twenty cars A day nu: by the Maple Sand, G 00.. and is now in n The monthly men's Institute of Mrs. J. Mum lusL wuuk. pig Quite :1 numlwl' hon the Orange cclcbmtiur Saturday. licv. H. S. and Mrs Miss Lama Richnrdsn several \vveks in Musk M 1‘s. K. Manning Mrs. R. Munni spent, Sl‘VL‘HlI days \Vm. Thomas. Miss M. 1‘}. Morrison 1 day Lu visit. her lumhur in Oklahoma. Mr. J. \Vilsun :u'n_v \V B C M 1-5. J. her sisu-l for thus I) h; Mn @110 EQihNal ROSEHEATH POULTRY FARM Ill vnnu.-. Mr. J. \V‘iisun :u-nvod home after lsix week visit to his old home in England. Messrs J. B. Mch-un. T. Cousins and J. Ruse zuv at Niugul-q Full§ this 400 yearling and two-year- old Hens for sale, all from my noted heavy winter laying strain. Also a few yearling malesâ€"a Bargain! All going at $1 each. S. C. White Leghorns EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES usunic Uta-1‘ Mr. Gum'g‘ nding “’3 l5 receivt'd -nL sxnmm: 'nlugu in Ill‘ HM F. R. OLIVER Proprietor Dish sell :1 have Pvau‘l Mater Repairing Done 21v G. Cowie 8: C0. put in ymu- supplv nf Sugar as market reports indich mother advance in pricv. due [0 Increased demand during the msv "reserving season. \Y JUST NO\\' is :1 gum] time In Annual Sale of Breeding Stock RICHMOND HILL L. CURTlS L. CURTIS RICHMOND HlLL. ONT. nonlhly movling of [he “‘0- 1sLiLuLv was held at the hule .1. Munningm) \Vednusdny of \ _~ “r, , 201'ch B.nilvy who has lwon :lt- \VulSlHl's BlliillL‘SS (‘ullegu ivvdhis diploma. AL the re- ‘nmmtiuni hl‘ tnok u lngh p€1'- in all the sulujvcts. m 1t Mus. J \sL wee nu mlw 1‘ I‘Vlll GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYJLES p reservin [In 1U so ['91 Gran Saigon!) h HIS S [1231' llwr fmm he lebrution at AGEXT FOR 01 that can load about I)' has been purchased 1nd. Gravel and Brick in operation at, (h:- Maple pucr supply 1 hunt - \\'ure such as ltles, Sana-(- Pans. 3.. which we will ‘au 1' ll) \ [)f Nuwnml-ket week with Mrs. \ shile Luvm-ing and are spending been visit me at, Kluinlml-g ft (m \Vodncs- 1nd 111511-111)in J1 I. and the l"; * nttl‘nded AurL-tu 0n Extra will exwlit “'0 ‘nt Inf h a: 1914 REAL ESTATE AGENT. RICHMOND HILL Sevr‘nly-tmn- acres. [)fll'l: of Int, 47.9. in the Village of Richmnnd Hill. Running crock, hunk ham, cum- fnrluhle house. Splendid land fur gardening. Terms to suit. FARM F0 R SALE One hundred acres, lot 23, ’l‘mvnship oi Vaughan, 1m: cmnfnrtnhlo house. two g ('hul‘dS. Land suitable fm farming. right 11) thwpul trict. Terms to suit. HOUSE FOR SALI New. solid ln-ick. mnmy house. ï¬n- ished in “rat-(71.153 ‘olylt'. Dunhlu lnt. Roseview Avunuo, Richmond Hill. A Inn-gain fur one mnnlh. rummumummnltanwumwmmmmwmwmmmnmmwu H. A. Nichoils FOR SAL You CAN teach the public new customs, new tastes, new habits. You CAN make the puhlie do what it is not in the habit of doing. Powerful and persistent advertising has revolutionized modern life. It sends people travelling. It has made them photographers. It has made the motor-car a necessity. It makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice 01‘ thrice a year. It selects the very food we eat. You CAN goods from We want. to Does not the publicly (‘xpx'ossvd will and uf this cummunilv lnï¬uPncu yuu in yunr go where you are guided ? Aro ynn nut sponsivo tn the advertisements which n} whuuns of tho LIBERAL ? ADVERTISING master's will and w Beautify Your Wails and Woodwarkm FAR M FOR SALE There‘s real economy as well as .V beauty in Washable Interior Colors. When you paper walls you know that inside a year or two you’re going to have to do it all Over again. And in the meantime, the paper gets dingy and costs money to clean. \Vhen your walls are painted with you know that the job is up for good and all. And whenever they seem to need it, a damp rag brings the colors out in all their beauty. Washable Interior colors are rapidly becoming the craze for use on walls and woodwork. It’s a sensible craze too. Sanitaryâ€"beautitulâ€"economical. Real recommendationsâ€"those. COME EN AND IDOK AT SOME