Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1914, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE BIGHMONDHILL,ONT. IS PUBLISHEDEVEM JIHURSDAY MORNING JOHN R. CAMPBELL. J ’J.‘ Samson , Maple Linensed Auctioneers for the County of York. salosstceuded to on shortestnotice and at res.- sonable rates Patronage solicited Calls All mail orders will rece attention. NATIONAL. TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada} Telephone. Main 311 Cable Address. "Dado." OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Licensed Auctloneer Ontario and Noth T1 niveu to sales of ever Tax-m stock sales a s and sold on commiSSi‘ Tax-m stock sales a specie and sold on commiSSiuu. A on shortest notice and con‘ up-lo-date methods. Address: 9.39 Ballinl St . 5 Phone in House. North Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victarxa Sts.. fox-onto. 2m BERESFURD AVE Phone Junction 72 Phone No. 2‘ PIANO TUNING A. _Car_nero_n_ I‘ngNaughton RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL]. LASKAY P. 0 Tel. M. 363] VOL. XXXVI I. .‘. F. McMAHON, $I per annum, in advance. DR. W. R. PENTLAND TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE ('udorlakm's .\ FInbaIIIn-rs. ‘6 Denton, Grover & Field Lawrence 84 Dunbar, RESIDENCE First house north of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. l“~ C. 13 (};&N VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON Phone No. 2402‘ Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries, an. . H. PINKERTON, V.S. BU SINE SS CARDS . ACTION G PARA NTEF Barrister, Solicitcr, Notary, LICENSED AI’C‘TIONEER For the (‘uumy uf Yul-k. gofin .7. @avx'dson by phone 01‘ otherwise promptly respcnded to Salgeon & chEwen. 01‘ng Repaired. Expert Work 1w Barristers, Solictors OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING EDITOR & I’l‘BLISHE RICHMOND HILL J: H. Prentice aplo. ()nt. PIANO TUNER THORNHILL ibtral WEST TORONTO II Furnish Pnoue Main 2984 ive prompt J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO ates: LENNOX & MORGANl HORTICULTURAL souen Mouov to Loan onlandanuchattel mortgagesat owes: rates Aurornofliceâ€"Rexr owed to the old post omen one door wan or the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post 011106 T HERBERTLENNOX G V MORGAN Riohmono CCJI.\IXSSIONER. CONVEY KNAER. ETC Real Estate and Insurance Rdman' Catholch Churchâ€"Services on alter- nnce Sundays 3159 3.111. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 11.00 a.m..and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday evening. Richmbnd Lodge. A F dav on or Delete full mc dComRichmond, A 0 ay 16y Lodge. A0 I: of each month Camp Elam Wednesday Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3 p.m. 1st and and 4”: Sunday. Thu-d Sunday at. 11 a..m Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at. 11 a.1n.,and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdav evening. Public Lib! Tuesday. and ‘ Euworth Le. i ELLIOTT Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for F‘rantz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $400 and all convenient and up~to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. Hth Tuesdnv 5f éach mouth. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of each H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC This School enjnvs ;\ grout reputa- tion for giving FIRST-CLASS 1N- STRL’CTION in BllsinPSS and Short- hund subjects. It is no \Vulldel' our gruduutes readilng gcmd positions THxs IS TH)“. COLLEGE FOR YOU TO AT- TEND TU-DAY, nut lu-nwrlnw, write fur uur cntnlnguv. THORNHILL graduates. Spat Shorthund and Full term opens Barristers and sollrllors. Yong: and Ch les Sts‘ ‘umlnissim‘ner, Cnm‘oynncer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE I. H. SANDERSON opens Sept. lst in the popular Electricizn, Richmond Hill WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY 370. 1014 EDWARDWFRANCIS, Village Dlrectory DO IT ELECTRICALLY Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open and Saturdav evenings. b Lamina-Meets evon‘ Monday. arinn Guildâ€"Mean even Friday at S ‘t Lodge, I.0.0.F.