Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1914, p. 1

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' ’"7’: "’ ’ .5 “ Elie gtibml k [S PUBLISHED EVERY I'EURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDEILL,ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. EDITOR & PUBLISHER SS CARDS . “JOHNOT. IIIIDERSON PIANO TUNER ‘ 200 Bunnsronn Ayn. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 12. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. iiv. R. IDENTLANE RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First; house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. Phone No. 2402.. DR. .iEiiiRTCAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill . Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. OFFICE AND Rnsmnscn 1\[~aple , () n t. Phone No. 28. J. H. Prentice Licensed Aucnoneer for the Counties of York Ontario and North Toronto. . Specrul attention given to sales of every description. Irrrm um. farm stock sales a specialty. I‘ILI‘IIIS bought and sold on commission. All sulos attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-to-dato methods. Address: ‘23!) Ballinl St . North Toronto. ' Phone in House. North 2-292. J T Surgeon Maple Salgeon a; McEwen. WBEbOll Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Balosutteuded to on shortest notice and at ren- aonabm rates Patronage solicited F. 0.! EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION LASKAY P. O. GUARAN’I‘EFD. ONTARIO gain .7. 27avidson PIANO TUNING VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work. A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Lawrence 8. Dunbar, Barristersfiolicitors, Notaries, In. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide __, & Victoria Sts.. t‘orO'rto. Denton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solictors. &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 13.. TORONTO. Canadaf Telephone. Main 311 Cable Address. "Dede." Phone Main 2984 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. f OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLI)G.. IS KING STREET IVEST Tel. M. 362“. WRIGHT BROS. Cullen-takers & [‘mbalmcrs. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberl WAR NEWS The (‘auadian Government, on be- half of the cilizr-ns. has made a gift of one million bags of tlour to lhc people of (heat. llritain. Thi- utIr-l' llnl‘ been officially accepted by the- Home Government. and the flour. which has al rady been purchasz at 3230.1 bag. will be afloat in a few days. The. offer of Canadian wmncn to equip hospital ship has also been accr-plcd by Great Britain. King.r Gem-go proclaimed Ilu- mobili- zatiou of thr- British army and the re ulingof the proclamation on August 4t'i was cheered by huge crowds in London. The House of Commons Voted 55.325.000.000 for emergency pur- p )ses. and lalr-r' $500,000.00” more. In View of the War'iu Europe. and the necessity of planning what. part, Canada shallplav in the great conflict. H.R.H. lbe Duke of (‘onnaught has cut short his \I‘esteru trip and rc- turued to Ottawa. An Order for the mobilization of a Canadian armv divi- sion of 21.000 men has been issued. while all the permanent force is al- ready stationed at strategic points. like Halifax. Sydney. St. .Iohn.Quebcc. Es(prinr.~rlt,‘arul at the cable and wire less stations. The Dominion Parlia- ment has been called to meet at once to Vote funds for Imperial deferrce.and decide upon the disposal of the Uana- diau forces LENNOX & MORGAN Barristers and solicitors. Money to boom onlandanuchnttel mortgagesnt owast rates Auroraofl‘iceâ€"Rezroved to the old post oflico one door wtst of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the I post otfice T BEBBEn'rLENNox 9 Aurora. