Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1914, p. 5

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Gills gflihcrrtl RICHMOND HILL. 0x11, AUG. 13, 1914 For general war news see inside page. A baby‘s boot and stocking was found aiid left at The Liberal ot'lice. Mr. S. Moodie is spending some weeks at St. Marys with his brother. Mr. Joseph Elliott ofToi'onto spent. over Sunday with his father. Itev. F. Elliott. Rev. Mr. McKee of Stayner spent a few days with his l)I'(ll]91‘-ill-l:l\v Mr. J. Lunan. Mr. Frank Lvnett of Toronto and Miss Mulroney of Detroit spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynett. Mr. Stunner of High I’aik spent a “‘ePK with his daughter Mrs. Osmond \Viiglit at the home of Mr. Amos “'right. Mr. Fred Thomson of the Union Bank staff. Peterboro. is spending part of his holidays at Richmond Hill and vlcinity. Mr. G. A. M. Uavison of Unionville. agent for the Ford Motor Company, has been gazetted a Notary Public by the Ontario Government. - Mr. J. H. Duulop is erecting another greenhouse. the same size as the for- mer building. and expects to have it planted within a month‘s time. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sander-son, of Memphis. Tennessee. are spendgng a month with the fornrei-‘s brothers. MeSsisJ. H. and \V. A. Sanderson. Volunteers for the 12th Regiment York Rangers were examined by Lierlt-Col. Hillary of Aurora at St. Andrew's market Monday and Tues- day. The Huron Expositor of August 7. kindly handed us by Mr. P. G. Savage, gives a good account of the Seaforth Firemeii‘s Derrionstration, and the Old Boys” arid Girls rc-ui‘.ion. Mrs. Vanderbui'zh and Mr. \V. M ur- ray Vanderburgh are visiting the former's sister and brother. Mrs. James MacDonald and Mr. Robert Moodie. St. Marys. The \Vomen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Thompson. 'I‘horrihill. on Thursday. August 2'). Members will respond to roll call with a liumoroas anecdote. Mr. \Vrn. Cook. barrister. who visits Richmond Hill pi-ot'eSsionly on Thurs- day of each week. is now taking holi- days and will not return until Thurs- d ry. the 10 of September. A goodâ€"fitting: corset is a pleasure. That’s the Way E. T. Co‘s glove-tilting;r corset is made. Made to fit. made to wear. made to sell. Made in medium and long Iiip. Made to sell from 50c. to $1.25.â€"Atkinson & Switzer. Dr. Langstai‘f and family who are enjoying a month‘s holidays in Mus- koka expect to return Saturday. Aug- ust 15. arriving on the 9.15 p.m. train. Mr. Vaii\\'ait and family returned on the 10th. A number of account: are beingr en- closed in The Liberal this weekto those in arrears for subscriptions, Another batch will be enclvrsed next week. Sub- sct‘ilwl‘s in arrears will please favor the publisher with eiiiittance. ., \. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Legge arid Miss Gladys G. Legge have been enjoying a very pleasant holiday down the St. Lawrence with a few days at Kingston and Montreal. They were registered at the Chateau Frontenac. Quebec. for the week end. and are expected home about the middle of the week. (‘on-di-nient according to “'ebstei- “are something used to give relish to food to gratify the taste." Read this then :â€" Tom-ito catsup 15c. Gillard's reliin 38c. Heinz's prepared mustard 150.chow-ehuw17 . mixed pickle: 200, M :mz-inilla olivo. ', Lea and I'cri-in‘s \Vorcestershire sauce 382‘. lior se lutlish s-ince ltlc. Pan Yan sauce 20C.â€":\1kil|- l son and Switzer. On Saturday evening. Aug. Slh, at her horn» in Richmond Hill. Mrs. George Reaiiian. assisted by hei'sister. Mrs. Thus. Keys of Maple. gave a supper iIi honor of the return of her-3 son Prof. G. 1"). Heainari and his wife ‘ fr our air extended \veddingtrip through Michigan. ['uited States. about thirty relatives present. and fl'lfllll“ Mr. and Mrs. \Villiani H, Marsh. “Elms I.