Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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(Titre :fliheml RICHMOND HILL. 0x11. Arc. (i. [914 Edda A‘Lfls Miss Myrtle Smith is spending the “’L‘lk wiilr friends in Orilha. Miss Peniland of \Vindsor is visiting her cousin Miss I’eutlztnd here. Mr. G. F. Allen returned yesterday from a business trip to \\ innipeg. Mrs. J. R. Aikenhead wrll preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening. Miss D. (‘unnnincs of Toronto spent over Sunday and Monday at. Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vtiods. Misses L. and M. Flerning. of Pres- Cott are. spending a few weeks with Mrs. A. G. Savage. Miss Evelyn Coomhs and Miss Edythe Jardine. of Bradford spenta few days with Miss Eva Hopper. Mr. Lloyd Hill. of the. Standard Bank stafi. Stout’t‘ville. is relieving here in the absence of Mr. Hand._ Miss Alice Campbell. a clerk in the Standard Bank. Toronto. spent over Sunday with Mrs. \V. A. Sanderson. A car of hran. shorts and Puritv flour at the Elevator. Also hrewers’ combs and threshers‘ coal on hand. Messrs. J. N. Boyle. M. Bovlv, N. Boyle and J. E. Skeele left Tuesday for a few days fishing at Bohcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. George Devanna and two children of \Vest Toronto spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Woods. Mr. Samuel McDongall of Toronto came up and spent the Civic liolidav with his brother, Mr. George Mc- Dongall. The Misses R. and E. Cowling of “lest Hill returned Monday after a few days visit at Mr. Henry Smith’s at Headtord. Mr. F. \V. Harrison. B. A.. of the High School Staff at Prince Alliert, Sask.. is home to spend a few weeks of his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ahornethy and little daughter. Verna. of Toronto, spent a Couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roe. Mr. P. G. Savage is in Seaforth this week attending a Firemen‘s Tourna- ment. representing the Richmond Hill Fire Department. Mr. and Mrs. \V in. Carver and family and Mr. John Carver of Buffalo are spending a week or two with Mr. and .‘Jrs. H. Smith, Headfoid. Dr. E. K. Richardson and friend motored up from Toronto and spent \Vednesday afternoon and evening at Mr. H. Moyle‘s and Mr. H.B. Stirling‘s. Miss Clara. Tt‘t'l of this place and Miss Marv Thompson of Goiinley re- turned Yesterday after spending a week with Mrs. I. Swalm of Duntroon. The. Ladies Aid will hold an ice cream social on Mr. \V.:L Sander-son's lawn on the evening of Saturday. August 15. The village hand will be in attendance. The latest improvement in Mr. (,‘. .‘keele's grocer-V and fruit store is a hardwood flirt)". This store is now lighted liy electricity and presents a fine appearance. Mr. H. B. Hincht‘lilrfe, wife anti daughter have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith. Mrs. E. Norris of Toronto also spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. James Brackin of Chatliain. and Mrs. Jackes and little daughter of Toronto. returning from a motor til i made a visit with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Biackin. lilLfin Mills. Bliss l‘t'll Saigtuin. til‘ _\[;iple. return. ed home Sunday. after a _ visit with friends in the \illage. She was the guest of alts. J. N. Boyle and Mrs. T. l“. .\lc.\lahon. Mr. L. E. Hand. manager of the Standard Bank. and Mrs. Hand left Saturday to join a eoinpany of f1 iends who will spend two weeks on li‘tkt‘ (.‘oticliieliing. near (it illia. Naturally. .‘li'. Harry .