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, ETC. _ Toronto Office. Room '328 Confedera tron Life Bldg.. VI». 12 Richmond St. I“. Richmond Hill Office ("Liberal' Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridne. Satin-day forenoon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Convoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Iâ€"Iill G V IdORGAN “J "EDWARD FRANEI’S’,‘ NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYRN’TER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL DO IT ELECTRICALLY l. H. SANDERSON Electrician, Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE Lends in rice. influence and successful graduates Specializes in (Iran: rt- I’ltiunn Shorthun‘l and all Commercial Subjects. Full term opens Aug. :(Ist. Write for our catalogue. Arlllre~s 'I'. W. Wauchope. l’rincuual‘ Yonge Jr McGIll Sts.. Toronto A NEW TERM opens Sr-pl. Isl in the popular ‘ TORONTO. This School cuji'Vs a git-at reputa- [ion for giving i-‘urs'r (‘l..\>‘.~: I.\'- s'i'irl'm‘lox in Business and Shortâ€" ‘ hand subjects. It is no wondr'r our graduates readily get good positions This isTHr‘. l‘IiLI.r:i;1~:i-‘oit YHI‘ 'ru .\'I‘- I 'I‘ENI) To-I)_\\'. I)UIII\.II)1'IID\\ 7 write for our catalogue. Yong: and Ch: Its 515. . sccutiVL‘ years to become owner: won “. J. ELLIOTT. Prin:ip:rl m RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. AI'GL‘ST 1:3. 1014 y; in all things, Charity.” FLOWER SHOW A Creditablc Exhibit The Richmond Hill Horticultural Hociety have every reascn to be pleased with the success which attend- ml their Iirsi annual t-Xhibitiun and timvr-i- show, Notwithstanding the dry se-ason there was an excellent ex- hibit of flowers. plants anr. sllrlllis,;lli(l rrevcr lu-Inl't‘ bad the skating rink presented such a filll‘ appearance. A delegation of about 15o ladies and gentlemen from the (‘anadian Fruit Growers and Florists Association came up from Toronto in the afternoon. and after visiting the four greenhouses re- turned to the hall where refreshments were sci-vid. Early in the afternoon Reeve Pugsley in a neat speech thank- ed the visitors for the honor they had conferred upon the ASsociatiou by attending their first annual exhibition. and extended to them the freedom Of the town. He reminded the visiting florists that there was yet: room in Richmond Hill for more greenhouses. and that we purpose making this place a Hmver centre for the Dominion of Canada. Before leaving the refresh- ment table Mr. H. P. (‘ruwau of Peter- boro. the president. returned thanks for the hospitality extended. and assured the Association that. it would be a pleasure to return on a future occasion. Hundreds of our citizens visited the rink in the evening. and listened toa good musical prugranunc by the hand. The following is a list of the prize- winners:â€" Astersâ€"Best six spikes of pink. 1 James Ellis; 2 A. E. Lehman. Astel‘Sâ€"Bcsb six spikes of mauve or purple. 1 Mrs. Allen. Sweet Peasâ€"Best collection. three or more varieties. tcu stems of each. lJamcs Ellis. '2. Mrs. Pratt. Sweet I’casâ€"Brâ€"st 25 stems of one variety. I \lrs. I’ratt. 2 Mrs. Switzr-r. Swch Peasâ€"Best table bouquet. artistic arrangement to he considered. I Mrs. Pratt. 2 Mrs. Redditt. Rosesâ€"Best six blooms from stock donated this year to members. I Miss Gamble. Rosesâ€"HBcst six blooms from stock other than above, I G. I". Allen. 2 Miss blue, Muylc. Dahliasâ€"Bcst collection, 1 Mrs. Macdougall. Geraniumsâ€"Best srx single cut blooms. 1 Mrs. Itedditt. GUI‘;\IIIIII|\S~BPSI six double cut blooms. 1 Mrs. J. dougall. I’ctuniuSâ€"Bcst Collection of twelve blooms, single. and double. I Mrs. J. Glass. Stocksâ€"eBest collection of four va- rieties. four spikes of each. 1 Mrs. Cook, 2 Mrs. Redditt. Sunflowersâ€"Best four, 1 Mrs. Allen, 2 Mrs. Batty. Mignonctterflest collection not less than ten spikes. 