Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1914, p. 5

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Time Supper will he st- lmek law" from 5 to Richmond Hill Baud in admission to gmunds fre supper25cents. Colesl be on sale, val-r3 Time The attendanw at the Canadian National Exhihitinn last year was one milliun and nine thousand. This year. with larger donmnd fur exhibit space, heuer alccummodatiun for live stock. the best hands of {sun (‘(lllllll('lllS, and everything [he :unuseulent wm-ld “fluids. it is cunfidently expected the nilendtnce will reach a million and a quarter. Remember the Gun! held on the Gmunds Palmer Saturday aflez r inL’ of this Week. under Heinz' mustard. :m :lppetizing cun- dilneni for meats nndfish this hot wou- ther. 13m. Tryme Gatsup. made hum finest tunmtuesund spicvs. large hol- tle. 15c. Teuand Porrin'x‘ \Vm-cestel- shire sauce. gives :1]: udde mug to meat 40c huttle. Atkinson & Switzer. Men‘s tweed punts. all sizes $1.75. Girl‘s middies. white and navy. cadet m‘ caldinal. with belt $1.45: plain at. $1.00. Boy’s shirt waists. blluI shades. S in H yrs. fur 55c. Ladies print and gingham [muse (111-5585 $1.15. Atkin- son and Swilzer. Mr. and Mus. John Puwe-ll uf Buffalo made a shun-t \‘lSlt in the village yesterâ€" day. Mr. Puwell has an engagement at Turn-“Lu Island with his (fith Regi- ment Band. and nccmupamied by two flu-nds matured up and spent .1 few hum-s here with relatives. There was a good attendance at the Epworth League Sutiul un the MeLhU- dist church lawn Saturday evening. The band gave a g-‘ud musical pru- gramme. but, the weather was Inn cold for the thorough enjoyment. of the ice xhe um time supper Party on Mr. Juhn Tickets fol-supper 25c Tho scheduled has-shall matches in the Metropolitan League in he played Saturday. July 25. are as followuâ€" Newmnrkut \‘s.Richum::d.Hill :It Rich- mnnd Hill: Aurtm vs. North Toronto, at Nurth Tumnm. cream. Business men and wumen! Don‘t pm home fur yum- supper on Saturday Evening next. but come and juin us at xhe uld tnne supper :It the Garden Party on Mr. John Palmer’s lawn. and yd. lo: 3‘ Ahnut 3.000 people attendi'd a picnic nf King Township Lihr-xnls held at Kettleliy last Saturday. A numlwr (If spuechi-s were made,2md :1 social after- noon was spent. “7:: have :1 'nirzo lut of Koduks in stock; also u full line nf supplies fm same. \Ve. will he pleased to huvu you call and see What we have. The Rich- mond Hill Hardware ()0. Mrs. S‘ M. Brown who has been spendingn couplt- (:f Wee-ks with friends and wintives at, Ringwnnd and Stmli‘fâ€" ville returned home on Friday lust. d U you have a Kodak your supplies. \Vu (‘amndinn Kmluk Cu. Hill Hardware Co. MiSS Fraser. funm-x-ly uf tho High School srnif, “'11” is taking an Arts enurse in Tnmnin. was :1 guest of Muss Heise m'ex- Sunday. Jul); 13. for their p Kalamazoo. Michigan. H) A meoting uf Motrnpnlilun Base-hull Representatives will he held at, Rustic Inn Saturday evening of this week. Miss G.Edna :md Max-ion Graingnr xe- lurnod hum Newman km on F1 iduv. m-cmnraniod by their cousins Eric and Eileen Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Mnrloy Barker and little daughter of Stnutfvillpspent (H‘Cl‘ Sunday at Mr. Edward Barkers. g: Come and prelim): at. the day next. For Kudnk;:nnd supplies go to the Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Misfi Brnwn of Tunth is spending :1 week with Mrs. S. M. Brcwn. @1113 £011ch Mr. and Mrs. A. If mghtvr, Mk5 Dnlmhv hCHMOND HILL. 0x12. JL‘I Mr. George T. Allism a hot summer mnnths 1d is at, present Staying nglish made white check ihvnm's mints nude-t, linen. sky I. Dli“. cadet. 