‘l'iyle aml Miss Hoyle aie feeling anxiety relatin- IN lli'. l). H. Hoyle. a lnotliei former. who holds a position in one of the hospitals iri Sti'athliuig. Germany. . Rev. A. J. Paul and Mrs. family of Brampton who spent a month in a cottage on Smeru River, Jlustoka. nude a short visit with Ill. and Mrs. C. Mason on their way home liltt “Ruck. l’aul Mrs. Dailiu of ll'intl l\‘ spent a days with llt’l‘ sister Mrs .V. She i'etui tied liiiuic Yesterday :ltitl was lltL'Ulllplltlt‘ll liy .\li<s Pauline and .‘lastel' X-lttll tlt Batty who will visit a couple ot' weeks with their aunt. tie w The \Vonien's lnsi iiute will inert at the home of Mrs. J. Morison on \\'rd. nestlav. August 13th. at 3 o‘clock. Mrs. F. Lyneti will give a deltiotlstia- rion in dressmaking and plain sewing Instrumental ti) Miss Olive Morison. l lthe village. ten davC. (t1. lllt’l and I Batty. ‘ ) Mr. .l. H. Newton who has been Alliri-io .lona‘s in I;t‘lll”. hopes to re- turu to Richmond Hill about the Both of August, and will iesuuie his teach- ing on the first at September. Mr. John T. Anderson. piano tun: r i (If 2N] lgt'l‘k‘sfhld Ava. \Vt-St Tultiiiiti. iwislirs' to thank his (‘llsitillll'lS for making the past week in Richmond Hill and surroundiiu‘r country the best business trip he has ever had hero iii the, last twenty-iii e years. Princess parlor llltlltfillildlllilltl box. 19c.: Knox s gelatine. pk.’“:l\‘lilllt‘ shoe polish. liottle lllc.; (ironnd I'll't“ pk. 545.: Choice red salmon. .5 ll). tins. 2 for 250.; Linder's orange marmalade. 1 tumhler 10c; Van Van sauce. hottlc 20c.‘. Hed (lot. olives. hottle 15. Atkin- son N Swilzer. Mrs. \V. l). Atkinson left Mondav for Prescott. There she would hejninod by her Son. Mr. Donald Atkinson. and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. \V. Trench stat-ton a trip down the St. Lawrence, and Hudson rivers, and will spend ten days or two weeks at New York. Montreal and other places. The Canadian Magazine for August caters especially to those who like good fiction. There are in all ten short stories. most of them hy (lana- dian writers. and one of then) in par- ticulai'. "The Calgary Venus." is worth the price of the magazine alone. The “Brood of thc \Vitch Queen" series is continued. as well as Madge Macheth’s “Adventures ot Aniwar Ali." Boys white handkerchiefs with navy border-S. ea. 7c.; Children‘s henntitchu‘ handkclchll‘fs with fancy corner. ea. 5c; Plain white handkerchiefs small size. 2 for 5c.; Plain ~slieli liairettes 2.5 in. long. 7c.; Shell liairettes. (S strand de- sign. well finished. 3} in. long. 15c. ea.: \Vomen‘s work aprons made of navy and light print. pocket, and hil) piped with white, ea. 2.3c. Atkinson t‘v Switzer. â€"â€"-â€"â€"4coâ€"â€"-â€"- Library Institute The fifth“ annual meeling ot the York District Library Institute will he held in the Puhlic Library. Sutton. on \Vednesday and Thursday. the 19th and 20th of August, cmnrnencing at 10.30. Every Pnhlic Llhrary in the district is expected to send one or more delegates to this liit‘t'tltlLY- 40H~ R. C. Picnic An old‘tiiiic picnic in aid of St. Luke’s Church, Thornhill. will he held on the. Ahhey Farm. Langstafi“, on Saturday. Aug. 8. afternoon and eve- ning. The grounds will he open at 3 O'clock. There will he music and daucrng. as well as otlur attractions, Tickets 25c., children ltle. Evrrvlit‘dy Welcome. 40' $50 and Costs A.P. Morris of Toronto was arrested in Richmond Hill. Monday evening of last week by County Constable Tlltiltipr son, and placed in the Lockaip house. Thursday he appeared lief-ire magis- trates Brunton and Sanderson,charat-d with being drunk while in charge of an automobile. The defendent did not appear at the trial. and was fined $50 and costs. He afterwards canic and paid Lllt‘ line. One Dollar and Costs Two young men were up before magâ€" istrate Sandersmi on Monday charged by a lady of Carl ville with “oisturli- ing the peace. anti using profane lan- guage on the highway.