(titre gl’gilrmtl Ricflrtoxi) HILL. 051x. JULY Ht), [911 E» __I_'A or O A .LIS See our dine of ‘Flasliliglits’ also extra batteries and lamps. The Rich- mond Hill Hardware Co. onto. is spending a few wet-ks with her cousin Mrs. T. F. McMahon. Mrs. J. L. Hari is has gone to Ha- worth. New Jersey, to spend a month or two with her son. Mr. Lev Harris. and family. Mis-e Pratt and Miss Grace Pratt are enjoying a trip to Sault Ste. Marie and other places. Mr. M. Ransom last Sunday attend- ed the funeral of a brother-in-law. Mr. Charles \Vells of I’etcln ille. \Vhit» church. Interment took place in tlic Aurora Cemetery. Lawn Mowers at reduced prices. A good time now to buy and save money. The Richmond Hill I'lardware Co. Quarterly religious scr\ ices will be liehl in the. Methodist Church next Sunday. The regular service, will be followed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and the business meet- ting for tho t'll't'llit will be held the following day at 2.30. Mr. I). Hill motored to Everett, Sini- c-oe County. Saturday, and returned Sunday with Mrs. Hill and Master Al- bert who had been \isiting relatives the previous two weeks. Di. and Mrs. \Vilkinson, of Dundas. attended the Garden Party Saturday evening and “'t'l't' goosts of Mrs. J. Palmer over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David James. of’l‘horn‘ hill. left Tuesday to spend a couple. of months in the Canadian West. They will visit two sons and other relatives and spend sonic time at Edmonton. ‘ Headquarteis for Kodaks and supplies. Call and see what we have. The Richmond Hill Hard warc OJ. There was a good exhibition of base- hall in the Park Saturday afternoon l Luke‘s Church, Thornbill. will be held An old-time picnic in aid of St. on the Alrbey Far-in. Langstatl’. on iSatuiday. July 8. afternoon and eve- ning. 'l‘hi-gi-onnds will be open at 3 o'clock. There will be music arid dancing. as well as othi r attractions. iTir-ki-tsL’.‘ '.. children We. I'Ivervhrdy ‘ welcome. ‘ _-7 r‘o-~~-â€"â€"â€" Fined for Fast Driving . Mr. Mr-Iwan and Mr. Hilts were up charged with racing and furiously drivingtheirliorses through the vil- ings previously. Several witnesses who were summoned stated that the fast driving.especially past side streets. looked dangerous. Mr. McLean plead- that he was racing. Each was ï¬ned $10 and costs, amounting altogether to $28.80. -‘.._ Division Court Ilis HonorJudgc (Poatsworth presid- pd at Division (‘oni-t hereon 'l'ucsday. The only cast-s lit-aid were as follow : (‘lai'l'cy vs Fahcvâ€"t‘laini for $26.75 for stone w-u-k etc. Judgment for | plaintiff $21.25 and costs. (liar-k vs Johnston â€" (‘lainr for 3 months wages at 82.5. a month. J ridg- ment, for plaintiff $50. and costs. fir-illinger vs Mintonâ€"Note and in- tcrcst, $93.25 for a cow. Defendant. disputed as pt-aligree was not produced. Action disinisscd in the absence of the plaintiff. The next sitting of the court will he on the 12th of October. .câ€"â€"â€"-.