Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1914, p. 4

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IliCHMOND HILL, UNIX, Jl'1.\' 30. 1914 C EEI'fVOVi-EEIAL There have been two noteworthy advances in Canada under the Borden - Government. The tariff has been greatly increased and so has the cost ofliving. 4s 4. There is small consolation t'oi‘ Con- servatives in the later figures of the Manitoba election. In that contest, Liberal candidates received some 2.600 more votes than were cast for the Conseriatives and Liberals and Independents together polled nearly 10.000 stronger than their opponents. i. at A writer in last week's Christian Guardian states that “On clcction (lay, June 29th, when all the hotels were closed in Toronto, only twelve persons were found intoxicated by the police. But on Dominion Day, with the bars open, 150 drunks were gathered into the police cells, requirâ€" ing forty-three police vans to do the job.” And yet it is a common thing to hear men say “there is 11) use closing the lars if the shops aro- al- lowed to be open. Presbyterian Church Subjects Sunday Aug. 2nd. : 11 a. m.: “The Christ of the Storm," John VI. 7 p. 111.: “AH Exceeding Great Re- war‘c ," Gen. XV. Rev. Mr. Currie returns this week to Belleville after an apparently very en- joyable holiday among his old paiish- A ioners. The Manse has at length possessed of a complete iip-to-daro water system, much to the joy and comfort of the minister and his family. The men of the church did nony in looking after the outside pa'it of the work, excavating for cistern and septic tank. cement work and laying of drains. Mr. Geo. Sims supervised the whole job and as usual did the lion‘s share of the work. Mr. Knapton of Tliornbill installed the system, which gives every promise of satisfaction. 'Control Measures for Army Worm The Army \Voi-m is a stout, smooth- bodied caterpillar, blackiin or brown. ish in color,with two yellowish stripes, tinged with red, along t‘:li:ll :idi. \Vtrcii full grown it is about 1 1-2 inches long. The adult is a rich which lays her eggs t hit-in on gr ms in I low lands. The Caterpillars them- selves never lay eggs or protlnt e living young. The fthol'llt' food plants are grasses, timothy. (rats. (,‘Hl'll and millet. “hen i'iod bocoriies scaice the \vorms llI()\'(‘ in enormous numbers in search of new feeding grounds. As the pest is beiiigre,mrted from numerous counties, every farmer should examine his fields Ironi time to time to see if they are being at- tacked If the insects have become distributed all over the field before being,r noticed, the wisest course will be to cut the crop at once if it is tiinotliv or grain and cure for hay, but it it is coin, scatter lightly through the field a poison mixture, made ofl lb. of paris green mixed thoroughly in bran. and their moisten sweetened with rrrolirssos. Make the mixture just nioisr enough to fall through the fingers like sawdustâ€"not sloppy. If the crop is threatened or :liivlt'kt d only in part, dig a trench immediately iii front of where the Worms are. In the case where the crop is partly at- tacked, it will be Iotrlid advisable to cut a swath through the. grain, and rake this olf before the trench is dug. with water, The trench is often unsatisfactorvfl cspecrally iii clay soil, if it is not [)IU~ I perlv made. It should I:e at least 13 inches deep, in clay soil, With a straight clean side towards the crop to be protected. Post-holes at least a foot in depth must be sunk every 1.3 feet. in the bottonr of the trench. I In sandy soiltbetrench works cxcellcntlv, but