Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1914, p. 4

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With development works stayed as a result‘of the financial stringency, with industrial plants shut down or running- part time only, with un- employment evident to an extent never before known in Canada, the purchasing power of the people has naturally and inevitably sutfered a great reduction. Increased taxation and falling revenues are part of the price Canadians are paying for pres- ent methods of administration. been any reduction in customs taxa- tion under the Borden Government; on the contrary, at the last session of Parliament the tarifi‘ _was increased upon many commodites in order to meet the demands of the Big Interest allies of the Ministry. What the de- crease in revenue does mean is that Canadian purchases abroad have fallen off by many millions within the past three monthsâ€"one more proof of the depression 'and the serious financial conditions which have come to the Domimon with the present rule. During the first three months_ of ‘ the current fiscal yearâ€"April. May and June-â€"-there was a drop of over $7,000,000 in the customs revenue of the Dominion as compared with the revenue for the corresponding months of the preceding year. The huge de- crease does not mean that there has I Attending the ordinary dance is something that need not be encour aged, but the dangers to which young people are exposed at watering places and summer resorts are infini- tely greater than are those of the ball room. And yet experience teaches that many parents and even minis ters of the Gospel who are alert to the dangers of the one, apparently close their eyes to the pitfalls that lurk around the other. ANOTHER SIGN OF THE TIME And what is true of Brighton Beach is true of many watering places in Canada, where'those of both sexes in scanty attire take privileges with one another that would not be permitted in the ball room or dance hall. “SHAMELESS AND VULGAR" Friday’s Globe contained an article stating that a Roman Catholic paper in Brooklyn had bitterly denounced the practice of young men and young women appearing on the beaches’ and dressed in their bathing suits, going through movements that are shameless and vulgar, The paper states that these indecent dances take place before thousands of respectable men and women, not to speak of innocent children whom it must inâ€" fect with its poison. Exciting times prevailed at Van~ couver, B.C.,during the last few days. A party of 350 Hindus were not allowed to land, but refused to be deported to their own country. About 1 a. m. Monday morning nearly 200 policemen and immigration officers went out ina large tugto enforce the Government orders, but the in- vaders were beaten back with chunks of coal and other missiles. Tuesday evening, however, the Hindus cap itulated, and agreed to return across the ocean. The cruiser Rainbow was on hand with Militia ready to board the ship had it been necessary, but fortunater the affair was settled without bloodshed. So far the Globe's efforts to find out what; Premier Whitney thinks about the so-called Gamey scandal have proven furtile. The Globe charges Mr. R. R. Gmncy. member for Manitoulin, with scandalous con- duct in levying what the Globe calls fOrced contributions from fishermen in his constituency who receive their licenses through Mr. Gumey. Up to date Sir James Whitney’s answer is "I have nothing to say. RICHMOND HILL. Omn. JULY 23, 1914 @112 fiihernl EDITORIAL Our Unlimited Guarantee FOR FURTHER INFORMA'I 10 C. A. SKEELE, J. 'I The Victm-iu Square lmmch of the \Vrmun‘s Institute will hold their semi-annualmeeting on the lawn of Mrs. R.F. Klinck nn \V’odnesdny altar- nmm. July 29th at 2.30 n'clnck. The delpgatp, Miss E. E. Smillie(-me'nntn, will address the nineting on “Home Nursing”. The proguunme will he provide hy the Agincmut Brunch. Every person cordially invited. Last Saturday a man apparently 35 01-40 Wars of age was found “ under- ing around the woods 3. short distance south of Maple. Ewing questioned. it Could be seen he was not of sound mind. Sunday morning he was brought to Rlchnmnd Hill llv Mr. Samuel Ireland. Couan Cnnstallle. and (un- local J. P. and constable were and our local J. P. and constable were consulted. They telephone-(l to Toronto and lQill'lH‘d that, tlw unfortunate man. whose name was John \Vheeler. hnd escaped from the Queen Sheet Huspi- ml on Friday. Mr. Thompson [hex-e- fure took him back to that institution Sunday afternoon. Ever Ready Goods For the Summer For Sale an Easy Terms Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill. This is the money back guarantee we give on every article we sell. Your money will be promptly refunded if the goods you buy from us prove unsatisfactory; “That guarantee only is good which is absolutely unnecessary.” SPECIALS: Fancy Biscuits, Summer Drinks. Our stock is complete of a high grade line of Canned Tomatoes. Corn, Peas, Beets, Beans, Potted Meats, Catsups, Meat Sauces, all kinds of Canned Fish, Pork and Beans, Jams, Pre- serves, Pickles. Olives. Soups. Returned to Toronto Victoria Square Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmon and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands Quality ! Quality ! Quality ! The Ford is the quality car the world over. He who demands a car of hrghest merit at lowest cost buys the sturdy Ford. He knows it’s the one car with a world-wide record for dependable service. G. A. MCDONALD & SON J. T. LOCKE 82 CO., Go to the Liberal aficc for School Books, Standard Novels, S o u v c n i r Post Cards, Papetcrz‘es, Rubber Balls, Eta, Elc. . TH E L I BE RA L RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Bill Heads, Letter A Wedding Invitations cclopcs, Programmcs_ 10 Adelaide St. E.. Toronto SDII'IIiI'flg', cciaz’iolwiy c‘ky’zoal IIL Eh The J. B. Young Utilities Company Have You a Bath in Your Home.p fills :1 lung felt, want. It takes the placeofa $l00 bath mom. The in- side dimensions of the tnh are 58 inches long. 25 inr-hes wide and 16 inches deep. It 15 made at heavy ruhher ducking, pt ifect in constructiun. and with ordinary Care will last from 10 to 15 years. The bottom (If the tub rests on the floor. There are In» pipes to leak or chug â€"- no plnmher’s bills f“ lllt‘m. it weighs but 15 pounds. and when not, in use can he folded up and placed out of the way. One (If the greatest aids to health and hnp- pinesq is frequent bathing. The Robinson Bath Tub is very convenient In case of sickness in the hmno. It can he placed beside the sick bed, the patient lifted nut. gixon a good. clean. Icfreshilzg bath. and placed back into bed without any (-xcitelnentm- undue effort that [night he detximontal. The price of the Robinson Bath Tnh is $10 f.0.h., Tmnnto. Shipped anyâ€" where on receipt (-f price. . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto. Canada,give high grade courses and qualify young people to earn gnod sal- aries. Tbaymclude The Centrul Business College, Yonge & Gerrard Sts.. and Six City Branch Schonls‘ Curriculum sent on request. Enter auv tune. W. H. Sham president. . Shaw’s Business Schools. SOLD BY RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPANY have 3" the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THE H. M. KIPP 00., LTD. (7 What is the matter with the. The answerâ€"paper horse power. if On the Toronto Motordrome, there has not been a single race won by any but an INDIAN. {f Real horse power is what counts. horse power gives no results. {I The Indian Motorcycle leads for Power, Speed and General Utility. Buy an INDIAN and be in the Lead [5 JARVIS STREET. TORONTO 384 Spadina Avenue, Toronto In most nf tde humos outside of cities there is In» satisfactory m 01 tukinga bull). It is here \\‘ The Next Sitting of Div1sion Court to N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL DIVISION - BUURT. A. J. HUME FINE TAILDRING The Robinson BathgTub Tuesday; July 28, 191 AND NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Uummencmz at 10 mm. Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attention given Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, T.F MCMAHON CLERK 5’ Paper Kory means how when (A ti):

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