“ Each was fined St and CUSlS. One of them was also charged with assault on another citizen of (Tart-villediut as it was stated liv a witness that the complainant. had cilled defendant an ofiensive name the latth charge was dismissed. â€" V"O- l‘lot James McLean \Ve understand that Mr. James McLean, the well known plowman. has had sevt‘ral phone Inessagos re- cently from friends anxiously inquir- iugit' he will sell the trotting horse referrel to in last \veek‘s Lilieial. Mr. Mela-an had to admit that he was neither the owner nor driver of the trotting horse charged with racing in His horses are more i. tor other tar ui par-poses. l A-.- The Flower Show 'l‘lie “lililie is invited. and the mission is tree to the llillillt'llnilllll:l1l\\it‘l'slhi\\‘l'lll)l'llll'l)- mond llill lloitiruliural Society to la- held in lllt' Skating: Rink this after- main and evening. from 2 to it Helm-kt ,‘A delegation of about l3!) ladies and gentlemen trout thet'anadian [[tilli- cultural Asmeiation will llo present dui log the after noon. l‘lv all accounts l the exhiliits will lie Well worth >l't‘lll". lin the l’\l'lllllf_{ the Village Band will ’ghc a Clliilt't‘ programme r-f inusit'. l â€"â€"â€"â€"r o-Hw ‘ o a Collrsron Alrout niidniglitJIUIrlay. Mr. Henry Blunt-ll while dining.r north near the Elgiii .‘lills on Votige Sili'i‘l claims that llt’ was run inlu llv aii :ttttoumliilt' going in llie opposite lllll't‘ll'Hl. .\lr. Burnett says h.- u'as dri\ii:;;r on the right side near lllt'l’.‘lil\\‘.t\' track \Vllt‘lli 'l'lie huggV‘ [llt‘ k'iilllSll‘ll ("th place. was put-lied our the trark into the ditch, but Mr. Bruin-it kept hold of the lines and stopped the lll‘l3t’. lll> tat-e was scratched and lnuisetl. and the buggy was li;iill}‘tl;iili.l;_'i-tl. )li. Burnett \\‘;t\ tll iving alone. and lit-sides ‘lllt.’ dill'it‘ tln- .‘iiilo‘ (‘«'lll£rlll('tl women and llllltll‘t‘ll. 'l‘he i-li-itith-ui her «if therat was taken [lll\ matter will in all l‘!’.‘i);1illllly he iL-t'ei'ied to again. 1studying with the tannins virtuoso. ' tic; t‘t-lery salt in lHiIllL‘ with shaker. ‘ , BUYNTUN. Victoria Square. VILLAGE COUNCIL The (‘oiinril liit'l in regular session on Aug. l. lilll, iii the usual place. .\ll tlie llll'llllit'l\ pi'esriil. )linulrs of last .neetiiig read :llltl (Yt.lllll'lil1‘ll. .ll‘llt‘ lit-ere Sl‘li-(‘ll that he had itllt‘t- wowed the (‘liief Engineer of the “who lull-ville (‘lllllllll\'<l(tll, with whit-urn to a (‘UllHlilllllt‘Hlilill lilll‘lv ‘i'et't-ii t‘tl liolii llllll advising I lie t'ounril to atl\i~e an elerlrieal inspector. lull that iiiilliingilt-iinile nail lieeii arrived al, report received and instruction gin-n to the lieeve tokeep in tout-hI with the question. ' Sander son ~ llicksou -»'l‘|ie following:_ the :lt't‘tilllllS were l’l'illl, whirh Treasurer was instructed to pay' w ll. B. St ii ling, set-i ices . . . . . , . . ’l‘. & Y.ll.R.. current for Julie. \V. .l. La wrence. water and (‘ilitlt'i's . . . . . A. llislop. lahnr . ... ., ,. ll. Bond, lalwr . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . G. 'l'honipson. setting poles. . .. Municipal llizhing. R. l'lspey. roads .... ... A. Stevenson. sidewalks . . . . . H. Blanchard. sidewalks. L. lnnes&h‘on .. . . London (‘roncrele (lo. ...,. .. 33.80 '1‘. F. McMahon. printing. t-te.. {H.771 E. \Vatson. setting poles _ 2.50 A letter from Mr. ll. Hill was read asking permission to install a gasoline till) 2.50 12.38 “[98 pump in front of his premises on Yonge street. On motion permission was granted with a pioviSo that. Mr. Hill signs an agreement such as is used in similar cases. A petition signed hv several rate- payers living on Centre street. was presented, relative to widening said street. it was decided to take steps at. onCe in accordmrce with the wishes of the petitioners. Simsâ€"ASandei-sonâ€"Acommunication from the. Municipal As ociation was Helnzls Pleklinl‘l vinegar, per quart . . . . . . . . . . 