â€"Meet NOTARY PUBLIC and all Commerciu opens Aug. 3lst. Wr Addre‘s T. “Z Yonge & McGill Sts. 1.. TORONTO, A NEW TERM Aumra influeuqe and :imizes 111 Greg S â€"Meets second and tom £11 Wâ€"Meets thirl Wednesday In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” W. .I. ELLIOTT. Principal and A M -â€"Meets Mon F â€" Meets fourth Fri essful am an ill It is genemllv known that Horticultural Society, alum in fact. but. it, is nnL so \v thatitis none «of your bin thatitis none «of your hinky-dink)‘. pinkleu kind, but a real. llvv. do [Muggafl’ailu _l)usimfss from the drop (lithe hat. and so [hey are going to hold a Show. mind you a Shuw. just [(1 demonstrate that,Richmuml Hill and vicinity are aiming (n he [up numbers in all that pen tains tn flowers. plants. sln-uhs. etc. “'hatdn you think nf this flower show idea anyway 3’ Du you have any idea that Richmond Hill can he made a flower centre? \Vell ! the Society is eeitaiu more of it. and they are going to prove it, on August 6th, yes. that‘s the date of the show. paste that in your hat. will you please. Now this exhibition is open to the whole world. that‘s going some. the prize lists are out, and you should get one from the secretary. Mr. Allen, it's an interesting document anyWay and vou‘l notice that it is a Very attrarlive list, and it is very likely that you have some flower or plant that you are quite sure isjust a little better than your neighbours”. if so try it at the Show. Anybody. anywhere. can he a member by applying to the semetary, and the exhibition is by members only. N (I admission ft(‘ to the public at large to see the exhibit At about 3 o'clock p. m. same dav thele will be a large visiting Delega- tion from the Provincial Society which will be holding :1. Convention in Toronto about that time. This Delega- tion will be welcomed by a strong com- mittee. then proceed to the rink where addresses will be given, then the Dele- gation will be taken to the several greenhouse; and places of interest. afterward being entertained to re. freshments in the Rink. You will get more gencml information about all thisin the posters on the street, but, the point is get it. stowed away in that part of your head where it, will do most good, that this is going to be some Show, sure thing. The ice cream social held on the church lawn, Saturday evening. July 25H). was \Vell attended. Aflel cake and icelrream was served. :1 Concert was held in the hasmnent nfthe church, Rev. Mr. Aikeuhead presiding. There wasa gund programme presenth in which the following luuk partâ€"Miss M. (,‘nmisky and Mia‘s Helmkay. Head- furd; Mrs. Aikenhead, Miss M. BlO\\'ll. lhe Misws Jennings. )I. L. Hm'd. (-f Butlenville and The Missinn Band Quartettv. Proceeds nf the sunial $21. The return match of fnutball between Bethesda. and Victoria Square. was played Saturday evening. and was \vun hy the nurthurn buys 1â€"0. Mr. \Vm. Benirnse. of Barrie, after a number uf )ears. absence has been \ isiting old friends lime. Miss Helmky and Miss Cmuiskav, uf He‘adfmd. visited with Miss G. Bnyn- luu (n‘cl‘ Sunday. are the tenns nf sale : Ten per Cent. hi the purchase plice on the day of sale and the balance in thillv days there- after. 0n the premises are a gond frame hit-use, Inn-n. stable: and other outhouses. SL'hOUl opens on Sept. fz'L-e tn all interested in shorthand education. Saturday, Aug. 15, ’14 Part. of lot, twelve (12). rear of the second ccxlcchiun of Markham. cun- tainiug eighty acres more or less. the property of lhp lute Pm-lhcnu Leek. The farm will be sold subjch to resuvc bid and subject In lease expiring on the first nf April. 19ltS. The fullowing are the ten ms uf sale : Ten per Cent. nf Further conditions and particulars will be made known on the day of the sale Dated the 25th day of July, 1914 The suhc The Ellinlt Business College- which ‘lSlNâ€"‘t‘ll lncnted fur many years at nnge and Alexander Strqets has mov- l iutn its handsome new hmue :u, ungeand Charles Streets. Tnmntn. he Full Term in thls well-known :houlnpensnn Sept. 13!. (Fatulnguo J. A. LEEK Executors Sale by \V. J. Kester, Auctioneer, on FARM PROPERTY at 2 :11 Albert o’clock in the afternoon at, Huh-l Richmond There will be sold by RICHMOND HILL Public Auction Victoria Square Fall Term Executors Buttonxille :m OF PnbhEity Cum D. C. BL’RR ‘1‘ this flower you hnve any can he made the Sncivty is (Fatulngue business or we have :1 (1 new om IHHVH Miss Annie Lillinn “'illianxs. of TH- rnnto has been spending her holidays : near her old hmnP. I Miss Myra Neilly, of Giifund spent llnst week with her aunt Mrs. James To THE EDITOR or THE LIBERAL ; Dear Sinâ€"Permit me to make a few lemarks‘ in your paper on the results of the Senior Normal Entrance Exam- ination at, Richmond Hill this year. Of those. writing Jean Matheson, Irene McMahon and Marjorie \Vright were successful in obtaining their cer- tificates. while. Grace Pratt, Mary Cooper and Mary Rumble came near the passing mark: also Nellie Page (lid (If the pupils were take the proper time another year. I an). ally respunsilflc f( ally responsible for asking. Mary Cooper, Mary Rmnhle and Grace Pratt to write. The first two passed