“:i." Ricliuauid Hill. announce the engagement of their \‘rrllligr'<i daughter. Miriam Irene to Mr. Moiâ€" tuii Millie Gibson, R. A, Six. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Gibson. \Villowdalc. Owing to ier‘cnt In l-‘:t\’t’ltlt‘li1 the man iiigo will take place very quietly at the bride's home. on \Vednesday. Aug- II>1 itith. Presbyierian Church Subjects for Sunday. Aug 1ti:li:- - 11 a. iii. : “The Life-Hiring \\'oid." John \‘I. T p. in. : Gr". XIX. "Escape far thy life." There were . g BORN PAThltanâ€"Uii Sunday. August Shh. 1914. to Mr. and Mrs. I’. I’ateison. a daughter. govâ€"â€" MARRIED ELLio'r'râ€"(‘iLvLMiaiis.~.\t the l‘PSltlt'tlt'O otilir- bride‘s mother. I'll Millicent Ht.,'l‘oronto on Friday, Aug. Ttli, 1014. by the Ilev. Mr. Mristaid. assist- ed by Rev. If. Elliott. fllht‘l‘ of the groom, Louis Howari I'Illiolt to An- nie Elizabeth. daughter of the Ialt‘ \Villiain Chalmers. «OPâ€"~â€" DIED BAKERâ€"OnSunday. Aug. till). 1914. at herlateiesidence. ‘jon. 2. Mark- ham, Frances Ann McCagiie. belov- cd wife of Simon Baker. in her tiCith year. HEADâ€"Elizabeth 11. Read. widow of the late H. H. Head of Aurora. aged 68 years. 9 months. Interment in Aurora Ceriietei'y. Monâ€" day August. to. 09â€"â€" Honor Matriculation The results of the ex.-nninations for- Honor-Junior- Matriculation Were pub- lished Monday. Miss Agnes Boer re- ceived 3rd class honors in English. Miss \Vinifred Simpson 2nd class lion- ors in English. and 3rd class in French and German, and Fr ed Simpson 3rd class honors in ltl‘tlllt’llmlit's. Amor . C.N.0. Wreck Tuesday morning, about 5.15 :1 nor Lh bound through freight. went throuin a bridge. east of Thornhill on the (LNG. The engine got over safely. lint the caboose and four or five cars \vere thrown off the track with heavy merchandise. and the bridge caught fire. It is hoped that traflic will he ic- snmcd to-day. -0 Cottages Burned Gi'iinsby Beach was swept by fire [ Standing Field Crop Competitions The following is the list of prize Winners tor Harley ().;\.(‘. ‘_’l. with the I points made by each : Fred ('larke. lleadt'oi'd. .‘5: \V. II. jt‘l‘nlrinc. Thoinliill. H21 : .l.r'~‘. McLean, ‘llichinond Hill, 73: L‘s. inst-iii. ici- Kip Mills. iii: .1, Ilillinzcr, Richmond Hill, til: \\'rii. 'I‘hornpsan. \\'liitc .Itosr: (ill: \Vrn. .l. Ilinniur-ll. Newton Brook, (ill. ll. .-\. Nir'liolls. Ilichinond Hill, Secretary. i #7.? ‘a’ dis _. Victoria Square ' ‘ The Victoria Square Ilrancli of the , \Voiiian's [Institute will meet at the; , home of Mrs. \Vaiter Scott on \Vt-d- nesday. August 1!) at 2.30. The pro- grammi- will consist of music. \‘ot‘alr duet. by Misses lli‘llt‘l‘: solo. Miss‘ Lillian “Wilson: Recitation. Mrs. tlhestcr Hruiiiwell. I’apr-r. "Unlicgc Lift- at McDonald." Miss Myrtle Klinck Address. "Experience in Hour li Africa” Dr. E. N. (‘outt5. Agincourt. livery person welcome. â€"â€"4¢* Pass Junior Matric The following is a list of candidates Who were successful in whole or in part. of the passjnnior matriculation in York (‘oontv :~â€" Group Lad. B. Brodie. (7 (‘oiipr l'ill- wait-.1). S. (‘ottcrz l“. M. Carlton. M. 1.. (Walk. It. L. V. l‘laglesoir. (l. M. Hynon. .1. (‘. Frelz. G. L. Francis. T. If. Hayes. 0. Monknian. M. U. Picker- ing. (1". I. Rannirr. \V. 1.. Robinson. M. N. Sheppard. H. (i. \Vales E. M. M. \Vhitc. Group Il.-H. M. McCanghi-iri. Group “Lila. G. Cousins. L. l). Uarnpbeil,A.G. Cosr‘rrove..\1.H. Fleurv. N. F. Johnson, G. R. Paterson. H. W. Peru-rise. S. Sievenpipei'. 