Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1914, p. 1

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RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL]. Telephone, Main 311 L‘nble Address. “Dedo Barristers, Solictors. &13 NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 30 KING ST E.. TORONTO. (‘zmadn Barristersfiolicitors, Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victnrm Sts.. I‘m-O‘Ito. . G.F. Lawrence uubnr liudq‘rlakcrs k [Inhalnu-rs PIANO TUNING Liconssd Auctioneers for the County of York Sales “tended to on shortest notice and atten- aorsble rates Patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Guunty of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE-D. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a Specialny. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest upJo-date methods. - Address: 239 Benin) St. Nam.) Toronto. Phone in House. North 2392!. Denjon, Grover & Field . Cameron MagNaughton Thad“..- (uh-“u, . “13---, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \YEST Phone No. 29. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Gulls by plume or otherwise prompth respvnded Lu Lawrencg “& punbar, All mail orders will receive prompt attention. 200 BEREBF‘ORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILL,ONT. T. F. McMAHON. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. C. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Samson Maple TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE RESIDENCE Fn‘qt house north of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. Phone No. 2402. 50K)! :7. 941111113011 WRIGHT BROS VETERINARY SURGEON, (Fluornhill. VOL. XXXVII. ' I‘Iaplo. ()n t. Organs Repaired. Expert. Work «SI per annum, in advance.] ‘6 3631 Sulgeou a: NlcEu'en. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER voucmc AND . . ACTION REGULATING BUSINESS CARDS . OFFICE AND RESIDENCE J. H. Prentice EDITOR THORNHILL Funeral Furnishh both places AT THE PUBLISHER Phone Main 298-1 ihml J K McEwen Weston Ivy Lodge.AO [7 \V of each mouth Camp Elmns 0 8 Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge, I. fourth Tuesrmv of em Fire Brigadeâ€"Meet mouth Public lerary an Tuesday. and Saturda Fuworth League â€"M 7 p. 113. Sunday School at. 2.30 qursdny evening. nichmbuh LEE, A F and A M dav on or before full moon » Courtmchmond. A 0 F â€" Mm: Church of Englandâ€"S;rvices at 3 p.1 and and 41h Sunday. Thxrd Sunday at u Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at H u. u 7 p.m. Sunday Schoolat 2.30. Prayer nu Thursdav eveumg. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on ante Sundays at 9 ‘3. 113.3116 10.30 a. m. ‘1‘“.4 .:_. A. . ......... tv-uv u. Methodistbhfichâ€"Serviccs at £1.02) ‘, CCMMXSSKONER. (‘ON\'EYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance This School enjoys a great reputa- [ion for giving FIRST-CLASS IN- STRUCTION in Business and h‘hm-t- hand subjects. It is no wonder our graduates readily get good positions THIS ISTHR COLLEGEFOR YOU TO AT- TEND TU-DAY. not tu-nim-mw. write fur our CilLHiUng‘. Yonge and Cha Its 515. w. .I. ELLmrT. Prim-inn! Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and 11p to-date appliances that save time and work tonne House Wife. Tomntn Office. Rnnm r£28 Cnnfederu timl Life- Bldg.. No.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Liheral' Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftm-nnon. \Vnodhridae. Saturday fox-enorm. Monev to loan at, Five Per Cont (57°) Leads in use. influence and successful graduates. Specializes in Gregg & Pitnmn Shorthaurl and all Commercial Subjects. Fall term opéns Aug. 3lst. Write for our catalogue. Addre§s T. W. Wauohnpe, Pl‘illclpnl, Yonge & McGiIl Sts., Toronto Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House_ Wiring, both old uvv-I BARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, E LENNOX & MORGAN THORNHILL H‘ZAA_,NICHOLLS BRITISH AMERIC IN C(EGE opens Sept. 1le in the Cummissinqer, Convoyancor. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. l. H. SANDERSON Village Dlrectory NOTARY Pfiiaffé Electrician, Richmond Hill {DO IT ELECTRICALLY RICHMOND HILL. ONT EDWARD FRANCIS ELLIOTT WILLIAM COOK TORONTO do‘ NOTARY PUBLICâ€" A NEW TERM and Be W-~Meets t1 A o Fâ€" Meets f‘ lav eve Meets ( and new. â€"Meets seco Moe month. first M Aurora General prayer meet Me F.fMeets se 4 ELLIOTT. Principal a gym”, reputu. FIRS’ 41.885 13'. In Essentials, Unity; vorv LI hir G V MORGAN a: n u. m.,quu mo'er meetm; popular â€"Meets Mon Wednesday ‘ourth Fri. 01! Elton n~0pen I“ ,m Satuday, August 15th Further conditions and panic be made known on the day of Dated [11972:3l11‘dnv rf .Inh- H mm me lmlance in thiw after. 