Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1914, p. 1

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NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS :30 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada? A Luge stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places Tel. M. 363] RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. sales attended)» on shortest notice and at ree- eox-ablo rates Patronage solicited A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victnrm Sta. 1‘01‘0'1to. A. gamerqq hMagNaughton PIANO TUNING J '1‘ Saxzoou MAple SATISFACTION GUARANTEE-D. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO and [IBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILL,ONT. JOHN R, CAMPBELL, Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to Phone No. 28. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. ‘ 200 BERESFORD AVE, \VEST TORONTO Phone Junctum 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE Uudcrtakcrs A' Elnbnlmors. IS PUBLISHED EVERY DHURSDAY MORNING Danton, Grover & Field lvphnne. Main 311 ble Address. "Dec Lawrence 8:. Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. .‘. F. McMAHON, DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXVII. F. C. EGAIV 461 per annum, in advance.] 66 RESIDENCE Fn‘fib house 110th of Atkinson 8: Switzer's store. Barristers .Solicitors, Notaries, 84c.- VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill . Phone No. 24024 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE DIaple. ()nt. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER LICENSED AUCTIONEER 30ft: .7. 91111111301: BUSINESS CARDS . Organs Repaired. Expert. Work Sulgeon & NICE wen ., For the County of York. Barristers, Sulictnrs. ch: WRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL EDITOR & PUBLISHER J. H. Prentice Dado." AT THE ibeml Pnone Main 2934 J K McEweu Weston 0: each moulu Methodist-Church-â€"Servicos atrlljdoz.h:..and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday evening. Church o! Englandâ€"Services at. 3 p.m. lat and and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. 11 aum Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services an I: a. m..aud 7 13.11:. SundaxSchoolat 2.30. Prayer meet-lug 'I‘hursdav eveumg. Roman' Catholic ChurchjServices on filter- nsqa Sunday§ at!) a. 111. mm [0.30 n. m. Richmimd Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon duv on or before full moon 1 ConrtRichmond, A O F -â€" Meets fourth Fri 33’ Ivy Lodge.A0 U of each month Camp Elg;n.$ 0 Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge. Wednesday. Hill Crest Lodge. I.0.().F.â€"Meets second and fourth Tuesdav of each month. Fire Brigadrâ€"Meets first Monday 01 each nquh Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth League â€"Meets evarv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"gleam everv Friday at 8 (Lu). in the Church. I (l Fâ€"Meats third Thursdav of every mom‘s. R. H Ratepavers Association meets lust Tuesd-w 0! Ever“ month. Richmonc. Hill CCBIA‘USSIONER. CONVEY ANAER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY. ETC. Tornntn Office. Rmnn '328 Confoderu tinu Life Bldg.. ‘10. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Oflice (“Lihm-al' Office). every Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday aftPrnnOn. \Voudhridgv, Saturday forennon. Moncv to 1mm Monov to Loan on I and anachnttel mortgagesat owes: rates Auroraofiiceâ€"Ber oved to tho old post ofl‘io.’ one door wut. of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of £118 poflhoflice HERBERTLENNOX G V Monam LENNOX & MORGAN Graduates of this schnol READILY OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT beczluse there are thousand: of openings in this city every your and We are called upon to till nun-e than we can. Enter zlnv time. College open all your. \Vrite fur catalogue. Cor Yong: and Alexander 515. If you expect HIGH mum: EMPLOY- )[ENT ynu must make HIGH GRADE PREPARATION. One schoul that is Well-known throughout Cunndn fox- strictly superior! "aiming is the Also agent for Fruntz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appliances that; save time and work forche House Wife. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Leads in age. influence and successful graduates. Specializes in Gregg & Pimmn Shorthnnd and all Commercial Subjects. Full term opens Aug. 31517. Write fur our catalogue. Address '1‘. W. Wauohnpe, Princxpul, Yonge dc McGill Sts, Toronto :1. H. SANDERSON H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oummissiuner, Conveyancor. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE Electricizn, Richmond Hill Islcrs and Solicitors. Village Dlrectory TORONTofoNT. EQYYARDfBANCIs, DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY ELLIOTT NOTARY PUBLIC S â€"Meets second and fouxth Wâ€"â€"Meets thin! Wednesday Aunra w. J. ELLIOTT, Princlpal In Essentialc, Unity; in mrauy I'm-ennon. Five. Per Cent (5%) G V Mona water, are Mr. and children. (I hnuw Sit Miss (Shun-t Teasdale of \Veston is visiting at Mr. H. E. Kef’fex-‘s. Mr. and 3115. C. T. L‘rhmm- of Cum- hridgv, Mass. and MrsJ’ringle ('f Buff- :nln N. Y. spent part of last. week with Miss Rubinsnn and cullcd on a number of friends. Mr. G. R. CI‘OOL’S of Hope and Miss M. Campbell were quietly married in Torunto un Saturday last, Rev. S. \V. Dean officiating. The pulpit of St. Andrew’s church is [wing filled by Rev. Dr. (‘nlmiChM-I. while Rev. S. R. Robinson is away on his vacation. A large number ()f the girl friends of Miss Minnie Campbell surprised her with a shmw r at the burnt: of Mrs. H. (.‘r. Bailey last Friday evening. After the presentation ice cream and cake were served. Dr.and Mrs.F.Ruutley have gone a- way on a \‘ilCleOll. Dr. Crews of Tur- onto is looking after che practice here. Mr. and Mrs. “’m. Thomas are visit- ing friends in Orillia. Miss Clara Teasdale of “'cston is visiting at Mr. H. E. Keffcr‘s. Mr. and 3115. C. T. Uhnau- of (‘ilnl- 0n \Vednesday. July 8. 1914. there washeld at [he hume- nf Mrs. Fred Banks. Markham, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. \\'alder, a re-nnion of all the “Shim-k” lu-nlhel-s and sisters Ill hunom of the late Adam Shierk's ynnngpsb sun. Albert Edwin who had nut Visited Canada for twelve years. The relatives spout a nu y pleasant day together. In the aim-imam they all wunt mulm'iug after which ice cream and refreshnwnts were senvd on the l:u\‘n.The relatives nmnbered altogeth- er fifty-(me. It is to he hoped that Al- ln-x't will not wait for twelve years again before visiting his old huuw. as everyone who knew him was wry glad tr; meet him after such a lung ab- soncv. On Saturday last, an automobile con- taining :1 gt-ntlemznnuud his wife and daughter. fmm Tux-onto turned turtle, when it struck some gravel on the Tcslun sidennld. All l-ecen‘ed a bad shaking up, the lady having her arm hmken near the shoulder. A plan of a permanet laying hnnso for poultry. with brief description and an estimate of material required far the house as planned, is contained in pamphlet Nu.5 nf the Puultry Dinsinn of the Live Stuck Branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. This plan has been specially prepared fur use in the Pruvince of Prince Edward Island by \V. A. Brown and T. A. Benson; however, it includes a number of fuaturvs, which in the r-., u, Illunllllfu u number of funturvs, which in the opininu of the writers. could he ud- vuutngenusly ndnpted througth the gl‘l‘illt‘l' part of [hp Dominion of Cunn- da. (‘npies of this pamphlet may he obtained free upon application to the Publications Blanch, Department. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Ryan. of Thm-nhill. is having .1 delightful visit at Niagara Falls and Niagm-a-pn-the Luke. where she went, to attend the marriage of her cousin Miss Katie Gunnings The western part of our province, especially the counties of Brant :uid \Vnterluo. are now being visited by one of the worst of our insect posts. the Army Worm. It is So muncd fmm its characteristic habit of marching straight forward in large numbers. going over, in preference to around. anything. It has :illt-nuy rendvrvd whole fields of grain useless. and is r 0t yet: fully under control. The District Represvtatives 0f the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture me combining tn stamp ('ut, the pest, and the local hranch will deem it u gu‘at favor if. upon the first Sign of the prosence of the mm-nndms in this county they are notified at once. )II 3. \VI Notify the Department of Agriculture at Newmarket \V [ll House for Laying Hens uyzmd little son, of Culd- \‘lSlllllg at Mr. S. Ireland's. Mrs. Barkemeyur. and two f McKeespm-t. Pu. returned ,uxduv. :nftvru twn \Wek‘s a [mum of Mr. H. C. Bailey. Family Gathering J. G. STECKLEY. District Representative, Newmax-ket. Non-Essentials, Liberty; in THE ARMY WORM Thornhill Maple ' By thoroughly spraying nr dusting a small strip of the crop in advance of the worms with Pun-is green, and liber- nllv distributing poisoned ln‘an (mixed ‘uL the rate of fifty pounds bran and ’lunc pound Pulis green with enough mylusses and water to sweeten it) large numbers may be destrnyed. A I field 50 poisoned must not be pastm-od ‘lllllll rain has thin-ongth washed it. “'hntevcr is dunn- must be done qmckv ly and at mice, fur .1 single day‘s delay may when nu‘nl) the ruin of a valuable The army worm is ahnnt one and one-half inches long when full grown. and