Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1914, p. 7

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Skin nook. sent post’n’ce. Addres Pot Glynn. Cut-9., Dem. GK. Boston. U. S. A. Successfully Treated with Cuticura Soap Brutality 0f Ollicors to Slowly [)0cl'ousillg. The unceasing criticism of press and parliament is slowly reducing the number of cases of mistreat- ment of so‘lcliens by their oflicers‘ but a recent report shows that 490 noncommissioned ofiicers and offi- cers were convited of such offence last year. This was a. reduction of tations, dizziness and a constant feeling of \vretchedness. The only way to effect a cure is to increase the blood supplyâ€"to make it pure, rich and red. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have saved ithousands of young girls and wo- men from the early fate that threatâ€" led them through anaemia’s ravâ€" ages, for these pills enrich the blood, stimulate the circulation, nourish the nerves, and restore the energy and perfect health that mzike women attractive. If you are a victim of bloodlessness in any way, do not let it run into a hopeless decline, but begin the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to-day. The following bit of evidence proves the worth of this medicine Mrs. Maurice Sims. Liverpool N. S., says: “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have been a blessing to me. About two years ago I was so badly run down that I had to give up all work and go to bed. My husband and parents were much worried about me as they thought I was going into consumption. The doc- tor who was attending me changed his medicine several times; 'but it did me no good and I began to feel very much discouraged myself. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and I decided to do so. In a .few weeks I felt. much better and I continued tak ing the pills for a couple of months until I was again in perfect health. I believe that if I had not taken Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills I would not have survived, and I shall al- ways be very grateful for what they have done for me.” You can get. these pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Mediâ€" cine Co., Brockvil‘le. Ont. (‘Rl‘lil/l‘Y IN GERMAN -_\R.Vl\'. Itching Scalps Dandruff and Falling Hair Anaemia Unless Gheeked Passes Into Hopeless Decline IROBBING WOMEN OF THEIR HEALTH Anaemia is like a spectre that steals on you unawares and drives all happiness out of existence. It is a thief that robs you of your life and energy. Thousands of woâ€" men in 'this country are the vic- tims of anaemia, (that is. bloodless- ness), which spares neither rich nor rpoor. young or old. It robs woman of her health, her vitality. 'her ‘beautyâ€"of everything that gives a. woman Iher charm. The chief symptoms of. this trouble in- clude a distate for food. prostratâ€" ing headaches, extreme la‘ngour, loss of weight; nervousness, pale cheeks, lips and gums, heart, palpi- tations, dizziness and a constant feeling of vwretchedness. K68. twice romen’s halr. Olutment are sold throughou! sample of each. with 32-pago Hrce. Adam Potter Drug & as agreeal month is m ble, but ‘enerally 1’; -i v ate 5 mav was not satisfied with the recruit’s work and started expressing his dis-satisfaction by striking the man over the head with a, bridle. He then forced him to march up and down in the stables and to do setr ting up exercises, including the fa- tiguing knee bend,” until the re- cruit fell from exhaustion. He kicked him in the thigh and on the knees and otherwise maltreated him. The recruit was removed to the field hospital suffering among other things, with concussion of the brain. The court martial condemn- ed the officer to five weeks’ light arrest. Wifieâ€"Do you love me still, dear? Hubbyâ€"When I’m trying to read the paper I do. English Spinners Seek to Be Inde- pendent of America. In the hope of some day securing a raw cot-ton supply independent of America, the International Fedâ€" eration of Master Cotton Spinners" and Manufacturers’ Association of England has launch-ed a scheme for the establishment of a model cot- ton plantation in Punjab, India. Considering the advances already made in India, it is estimated that before many years the Indian crop \ivill be almost as large as the Ameri‘ can crop. 'Dhe model plantation in India, will demonstrate the benefits which arise from intensive farming thereby enwuraging the landed pro- prietors to adopt- this system and large I ton seec cultural With all credit to the minister of war, it must nevertheless be said that sentences in the majority of these cases are extremely mild and by no means calculated to dis- courage brutal officers from a. repe- tition of ’their offences. The non? commissioned oflicer just mention- ed was sentenced to three months and fifteen days’ imprisonment and degraded. This is a really severe sentence, but it is at the same time a most unusual one. The following case is typical of the nearly ten cases occurring on an average each week. A noncom- mis‘sioned oflicer of the Third Guard Field Artillery regiment command- ed a. recruit to c‘lean harnesses. He ject And square with the enemy [every man gets when he