1 Miss Movle. Hydrangeaâ€"Best. twu spikes shrub Variety. I Miss Mon llollyhocksâ€"Best collection. not less than six stalks, I Mrs, Allen. Innes. 2 Mrs. Mac- (if Pansiesâ€"â€"Bcst 24 blooms. I Miss 0. Mortsnn. 2 Miss Gamble. Verbenas~Best collection. 1 Miss Gamble. Suapdr-agunfiBcst 12 spikes, 1 Mrs. Allen. Golden (ilow~Not more than .30 blooms. 1 Mrs. Switzer. 2 Mrs. Allen. Nasturtiums~Bcst Collection will) foliage. I Airs. Mactloug‘lll, 2 Mrs. Pngslcy. Phloxâ€"Bust collection. perennial. I Miss Moylc. Best table decoration arranng in vase, basket, or suitable vessel, I Miss Moyle. 2 Mrs. Switzer. (iladioliâ€"Best nine spikes, 1 Mrs. Allen. Poppiesâ€"Best collection, I Mr. A. L. Phipps. annual or SI‘ICI‘IA I. PRIZES Mr. John II. Sandra-Son. silver cup for best kcpt house. garden and lawn. Any member Winnng for three Con- b_v Mr. Moylc. Dr. Lillian Inngstat‘f. $1.51) for best collection of potted foliage plants. Ist prize $1. 2nd Stir. not less than three varieties: I Mrs. Switzcr. 2 Mrs. Aik- enhead. Mr. 6.1". Allen. $1.30 for best colli-c- . tiuu of potted flowering plants. I>l prize 31. 2nd prim- am. not less than three varieties. I Mrs. Switzcr. Mr. G. I“. Allcll. lu‘st Collection of‘ cut Ilowers grown by any child under. 15 years of age. “hi-[her parents be; members of the society or not. Istl prin S]. 2nd prize 50c; 1 Ernest Allen. X 2 l‘arr-ol lanes. Mr. Harry Marlo. SI? for host lie-pt back \‘ard. Isl prize 2nd prize SI: i I Mr. G. .\I.-l)ougall. 3 Mrs. J. Glass. ’ Mr. \V. II. I’nqsley. $3 for best col-‘l 'ection of cut flowers. 1st prize 22ndI prize SI : I .‘Irs. AlIr-n. '2 Mrs. Batty. Mr. I.. Ii. Hand. $1.50 best six narrer I varieties of sweet peas. ten stems ofi each. Ist pr in SI. 2nd pr 12c 500. I Mrs. Pratt. 22 Mls. Switzer. i .\II. \V. .I. [JI\VIE’II"". SIM-ill fut l)€<[ b =‘.:‘ dclcu Richmond roses; U. F. of car-Ir. Ist prim 2nd prim- Stir. PRIZE WINNERS OF VAUGHAN TOWN- following prize winan refer to their .Iohn Julian 9. Charles Rownn-ee 12, Smith S. Roy Thompson l2. 9, Albert Mofiit (5. Norman Kr-t‘fer 8. 7. Garnet Kefl’er 3. Dorothy Aitchisou 8, I‘Iustau Pilsou (i. .ngstvn road Sunday after-noon. and .Road, and that he had found it IllI‘ll'. AW". l AunnnnunAnuunn Mrs. J. A. Greene. SLIM. annuals. 84 For the Baby: variI-tiis. not li-ss than three spi"t-s ._._().~-_ no entries. â€"â€" 7-->»_~‘ ()ur lilies of Talcum P owder consisting of all the best makes â€"~~o Feeding Bottles Sanitary and Measured and all accessories for the same SHIP RURAL SCHOOL FAIR. For Best Plots The numbch after the nauu-s of the respective school sections. Oats U.A.(‘. _.._L)._._ Condensed Milk Box-din Eagle Brand d._().___ Baby Foods Allenbury’s I. 2. 3. Horlock’s Maltcd Milk. Nestle-s Food, Mcllins’ Food _..n_(,._.- Comforts and Teething Rings And everything for the Baby .'(\. 717710;”) Laurie IS. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 Iva Ilowney ti. \Vill‘rcd Magiun It), 4 Victor Orr 4 Bar-Icy t).A.C. No. 21.â€"~Beatricc : \Vild I7. Melville \Vilson S). 4 ('orn.“ is. No. 7.~\Villie (‘harlcs I9. 4 Frank Oliver-(i. Eldiu (‘oivard 17, (‘yril : Brillinger 7. 4 Golden Bantam Sweet Cornâ€"Irene 4 Montgomery (3. Irene \Vaison : Alfred Ireland IT. Agnes King tillach 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mangcls. Our l(li-al.~( 'ccil Darker 1‘2. Charles Cooper 7. P. I). ‘Mt‘Kiiitron W. A. Sanderson DRUGGIST RICHMOND HILL \Villie Laurie 15. Delaware Pot:rtocs.â€"â€"Mabel \Vild 17. Reva Burkitt I7. Donald Carrier-on 9, Joseph Kctl'er 8. \Villie Lovctt 12. Geo. Modit 6. Ella Burns 5. Pearson Neal 15. Ola Train 17. Pearl Mofiit (5, Allen Poole 8. Marjorie, \Vatsou 5, Stanley Kctfer-S. Mary King 6. Mary Hollings- head 17. Viola \V'hitmtfie 8. Flossie Marwood II. Hazel Coward I7. Mervin \Vilson 9. Irene Line 6. 'I‘lu-nips, (‘ai-tcr's Invicta.