0:) the premi frame house. hum. stn mlthuuse Part of Int. twelve (1:2). rear cf the secunu cancessinn of Markham. cun- tnining eighty acres more nr 1953. the properlyuf [he lute Pnnhunu Leek. The farm will he sold suhjvct to reserve hidnnd subject In lease expiring nu the first of April. 1916. The fullmving are the terms of sale: Ten per crnt. Of the purchase plice on the day of Sale and [he imlunce in Ihiltv [lava um”. oum Albert _ I “Wm, “JusL wait a minute, Maria," said hel- mother. in a firm. yet kindly nice “I have anal)de :1 course for you in rmnslulugv, lmilulngy,stitchulugyMarn- ulngy, putchnlugy, and general domes- ticnlngy. You might as we“ begin right now. Get intn that blue npmn (Iver thereund pick uvex'that sniunch.” me sweet glrl graduate hull been hume but a fcu' days when she sum to her muther: “Yes. I've graduate-(l. but I don’t wsz to lose interest in my “'0: k,:md I shall try to keep up my psychnlogy. philulogy, bihll “ “JusL Wait a minute, Maria." said L The sweet girl graduate h hume but a few (L‘le wth eh: J. A. LEEK Mls, \V. Mylks gnxe an afternoon tea on \Vednesdnv afternunn of lust week, in huuur of the Misses Camp, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaw. of sington, Pm, are visiting :nt Ketfm-‘s, Mus. Shaw is 21 1121 the late Rev. A. McLunghlil friends in this lucnlily are 1 uwel, her again. Mr. C. Fun-'5 was destruyud mm'mng. Nut “'PI'L‘ saved. In th; absence of the pastor, the pulpit of the Methodist, church was uccupiod on Sunday mm-niug by Dr. A. C. Uri-“'5, of Torunto. Quarterly meeting services will he held hut-91th Sunday umrning. There is quite a demand for houses t()1‘(â€"‘l)t01'tnhllyill the village. Mr. L. Richardsnn, has suit! a chuice building Int opposite his home to RH'. P Campbell. 7 Mr. J. O. Spm-ling, of the Standard Bank is nmv relieving at Sunderlnnd. E. \Viswuesser is juniurclezk here and T. Harper has charge of HIP cash. Mr. C. Fill'l“S residence west of here 1 Quite :\ Immheruf visitors from Tor- nnw spent the holiday with friends in the village. A LIBERAL reporter on Tuesday visited the farm of Homer Bros. who have been conducting a dairy, and supplying residents of Richmond Hill with milk for the past 33 years. \Ve found a new dairv building 28x32 feel; with cement floor, and containing boiler room. wash room. bottle room. refrigeiator, ice house and Waggon shed, and the machinery all in good working order. The. boiler is a 5 horse power, and the engine 4 horse pmVer. The ice house and refrigerator are constructed so as to he. non-con- ductors of lit-at and cold. and no saw dust is required to keep the ice frmn ‘ melting. There Is a washing tank and rinsng tank. the milk bottles being washed in hot water by means of a revolving blush attached to a turbine wheel. The dairy is Well supplied with both hard and soft, water, the hard for washing purposes. and soft water for the boiler from a cistern 10 feet in dimnrtei by 12 feet deep. The milk when [nought in is placed in the refrigerator and aerated, after which the bottles are filled by means of a convenient bottling process. four bottles being filled at the same time. Everything has the appearance of cleanliness, and Homer Brus. have every reason to be proud of their new plant. And needless to say. their customers are much pleased in ieceiv- ing their milk supply in well corked bottles. Executors Sale by \V Ht 2 (r'Cllvuk in FARM PROPERTY AN UP=T0=DATE PLANT RICHMOND HILL Thel Public Auction in Non-Essentials, Liberty; ‘luck in the afternoon at Hula] Richmond Horner Bros. New Dairy We“ Up in Ology Kester, Auctioneer. on 1hsence of [be pastur, the the Methodist, church was n Sunday tum-11ng by Dr. .‘ .£mr A Nnt mu'ny he ice house and refrigerator rncted so us tn he non-cm]- f ht-ut and cold, and no saw quired to keep the ice frnm Tht-re IS a washing tank and A. MgLungh“lira-[Ina lhg; will be sold by in thinly .. THURSDAY. AIfGUST 6 0 F~ Maple uhject to reserve lie expiring un The fullnwing Ten per cvnt. 0f the day of sale. Particulars will Hy. 1914. D. C. BL'RR tire last Friday of the contents that spiun'cih. ll'E Butteuxille of New Ken- :I[ Mr. Geo. daughter uf llld outh pleased tn the sale r-f sale. 3 [hm-p- The drainage of a piece of property adjacent to \Vilcox Lake on Yonge street. owned by the Lake Gimme Ice Company. is the source of a. dispute between the Countv of ank,thc York Radial Railway Company and the owners. The ice Company purposes draining the property, which is practi- cally a swamp. underneath the bridge at Curtis corner to the extent of some four