The Hippodrome is tho family Lheutl‘e of Tuiunto. and from its open- ing. which was April 2'7, it has met with continued snout-SS. There is al- wuys something: special to amuse the children. The folk-wing is the pio- gmmlne otfered for this weekâ€"Charles Olcott. and a bevy of mutinve girls in song and dance features and instru- mental numhei-s will hotheheudline attraction at. [he Hippodimue this Week. This not. is Ciedited “‘llll being one of the largest. in vaudeville. and is said to contain as much mirth and music as any musical comedy winch has ever been produced. The special feature will he “'nlter James. :1 trump cunwdinu. said to be one of the fun- niest in \‘illldeVlllt‘. The Four Charles will present in. European transforma- tion noveltv of unusunl merit. while Hurry Holman and Company will offer :\ one-act sketch vutillvd “The Merchant Prince." It is :tcleuu. whole- some oifei-ing. with many amusing situations. Josie O‘RIeei-s is u sensa- tiunnltrnpeze :u-tist. while Ross and Rubells will offer :1 singing and danc- ing specialty. The Duhertys have :1 mirthful musical not. and the feature pnnto-plnv and the invisiblesymphunv orchestra complete a pill‘liCllll‘ly Strong Cuuke (0t; 2). J. E. Cnsgrm‘e (pt. 2', J. E. Currey (pt. 2. hum), F. \V. Dixon (pt. 1). P. Fursyth (pt. 2]. M. H. Gib- snn (pt. 2.). J. E. (:‘rnlln-nith (pi. 2), F. E. GihSUn (pt. 1. without algebra), B. Gillmm (pt. 2. hum). S. Gilhmn (pt. 2). G. Hal‘xingtnn (pt. 2). M. C. Hzls‘sm-d (pt. 1). \V. J. Irwin (pt. 1), H. V. King (pt. 2). A. A. King (pt. 2). L. V. Lea- gnttmt. 2). M. I. Morton (pt.. I). E. ('7. Mm-gan (pt. 2). V. M. Mount (pt. 2, 11011.). A. Moyevqn. 2). R. H. Norris (pt‘.2). L. R. Piphor (Dr. :1). E. Bay" mer (pt. 2). A. I. RPPSOI' (pt. 1. lmn.,pt. 2). B. E. Rnbinsnn (pt. 2. 11011.). J. H. Short. (pt. 1). A. G. Sic-“nut (pt. 1). A. Short. (pt. 1). A. G. SI Stpufl'vr (pf. 2). J. M. L. UndeI-wnpd (pf (Special to the Liberal.) The continued silence of Sir James \Vhitney on the Gatney revelations is occasiuning much adverse comment. Mr. Gamey professes to control the Prm‘imtial Government patronage on Manitoulin Island and no one justiï¬es or excuses his conduct in exacting con- tributions from holders of ï¬shery licenses on the Island even though it was done in the form of demanding that they purchase stock in his mining company. Nor is any justiï¬cation or even excuse offered for his securing contributionsin the same way from over 140 license holders or men inter- est ed in the liquor business. But men are asking, why†does not 811' James take action? It now turns on! that, the facts in connection with the fisher y licenses were laid before. Sir James month ago before he took ill. He knew the facts from men in his own party. \Vhy did he not. take action then? Did he. think the matter could he kept quiet and the public would learn nothing of it? Why does he not take action now? \Vhy did Mr. Hearst, who knew the. facts. go into Manitoulin and demand Mr. Gamey‘s re-election ? Men are asking, does Mr. Gamey know so much about the inside histolyof some of the Govermnent’s transactions that, the Govornnient is afraid to take action ? Cundidntes who have passed one or mule parts of the upper school examiâ€" nation for entrance into the faculties of education at, the University of To- rcnm and Queen’s University. Kings- A cruel and bloody war has begun. When and where it shall end is be yond the comprehension of man. Apparently,G1‘eat Britain did all in her power to avert the war, but fate ruled against her. Great Britain, Russia, France and Belgium are now at war with Germany whose only ally at present is Austria. By latest despatches Germany invaded Belguim, but the in 'ading army was xepulsed with heavy loss, the Hole gians winning a notable victory. of education at the University of '1‘ rank: and Queen’s University. King ton. fur York County are as fullmvs: A. M. Baldwin (pf Cuuke (on 2). J. E. (1)t It is announced that Western grain growers will wait upon Sir Robert Borden and Sir Wilfred Laurier to urge the adoption of the free wheat policy. By speech and vote in the Commons, Sir Wilfred has already declared himself as favoring the farmers’ policy. Premier Borden, on the other hand, has declared against the farmers and in favor of trade restriction. RICHMOND HILL. 0N1. Au; {:1 (pt Elle flibe 'al ;. Underwond (pt. 2], \V. B. “'31- (pt.1 and 2). 0. R. \Vhite (pf. l). D. “'hitsnn (pt. 2). J. A. \Vulcs 2. hon.) B. A. \Vostvrn (pt. 2). EDITORIAL Faculties of Education TORONTO LETTER Sheas Hippodrome m(pt. 2.1mm). J. 'H G. Stemut (pt. I), A J. 0.; Slpjth_(pt 1_) lmn), R 1914 The Next, Sitï¬ng of Dinsnon Cum-{tor N0. 