1 >lde :Iprnn spend a happy, :(min garden party on Sum! Allifon is fpepding Ill . E. Shirk and rhv, left, Mnnduy, pzesent lmme in gingham, blue ’hus wide at 20c 3c yd. Suiting Ind white stripe m and czu-dinul n Party to he of Mr. John (some to 11s for lre agents for The Richumnd m )IKlskr-ka‘x'; at Balm Falls s. and wm-ld *d the and u 1914 Posters are out announcing the first annual Exhibition :1 ml Fluwershmv nf the. Richmond Hill Horticultural Societv tn he held in the Skating Rink Thursday. the 6th of August. The prize list which is being printed this week shows that good prizes will he awarded fur various kinds of fluwcrs and plants. including many specials. Tne cmnpetitinn is open to the mom- lwis of the Society, with the vxcrptinn of pl‘OfPSSlflnili florists. Exhibitors must make their entries with the secretary. Mr. G. F. Allen. not later than S u’clnck on the Evening of Aug- ust 5. A delegation from the Onlnl‘iu Fruit Gmwn-s and Florists Assncintiun will attend the Flower which will be open from Admission will be free, and invited. The new Pnhlic School building is rising higher (lay hy (lay, and by the end of this wevk the brick work will he completed. Althnngh Mr. Brown- ing has several (llllel' large cuntrncts on his hands he has kept. a. nnmlwr uf his hesL workmen constantly on (he jnh here. and the pen-pvndicnlar Walls of rod hrick show that theyarv ('XpC‘l'IS in their line. By present appearances We shall have a Public School by the 0nd of this year that will he a credit not. only to Richmond Hill, hut in the County of York. A synopsis of the will of the late John Um-mhs of Maple was recently published. According to the terms of the will his wife Anna is to receive the Interest of his $4.853x-state. and after her death [ho pruperly is,tllrrct- ed to gm tn his children as fullnws :â€" Arthur. Alfred, Albert Ernest. Ashtnn, Annie, Alice. Adf‘llllt‘ and Ahhic. As the name nf his wife as well as each of his children cmnnu-nce with "A" it [night he concluded that deceased was partial to the first, letter of the alpha- bet. - Anothnr disappointment in the base- hall match last Satnlday. North Tut-- nntn was to have played Richmond Hill hPre. hut asked tn he oxcnsud an the ground that the team of North Tmuntn were having athletic spoils «m that day. The Hill Boys \Vt‘l't' roady, but finally agreed to pnstpnne the match until a later (late. \Vith so many disappointnmnts the Mott-upnh- tan League can scarrme expect leu-gv crowds to come out tn the games ad- vertise-d according to schedule, but do nnt take place. The301hduyuf July, 1914, \yi'l he tre 71st anniversary of the now his- toric tragedy known as the “K‘nnmtr murder" which was perpetmtvd u shm-tdistunce north of Elgin Mills. Mr. \Vn). Han-ism] has pi-esvntvd the Public Library Board with a tvno- written sketchuf his recullvctinns of the tragedy. No dunht the sketch will he read with Intel-est hy some nf the yungvrgeneration as wall as by many of our new comers. Stl-ipo Hui-nor Bros. have just, completed an unto-(lute limtlingplnnt in Canneclim) with their (lair-y. The new building contains an ice- hnnse and refrigerator with all modern conveniencrs. Cum- mencing next Monday all customers will receive tlivir milk supply llll)l)l.l.l0f~‘. The proprietan took [mum yesterday l'mm'l‘rcncli's :zrrringe \vm-ks :1 new milk wagon. [he lmdy painted wine calm, with cream gear and blue Rev Inst J :unun; Tilsmn ton. wind i 'l‘hP \- lwst S! Mr. D. Hill has erected a gustylinv tank in front of his SLOW. 