E it c gibr‘tit \‘f Ricirnoxn Hii.i.. ()N'l‘,, .il'I.Y :iti, lttlt ‘ (irafonolas and (‘olumliia Records-'â€"~ on easytci'ins. “Music hath itst hai m4 enulliic about them. ’lho Richmond . llill Hardware (in, t} FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE Sevrntv-lour acics. part of lot. 49, iii the Village of Richmond Ilill. Running crct-k, hank barn, coin- for-table house. Splendid land for gardening. Terms to suit. FARM FOR SALE Ono hundred acres. lot 29. (‘on. Si. Township oi Vaughan. bank barn Comfortable house. two good or- t:hai-(ls. Land suitable for mixed farming. right in the potato dis- trict. Terms to suit. HOUSE FOR SALE New. solid lll‘lt'k,t00lll_\'[101180,lilt- ishcd in ï¬rst-class Flylt‘. Double lot. Roscvicw Avenue, Richmond Hill. A bargain for one month. H. A. Nicholls REA}. ESTATE AGENT. le‘ll .‘IUND HILI. " Ir i work is what you Good want! then, go to J. V. BUFFEY CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Plans and Estimates Job work I Richmond Hill. ‘ A 11 Richmond St. L. CURTIS Aorch FUR EXCEL Sl 3R MOTOR CYCLES Motor Repairing Done TEIMS GIVEN 0N MJTJR CYJLSS L. C U R T i S l RICHMOND HILL HY do you cook over a hot stove in this trying weather when you can buy wholesome and delicious meat and ï¬sh ready to serve. at your grocery? ? ? ? \VL‘ have (‘lrllke's ('oi‘iicd Beef. (‘larke's l’oik and Beans. lIorse Shot- Salmon. t‘lovcr Loaf Salmon. (‘anucd ï¬sh of any kind is equally as nutritious and far easier digested than incat. l Our pickles. catsups and olives are very line. “'0 solicit a share of your pa- tronage. and We guarantee you t satisfaction. G. Cowie & Co. Property for Oglel 0n (‘ciitie street. East. A new brick house, six rooms. pantry. and bath with lixturos. oak tloors. finished ï¬rst class throughout. well heated and warm, summer kitchen attached with back \‘ei-irid'ih. Apply to i J’. Hall Concentration lt isbcttcr to advertise intensively I than extensively when the sum to be de- voted to advortisingis small. 'l‘hismeans the regular use of The Lilwrahâ€"ï¬fty-txvo messages a year addressed to the same constituency of readers . . . . . . '7 Intorniittcnt or divided effort is not liker to ho resultt'ul. One lull-powered blow is better than iwi‘ lizill‘ blows. . . . . . . . . rt Concentration of appeal will do a work of con- \‘it‘lioii and persuasion that will surprise you when the year's returns are totalled tip. . . . A WORD TO TITI“. PUBLIC " 'l‘hei‘c's advice for you in this little hoiiiilv to ad- vertisers: itiis: Reward with a filll'~-Ilt‘il diYitledr‘ - custom the iiicichant who steadfastly solicits your good-will. The more will sti'cngthcn the hands of the man who serves you. the better will tie the ser- Viccreturncd. . . . . . . . . Shop Where You are Invited to Shop S. C. ‘Vlii‘to 140;;‘1101-115 Annual Sale of Breeding Stock 400 yearling and two-ycai-old Hens for sale, all from my noted heavy winter laying strain. a Bargain! All going,y at $1 Also a few yearling males- each. F. R. Oliver, Proprietor 9 I Harvest Time is iiere t ? “'0 have in stock Gilt Edge Twine... Gold Leaf Twine... Silver Leaf’l‘wine.... ....650 feet at itic. 600 teet at 12 c. ....550 feet at 101C. Hay Forks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65c. to 75 c \Vooden Rakes ....... ....cach :5 c Machine and Motor Oils tron) 33c. per gal. upwards. tions, Rope, etc. SATISFACTION tiL'ARANTEEDâ€"â€"â€" Richmond