separates himsle from his come by Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years “Putnam” has cured every man in. mreamedâ€"use “Putnam's” onlyâ€" it's painless and sure, 25c. at, all dealers. Some Others have the MODEL COTTON PLANTATION. ually growing less common, and it has been declared that the govern- ment desired that punishment of the offenders be exemplary. ‘ ’Ilhese 490 convictions by no means indicate, however, that only that number of private soldiers were brutally handled during the year. A recent case, and one by no means unusual, was the conviction of a noncommissioned officer of the Third Bavaria-n regiment, who was charg- ed with no less than ninety offen- ces against the men under him. One soldier was lemed by being struck on the kneecap with a gunbutt, and there were a, dozen of cases in which recruits were choked and struck in the face. It is not long since a, captain was forced to leave the service after his third convic< tion for mistreating recruits. The charges against him covered bru« tel treatment in 140 cases. Complaints of these conditions made in the reichstag, have from time to time moved the minister of war to declare that the government was equally concerned and was do- ing its best to put a stop to them. Figures have been quoted to show that cases of mistreatment are gradâ€" ninety cases from the figures of five years ago, writes a Berlin corres- pondent. The .ven t _\‘ THE SQUARE DEAL PAYS :1 villages are. to be c r the workmen, who a ‘ousrhb in and instruct T1 III ton mpl‘ove quality ne land urplu 'equu‘ people dream of succe keep_ awake and believe it l) l‘Ce n l‘ E 111‘ epart right Quiet Desired. tern and 11 the l-tvit encroac} f0 1' food 111 way ne'nt of fibr mum the \‘icin estate, stricts and watt 0t Punjab “ .11‘chase any duced which sown V Amenc and th g- on Man' ll' India acres sup- DI‘C dis 1K the During the same period there were 31 convictions for attempt to murder, and of these only three were Ca‘nadian born. The nationalâ€" ity of three were not given and the remaining twenty-four were born outside of Canada. Of these six were Americans and four English, leaving fifteen what are known as “foreigners.” According to the last census fig- ures those born in foreign counâ€" triesâ€"excluding United States and Great Britainâ€"formed 6.2 per cent. population, yet in 1912 the foreign born offenders of all classes were 17.2 per cent. The Canadian‘born offenders rep- resented 36.1 per c~ent., although Canadian born form 77.9 per cent. of the population. British born out- side of Canada, were 19 per cent. of the offenders, but formed 11.6 per cent. of the population. American born formed 4.2 _per cent. of the population, but the convicted of American birth were 7.6 per cent. 52 charges and 25 convictions for murder. Of the 25 convictions no less than 17 were foreign bornâ€"â€" foreign born meaning elsewhere than in Canada, the United States or Great Britain. One was born in Scotland, one in England and the remaining six in Canada. That the growth of the foreign population in Canada has also add- ed to our criminal statistics is shown by the fact, that there are at the present time no less than seven murder cases under review by the Department of Justice and in every case it is a foreigner in- volved. The last; Canadian criminal statistics available, these for 1912-13 show that in that year there were Tea and Cofl‘co to l’ostum. The large army of persons who have found relief from many chron- ic ailments by changing from tea and coffee to Postum as a, daily 10 a and beve It is o trying it know Lh S-he writ nearly As a family safeguard, as some- thing to ward off sickness and to cure the minor ills that will occur in every family, to cure pain anywhere, you can find nothing to compare with old- time Nerviline, which for forty years has been the most Widely used family remedy in the Dominion. The most economical size in the large 500. fam- ily size bottle, small trial size 25c. All dealers sell Nerviline. ‘ I] In Nerviline is too useful, too valuable to be Without. For lumbago, lame back, sciatica or neuralgia there is no liniment with half of Nervlline's pow- er to penetrate and ease the‘pain. Cures Colds. Coughs, Sore Throat Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It's when sickness comes at night, when you are far from the druggist or the doctor, that's when you need Nerviline most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the chil- dren may have toothache. Without Nervilinewa sleepless night for the entire household. With Nerviline the pain is relieved quickly. It may be earache, perhaps a stifi neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad chest cold. Nothing can give quicker results than vigorous rubbing with this old-time family remedy. Magic “Nerviline” [lures Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES EVERY EXTERNAL PAIN. R e ntmn [ had Inst flee C211] mk nefit :(LI‘. about ‘There ad RIDE stoma FOREIGN l’OI’I'LA'l‘ION. stum‘ comes 1n gulur l’ostumâ€" hens Winds SJ ant 121C II] HVE [I] a. cup am and G001) CHANGE. \V rother also trouvble whi )een 11' Stl‘ xffe l’ustum oer by this ada same Towmg simple oneself â€"sold 1 111 ‘ and ed \\' sugar. make instantly. : tu m \\' E 1nd g each day. le question f in order turning he niu trv M v 1' \V a l'C mum a1 eadache drin affec cause 1' affeine) 1n health lady. Iclud kind IDB.