in every subject, taking high marks in this difficult, algebra. paper. but were short of the [50 percent. on total. while Grace Pratt, obtaian 30 or 40 marks more than required to make the total in all other subjects but algebra. She, is. however. the only one, in the class who failed to obtain a certificate on account. of the algebra paper. The, others, while many did fairly well, Were shvrt of the 60 per Cent. of the total in the other departments. Those three girls. and possibly Nollie Page, would have passed had the papers all been fair. or as in past years. Thanking _\‘(‘ll main The results ml" the huddle school :Lmimuiun fur vntmncv into the mul S'Ihlmls appear in tu-duy's du The following is the list for 1 Cl unt)‘. (lmnA, M. S Teasdale). P. H J.E. Boudway D. S. Cutter. Henry, J. U. h‘mtz, R. Gellatly, '1‘. E Hayes, J. Hoopw'. A. Hun-ism]. M. L. Jenkins. N. F. Johnson, B. M. Miller. A. M. Muinprize, O Monknmn, C. )1. Morning. H. Muir. M. J. Mnthesun. H. I. McMahon. H. E. Morgan. \V. Oldlmm. G. R. Futersun, M. O. Picker- lng. \V. H. Penrosv, J. Px-usser, R Plkt‘. G. I Runniv (1101).) \V. L. Rnhmson. L. A. Stokes. M. Shep pzu‘d llan. )1. Skinner, D. \V. Smith. E. \V. 'Smith. E. F. Stark (hon. (Ian, M. Sewn-L (In 11.). J. R. The Daily Star Monday evening and the Daily \Vm‘ld Tuesday morning had a 19.11 estate nmvs itvm in which was stated that Mr. David James. Lungstufi'. had snld his 150 :lCl'r“ funn tn :1 'I‘umntn SVIIdit'an for $50,000. Mr. JnlnPs stated to THE LIBERAL that: the item was correct. excent that the farm does not consist of 150 acres. it. is not purchased by a 'I‘m-nntn syn- diCiltk‘. and the price asked for the fnrm was not $50,000. In other words the farmis nut snld. but Mr. James has given :1 twu weeks‘ option at :1 price not given to the public. \Vales. E. M. )1. man. )1. “'eir. .E. \\'right. F. H (‘lm-k axon.) Eugleson (hon Miss E. Dnhnnge.P.-I l-k Rnnd.Turnnh-, was the guest of Miss L. \Vright,Elgin Mills. Mr. L. B. Schell. \vhn l‘Pt'Pnli)’ re’ tux-mid from California. has bought a lot frrm JOSPpil Farmer and is pre- pnrmg to build at nncp. Mrs. annv Baker has re~nmdelled her home, giving it a beautiful appear- mice. Mr. D. \V. Heise has painted his home, giving it the appearance of it new building. Mr. Hem y Steckley received :1 had full from n ‘lnad of hay bruising him- self considerably. but, is recovering. Elder Samuel Baker. who is in his (fist year. has been cnnfined to his bed for some timv. und uppean to be grow- ing weaker. The Brothwn's prnye Tuesng and \Vednesdn well attende. L‘nsgrnvo. Mr. R. L. \Villiums came up fmn thecitv and visith his sister at J Hill made box-hood 1 Mr. Fl SENIOR NORMAL ENTRANCE Arnold. NORMAL ENTRANCE l. R. AikPnhend. of Richmond [a several culls in the neigh- recently. mnk Harvey had a bad ac- Partially Correct . XV. B. (‘mnley E. G. Consms, n.) C. M. ‘Eymm. Fx'ctz, R. leluth‘ Eglin Mills J.B. Brodie, G. B L}.(Vullpt‘1-tl1“:niu‘ -.. Gormley _e.v.~u'L (In 11.). J. R. . Vnnantmnd. H. G. . “'hite. G. M. \Vide- M. \\'. \Villuughlly, )I. ' Rumble cank- n6 : also Nellie Page (1 g-parlmrents. the Yum-s tluly. J. DAVIDSON \Vilson 11' your SpElC( N’ellie Page did nents. the re- “. The whole . were only une (11 Work, wlnle u- meetings on ay evenmgs are ) breaking his nmrks r. but tutu]. nr 40 :u-nes. Hum.) lilies. York "i D. HILL & 80. I; Bakers and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV‘ V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV' . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 80 W’. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now Wheat, Buckwheat, -\\'D . Manitoba. Oats STIVER & HAMEH Also Good Bran and Shorts Different Varieties OIx’.-\NGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. THIS STORE \VILL CLOSE EVERY “’EDNESDAY AFTERNOON DUR ING JULY AND AUGUST Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES RICHMOND HILL, ONT ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement: A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Comforts and Teething ngs W. A. Sanderson age Com at the Elevator consisting of all the best, makes ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Sanitary and Measured and all accessories for the same Puhtic Attention For the Babys And everything for the Baby Allenbln'y’s 1. 2. 3. Hnrlock's Malted Milk, Nestle: Food, Mellins’ Food [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum P owder Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Bordin Eagle Brand Baby Foods Confectioners __o__._ Our hues of DRUGGI for the Chickens Cracked Corn nsu-

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