Hill Hardware Co. NORMAN BATTY, Manager Teleploge l5 ESTABLISHED EEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. it shows the balance on hand.the amount expended. provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. ©IF' @ANAIDA “€50 OFFICE TORONTO RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, n u a Manager. LOTS FOR SALE Roseview Gardens The hiin class section of Richmond Hill. Bakcr Aux. now opt-n. tit’i feet wide. good drainage and splendid outlook. running: from Mai kliam Ave. to Titus». \‘lt'\V A \‘0. Lots .‘ytJXISO with ideal drainage. Unly houses costing $234it'J‘tt and upward can he built on this Avenue. which insures you against depic- ciation by others building a cheap house beside you. ROSICVIICTV AVI‘L7'l‘hi-ce good corner lots SUXHO. Ftittl small lots 42 ft. (iiii. XHO. Also some choice lobe Btlxlfit) facing south and backing up to the park. RAIIAVAY LOTSeWYith siding ah early in. Power line passing right our front cf each lot. \Vatersupplicd at till lbs. piossurc and in quantity up to lot) gallons per minute at minimum cost. I38 Hlt‘H MONT) HILL is going Hng ahead while other localities are at a stand- still. There is no safer place. in (‘aiiada to invest your money than right iii Richmond Hill. It is cstiniated that llIt'lt‘ will be about forty acres cf L'lass houses. devoted to growing Ilmvers. at Richmond Hill in ten yeais. This will mean employment for hundreds of men. HIGH SCHOOL. IIL'\VUI'UOH)('(1l’llliliC School being built. good Churches. t\\(Railways. Electric Light and Powi-r at minimum cost. and an abundance of good water. Right on Yonge St. Good road and only eight miles from Toronto City limits. For fuï¬rther particulars write or see ‘W. J. LAWRENCE, g4 Rosemwn A\’E., TORONTO, or RICHMOND HILL N.B.â€"-Cut this advt. out: and send it to vour fi ieiids. l â€"â€" 500 Patterns Finest materials of the world’s RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE- best; looms, suited for fall and “‘AGENCYrâ€" Winter wear. J. H. SAN-DERSONI V. S. MANAGER Every garment tailored to customer's measure. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AIAVAYS ON HAND. HOBBERLIN'S We are Sole Agents in this district. W. H. BASSETT RlCHMOND HILL C. I. HINAS has opened a Latiiidi y south of Moltenâ€" ald‘s (iroceiy Store in Richmond Hill lle solicits a trial L‘II work and girir zllltPQS satisfaction. “JOHN ELLIS" PAINTER AND DECORATOR Send list of articles with each parcel giving i-csideiiceand name in full. ix HOUSE AND 5mm pMNTmG Goods called for and delivered, if dc- I’AI’ERHANGING, GRAINING sired. GLAZING. KALSOMINING. Etc. Residenceâ€"Richmond H11] I’Hoxic 297R 2. w. HEWISON "’l iiiciiiioiiii tittt , HOUSEPAINT‘R. HARNESS Stith t Glazier. Grainer and Paper~ I.\' (.‘t).\'.\'l£("l‘lt).\' \YI'I‘II . Trench’s ï¬aiiiarei Works Hanger. RESIL ENCE. RICHMOX D till L F. l. WUUDWARD i Angradesof Team and GENERAL BLACKbMITH. Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. New Gormley ALI. BIL-K“ HHS ()I’ 'I‘Hli 'l'iiA STRICTLY A'l‘TliNIH-jl) 'l'l). ‘Evcrything in the ilarness Line. iSummer supply oilinee Rugs,l ' ‘ l ' wv\-n O \ \~ ~ qâ€"“u-a Rubber Rugs, \\ hips 1 8.43:.†a. at}: A“: I}-.ER:.:..J~..tJ and Blankets. 333538 A SPECIAL?" PA'I‘ItIiNAHE Sorri i'rrm Ri'lirllllllg neatly and promptly done. ANI) 5.xi‘isr'_\c'i'in,\' (ii'AitANTif COME AND SEE ['5 int. TRENCH & son“ F. i. ti’CCllli'lELD.