->___ Rod and Gun The August number of Rod and Gun issued by \V. J. Taylor Limited. Pub- lisher. \Voodstock. Ont.. has appeared and is up to the usual standard of ex. cellcticemaintained by this representa- tive-Canadian magazine of outdoor life. The cover cut is an attractive one and illustrates a big catch of tuna in Nova Scotia where the sport of “:atcliing this big ï¬sh with rod and line is growingr In favor. The contents include nialiY interesting stories and articles. among them another canoe story "To Moose Factory by Canoe†which in so far as the territory covered is concerned forms a. Continuation of the accrurnt given in last. month‘s issue of a Trip from Lake'l‘cniiscaming to Lake Abit» ibi. Boiiriycastle Dah- gives :1 graphic description of “\Vild Fowling \\ ith the Kwakiutls†and the issue, includes stories of interest to thc genei al reader as well as articles and (lepartttii-nts containing special information for the when a close match was played bc- SI’Wftsmim- tween Newmarket arid Richmond Hill in the Metropolitan League. Thc score was 8-7 in favor of Newrn rrket. Centre Strect Eist is closed this week. the steam stone crusher having right. of way while the stone road is being built by the, Good Roads Corri- mission. between Yongc street and the C.N.(). station. Mr. J.'i‘. Anderson. pi inn tuner. is in town, and is prepared to do town or“ countrv \voi k. Orders may be left at Rustic Inn. As there are several places in the new Public School buildir'g where people might easily fali from the ripper floor to the basement, it might be safer not to allow (liildren to play in , the building. In fact until the binhL ing is insured it would be well for the. trustees to erect a sign “No Trespassâ€" ing on these Premises.†Ask to see the. “Clay Clothes Reel.†can be put any place on the back lawn. A good thing. The. Riclimoi‘id Hill ‘ Hardware Co. ' Mr. J. O'Mara, of the United Typoâ€" writer- (.‘o.. Mr. \V. Megan of the Robinette Law firm and Mr. J. Doyle of Toronto. spent Sunday afternoon and evening at “Maple Villa†the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynett. Mr. James McLean on Satrir'dav brought in a tin can halt'a dozen Army \Vorms from the, farm of Mr. \Vin. Hawstrawsel’. the Well-known plow- inan, of Grirhainsville. Peel County. The creeping animals which Mr. Mc- Lean left at. The Liberal ()flice are about an inch and a quarter long. and res‘embl-c a hairless caterpillar. A notice has been put up at Boyle pond warning parties: against bathing without proper bathing suits. If tilt-.1 and boys knew the rules. of decency they would not. require such a notice. Boys white lirrndkercliiefs with navv borders. ea. 7c: Children’s heurstitchei‘ ‘ liandkeichiet‘s with fancy corner. ea. 5c; Plain white bandkerchiefs small size, 2 for 542.: Plain slicli barrettes 2.5 in. long. ic.: Shell barrettes. (i strand de- sign. well finished. 3,1 in. long. 15c. ea.: ' \Vonien‘s work aprons made of navy and light print. pocket. and bib piped ‘ with white. Switzer. ea. 23c. Atkins‘on & Garden Party l The Garden Party under the aus-l pices of St. Mary's church (Anglicani,I on Mr. John Palmer's lawn Saturday ' Herring was an enjoyable social event. ‘ The attendance was liu'gt'Jltt' proceeds l amounting to SHE. The grounds illuminated with electrical liglits‘ l noked very pl‘ctt)‘. and the old-time: supperserved on the hack lawn wasl enjoyed try :iil why. participated. Everybody appreciated the excellent , music furnished by the home band." and the ice cream and Cool drinks had i :4 ready sale. â€"â€"___.