~Lester Smith 8, Mary Ketfer 8. Melvin \\'itty D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D p. D D D D D D D D D D D D p D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 'V‘ YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV' I' - ’ Pllllllll Attention Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts 4.- MARKHAII TOWNSHIP RURAL SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE WINNERS â€"-_. For Best Plots The number s after tbu names of the following prize winners re-fcr to thcir respective School sections. Oats O.A.('. No. 72.-~Marshall Jen- ningsti. \\'cslev “‘ideman IT. Frank Bruels Iii. Myrtle Hamill l8. Sam Stephenson 3. Edgar Hislop 3. Bar-Irv. ().A.(‘.No. LILâ€"Harold Rise- hrough 8. Harold l\ch‘ar-ll1\'3. Corn. \I'is. No. Tâ€"Jos. Snitlr-I‘ 7, Allan Balsdan 16, Murray Smith 7. Norman Lewis 19. (Milford RaymCr 16, Allan Hoover 4. Sweet (.‘orn,Golden Bantam.â€"â€"‘.\Iabcl Shank Iii. Lizzie \Videman 1?. Erncst Archibald 2L4. Russell Raymer 16, Fred Ircson 20. Joe Glover 6. Delaware l’otatoes.â€"â€"I)a\id Archi- bald 2I-I. Allan Harrington 13. Peter Sider 7. Earl McBiyr-n IG. Irwin For. syth Iii. David Scott. 17. Geo. Barker 3, Elgiu Gohn .3, Stanley Rodd 10', (‘Iara Grower IT. Carter‘s Iuvicta 'I‘urnips.~('laicnce Piplier Iti. Carlton Archibald LII-4, Edi- son Pike 18. Jack Helmkay 2;. Arthur IN’IIHIN‘ 6. Howard Smart Lil-4. Our- Ideal Marrgels.â€"-I£lwru-d Huger- mau 8. Harry Murphy 21-4. Newton A good supply of PURI’I‘Y AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. “0â€"â€" Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn ...~\.\'D.. Manitoba- Oats for the Chickens .__o._. ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay FresBed Brick. We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now Burr 5. Norman Balsdr-n 16. Ruth ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Hoover 17. Gordon Pipher 10. ‘ NEWS NOTES ‘ """"' . Fire llItI great damageSunday t!) the WW Davis Taurwa Kingston. The blaze was discovered after I a. nr.. and the firemen had a hard fight. as the piles of turrbark ignited and Continued to burn all day. The (aUs‘U of the tire is unknown. The old building was com- pletely destroyed. It is figured that the loss wrll be $80,000, ‘ II. HILI & Go. Bakers and Confectioners _._.o___ LORANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. A number of local (Ir'tt’t'tl‘Ct’S and constables surrounded a houseou [llt' after taking Henrytie ‘ ‘Cl\l‘.il(1'(>’|'nl:lll. and a Woman. who says she is his wife. into custody. searched the premises. They found ninety-six sticks of dvna- . mite. which were confiscated. The woman was given her freedom but the man was held on a charge of lraving' dangerous expltisives in his possession. ‘ The man stated that the cxplnsive had fallen from a Waggon on the Kingston ! Lord )Itll'lt’V. Iml'il I’H‘Siileut (If the (‘ounv-il. and -.\li-. .lI-hlr Burns, presi- Of and (lent of the Local Government Board. . ‘ ' BISCUITb kept in stock. ll;|\'l' resigned from the (‘abiui-t. not Ilt‘lllgilldi'll1<l1))ptll‘l the (iovo-rnuwnt \var policy. Both are strong: advocates 1 ~_0.___ of [it-ace. _._.‘o- «~â€"â€"â€" Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES __d(._._ Bible Institute The Hr‘illlr‘lil ('1il‘l'Hspuang-nm) (min-g0 lias‘ hon-n [Illlt'llflst‘ll bv the Muldv Bible Institute «f ('hit-ago. bv which it will be llllltIlICIl‘d lit-waiter. This! ' course was founded more than twr-ntv THIS STORE “'IIJ. FLUSH I‘IVI‘IRI yé'uisugn by Ilw. (‘. I. Swfinld, fa- \VEDSHSDAY Ayngnxmrix up“ “"‘I ll” iNu.u'LYANoAL'taisr lulvuq as a llibloteachma author of the Quirafirâ€"ld Bible. Thous-I an-Is i fstudwnts have been enrolled in l in: than; .rl'. ~.‘.'-.~r 1h; wultl. RICHMOND HILL. ONT

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