1.. A. Stokes. T. F. Scott. J. R. Teasdale. F. H. Van Nostrand. â€"â€"~â€"â€" - 7 Gulling the People ThrI following. in very large, red. l)l()0flvlikt‘lt‘llt’lS. is a fair sample of Saturday afternoon. A coal oil stove was upset causing 34 cottages to fall a prey to the flames. The loss phloed at $ti0|JlNL with insurance $10,000. Among the losers are Judge Denton of Toronto, and Mrs. Swilzer of this village. The Izrttelds loss is $1.0le, insurance $300. .â€"â€"â€"‘0. A Close Call Last Thursday Misses \Vinifred Aik- enhead and Marjorie \Vi-ight were bathing in Lake \Vilcocks. The latter got beyond her depth and sank. The former- went to her friend's assistance. but in a struggle both went under the water. Fortunately an expert swim- ii trier who Was near plungo-d in and saVed both of the young ladies. Miss Aikenhead was unconscious when brought to shore. ‘0‘ Taken to Toronto A Ger-men blacksmith working in the Trench Carriage “'orks, and the north end blacksmith were said to have ieceived letters from the German 7onsul. 'l‘oi'orito,relative to going back to Germany to assist in the war. Both weie requested by the city authorities to go down and submit to examination on Saturday. As they gave a satisfac- tory account of themselves they were allowed to return to their work here. H a.» Hâ€" Mrs. Baker‘s Death The funeral of the late Mrs. Simon Baker of (Jon. 2. Markham. near Elgin Mills, took place on Tuesday. August 11th. to Heise Hill cemetery.‘ Mrs. Baker‘s health had been failing for some time and for the last few months her-*utferings were intense. yet borne with patient submission to the Di\'iiie will. A quiet. unobtrusive. (,‘hristiaii woman. she filled the modest sphere in which she moved with kind deeds and faithful service to God and her- fellow men. She was a iiieriiber of the Breth- ren Church, Turikard, for nearly forty years. Her maiden name was Mc- Oague. The aged husband has the sympater of the community in his bereavement. ~â€"<o.~â€"â€" I 1 Drowning Accident Richmond Hill people received a shock Tuesday when a telegram reach- ed a friend stating that Lloyd Sonics I ‘llltl his sister Ilell l. and friend. I‘Zdiia May Clarke, were drowned on Mon. ‘rtlily£1LI’UI'1,)1\'Nll'Ull. on the Georgian ‘ BHV. _ The two girls wore bathing: when a launch. in which Mrs. Sonics, mother of two of the victims. was sitting. drifted from its moorings. In .in . 1alteuipt to recon-r the boat [llt'\'1itltl‘,! 1 ladies got beyond their depth. and; Lloyd Sonics went to their aid. Thel task was too much for him. TheK mother. unable to help, was compelled I to sit in the boat and watch her .soii and daughter and their young friend ‘ go down to their death. , The bodies were taken to Toronto ‘ and yestr-irlav were interred in Mount ‘ I’leasaiit coiiietery. following a funeral l service at Simps-ui Avenue Methodist ' church. 1 r The Smiles family formerly owned the hardware store here. They 1t‘- ’ moved to Toronto, and afxei-waids made their llt‘lHt‘ :it I’d! .‘IPNicolLl ’Tlic deep 'st sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents. ‘.-~.4â€"-â€" Sale Register FHIIIAY. August '_’1~Alit'tiori sale of building timber. lumber. >lllt|tllt'l' lllru‘rurtl (MR. :1! Yl'tk lil‘tt‘l.l the [\IK‘DHIF ti 1‘. I}. Biii-r-ll. Salo' at 3 o‘clock. Tciiiis cash. J. ll.‘ I)It’llilzl', Airct. 'mond Hill .i'on. 2, M-irkhaul. 15 miles from Rich- head lines in the city papers these days:â€"-“Terrific battle now in pro. gress. Men niown down in thousands!" Then underneath. in the usual small type, something like the following may he iead:~â€"“It. was rumored yes- terday that the German and French armies were close to each other. and in all probability they will now be in deadly conflict.