¢> Maple Th" funeral of the late A. J. Rupert. of Toronto. took place here last Fr idav. It was of a private u rtni e and was at- tended bv a few relatives and friends. The pulpit of the Methodist church wasoccupied on Sunday evening by Mr. Mc'l‘avish. a representative of the Dominion Alliance. A horse attached to the baker’s wagon ran away the other evening and caused quite an cxt:itc1iietit,. Very little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Mallon, of Harm iltori. Ulric, who are on their honey- lll:rlii| spent last, Sunday at the hour of their uncle. Mr. T. Cousins. Sinccthc Initial Option by-law was passed. Maple has had the reputation of being a model village, but lately it is a common Sight to see individuals: under the influence of liquor. Thi- law should be enforced and such parties. or those wliosupply it. should be lined. l The Misses T. and F. (‘-anip, of Ulric- ago. Ill. are visiting their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Camp. I... _._____â€"â€" ' “i R. C. Picnic 1 Greenâ€"Reaman The \vcddiug took place on \Vednes- day evening. Jrin "" of Miss Flora rJUSl'phi'IL‘ tireen. youngest daughter of Mrs. :iveiirto. lClh-ri tiiecir of 253 l’ucilil' Toronto. and Prof. (ici'lgc ‘Elltltllt‘ Itcarnan, M. A.. son of Mr. .‘lionic of r A before J. H. Sanderson, J. I’.. FlitlitV 1 Miss Margaret Kyle. B. A.. of Tor- lagc on Yonge street a couple of evenâ€" . ed guilty. but Mr. Hilts did not admit, PROPERTIES F 01%. SALE HOUSES Greatly reduced in price for a quick sale. New solid brick. 9 large, bright rooms, oak trini- lilt'ti tliiougliout. hardwood floors. fire place. electric. lights, large. \‘Htitlltiitll. three-piece bath of the tinest tpialitv, septic tank. liotwater lioilcr. l’easc furnace. Lot 50x23â€. This house. has all the conveniences ot'a cirV house and is certainly priced beneath its value. Six roomed bungalow, beauli frilly decorated. verandah. liaid \vood floors. large tire place. elec tric light etc. Make an utter. \VHY PAY RENT? $1.0M) six roonied house. semi- detaclied. .Plenty of garden. close to Metropolitan station. Small cash payment,balance l‘ku r'L-lil. "AH M S “7" have clients daily to pur- chase moderate priced far'iiis. If you wish to sell your property kindly let me have the particu- lars at onCe. § ‘ A. E. GLASS REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL i r L-tâ€"_â€"â€"_râ€"J n). rkeepiiig. third horiso south of Rich- ' speciï¬cations. \Vr ite. and Mrs. Geo. Rcarnan. llirhinnnd Hill, Ontario. The coicriiony was coriâ€" ducted by lil'\‘. It. .l. 'l‘irleavon .it the the bride. The bride was given away by Mr. J. A. Maitland. her- lu-other-iri-law. Thi- matron of honor was Mrs. J. A. Maitland. a sister of the bi ltil‘. ’rev. Fri-(l. T, (irahani. HA .‘ liiirwasb Hall. Toronto, “as grooms- man. The bride wore a gown of cream . charnicuse. with opalesceiit trimming. ' veil and orange blossoms. Little Mar- ‘ joric Buntng was flower girl. can i'y-i ing a basket of pink Carnations. Miss ‘ Edith Bur-rill ot'lliantford played the wedding march. During the signing} of the register Mrs. Hunting of Mr ntâ€"‘ rose Avenue “Bet-ansr.†After the reception Mr. and Mrs. ltcarnan r rm for lthica, )tu-‘n. The lilitli".~' going‘ away dress was of golden brown silk poplin. with hat of cream lace and brown plnrno. Amongr the guests were the Misses Florence and lidith Buriill Nthg of Hrantfoid. Miss Susie Bali-man. Harrison; Mr. Edward Batornan. ‘ (‘hatliann and Mr. and Mrs. llarl‘v l (il't’t‘n and daughter of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, J. Rumble. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Ness. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Itcainan. of lx'iclivnond Hill. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a beautiful cameo llt'HJcll set with pearls. The bridc and groom Were, the rccipicntsof many pi csciits. mostly of cut glassand silver. .4 ._m DVEthSElv/IENTSV iii/if A DVEHTISEMEUTS in this column 1 bring (prick results. If you have anything to sell. or if you wish to pur- chase. something. hire help. r-tc.. try this “NFAV ADVERTISEMENT’ column. LACK (‘I'RRA‘NTï¬ ('lioi r-rcs, B Gonscberries and Raspberries at \VRIGHTS. (‘ror'rier Yongc & Richmond sticcts. Order early. 3 It . RESSMAKINGAMiss M. A. Uni" fey solicits the patronage of the indies of Richmond Hill. Shop Resi-I deuce, Richmond Street. J. tf 'FARM FOR SALEâ€"One hundred acres. lot 38. Corr. 3, township of Vaughan. Bank barn, comfortable house. two good orchards. lots of good water, garden wiLh all kinds of small fruit. Price $6,500. Terms to srrit. Ap- ply to \V. Clement. on the premises. Maplc I). O. or IT. A. Nicholls. liich- inond Hill. '2 l OL‘NI).â€"A purse containing a nice 7 sum of money was found in liit‘llA iiiond Hill Sunday. July It). The owner may have same by Calling at "l‘iiic laminar} Oiririt‘ri and pi'tnilrg proportv. ' 4 ‘ ‘IJ 1:0H H.~\lrl§.â€"'l‘en thorough-bred Tamworth pigsâ€"5 hogs and .3 sowsâ€"-:iboiit. 8 weeks old. H. \V BUYNTUN, Victoria Square. :l-x‘ 1:0l'Nll.*/X pair of' gold spectacles were found on Monday on the Elgin Mills sidcroad. The owner will receive [llt‘lll by calling at No. l tent. west of Yonge St., l‘i-rin Mills, E. llizaLEv. 4 2 ‘tfrlt SALE Ult EXCHANGEâ€"A 4 . . . . I htatlon rig. [il‘tlt'llt‘nllV new. to cattytiioSpt-tiplo$100. Cost \II. 4 Aiincs ol Aiines par-k $800; hill e2;â€" r-hangeforstore llogs. useful rig for l’ariner oi liveryrnarr. \V. li‘iitih‘lANi). Dutiicld Farm. Ullth’llllSt..1“£lll‘iiitlll{. 2. miles north of Fairbank’s Hotel. '1’ OUSE T0 RENT ~ Fine large T farin house to ll'lll. on Lot 21. Uon. 2, Markham. 1.’_. miles from Rich- mond Hill. Plenty hard and soft \\':lIt‘l‘. Suitable residence for city gentlemen needing country ll<.tl.'L' for family. For further particulars apply to John Elliott. lliclrrriond llill l’. (i. or phone no. 4701. l 1. DSTâ€"Gold watch. bt-twei n Yongo and 3rd Concession on the town road between Vaughan and King. on Sunday July 20th. Finder phone Jas. Ker-swell Kingr ï¬ll. or \V. ti. liurns. Junction 1810‘ Toronto. Suitable ward. \V. G. Burris. Tl Indian Toronto. It'- (it'tne 5 l 08T~BetWeen Richmond Mid and [4 Lot, 25, Vaughan, by way of Elgin Mills, a plaid wool knee rug. Finder please leave at Naughton Bros. store. Elgin Mills. or with (ieo. Mc- Donald Richmond Hill, and oblige ARCHIE SAVAGE. .3 l r ()NT‘ITVTO14(JANAATHIH‘)’[Jitnlll ‘ :\ on first mortgage farm proper- tv. liniprireat'l‘nr: LIBERAL (mice. Ii 4 )()UMSâ€"â€"2 or 3 nice unfurnished \ rooms. suitablofor light house- mond St. on West side of Yong-r St. 7 ‘ lTl'ATlON \VANTED. â€"«Young girl wants situation as Mother‘s help, could lot-k after children and do light housework. Apply care of Mrs. Boyle. 5 2 ‘ENDER l“()l{ STEPS.â€"Tlie Rich- 1 rnond Hill Board of Education ask for tenders for erecting stone. brick and cement steps in front of High School building, according to Tenders received up to I Thursday. August ti. 1 C..\T:l>tlll. T. ILTrent-h. \V. A. \Vright l (‘oriiinittee 5 l ‘ Tombstone Lettering In Mai-blcoi tiiariito. tiood work. reasonable charges. Town or L‘ouiiti y. \V. A. JONES. 