9 read \VlllL'll was land over for the Kippei'cd herring, plain or in tomato sauce per tin .. .. 1‘7 present. On motion the Treasurer Gond fresh dates e1. 1b ’ H was instructed to refund the amount I, b ‘. ' p ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ° 10 of one disinfection fr't". Council eanm’ “mu m glass tumble)“ ' ' ' ' ’ ' ‘ ' - - 10 adiouined. Laundry 5mm“. [301' ll) . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 8 “‘"“°’*“* Celluloid starch, per pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mr. Archie Byer of Hamlin. Kansas. visited last; week at the home of Mr 1.. B. Heisc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehman of (‘ailisle. Pa.. also visited at the home of their uncle. Mr. L. B. Heise. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DVERTISEMENTS in this column hring quick results. If you have anything to sell. or if you wish to pur- chase smiiet’hing. hire help. etc.. try this “NEW ADVERTISEMENT” column. USINESS CHANGE. â€"â€" Having B purchased the retail meat hosi- Iiess from T. ‘V. Allison. I will now inn the shop nnder my own name. [will handle poultry and all kinds of meats. alitl hope to have a share of patronage from old-time customers, as Well as many now ones. A visit to the shop will be appreciated lionsox l. FARR. 6 4 ItESSMAKlNGâ€"Miss M. A. Buf- ii-y Solicits the patronage of the ladies of Richmond Hill. Shop Resi- dence. Richmond Street. t if STRAY NOTICEâ€"(lame to the premises of the undersigned. on i or about the 261i) of July. in year- ling heifer. The owner may haie same ljy proving.r proper tv and paying expenses. MARK HARRISON, U;lt'l'\lllt'. (i 3 ‘Oll SALEâ€"Ten llltil'tillgll'lll‘t‘tl Tamworth pigsâ€"5 hogs and .3 sow5~ahout 8 weeks “M. H. \V 4-! ‘UR SALE UR EXCHANGE-A Station rig, pl'at'lically new. to carry 6 to 5 people $l<ltl, cost \lt. Aiines ot Aiines park $800; “ill ex- change for store Hogs, useful rig for Farmer nr liveryman. \V. Fitiir:l..\.\'ii. Dtiflield Faint. Ullilt‘llli St.. Faiiliank. '3. nziles north of Fairbanks Hotel. I OR SAI.E.~Five l’ui-e Bred Berk- < . shire sows ten months oldalue to l‘arrow in September. One Ber k- shiie hog sixteen lll mtiis old. Liit'ls L. Nlt‘lioi.s. Victoria Square. [JOB SALE OR TO lil‘IN'l‘. iNow Solid Brit-k house on (llllil‘t'll St. i Built warm and lieautil'nlly l'urr nished. furnace and l'lt‘L'll‘lt' lights. Lot itivlfili ft. Miss F..\l.liiiow.\‘, ltii-n- adapted for turning overlhc sod. and ‘1 :ul‘ liist annual levi . Si'i‘ttt'i‘iiTV did not giie his name. lait as the nuIn-. iliiilid llill 6-3 i I Ol'Sl‘I 'l‘(l RENT k Fine l.‘ll;.(l‘ l l'aiiu house to lent. on lait Ill. lift-u. '3. Markham. 1:. miles twin Richâ€" mond llill. l’lt‘iit)’ ll:lltl and soil \k'ntn-i'. Sit-fi'tlrlt’ l\’\l1l|‘ll|'|‘ iii-1' l'llV gentlemen needing rounliv lli lllt‘ i'oi ‘t'ainily. Fol l‘liillii-i' Pilllll nlais apply ‘lti .Il'llll l‘lllititt. liit'llliitiutl llill l’. (i. .Ul‘ [illi'lit‘ ttti. vlilll. i l» - tlS'l'wtiold \\':Ili'll, lielwt-t n Yong:- Id and 3rd t‘iillt‘t'>\ll|ll on lhe town lli,ltl llt'l‘Vt‘t‘l) Vaughan :llltl King. tin i Sundav July Ztilh. Finder phone .las. Kei-stveilKing 22L or \V. (1'. Burn». .lunriit-u l‘lli 'l’orouto. Suitahle le- ward \V. (i. liuiiis. Tl lndian Toronto. L lilgin .3 l 08F Between ltix'lluiond Hill and Lot :15. Vaughan. liv war of .‘lllls. 