in clay soil it is often advisable as an extra. precaution to heap up the loose earth on the crop side right along the trench. The small particles of mirth loosen and cause the climbing- Hence in clay or. worms to drop. niiieh soil it may be advisable to scratch the face of the Wall lightlv with a garden rake. Do thisalso afte'r rain. \Vhen the worms are unable to I'llllll) the wall they will pass length- wise through the trench. and collect in the post-holes, where tliev mav be killed by crushing or other means. in digging: the trench plouyhs mav be used, butth balance of the work should be done with spades to insure a clean deep trench. \Vliert-ver Ih- worms are found, prompt action is \ery important. DEPARTHENT or ENTUMULUHY, Uiitaiio Agricultural College. â€"â€"«ooâ€"-â€"â€"< Princess parlor iriatcli 1,1:00 in box. ‘ (in: Celery salt in bottle with shaker. Itlc,: KimX's‘ gelatine, pk. 15c.:Favorite shoe polish. bottle IUc.: Ground rice. pk. 5c.: Choice red salmon. '3 lb. tins, 2 for 250: Linder‘s orange marmalade l tumbler 10c.: Pan Yam sauce, battle 2L2: Red dot olives, bottle 15. Atkin- son .2 Switzetz heroine i 25 llis‘ rut" SALE REGISTER ‘ MARRIED S.\'ri'irii.\\'. _-\I'o. lâ€"Aiietion sale of. Ili:.\.\i.\.\‘ w Giii:i:.\‘ (In \Vi-dnesday. honsohold furnitiiio |\'t‘.. at King July 2‘3. 1914, at 2x? I’m-Hit" Avenue, Station. the property ot"l‘.ll.Bi-igg<. i Toronto, by Rev. It. .I. 'Iit-leavcii, . ’rt'l'llh' i'asli. Also illt‘lltilt‘l proprrtv. , Flora .losi-phiiio. youngest daughter I I Terms Ill-'ldt' knoer on day of sale. of Mrs. I‘Illt-n (iict-ii, to Prof. (ll-oitro 1". Elm ‘re Hannah. )1. A.oi Itiiglrriiorid Sale at I o‘clock. ' Hill. A. I-Igr-ii. Tirt'iisirn‘. Ai'o. ti~.-\ll('litil1 sale of, household effects at .\I iplo, the pio- i perty belonging: to the t-staie of lllt’i latt' .loliii (,‘oirrirlis. Sali- at I li‘l’ltll'k. 'l‘t-rrns It iiioriths. Siigcoii & .\Ii'- I‘Iwrri, Aunts. â€"â€"â€"â€"-¢o> 7â€"- Interred at Maple The ir-nriins of the late .'\ii'llll .l. l ' SA'I‘l'lllLVr', Arm. 1.”) {arm propel-1v. lot 12. (‘on. 13. Mark-1 sale of (l'IV Illtrl'lllllg of last wow-k \vi-rt- brought to Maple by (L'llli. Friday morning burn, the property of llll‘ lati' l).‘:lllll \veie lllIt'II'r‘tl iii the village th-k. Sale at 2 o‘clock, at Hotel t‘t‘llrt'it'l'V. Re-prw-soiitativos train ltiirhinond. \\'..l.Roster-,Aiit'l. (‘oiirt Richmond .\.().F.. and Ivy I.odgi-, ;\.l).l'.\\'.. wi-ri- prosi-nt to show i't'spt-rt to the memory of their ill-coastal lll'tilllt‘l'. The previous i-vi-ii- IllQ-‘lll1('llIHIIJ|lSt‘lWll't'“Ulsllt'lil iii the (ilV. An appropriate :itlrlrt‘ss was ghrvll by llov. Alfrrrl Andrews of Burlington. a cousin of Mrs. Rupert. and [Mayor was ivtl'oit-d by Rev. .\ll‘. lilllll'll. a t'misiii i 1' the doi'bas‘i‘rl. 'l'liv si-vii-o was :liil‘IHln'tl by a Iai'ui- iiunilri-i of rial iti\ es and a t't-w close friends. Vaughan Council The next IIll't'llllfJ of tho (‘oiiiii-il of thi- .‘Illllll‘lpillllv of Vaiigliair will In- Ilt‘ltl in the Town llall, \W-l- lUIt‘, lill Monday, August 3, 1914 at I p.1n. B. )lt'Lin .\', (‘Loi k. o>.