2: Buchanan St†. Toronto I Monuments. Markers and (‘orner Posts I Concrete House Dry Goods Men‘s black silk hose, lislc spliced heel and toe, tast color, pCI' pr. 40 Men‘s l’i'csidcnt suspenders, grey or sky ground with hair‘- linc stripe, pci‘pi‘...... ...... ...... 50 Ladies 23-h). black silk gloves, double tipped ringers, :2 (lorries at wrist, pcr pi'. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 Ladies' knitted vcsts, short slccvcs, low 01‘ or high neck, sizeï¬Sto-licach .. 25 Ladics' white, cotton ttlirlct‘skit‘ts with 0-in. trill of eni- bl‘Oitlt‘l‘)’. cach .. ....1 00 W omen arid children's cotton drawers, nicely ti‘inniicd, pr. '36 Smart house. dr'csscs made ofginghani or print, length sleovc, skirt is plain, fastened in front, cacii. . ..1 15 \\ hitc honey comb quilts, sizc 00x80, each . . . .1 15 l % r AAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAAMAAAAA“AAAA “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 'W E A l\’ 1:) AGENTS I’OR Fire, tits £2 Accident Plate Glass insurance Consult. Us 1901' Groceries Malt vinegar, i‘npcrial quai‘t....... .. ...... 20 lleinz's pickling vinegar, pcr‘quai't . . . . . . . . . . fl Kippercd herring, plain or in tomato saucc, poi‘ tiii . . . . 12 Good t'i‘Cslr dates, pcr' ll) . . . . . . 10 Peanut. butter in glass tumbler. . . . . . .. .. . . . 10 Laundry starch, pci' ll)...... .... . 8 Celluloid starch, pct‘ pkg.... . 10 Rangoon rice ti llis for. . . . . . . . . . . . .. '25 Pearl tapioca 4 lbs for. . . . . . . . . . . . .. '25 Stone butter jars with covers, sizr: 1.1;. ‘2, 3, 4 gal, at 3.3 to GO Excellent cotl'cc, fresh ground, pcl‘ lh. . . . . . . .10 and 45 ATKENSï¬N & SWITZER Richmond Hit! d 4 4 4 4 q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 d d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 q 4 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 V I’Kzltes Your Insuranca will be well looked after if tell; to P. G. SAVAGE 80 SON , RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002. SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE Also a {solid brick dwelling on Yonge St. choicc building lot; tlic best location or; Yongc Street. A. ti. SA VAG E FOR SALE A Good sizc lot. M VYVVV‘VVVVVVVVVV\‘VVVVVVVYVVVV VVV YVVV VVV WALLPAPER STOCK COMPLETE LOWEST l’ltIt‘liS Javier: or'o'r‘iar) FURNITURE AND SEWING L’IACHINES Our furniture catalogues haw all the newt-st designs at moderate Ask to see them and compare pi icr with other places. I). (i. SAVAGE prices. unvyvvyvvv 0 ’VVWVVVVVVVVVVV YVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVV‘VVVVV'VVVVVVVVVYVV c" ~ sonny“ ""t-«r‘r'r‘ re-c'fr'~-r~r~r: new?“ r‘r"~""-,"†I. \ . v‘f‘ \ ' t. \ . ll. .. \ . l. .. s - .r‘rr’ï¬"f‘.r‘.fi’"“,'".Â¥" “f‘:4.f"{"| ' “Err '.‘ \'*._' \ i.“ \ v THE RICHMOND HILL rrrrirsrrriri 2:3: 5% “it for? . Mum STORE ’2 to: ‘. g. '3" i". f: M EN'S STHA\V HATS in the l;|l(‘>t styles, and good fitters. E; rim. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . _ . . . $1.5m“ s10!) E1; 2 is MEN'S PANAMA HATS in extra good quality and good styles, 2;? price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 F . ; ‘ A»: MEN'S SOFT SHIRTS with soft cellars and French cuffs. iri a all the best shades. and good litters, from.. . . . . . $1.00 to $1.75 NORMAN J. GLASS é PROPRIETOR 9. mm. .mï¬m, . . . . rg.t.\i=.*.rs~..\qt.\=t.\:.‘\.~r1.\..1\,..t\_.. 1;... JJJ‘VH JNJ-JJN‘J- aâ€): urArJv.’ V}. 0 rd “auxâ€"u ._,;~ v .. n- .4