7\1ilaiil \\‘nuil kiit‘v' slttli'. lilgin Mills. ‘l'oualil iii-'lltiioiiil . Ain'iiir: SAVAHIC. lll \\'llll (il'i'. )lt- Hill. and .3 l l: l ’. (Ill'li\t" lug. ' l'iinln-r please lra\e at Nauulilon litm. " uldigt- ‘ l , iv. liniprileat 'lillli l.ini-;i:.\i. Hill-w. Ii l )Uflllsmfl tit .‘x‘ Live uniuinisliml \ roams. \tlllalll” for light home- L'rt‘pitig. lllll'tl liiaise sizillli irl' ltit’ln liiond St. l‘ll west side l‘f Yong” St. 7 \vAX’i‘izii. ..y....,.7_. gill want» ~i ii llll'll as .‘liitliei's ;l‘.elp. could [or L; .liiri .‘lllltll‘t‘ll and do light lli :isewoik. Apply cult if .\llm. Er ylL'. ) u‘... o.\'i-:\"i‘oi,o.\x-.ii~m»yr iiloanl on liist ln-o lgagw l‘aini pioper- .3 Concrete House Dry Goods Mcn‘s lilac]; silk hose, lile spliced heel and toe, last color, pcr‘ pr. . ....SillO Men's l’i‘csidcnt suspenders, grey or sky gi‘cund with hair- line stripe, pct‘pi'...... ...... Lailics’ 23in. black silk gloves, double tipped lingers, 2 (lorries at wrist, per pr. . . . . . on... ..o.. ...-.- 50 ...-.- . . . . . . . . 75 Ladies knitted vests, short sleeves, low or or high neck, 512008 t042, each 25 Ladies’ white cotton undcrskirts with 9-11). ill” of eni- brordery, each .1 00 . . . . . Women and cliildi‘cns cotton drawers, nicely trimmed, .....~ ..u... ..- Smart liousc dresses madc ofgingliani or print, 3; length 7 ‘slccvc, skirt is plain. fastened in front, each. . . .l 15 White honey conib quilts, size (30x80, each. . . . . . . . l 15 Groceries Malt Vinegar, i-nperiai quart. . . . . . . . 20 Rangoon rice 6 lbs for. . . . Pearl tapioca 4 lbs for. . . . . . . . .. Stone butter jars with covers, size 1%. 2, 3, 4 gal, at 35 to Excellent cotfee, fresh ground, pCl‘ lb. . . . . . . .40 and 25 o 60 45 ..a. ...- ATKINSON & SWITZER Richmond Hill AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA unuuunnnnu > ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult Us Iror Rates Your Insurance will be Well looked after if ten to P. G. SAVAGE 86 SON RICHMOND HILL VVVV '7' Pitt is r: 8002. SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE Also a solid liiick dwelling on Yonge St. choice buildingr lot; the best location or; Yongc Sheet. A. G. SAVAG E FOR SAL Good size lot. E A WALLPAPER STOCK COMPLETE LOWEST Pincus law-1i: ot‘o’i'iin ' FURNITURE AND SEWING NIACHINES (in) fun uiture catalogues ha\ 1‘ all the newest designs at moderate Ask to see them and compart- pi lt't'S \\ iili other places. 1‘. ti. SAVAGE pi ices. _Y'YVVVVVYYYYYVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVVVVVVVVV'VVV 0 AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA AALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVV'VVV'VVVYY VVVVVVVVVYVVVYVV V‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'V l ") fr'wifirri‘f"? irri‘fiir‘i‘r‘fiirfifl‘rj Mm ‘ iiiiicriiii HlLL FURNISHING STORE :'i" i mar, 'H \ v nub-ANA 3 do} ..u... n v'? m (\f‘fl‘ “ht-I‘M s (‘tt"l \ u “MW 4 “thumbs . MEN‘S S'l'li'A \V “ATS in still or suit >il:l\\', l'l glilai‘ $2,”) (Ital _. $21.30 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v ~ - . . “‘31'0” ‘5. .iiicxs PANAMA iiA'i‘s small ri/a'r‘. ii'giil-'ir $3.”) in r H '3 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . $15.50 I_. ,v .\ .\'i<'r: LINE 0!“ \VAsii 'l‘l ics i:_-;.'.ilar 3.3.; to sell a “In: i3 _, l‘ '~___ .\l l'..\".\‘ Silllt'l'h‘ with Still t‘l liars and (lllT‘. an extra nine lot E‘] at fioiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1J30tii til-75 r 1 (‘UJllC and let us show you“ lial neii'ne iiiallkiudsot l‘iiini~lring~ - 1 r ‘1 .i l llwtsanlslivs. - g}: l ll l t t tt Eli If?) 'l 3 ’ 32’s NORMAN J. GLASS {.3 z! PROPRIETOR L: t, mmmmvzmrr 3., ;. g. . .‘\.‘\,-\ \.*‘4 ...-v»- ..puu anemia My: saw \ . . -_..‘.-.d"-.,:;..'- hat-â€" wag-Ǥt3‘aia.~d

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