floum‘ board for A‘ tobaar (10.. 3‘ balls. Man do.. seconds. 54.90; bags. $4.70. Manitoba wheatâ€" them. 960. and No side. an lust and Qatarâ€"No. oumide. an won-to. Wes No. 2, and ‘ Peasâ€"‘Pri: Barley-{7 according ' Ryeâ€"No. Buckwhe: Gorn~No Toronto. Branâ€" M Ion-to $25 k nor (1 dozen. 241' Butterâ€"Choice dairy 15 to 160; farmers‘ 56! Honeyâ€"Strain Combs. $2.25 to and $2 for No.‘ Cheeseâ€"New c and 14 1-4 to 14 Beansâ€"Haud-J. bushel: primes. Poultry“ vFowl . Baconâ€"kLom: clear. 14 to 14 1-40 per 1b†In case lots. Hamsâ€"Medium, 18 to 18 1-20; (10.. heavy. 17 to 17 1-20: rolls, 14 1-2 to 15¢; breakfast bacon, 18 to 19c; backs, 22 to 230- Lardâ€"Tiercee. 11 3-4 to 12¢; ntubs. 12 1v4c; nails. 121-20: compound. 10 ’oo 10 MC. Pot bush Baled hayâ€"No on track. here; 314. and clover a Billed straw~â€"C Invited By New Zonland to Tell of Canadian Methods. A despatch from Guelph, says: President G. C. Creelman of the Ontario Agricultural College and Mrs. Creelman left on Saturday for four months’ ,trip. They will sail from Vancouver for Auckland, New Zealnnd, and from there will go to Australia and the East Indies thence to Manila, in the Philippines going from there to Hong Kong, then to Shanghai, and afterwards to Japan. Dr. Creelman is making the trip on the invitatiou of the New Zealand Government which is desirous of introducing American agricultural methods. Meetings will be addressed at various cenâ€" tres by three men from Canada and PRES“) EXT CREELMA‘N'S TRIP SGLMERS FERE INTO [MB Regulars and Police Attempted to Capture Rifles Smuggled in by Nationalist Volunteers per be BI mt “T the ; orde reg barre 1 Nan-3' A-bout 1 paraded .‘lf Ddï¬ Augusk Grain, Came and Cheese ,ll he 90 her and a L! I 1’1an Manit: Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded schamln hB -New cheese > to 14 1-20 f4 Hand-picked vrimes. $2.10 11 zht ers. 20 to 220'. s~-New Ontario ud Americans. auu uv. .. .V _ wheabâ€" o. 2 at 94 to 95c. out» new at 84 to 850. oukside. Aug- reptember delivery. ‘ 2 Ontario oa'te m, 39 1â€"2 to 400. 1d at 42 to 42 1-203, on track. To- rstern Canada. cam. 43 1-20 for at, 41 1-20 for No. 3. Bay port‘s. icos nominal. Good malting barley. 57 to 59c, to quality. 2 at 63 10 64c, outgide. a 1- ned Balad Hay and Straw. Julv to quality 2 at 65 to ntâ€"Purely 1t ulv 28 â€"I“lou1‘â€"-Ont.ario wheat, r cont... $3.60 to $3.65, saw at. $3.60. Toronw. New flour :lclivery. $5.30 to $3.40. Manb natems. in jute bage. $5.40; 54.90; strong bakera’, in jube 661M: a lake 1nd Country Produce )bn bran. $25. in hams‘ with good demand. S. Breadstuï¬s. :"ll‘ Yd E ‘63‘1'6'64c. outside. urely nominal. American. 790, on track 0. 1 a-t $15 to $15.50 a. ton. 1 No. 2 quoted at. $15.50 to am $11. Car lots. $8.25 to $8.75. on Provislons‘ men $2.50 $2.10 15 't: ment Lairy. 17 to 190; inferior, V separator prints. 19 to rims. fresh. 23 1-2 m 21 10 22c. of strictly pew-laid, 26c 00d sbock, 20 to 230 per purpose of landing es. On their arrival 11115 were made to a which had bee'n 1 the bay. The yacht ed towards the shore came to the pier be- ig her cargo of rifles EIHC iatMa r twins. $2.20 to $235 to $2.15. - 0 16¢ per 1b.: or c; turkeys. 20 to rio. $1.25 to $1.50 1-2 m 11 1-20 uer lb per dozen for No. 1 14 to 14 14c for large Iunt ll nor ound [1 l‘C 1r :eâ€"No. 1 N0 is got beside at‘ but were is reported. members 0 io wheat Shorts Me at 210. per per les Winnipeg craln. Winnipeg. July 28.â€"â€"Oash prices:‘WheaL “No. 1 Norbhern. 91c: ‘10. 2 Northern. 89c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W.. 38 5-80; Na 2 C.W., 37c; No. 2 feed. 36c. Barleyâ€"No. 3, 51 1-4c; No. 4. 491~Zcz rejected. 47C. Flaxâ€"N4). 1 N.