'illis will not, (:nly he convenient in fer’dlnz his nwn nmtur cal-S. but will he :11) :u-cmn- Inndnlinn fm- motorists passing up and down Yonge street. The red tank was nnmufuctured by Gilbert (t Barker, Springfield, Muss. Subjects fur Sunday, July Zlilh: ll :I.m.: “Fragments \vm-Lll Saving" Jnlm VI. 7 p.m.: "The Viclnr who will have none of the Spoils," Gen. XIV. RI'PERT â€" In Tammi“ morning. Jnlv 22. 1 Rupert. nng 70 years Interment at Muplv nn .- R. train Friday ubnut “Hume of the :ipplvtu'u". Land ill plesentis cheap and a young man could (ln well wilh limited means zuul grow small fruits. while his upplelrvvs \vvregrnwing up. A Rudiul mud is already under way from Simone and will pass right lln-(mgh Ihis section, then when finished, up goes prices of land. [It M. F. Elliott and wife n-turm-d Fridth frmu an fortnight's visit ng relatives and friends ut, Oil City. mlmrg. Hngprsvilh', and llamil- He ropnrts crops as "gnnd. hurl indiffierent" chiefly the lath-1'. \‘icinily of Hugersvillu was the seen. Buthgmin.h:1y and fruit - excellent, (-mps. Tho sandy land (ulfnlk ('mmt)‘. lu- says is llu- me of the :lpplvtl'vv". 'L.uld ill The Kinnear Tragedy Another Gasoline Tank Presbyterian Church Cur New School Mr. Coombs’ Will Match Postponed Homer’s Dairy Flower Show Tumult». \Vt'le'Sd \' 22, 1914, Adam 70 years. mph: on arrival (If G. DIED Ii- an arrival of G xbnutf) =1. m. 1g of Aug- he Ontario lssncintiun Exhibitiun 2 tn 9 p.m. the public the sketch by some of wall as by "Land at nung man Maple B. (7. hand. LIan 1U uun‘l‘ â€" Fine large l fall“ [muse tn n-nt. on Lot, 21. (7011.2, Min khnm. :1; mile fmm Rich- muml Hill. Plenty Inud and soft water. Suitable lesfdonce for Citv gentlemen nor-cling country hmne for family. For furlhvl‘ p.11 [iculurs apply [0 Julm Elliutt, Richmond Hill P. 0. or plume no. 4701. 4 4 Col). 2 mnnd \Vnh‘l‘ gentle \Vl ite, \V‘WL OUSE T0 RENT ‘â€" Gum] clad hmh‘e. with funmco U-ic Wired. Apply (T. Mason. 2 i. OTICE r iJSL OL’ND.â€"A pair of gold specluclos F were fnnnd on Mnnduy on the Elgin Mills sidurund. Tlu- owner will rvceivu lhvm by calling :it, No. 1 tent. west, of Yunge 5L, E'gin Mills. E. HEALEY. 4 ‘2 sm\'sâ€"â€"nlmnt 8 weeks old BUYATUN. Victoria Squaw. M nmnd Hi” (I‘VIIBI' Hm) ‘THE LIKE pl-upcl-ty. H [‘ 2 13mm”; Brnokside Rd. Eh 1' stm'o. S:-ll chz-np. Apply to GEORGE SMITH, Richnmnd Hill. 3 2 \ zlughnn. lunuso. .twt wulvr, mu fruit. Pl'll ply [.u \V. Maple l’. ( mund Hill ill RESSMAKINGâ€"Miss M. fry Sl‘liltils [he null-nu;ng lildivs of Richmond Hill. Shr dClH'P, Richmond Stu-ct. l} (")115ulml'l ll \VRIGHTS. (‘m-m sheets. Order 0; 1â€") bring quick results. If y anything tn sell. or if ynu wish chaise Shim-thing. hin- help, (a [his “va ADVERTISE)”: T” ( In Mal-Me m' Gnu-min :lsmmhlc charm-s. To NEW ADVERTISEMENTS “V: have clients daily to pur- chase moderate priced farms. If you wish to sell yuur pl'OpPl ty kindly let me huVe the p:u-ticu~ lzu-s at once. 1%": Sill-1” cash like rent. Monuments. $1,000 5 dvlached ulnse tn Greatly xeduced in price fnl quick sale. New solid lu‘ick‘ large, blight. I-(mms, (Mk {11 mod throughout. hurdwu flnors. fire place. electric ligh large \‘erunduh, three-pk hath of the finest qunliu', Srp Six roamed bungalow, hvn fully deem-Mud, vm-umlnh. l) \vm-d floors, large fire place, ( tlic light etc. Make an wife) furnace. Lut 5Ux220. 