chase Sumething. hire help, cm. try this "NEW ADVERTISEMENT” column. F 2 Brnodersfll Apply anksidc Rd. Elgiu Mills. [â€"1 (lml home, with trio \vn-ed. Apply C. M The Kin garden pm Avenue. E July 23. Ti NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Nupk w. ’\ \RIIANTED. â€" A U \\'l:1k, Jnhhinu I OTICE ~ Will the party who m1- 1 L119 turnpike snuvol frmn mv \Vritc, ;\I I OL'SE T0 RENT (l;ul|1ru1w,\vitl‘ .\ “SON-â€" day. J u ‘um-rnl lu'ulhm (luv. ship. uneml {mm 1101- lute residence to Melville Cemetery. “Educadav. ’. VVOOD, Richmond 11‘”. 1 4 Tombstone Lettering In Mal-Meanmnitv. Gum] “'(Hk ileIllilble charges. Town 01 Country im Ltm Monuments. Mnrkm-s 211: “'0 have clients daily tn pur- chase moderate priced farms. If you Wish to sell y'uu- propel ty kindly let me have [he particu- lzu's at once. as 1 am B.S’I()NG, , ..... v bright rooms, mlk ll'illlllH’ll lhmughuut, hmdwond flours, fire place, electric light. vrmn- duh. H1199[)ii't'i‘llillll. septic tank hot water hibilk‘l'. pause furnace. This‘ is unv uf the host, hunx‘es in Rlclmmm! Hill and mustlm sold. fully Small lil‘ Nod] 11‘ u tric light .\Nc\’â€"()n Munduy 2, IBM. Elizabeth ":Lm'iu Square. 3 A. E. GLASS OR SA LIEâ€"k OR SALEâ€"A Traction Enginv, scvonteen horse pnwer; :md Sup- tm; \\'II.LI.\M MCDOUGALL, Edge- P.O., Out. 4!) 2 ll]. DVI‘IRTISEM ENTS in this column OTIUI on first Ium-tgngc Enquire at THE LI 9 King City Methodist Chm-ch en party will be held at Muplc me. King City. next Thursday. 23. There will he football. lugâ€"of- and other spun-Le, and the Alum-n. ix I'f $1,000 ONEY T0 LOANâ€" PROPERTIES FOR SALE the turnpil- bout :l. munt REAL ESTATE AGENT RXCHMOND HILL July I‘L'lll A150 :1 \VIIY PAY I {mm 1111 , “'11). C At Yul k Mills, solid In ick 7011K \V. A. J ONI â€"A ‘.‘ll' of \VesU-m nuts lniw-d at the elevator, nu Cur of luln. u cur of )5. and cement always on .Iu'ls, Maple. 1 4 month sign, kin nuodiug it. m Richmond Hill .nrk Mills, an 1914, Samuel ( HOUSES FA R .\1 S King eLl largo [1'1 Make Pl aiming" mmld I .‘ryphm’s Incubator ;1 ml {\pply \Vilshuw, DIED s, nuk ll'illlllH’ll hmdwond flours, «Ctric light. vrmn- ('0 hull], septic tank lur. pause furnace. the host, hunws in mmd house. sl-lui- enly of garden, -npnlit.~ln station. payment, lulluucc lum Buchanan “'50”. (’lréllldill). hard City residom ll‘pl m {EN'I‘P Inurning. July A. Fruncy oi uklmm town- flu in asun nine Munth t.) 1mm ‘feu'm plopvr- BERAL Oflicv. m ulfvl vol frum my kindlyrotmn and oblige. ‘Ie lurgn lI-immml Town tn 1 (Em-nor [or wants trimming. md brick we. Cloc- \Vcdnes- u-sun. 2 of his ’. on Fli- _Sn ppey mti 'ml " ' 2 LLJEJJaufialjfiwéw ‘ ' * ‘_;.~.;‘-«.“_S=~‘~a<‘. .aA 11.5%)»ka :SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE F< 'VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVTV‘VVVVV 7“ ’K"'~'*‘“F"{."1{’F"\f‘£W‘W‘Nmfih‘mvfl ‘ 7': mg .rrr'i'rrrrgnrwp; .g'rr'fgr'. E n _ y: \w). "fishi AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE ARE AGENTS FOR Also choice huildin M EN’S PA NAMA HATS MEN’S SOFT SHIRTS with soft (tell; all the bust shades, and good fittm MEN’S STRA\V HATS in the latest style f rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I . . . . . A . . , . . 7 THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE ' Jelly Jars Fruit Iars )NE 80021 price Our furniture cntuluguos have all the newe Ask [U see them and cumpzue pl ices \th WALL ATKENSfiN & SWITZER NORMAN J. GLA PROPRIETOR Imperial Pints sulid brick dwelling lot; the best; location ( Jar Rubber REMINDER LEST Concrete House Wine Quarts Richmond Hill RICHMOND !!!READ THIS!!! Imperial Quarts in extra uit Sugar Redpath’s Granulated Susz me )od q us and French cuff ‘s, from . . . . . . . 81.01 Gallons Imperial llilV and good 5137] 1nd good fitters, . . . . . . . $1.50 to $2.00 cuffs, in $1.00 to $1 Gallons M

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