â€"\V. C.. $1.52; No. 2 C.W.. $1.49; No. 3 C.W., £6 $16.50. ‘ Ghee 13 l-Bc: ï¬nest e‘ Butter. chgicgst Minneauolis hard. 94 7-80; low $4.5 $4.50; fret 01011 $2.65, Bran. $18 Duluth. July 85 5-8c; No‘ 1 N! them, 92 3â€"8 to tember. BS}-8}:. $1.75 3-4 ner CO“ twelve from the United Stat-es. Those from this country comprise one gentleman from the Universiey of Toronto, one from the Maritime Provinces, and Dr. Creelman. it was impossible to approach the burning building, and eight auto- mobiles were destroyed. The gar- age was located outside the town limits, and civic water was unavail- able. The loss was about $10,000. A despatch from Sudbury, says: I. Proctor’s garage and auto livery was destroyed on Wednesday by ï¬re at Sudbury in a spectacular: blaze, fed by 20 barrels of gaso- line, Which made so hoFa ï¬re that Eight Automobiles Were Also DU SITDBL'RY GARAGE Bl'RNED. The police were ordered to dis- arm the volunteers, who resisted, and a. sharp ï¬ght ensued. Several persons were hurt by the clubs of the police, and rifle butt-s and bul~ gan. It is said bh: mob ï¬red ï¬rst with mob then pressed threatened to sweel with the revolvers were ordered to ï¬r‘ the heads of the m dOne. The mob ign the soldiers then ï¬r know with the soldlers turn. As 50( there were these were f stones. The soldie mob mob thre with Toron-to. July ZB.â€"Cattle:â€"â€"Choice but here. $8.25 to $8.65: good medium. $7.65 ) $7.85; common cows. $5 to $5.50; can- ers and cutters. $2.50 10 $4; choice fat. owe. S7 to $7.25; milch cows. $60 to $85. Calvesâ€"Good veal. $10 to 7&10315; com- $4.75 30. I Meantime t? town in the th exciteme ids 671 1b. rd 1n the stre‘ soldiers were Nouthern ~ea]. July 28,â€"Corn. American No v. 75 to 760. Oats. Canadian Wesv ). 2. 44 1-20. Oats, Canadian West- ). 3. 43¢. Barley. Manitoba feed. 52 Flour. Manitoba Spring wheat l. ï¬rsts. $5.60; seconds, $5.10 bakers. $4.90; Winter patents $5 tn $5.25; straight rollers. $4.“ 5: straight rollers. bags. $2.15 V, Rolled cartsubarrcls. $4.45 W $48551 Haw elect ock. troycdâ€"Loss, $10.00!). Ell' United States Markets ached Monarcal Marke‘sn July ndge Live Stock Markets heese. ï¬nest, t easterns. west creamery 20m .. $2.05 to Middnuga. July 28.â€"Whoatâ€"‘2 No. 1 Non, 90 7-8 to n. 88 7-8 to 917â€"30: Abfll‘, 83 5-40. Corn. No 680. Flour, fancy D ears. $3.50: second mi sand that e ï¬ghting ‘ity whic} 1t. and 'bi 1en ï¬red a the $1.73 1-4 rife} {on car 10 a; woman had 1 Whea B ache- July through w-hic pected to n hey appeure 16 Iii he eed sperms had becor 1 was abla ig mobs c< he 354's $4.55 . Bran $23 Mouillie. $2€ 7â€"30: July 11. No. 3 yel Lcy patents and clears rns. '13 to 12 5 to 24 1- ed. cash Septem ber‘ . 1 hard No. 2 Nor ard ano soldlers ley \V III been r be- the The 811d ('avah'ymvu (‘hargo Through )lob being the Flats of Their Sabres. A despateh from St. John, N.B.,; says: Two people are in the hospital and scores of others are suffering from wounds and bruises as the reâ€" sult of a clash between a mob and a small force of Dragoons. The rioting was an outcome of the street railway strike. Mayor Frink read the Riot Act, and half an hour later cavx'alrymen of the R. C. D., under Lieut. Stet-tin, charged through a mob of thousands of persons in Market Square, riding down rioters and striking them with the flats of their sabres, while stones and bot- tles flew. Lieut. Stettin was cut about the head and was removed to the hospital, not seriously hurt. William Bennett. dredge worker, was shot in the thigh by Detective Lucas, who‘was defending himself from members of the mob. Lucas was badly out on the head, and/he and Bennett are in the hospital. Windows of ï¬che power-house of the street railway were smashed and fixtures broken. The mob stoned the ï¬remen of the power-house and drove the ï¬remen from their work. The cars were overturned in Mar- ket Square by the mob after two hours of continuous dirorder and ï¬nally set on ï¬re. The ï¬re brigade put out the blaze. This was the most serious disorder in this city in 40 years. A despatch from Winnipeg says: That the railways