( idf 1b1e :um 1D eat 1t a rapidly growing demand for every kind of product. The grow- ing demand for the products has encouraged the Australian Govern- ments to “speed up”_ the work of immigration. The soil is there and the climate iseminently favorable. Although for several years there has been a steady stream of immigration and the new-comers have soon been able to “fit in’ and become successâ€" ful producers those who are apt to think the best opportunities have been seized and that there is a fear of overâ€"crowding, might be reminded of the fact that Austraâ€" lia is still one of the most sparsely peopled portions of the British Emâ€" pire. It has shown that it is nat- urally among the richest by reason of its wonderful mineral resources, its fertile soil, and its healthy cliâ€" Che fro Husbandâ€"-There )1 you see I’m improvin the umbrella back. _ Wifeâ€"That, is very considering your um] Spelle‘ ents are cesslty Take No Chances. Aliceâ€"How many time would you make a man propose to you before you said yes? _ Marieâ€"If you have to make him propose better say yes the first time. the “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was- easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a; box of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman’s nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keenâ€"my blood red and pureâ€"heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and toâ€"day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills did it all.” The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a wonderful woman’s medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton’s, 25¢. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. W DIODE How :1 Sick Wmnan Can Regain Health mate; yet there ape per square mile a smaller number of people than in almost any other part. There is a, population of only 1.5 persons to the square mile as compared with 373.3 persons to the square mile in the United Kingdom. Among the Richest Portions of the British Empire. It. has been proved that, anything that can be grown or produced in any other part of the Empire can be successfully grown or' produced wit-bin the island continent of Aus- tralia. Whether in the form of wheat, wool, dairy products, fruit, timber, meat, or minerals, Austra- lia has been able already to pro- duce and export in fairly substan- tial duantities, and to-day there is READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. M minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria Minard’s Linlment Cures Distemper ELV me thmg n smokm 1( l1$( ‘BC Considered Other How can you smoke arcttes 7” 'Many great men have me thing. Robert Lou smoked elgarettes. I know that, but St decency to go to t} my hiurine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak. Watery and Granulated Eyelids; No Smartingfi Eye Comfort. )Write for Book of the Eye ail Free. Murine Eye Remedy 00., Chicago. )ar decenc Paelfic AL'STRALIA‘S POSITION. )WN DRUGGIST VWlLLrTELL YOU 110 ) 3J1 men at Innpl'uving. dl‘( ur 11me d that _‘ 1rt dear aff< industria llnC you an S'th 11'1‘ Dl‘f 1E th< th my dear ; 3 brought rdmary one th< Steven same vile hini 1t the poor Fond whipped kind of that young Iellow, Jaysporp‘l Daughterâ€"His clothes are so aw- fully pronounced and his English is pronounced so awfully. ANGER, TUMORs, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external. cured Wuh- out pain by our home treatment Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Ccllingwood. Ont. Two Objections. Dadâ€"What's your objection to that young fellow. Jaysporfi 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000. ,Terms liberal. Wilson Publlsh- Ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Dividing the Blame. Frankâ€"If you hadn’t been so long dressing we shouldn’t. have missed the boat. - Mrs. Frankâ€"And if you hadn’t hurried me so we shouldn’t have so long to wait for the next. MINAI 'F YOU \VAN’I‘ TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90. Colborne St. Toronto. n. w. DAWSON, cabana sc.. Toronto- minard’s Linimenc Cures Garget in‘Cowt. n. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street! Toronto. oposals at m Daughterâ€"O} em for me? Minard's Lininmnt Cures Colds. Etc. al mad DIK 1m KENDALL’S NEWSPAPERS 1‘03 SALE. ing M D'S KVE Wire \Vound SPAVEN CURE FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANI} OUS. 1t iarlin Dr a grcdt many horsesâ€"has put to work, even after they have I up. Over 35 years of succell id us value. .1 ‘ Svnsutivo. llnlivful. 113' 'â€"'l‘0mmy Writes 11-3 & etter from boarding for a Horse Save a horse and you won't have to buy one. Don't sell or destroy any horse on account of Spaviu. Splint. Ringbone, Curb,SprainsorI.ameness. Spend one dollar for a. bottle. ‘ say He 11 lumber 5 says he’s been 1e can tell what teacher’s switch Jable beir ths And what does ISSL‘E 30 orse wounds M. DOUCE’I“ WHIT 3.11)} aled first bad- rent use ’14.

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