'J has all the cunu-uieuce house and is certain ln-neuth its \‘nluv. A. E. GLASS Ill unk. h()[\‘zllPl‘ urnucc. Lot 5U: / \\'lllk, Jobbing \VUOD, Richmond HUI Tombstone Letterlng Mun-Me nr Gnlnitn, Gum] w lU'l 0R SA LE. â€"’J‘L OUND.â€"A purse Containing 1! him' sum of mmwy was found in Hiuh‘ nd Hill Sunduv. July 19. The war may have same by culling at E LIBERAL” OFFH‘E and proving ..AA, OR SA LETprhM’s Incnlm tor :1 ml ()R S A L E OUSE TO RENT PROPERTIES FOR SALE 0R SALE on first Ium-tgugv farm Enquire at Tm: LIBERAI ONEY TO LOAN )'l‘ICE.â€"A car of \Vostm-n nuts 1st animal at me elevator. A130 :1 our of lnln. :1 our of shingles. and cement always on S. JARVIS, Maple. l 4 ARM DyERTwEM ENTS in thi P.0 RESSMAKING REAL ESTATE AGENT RECHMOND HILL 1 BAblt.â€"'J'L'l] l‘umwm-lh pigs RM FOR, SALVâ€"Ono Imndwd ares, lut 38, Can. 3. township of hun. Bunk Inn-n. rmnfnrtnhIt-I '. .twn good orchards. lots of good ', garden with all kinds of small Pl'il't‘ $6,500. Terms to suit. Ap- b‘V. Ulvnwnt. (m [hp hlnnficne -\(‘K ln-ing quick “'11 Y PA Y v ('0 $6,500. Terms to suit. Ap .UIL-ment. on the pmmiscs Q. or H.-\. Nichulls. Rich \V. Plenty ut' Metropolitan FA R M S HOUSES A. JONES, 22 Buchanan St Markers 21 nd Corner Posts 'I-sf Apply \Vilshuw Elgin Mills. 3 2 umed house, Sl'llli- payment â€" Second hand “nan-up. r Ap; mums, oak trim- )ut. hardwood I. electric lighls, h. three-piece 3L quulilv, Srptic Imilm‘. I’t‘iISL‘ . 220. This huuse rnicucvs ul'n (‘iLV certainly priced ll’h‘ {R .\ N'I‘H litt'. Gman :vmk Town or Country Cmpentcr wants «ml R EXT \NTH, (Tlu'n-rir-s. ml Rilsplwl'lit's at. ongu & Richmond ' 3 U â€"l\!unoy t.)lm1ll Traction tlmrnughvl‘red a hogs and 5 trimming u-den :ll inn M. A. Buf- ‘;Ig(’ Hf the: Shop Resi- m ul i lmrd ’J‘urontn Ince uropvr- Office. (If column nu have to pur- tc.. try 01mm) brick v-Ioc- large nginc C(mk “M'dxwxwuw ‘Lir‘nrr...,.,.N,. - y“... rmnnr. 7.- W. h _ .flna . nmfi -.‘v \'~"V 15‘3‘1' 3" WW' \ \ f. ' \1 u r\. ‘1, Ir». .Nr‘fi‘ r. N V r a. A ‘Nnr~mvm(.rr‘r ‘ - \ \ \» s \ \v_"v“'\Â¥>l“k jSOME CHOICE REAL EST I Also H. solid brick dwelling on Yonge St. Good size Int. 1 choice building lot; the best location an Yonge Stu-ct. A 'VYV AAAA Our furniture (:zltulugues have prices. Ask to see them and compare V VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV fiwnrfigw‘mrnnmmm ununnnnuuunnuAAAA uuuuAAAuunAu ‘WE A RE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life 8: Accident Plate Glass. Insurance Consult 11‘01' Ilntcs Your Insurancc will be well looked after if 1611) to PHONE 8002‘ MEN’S PANAMA HATS in extra ’ price ' MEN'S SOFT SHIRTS with soft, collars and all the hast. shades, and good filters, from M EN'S STRAW' HATS in WALLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPLETE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE Jelly Jars Fruit Ia rs frmu NORMAN J. GLA PROPRIETOR ATKINSON & SWITZER . G. SAVAGE & SON Imperial Pints Jar Rubbers REMINDER LIST Wine Quarts Concrete House RICHMOND Richmond Hill M}. .‘A £32.)»ng .2111; !!!READ THIS!!! Imperial fruit Sugar the latest style Redpath’s Granulated Sugar gm ine .1 Gallons M all the newest, designs at, moderate p) ices with other places. HII qualilv n ud good stylus. Jarts Imperial A. G. SAVAG E P. G. SAVAGE French cuffs, in . . . . . . $1.00 to $1.75 1nd good fitter-s . . . . . . . $1.50 tn : FOR SALE : Gallons ()0 mi

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