will not hand out so big inducements to the harvest- ers from the east this year as formâ€" erly, and that an effort will be made to keep the number down in order that laborers already in the country may secure employment in the har- vest ï¬elds, is the opinion expressed by local ofï¬cials of the various rail- roads. A meeting between the re- presentatives of the western Proâ€" vincial Governments and the rail- ,ways will take place in the C.P.R. ofï¬ce on Monday, when the situa- tion will be discussed and plans ‘formulated for the handling of this 1year’s crop. h recent picture of the wife of former man the movement, orlgmuwu uu- Prime Minister of France. who shot der the eyes of the Servian Gov-. Mon. Easton Calmette, editor of Fi- . , ,- garo. because he had made an attack elnment’ and led to ‘allous ad’s on her husband in his Dapen of terrorism. Servia did not atâ€" tempt to repress the movement. It STRIKE RIOTS IN ST. JOHN. allow“? the “Eminal machinations __ of vanous soc1eties, tolerated unâ€" (‘avalryulon (‘hnrgo Through Mob lestrmmd language. 1“ the new?" nu." n.“ Islam “4 “on. gum“. Papers, allowed ofï¬cmls to ghare 1n Less lnduvomont for Thom This HARVESTERS FOR Till-I WEST. A despatch from 0M Canada’s water power will be advertised at t Exposition in 'San Fm; series of models. typicz plants from the,Atlantic says : Th the Gova Governor Ltnrblae added that me peace negotiations will be advanced upon a. basis giving full guarantees to everybody. will be a Expositio series of plants fu ciï¬c. Th sem] Advoriisvuu‘nt of Watvr Power of (‘unadal at Panama Fair. I’li'T YR E 01“ TH l‘ 1t amtlng )ublic, was the statement glven t by General Eduardo Iturbide, vernor of the Fedefal district, in s na-me of the President Carbajal. vernor Iturbide added that the be de PEA CE FOR MEXICO. nded in MADAME CAILLAUX, )DR b Va bird’s Dominion ‘.. whet-her {l I‘ ms Contomplatc Full antees to Everybody. ‘atch from Mexico City, at an armistice between ment and the Constitu- as signed on Wednesday that cture wn 50' feet; I “orontu All know developed 311 this 1321' 'e arranged m a. Canadlan build- greab Canadmn Ottawa, says: )wer resources at the Panama Francisco by a, DOMINION. 11‘( Known artist will h will be 75 2h and will 185 W power the Pa- f the water r not, ‘says: Austria has sent a. sharp ultiâ€"‘ matum to Servia in regard to cerâ€" tain events ieading up to the ass assination of Archduke Francis Fer- dinand, and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg. The note, which was presented by the Austrian Minister declared that events of recent years particularly the assassination at Sarajevo on June 28, have shown a subversive movement in Servia for the purpose of detaching part of Austria-Hungary. The note says ULTIMATUM SENT TO SERVIA that the m-ogerrvxent originated I'm that the assassinations were hatch- ed at Belgrade, the arms and. exploâ€" sives with which they were provided were given to them by Servian oï¬iâ€" eers and functionaries, and the pets- sa e of the assassins into Bosnia wa organized and effected by the frontier service. A despatc‘h from London, says: Austria’s ultimatum to ‘Servia, in which she demands that there shall be a cessation of the acts which led to the assassination of Arch- duke Ferdinand and the Duchess of Hohenberg at Sarajevo on June 28 has fallen like a bombshell in diplo- matic and all other quarters 'here. It goes without saying that it is reâ€" garded as having evoked almost grave European crisis. St. Petersburg Street Railway Em- ployes on Strike. A despatch from St. Petersburg, says: The street car service in the Russian capital was suspended on Wednesday owing to the employee of the Central Street Railway Com- pany joining in the general strike called by the workmen as a. protest against the drastic measures of the authorities at Baku and other Proâ€" vincial towns