feet to give an outlet to the water on the east side. To this the county and the York Raulialofficials object. holding that the drainage Would undermine the bridge and render it dangerous for traffic. The company claim that the provi- sions of the Ditches and \Vaterimurses i Act. enable them to drain the property and that the property owned by the Schmnherg and Aurora Railway Com- panv. besides other property owr HI’SI on Yonge street, Would hehenefited by it. The county ct’nnmlssioners have' visited the. spot accmnpanied by a ‘ refn'esmitative of the ice company. but ‘ up to the present have not decided on any action in the math-1'. l Keene Pugsley cl: (rumpuny shuuld pm the county for dun draining thluugh [1]! street. Tukin mtred brltlsn ()ulumbir. have been received by the Division of Entunwlogy. and in view of the high rumnwrciul value of lllt’ltililntuhie timber in the province. ‘un ivt-stigntinu was projectvd. The present publicatinn has been writth with :1 vimv to assisting immediately the lumhernwn and owners of timber limits in the matter of rerugnizing the cnmnmnrr species (‘f injurious bvetles, and their injuries, with a \‘i w to the adoption of the (,‘(Hllltli mensuies which are described. This bulletin. No. 17. Second Series, "my be secured free by thuse \vlv: are pm-ticulurly interested in this suhjrct and make application to the Publicatinns Branch, Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. r, past: few years frequent reports of 591 inns forest insect dcpl'ednliuns in British, Culumlnr. have been reapiva P. S. “'3” yvu svrre the t:(‘ll![);l!}_\‘? , ....\ \-\4\v All: llll‘ ject, of the company is to operate a large cat ranch at Grand Rapids near the Proud Pit Bender factory. where land can be purchased cheaply. Tn start with,we will collect, abnut, 100.000 cats. each cat will art-Inge twelve kittens a Voar. the skins will Sell fur from ten cents for white ones, to seventy five cents fm pure black ones. “'0 will have about; 12.000.000 skins tn sell at an average of thirty cents. making our revenue about, $10000 a day gross. A man can skin fifty cats a day. He will charge 2.00 a day for his labor: it will take about one lulu- dred men to upel'aie the ranch. there- fore the profit will be about $9.800 : day. We will feed the cats (m rats and will start amt ranch adjoining the cat ranch. The tats will multipr fnur times as fast as the cats, and if we start with 1.000.000 rats we will have fourtatsa (1.1V fnrmch cat, whirh is plenty. \Ve will feed the cats on rats, and in tum feed the rats on the stripped carcasses (If the cats. It will be seen by these figures that the business will be self acting and auto- matic. The cats will eat the rats, and the rats will eat the cats. and we will get the skins. awaiting your pmmpt reply, I beg in remain. ur feet to give a n outlet to the water | the east side. To this the county Id the York Radialufiicinls object. )lding that the drainage \\'uuld Iderminc the bridge and render it .ngerous for traffic. The company (-laxm that the provi- Forest lnsec‘s in British Columbia Clevelzmd: Ohio, July 30, 1914 1 against :1 frum that Autnmnlxile Pugsley claims that the-in shuuld puvcumponsutinn I y for damages incurI-HI i llluugh [lu- bridge un You: The Ford Reduced vffuct AngusL Ist. PI'OPOsed Drainage A CAT AND RAT STORY VH‘V Truly nteu my redm e the u-uly Inul's, BIATT HINKEL Per. E. A. B. re as :1 director of AH“. D , :Ind gunr Lion fur ; prices f0 . 19H ((1 in All kinds of CAKES and I BISCUITS kept in stock RICHMOND HILL, ONT THIS STORE \VILL CLOSE EVE “'EDNESDAY AFTERNOON D INU JI'LY AN!) AUGUST Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLIERIES OI<ANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality D. HILL & 00. Bakers and Confectioners STIVER & HAMEH Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard coal. “None better” Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES . . AND. . Manitoba. Ua-ts Wheat, Buckwheat, Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. 'Y‘ V'VVVV'VVVVVVVVVYVVVVVV ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. A. Sanderson Comforts m1 Teething Rlngs Pubtic Attention consisting of all the best, makes Sanitary ‘md Measured and all accessories for the same And gveI-ything'for the Baby Allonhm-y‘s 1. 2. 3. Hm-Iock‘s Multed Milk. Nestle: Food, Mellins’ Food __()_._ . . AND. . Tile for Draining. For the Baby; RICHMOND HILL Talcum P owder Condensed Milk Feeding Bottles [Single copies, 3 cts Bm-din Eagle Brand Baby Foods for the Chickens ounts. DRL'GGIST ._._ 0__ _ Our lmes of Cracked Corn No.

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