OF THE BEAUTIFUL COLOR COHBLNA‘HONS \VE ARE SHOWING AND TALK IT OVER CAN make the pub] THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPAM NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER Mï¬ner'va Frescenette SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP V 011 1\' this to the merchaan ( m, hunk two gm A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC “ Can 99 ‘ mun-L Ito dis m IN ()1 the public expr ishâ€"his word ( HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING I’APERHANGING, GRAINING GLAZING. KALSDMXNING. Etc. Residenceâ€"Richmond H11] PHONE 29â€"â€" Good woxk is what want! then, go to Riclimnnd St. PAINTER AND DECORATOR JOHN ELLIS this community uplwnr ONTRAC’I‘OR 8: B U ILDER Plans and Estimates job work word of power. wish of the merchants shnppinq‘? Du you nob \‘m-y :Ittmltin- and 11-.- Iwnr -:\ch we k in the J. V. 8UFFE Lh mmun it._\' uuunuuumm buv more Richmond Hill. {X 11 y ou iTrench’s carriage ‘ Works The hiin ("lass section of Richmond Hill. Baker Aux. now open, 66 feet good drainage and splendid outlook, runnng from Markham Ave. t1 View Ave. Lan 50x15†with ideal drainage. Only houses costing S and upward can he built on this Avenue, which insures you against ciation hy othexs building a Cheap house beside, you. ROSEVIE\V AVEâ€"Three good (-or'ner lots GOXHU. Four small lots 42 x140. Also some choice lots 50x150 facing south and backing up park. RAIL\VAY LO'l‘S~-\Vith sidingalready in. Power line passing rigl' front of each lot. \‘Vatt‘r supplied at; 90 lbs. pressure and in quan to 100 gallons per minute at minimum cost. RICHMOND HILL is going right ahead while other localities are at a still. There is no safer place. in ()anada to invest. your money than 1 Richmond Hill. It, is estimated that there will he about forty a glass houses. devoted to growing flowers, at. Richmond Hill in ten This will mean employment for hundreds of men. HIGH SCHOOL, new (i roomed Public School being built, good Church Railways, Electric Light and Power at minimum cost, and an ahu of good water. Right on Yonge St. Good road and only eight mil: W1. TRENCE’! \VII‘LY G() ’1‘() W‘OR()N rf() Summer supply of Knee RugS, ALL BRANCHES OF THE TR Rubber Rugs \Vhios STRICTLY ATTENDED To Z" ’ 5 and Blankets- cwnz'nfn 7 um ANTS mwnrtm L. E. HAND, ï¬EAD OFFICE ever desired without delay. TORONTO l . W | RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Everything in the Harness BANK épzm All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. REBHWNG HM. E‘ERWESS SHOP Rniiwnys. E11 nf gnud \vntel Toronto City ©F‘ @ANADA $7.50. and jud IN CONNECTION \VITII l( BageviewGardens LETS NR SALE XND, U E] Man-get. Branches also at Maple. Markham. Stouffville. Unionvifle and Locust Hi". COME AND 116 . BASSETT lv :m .AI'IC. limits. Fur further particulars write 01' see W. J. LAWRENCE, 0111 S here. Having ed :1 splendid xL 2| greatly re- am niforing my style frum Coats fmm ‘. see patterns; get Ins ptly k SON out and send it t AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made whenâ€" ever desired without delay. Ho srzlicils a trial (In woxk and gun unter satisfaction. Send list of articles will: each purc- giviug residencennd name in full. ROSELAWN AVE , Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HIL L six-ed. REAL ESTATE J. H. SANDERSDN. V. S. F. J. WUDWAHB has opened 21 Laundry south Uf MCI uld‘s Grocery Stun: in . W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, VILLAGE AND FARM PR AL\VAYS ON HAN Goods culled for and delivered, if do GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley RICHIflOND C. I. HIEAS TORONTO, or RICHMOND HILL â€"â€"-AGENC Y»â€" ONAGE )lhi‘x' lumlities are at :1, star vest, your nmnvy than right will he nbunt fun-(y :lm-rs Richmond Hill in ten yen Richmond Hill {G LAME ND INTE. FERIL'G 233535 A SPECIALTY ATI - line p:msi_ng right. (WET ssux'e :ind m qnunllty up your W U 0 DW MANAGER )LICI TE 191) 542 ft. up to abundance miles hum OPER SUHJXJ .epre- Illill' two 5H HI