is striped with black, yellnw and green, of a dingy a ppearanccand much resembling the cntwurm. \Vhen de- tected, all etforts should be centred on keeping the worms out of crops not vet attacked. A deep funrmv. (several furrqu ale hatter) ploughed around the fields with the vertical or steep side of the furl-0w next to the crop to he protected, serum as a. hariier to prevent tlw march of the worms, as they will not he ahle to crawl up the straight side. of Hit» furrow. Holt 9 or pits should he dug in thP huttnm (If the furrow pvery ten or twelve feet to catch the worms as they crawl along lnnking fur a place to get out. They can thvn he dvstrnyrd with a blunt stick or by burning straw over them. By thorniigh‘lxspraying or dusting On necmmt of the crops in some disuicts being hule attacked by this pest. it is :Idwsnhle fm- ever farmer tn he nn the lookout and ready to combat it if it cumes his way. MMSyS. (‘runk & Gilchrist, oxecntm-s for Isuzu: Gm-dnn estate, recvntly dis- posed of the- mst half of lot 34, 5th Concession. Vaughan. to Mr. Ber-wick \Vrldrick. This prnperty, consisting of 100 :u're-s. w:13$uld by auction by Mr. J. T. Suiuenn, the price heng $5.225. Mr. \Vuldrick will \Vnrk this place in cunjnnctiun with his other farm. The farm is we“ wm-Lh the V ...... V”, m...“ \m. for $60,000. The farm is in tWD p:ll'CPlS of 50 avn‘s murh. one parcel heing (Hi the vast sidv uf Yonge St. in Markham tnwnship. and the nther on the West sirlo in Vaughan tnwnr <hip. It is the intention nf the new owners to divide the fzum into one. two, lhl'PP. four and live new pluls and to restiict the property to high ohms country home-s. The fm In is knuwn as the Morgan farm and Mr. Mnl'gnn the late owner was burn on it. Divine Services in St.M:1ry’:s Church. Anglican, on Sunday nvxc as follows: Holy Umnnnlnio:18.31) ".11).: fire-Hing. Prayer and Svrmmi. 7 o‘ulnck. fa rm. Tm money paid The \Villiam Shunk farm, 4th Con- cession of Vaughan, heiween Concord and Maple, has been sold to Miss \Vilks. The farm cnnsists of 180 acres, and the price paid was $19,000. Arthur \V. Mun-gun of Thornhill sold his farm uf 100 acres on Yongo Street tn the Queen City Land 00. "‘- " ‘ man nun Mr. L. E. Hand, best : vm-ietivc swm-t peas. Mr. \V. J. Lawrence. best Richmond roses. Mr. J. A. (ix-0.0m», buck varietiw “N «u y, \'l “UL. Mr. Harry Muyle. for best kept back yard. Mr. \V. H. Pugiley, best collection cut finu'el's. Silver Cup by Mr. J. H. Sandprson, for best kept house. 9:111an and lawn. Dr. Lillian Lungsmff. best collection of potted fuliqgfe plants. Mr. G. F. Allen, he potted flowering plu collection cut flowers child under 15 years. w be members of Society \I. 'I " ' First and second prizes \leI he fur the fullmving at lhc Flower to he held in the Skating an ( 6th of August :â€" Astnrs. pink, white and blue; pens. Roses. DahlL-ms. Germ Petunius. Stocks. Sunflowers, lnette,Hydrizmgeu.Hullyhncks,P. Vm'hcnas. Bulsams, Snupdl Sulvizl. Golden Glnw, anlurl thlox, &c. In :lrlditinn tn the regular prizes, specials will be gi follows 2â€"â€" ‘ flowering plants, and best inn cut flowers grown by any mder 15 years. whether parents tubers of Society or not. Harry Muyle. for best kept buck all things, Charity.” Church of England The Army Worm Real Estate Sales Prize List 1'08 H l" h_est colluclmn of llylnnck§lifޤws , Snupdrngun. w, Nuslurtinms best Annuals .‘23. 1914 rm to the nhnve will be given as nu he given ()\\'91' Shnw an on {he hlue; Sweet Geranimns. PI'S, Migno- six named half dozen THIS STORE \VILL CLOSE EVER} “'EDNESDAY AFTERNOON DL'R ING JULY AND AUGUST All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES RICHMOND BILL. ONT OI(ANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality D. HILL & Bo. Bakers and Confectioners We have the 13.1.. 86 W. Scranton Hard Goal. “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVER & RAMER Canada, Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. -\\'D. . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, Different Varieties of Emil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. VV‘ V'VVVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVV L_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Comforts and Teething ngs W. A. Sanderson Putttic Attention consisting of all the best makes â€"~â€"u Sanitary and Measmed and all :tccessorles for the same __U.__ And everythingvfor the Baby Allenbm-y’s l, 2. 3. Hm-Iock’s Malted Milk, Nestle: Food, VMe-Hins’ Food __()__._ For the BabyaE Talcum P owder Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND HILL ALso HANDLE THE Bordin Eagle Brand Baby Foods _~ 0_â€"_ Our lmes of for the Chickens DRUGGIST ounts. Cracked Corn

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