3, County nt York. will beheld in the Court Room. ++++%++++++i~é-+++++++++++++ Markham Council is putting in :1 large cement bridge near the gate np- pnsite Mr. W. Clubine‘s farm. Also another cement bridge on the sidemad lwtwven 2nd and 3rd concesdun. near Mr. E. Britnell‘s. DIViSiUN - GDUHT. a. four inch pipe. and have gone through 80 feet of sand. 60 feet of blue clay. and are now drilling through hard pan. The wmkman have found lots of water. but they propose drilling until they get :L flowing well, If suc- cessful the cnmpnny will sink :1 large number of wells in Mr. Gumble's and adjoining farms. Duuhtless the water is intended for Richmond H1“ and other places along Yunge Street. . i-+++++++~i'+++++++++++++~i~+i"i- The Company has it steam power machine. and has already drilled a depth ($175» fee_t. Theyï¬x-f putting in A private company have been en- gaged the past qu weeks sinking a well on Mr. Han-y Gambit-’5 farm. Int 33, 2nd concession of Markham. The Richmond Hi†Bram-h Bible Society met last evening in the Pres- byterian church and upphinh'd the fullowing ofï¬cers fur the cm rent year:â€" Presidont. G. F. Allen: Vice: Presidents. Revs. H91 bison, Lawrence and Aikvn- head; Secy-TI-eas.. \V. A. \Vright; De- positary. T. F. McMuhnn; C(umnittee, G. S. Sims, J. F. Oliver. J. H. Sunder- snn. T. Txench, F. Atkinson, L. E. Hand. (7. Mason. Mr. H. D. \Iartin. (he agent fur the Snciety, gaze an interesting loctm-u. "Amnnd the world with Cnrporteurs,†with illustrations by luntexn slides. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pain-r. of Tm were returning home Tuesday in ! alum. a nd when npphsiw \h': l farm ulmve Elgin Mills. had a real collision with an auto fulluwing. Palter's car dashed over the (lilci‘ through a wire fence. Mrs. Pa] nose was hl'HkPn. She Was lu-u to Richmond Hill. and the dwctur ing out of town the nose was hand and put in position by Mr. \V Sandersun, di-uagist. Wu. have clients duilv to pur- chase moderate priced farms. If you wish to sell yuur propeny kindly let me have the particu- lars at once. $475 ï¬ve manned smui-detuchrd House with large lot at Elgin Mills. Very small cash payment required. balance less than rent. Act quickly. va sulid brick. seven large mums and lmlll trimmed in cipl-is. nuk flnnrs, Electric light, lmge \‘H-anduh. dividvd cellar. Howard furnace. Further par- ticulars of {his beautiful home will be furnished an application. GREATLY REDUCED IN PRIL‘E FOR .\ QUICK SALE. ‘7 New solid hrick, nine hu'gv, blight rooms, nuk nim- mcd throughunt. hardwood flnm-s. ï¬re place. electric lights, large \‘M‘mfllnh. threeâ€"piece hath of the ï¬nest qualitv, SPptic tank. hntwuter lmilw, Pensc furnace. Lut 50x10. 'J‘hishunse has all the conveniences nt'u (‘iLV house and is certainly prile beneath its value. large hath ( tank. furnzlr A \V'ORKING 31 ASE CHANFE A. E. GLASS Monday; Oct. 12, 1914 Wedding 8(ah'onery PROPERTIES FOR SALE Uummencma at 10 21.11]. RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE AGENT RXCHNIOND HlLL Bible Society Meeting £{6eral @fï¬'ce Another Aczident @rder your T. F MCMAHON CLERK at Me HOUSES FARMS Jefferson of Toronto day in their er Bluin d :1 rear-end nving. Mr. e ditch and rs. Palter‘s us hruught doctors be- Is bandaged J“ RICHMOND HILL +++++++++++~1 ++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ i‘+++++++++++++'§‘ FINE TAILURINU A. J. HUME Farm Laborers Wanted Advertise in The Liberal. from 311 points in Ontario, Sy- denham to Sparrow Lake in- clusive. To points in Manitoba only. For full particulars apply to Y. B. Tracy, Station'Agent. AND Canadian Northern NOTARY PUBLIC TUESDAY. AUGUST 11 Leases, Wills, Etc. Special attention given to Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing, T0 \YINNIPEG FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments [F we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach'this production we agree to pay, as the buyer‘s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profitsharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, 1914. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. 0. A. M. Davison, Uniouville, Ont. Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York T0wnships and part of Vaughan Buvers to Share in Proï¬tsww flower Prices on Ford Cars Ford motor Company Touring Car i Runabout t Town Car 6 In the Dominion of Canada Only In Marblem‘Grahitv. Good work. reasonable charges. Town HI Country. \Vrite, 1-3 m. Our Unlimited Guarantee Ever Ready Goods For the Summer Monuments. Mal'kvrs and (Turner PUSKS For Sale 011 Easy Terms C. A. SKEELE, Tombstone I. enterlng Richmond Hill Annex This is the money back guarantee we give on every article we sell. Your money will be promptly refunded if the goods you buy from us prove unsatisfamory. “That guarantee only is good which is absolutely unneeessary.†Our stock is complete of a high grade line of Canned Tomatoes, Com, Peas, Beets, Beans, Potted Meats, Catsups, Meat Sauces, all kinds of Canned Fish, Pork and Beans, Jams, Pre- serves, Pickles. Olives, Soups. SPECIALS: Fanny Biscuits, Summer Drinks. ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited Richmond Hill. \V. A Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. G. A. MCDONALD & SON FURTHER INFORMA'IIUN \VRITE OR SEE JONES, Buchanan St. Toronto $590 540 840 J. T. LOCKE 82 (20., 10 Adelaide St. E.. Toronto Toronto.Canndu,givo high grade couxses and qualify young: people to earn good sul- nries. Theymclude The Central Business College. Yonge & Gerrard Scan. amt Sin City Branch Schools. Curriculum: Stanton. requeat‘ Enter auv time. W. H. Shaw, president. Shaw’s Business Schools.