__._. J. Advertise in The Liberal. Ever Ready Goods lFor the Summer Our stock is complete of a hiin grade line of Canned Tomatoes; Corn, Peas, Beets, Beans, Potted Meats, Catsups, Meat Sauces, all kinds of Canned Fish, Pork and Beans, Janis, Pre- serves, Pickles, Olives, Soups. Fancy Biscuits, Summer Drinks. SPECIALS : Our Unlimited Guarantee This is the money back guarantee we give. (in every article we sell. Your money will be promptly rct'undcd if the goods you buy from us prove unsatisfactory. “That guarantee only is good which is absolutely unnecessary. : G. A. MCDONALD 8: SON Quality l Quality l Quality l The Ford is the quality car the i world over. He who demands a car of highest merit at lowest cost buys the sturdy Ford. He knows it’s the one car with world-wide record for dependable service. CL 1 Ms hundred dollars is the price (if the Ford runabout: the touring tar is six titty: tlzo town cal-nine ltlllltll't'tlglldhll. Ford, ()iit., complete with equipment. (it-t catalogue and particulars from (i. A. M. I).L\'I5()ll, Agent, l‘iiiuiiville. Richmond Hill Annex For Sale an Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackaga Lots on Canaiian Northern R32, and I\Is:.opolita:i Ry. FOR FURTHEVFVFJIMUIL-NZiWRITE OR SEE ,5 C. A. SKEELE, J. r. LOCKE & to, Richmond Hill. {IO Adeiaide Str'Eu Torouto {iipi-it who lied in Toronto \\'i'drics-' c. The Indian Motorcycle leads for Power, Speed and General Utility. PiS 1L.- " Real horse power is what con Paper horse power gives no results. a. not been a sir: IN‘orix. On the Toronto Motordi‘omc, there has "re iacc Won by any but an r; f “hat is the matter with the The answerâ€"paper horse power. Buy an INDIAN and be in the Lead THE E. M. KEPP 6%., LTD. 384 Spadina Avenue. Toronto TiltE lAltElEl‘iE Special attenti: ii given to ‘ Pressing ‘ meaning d a Repairin have many good features HOST PIANOS have some good features 11min}; litmus have all the good features known to modern musical science. wiirrs ron CATALOGUE 'W‘RIGHI‘ EROS“ RISKM“"‘ "HIII. «MAJ A. J. HUME NOTARY PUBL IC Coriveyaioring, Leases, Wills, Etc. .. :41".--. c . . . l l l l l t /. \_\\ ‘ \s. ~ gun DIViSl air. The Next Sitting of Division (It‘llll it. No. 3, (‘otirity of York, will br- lit-Id in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL Shaw’s Business Schools. .- lit,“ crittl: \“I'll‘L Toronto,Canada, illltlilllllili\ _\\‘IIII 'rtllirt‘liictllldt â€"(I\Vâ€"- nr‘ies. ‘l'iit-i ll'n‘illilt' 'l‘_‘.t "t‘lr’l ill ('nllece, \‘onno .\ iiurr'ii! 51s, to“ v ,3 c , t‘iiir'ic I 'llll st hIonda)i Oct' 1-1 1914- City Branch Schools. request. Enter any tim:. president. 'r\. It. . t'omniencmt: at 14) il.IlI. 'l‘.F )It‘MAHtLV ('Li-aiK Have You a Bath in Your Home? [lit- i-itics [llt‘le is no satistatti ry means In most ot tdz- lllllllt'S‘ tiitsidc of all taking a ltillll. It is lirit- “lll‘l't‘ The Robinson Bath Tub lills it long Iii-l1 want. It lukt-s'llio lilsiccttzr SI‘JH Iialh irorn. TIH‘ iii- sido dimensions of the tub are ii" in his long, 2-3 inrhtxs wide and It; inches deep. It is made ot llr‘.1\'_\' lllliIN‘I ducking. p» ill-ct in toiistiiirtiiai. and with ordinary rare will last from lH [w 13 \w-ais. 'l‘lio liorti in it" tho llllll't'>i3h|1 lllt‘IIle. 'l‘liero .ll't' no pipes to leak or riot: â€" no pliin lwi‘s Iiills to Illl‘t‘i. it weighs Iilll 131-.»iiritls, and when not in iiso can ln- ft llll'tl tip and placed t-iit oi Illt‘ way. Une of the greatest aids to llv'illlli arid hap- piiir-ss is frequent Iriiliiiig. 'l‘lii- Robinson Bath 'i‘irb is \Q iy I'trl|\’t'lllt'lll iii vaso (If slukiihss Ill lllr' lri um. I! rtili lrt- platri-tl lu‘sitlt- [Irv sick lll'tl. lllr' patient lifted oiit. gin-ii :1 gr i=tl, (fll'IlII. Ir‘Ilt‘EIliI.;_: bull). and plat-id liar-k into Ith without any l'XL‘llt‘llrt‘IITt 1' lllitllll‘ 1 limit that might Ilt'tll'lllllil lllill. The price (it lllt‘ litiIriIIer] Butll Till: is $1M,. Twit iiio. Sliippi d any- whcre on receipt of price. SOLD BI' RICHMOND The J. B. Young Utilities JARVIS STREET. TORONTO HILL HARDWARE COMPANY ‘ Company la

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