against strikers there. Workmen in many trades have joinâ€" ed in the movement and it was esti- mated that nearly 200.000 men had laid down their tools. There is some defence of Austria’s action in View of the evidence of cumulative provocation on the part of Servia, but the bulk of opinion is that the unexampled acenbity of The Grenadier Guards Band is being brought from England for the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto this year. Of all the great bands that have visited Toronto, Dr. Williams and his Grenadier Guards have made the most friends. They are popular alike with the critics and the public, and are asâ€" sured of a. great reception. Jury Suggests :1 Monthly Inspec- tion of A1! Mine Workers. A despatch from Lethbridge savs: The verdict of the inquest on the victims of the Hillel-est mine disas- ter is that death was occasioned by an explosion caused by gas and dust The jury added a rider that- they believed the company had in- fringed the Mines Act. They fur- ther suggested that the Government should enforce a monthly inspection of all men working in mines to see that no matches were carried. England‘s Favorite izatiuu Coming Dr. John Ga] faculty of app] gineering in th ronto. is dead. offender A despatch from Rl'SSIAN CAPITAL TIED I'P. GRENADIER G YARDS BAND. '1‘" E IllLl.(‘RES'l' I) [SASTEIL John Ga-lbraith‘ dean of ’ of applied science and laws Belgrade, Se Musical Organ- to Toronto. 1n lbltxon at the great Toronto, Grenadier rvla 111Li the ld fore Diplomatic triaâ€"Hung‘a many brok day). Martial law throughout the Empire. The vServian Ministe staff left Vienna. Satur< A military censorship established in the teleg here The Servian government waited until the last moment left it by the terms of the note, and only ten min- utes before the hour of 6 when the Austrian-Hungarian ultimatum eX< pired, did the Servian Premier ap- pear at the Legation and present his Government’s reply to “the Aus- trian Minister. Baron Giesl von Gieslingen. A despatch from Birmingham, England, says: An “arson squad†of militant suffragettes set ï¬re to and destroyed a, large unoecupied mansion in this district. A quan- tity of cotton wool soaked with pet- rol had been distributed about the place. A batch of suffragetvte litera- ture was found in the vicinity. early Vreoord for this (I for the province. No details of the tenor of th ply halve been revealed here the terse statement was made it was “unsatisfactory.’ Immediately upon receiving the note the Austrian Minister inform- ed the Foreign Ofï¬ce, and diplo- matic relations were broken oï¬. Half an hour later the Minister and his staff, with their families, had boarded a train for Austrian terri- tory. , coveted trophy of the annual prize meeting of the National Rifle Asso- ciation, was won by Sergeant J. L. Dewar, of the Royal Scots Territor- ial Regiment after a. tie with Pri- vate A. G. Fulton‘ of the London Terriborials. Each made 309 out of a possible 355. Thé winner’s : that with which vear. It is the year. since 1902 )llLl'l'AN'l‘S BI‘RNEI) M ANSION. Sergeant Dewar Wins First Place in Tie Shoot-off. A despatcvh from Bisley, Eng., says: The King’s Prize, the mgst BIA (' KHXND ER FIRED H0 E SE. (11(1 km set aï¬re 1‘1 Tl Hutu-sting ( tubaâ€"Tho ( nsequences t )ntlnent whl "Hun Soaked with I’vtl‘olvum Hall Been Distributed 11‘ A despa 3.1 :d to Exmrt $1,000 From Italian Grocer in Qut‘bnc. ung‘ary broken Rolations Broken (HY. spatc THE KING'S PRIZE. Ha: T'I‘IXU BARLEY. one 1p. Zaccharla r ailed and his hou from ï¬e]: the ommencos in Maui- rop is a Good One. from Souris, Man., 3C11H0ch started cut- ï¬eld of barley, to the the tenor of the re core was 21 ‘b Hawkms won lowest top 1 Vlenna m-gh 1mposs Quebec lshmg a new istrict, if not declared Hungarian w: and 21 below he cro -cup1ed quan- th pet- Jut the been oflices score Aus [but that Ma III or