“ Ittakr-s the big. red letters to sell the papers. The, publishers know that. as Barnum used to say, “the people like to be humbugged." NEW ‘rr’vmi’snrrms DVI‘IRTISEM ENTS in this colnrrm bring quick results. If you have anything to sell. or if you wish to pur- chase Soniething. hire help. etc.. try this ”NE\\' ADVERTISEMENT” coluriiti. BUSINESS CHANGE. â€" Having purchased the retail meat busi- ness from T. \V. Allison. I will now run the shop under my own name. [will handle poultry and all kinds of meats. and hope to have a share of patronage from oldâ€"time customers, as wvll as many new ones. A visit to the shop will be appreciated Ronser 1. FAth. 6 t I RESSMAKINGâ€"Miss M. A. Buf- fey solicits the patronage of the ladies of Hichiiiond Hill. Shop Resi- dence. Richmond Street. 4 tf STRAY NOTICEâ€"(Jame to the premises of the undersigned. on or about the 22th Ii of .l uly. a year- ling heifer. The owner iii'ry have same by proving proper ty and paying expenses. MARK HARRIsox, Uarrville. l .4 7 (i 3 7 FUN SALI‘Lâ€"TUH llioi'otigli-l'i't‘ll Tarnworih pigsâ€"v5 11111.15 and Ti suwsflalnillt 8 Weeks oltl. Il. \V BoYN'rox. Victoria Si‘piaic. 4.1 1:0R SAIjl‘LeAFiH‘ raft: nit-a unlitâ€" shire sows ten months old,due to i far-row in September. One I)‘eik~ shire hog sixteen m intiis old. Iait‘is L. NICHOLS, Victoria Square. 6 4 aAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA MAAAAAAALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FOR SALE OR TO Iv'I‘Z‘N'I‘. VNew Solid Brick house on Church St. Built warm and beautifully fin- ishrd. furnace and electric lights. Int 49x15” ft. Miss I“.M.Iiltow.\', Ilieh- ti-ii l I (‘r-nn-e St. East. 1 ‘:t)lt sAi.i«:-â€" Fresh mill-h .ir-.T....{{-. cow. Apply to II. It. linisn, (iornilev. 7 2 l I ()I'Sli TU llICNT â€" Fine large farm house to rent. on Lot 21.‘ n-oud Hill. Plenty liaid and soft water. Suit-ride residence for city gentlemen needing countiv 111 me for ' family. For further particulars apply'lllll':llilr11. Riclittioiidllill l’. 0.. or phone no. lilll. I l I US'I‘. ’TTl'l\\ii"‘ll liicliiiiond IIIII‘ ‘ 4 and .‘lt's‘. I’vllll‘l‘ult.‘ “midi-Itch: Patterson. on Thursday. August f ‘5. :i Hlatkllioiii walking t'rlllt'. Re-' vvarrl at Tllli l.llll-jtl,\l. our-u. 1 (NT. ~Two lll)l~10‘illt‘tIllt'5llJth‘tl from my pasture on or about August l~t. (ltir'yt'dtlittg {NHL ietl and white >pnllt‘ll. and true l\\'rr- year-old pot. Jersey color spotted. SIMHN BAKER. lilgin Mills. 7 " 37.5”. with a livo year guaran- ice. Alibi)” (ilil). ’1‘. ALLisox. ltich- iiioi.d Hill. 7 4 f IIY I’XYiSlot'wr-a Folding an. Tub when you can buy one for ‘(ilt SALEit‘ucumbors (Cr all am, i - 1 . ~ at l'I';t\tIll.'llttt‘ prim-s. J. litt‘Kan ‘ Concrete House Dry Goods ..__..._. Men’s black silk hose, lislc spliced heel and toe, last color, POPPY...” ....$«10 Men s. l’i'csalcnt suspenders, grey or skygi‘ound with hair- lincsti'ipc, pCt‘pl'...... 50 Ladies‘ L’Il-iri. black silk gloves, double tipped lingers, 2 (lorries at wrist, per pi'. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 Ladies knitted vests, short sleeves, low or or hiin neck, size .‘lS to «[2, each . .. Ladics‘ white cotton ruidcrskirts with ll-in. fl'ill of Cltl’ br'oidei'y. each . . . . 1 00 Women and children's cotton drawers, nicely trimmed, pr. Smart house dresses made of gingham or print, sleeve, skirt is plain, fastened in front, ‘JlL‘ll. . White honey coiiib quilts, sizc 60x80, each. . . . .o.... 0 length ..11 ....11 U‘ U‘ Groceries Malt vinegar, irnpcriai quart . . . . . . . . Ilcinz's pickling vinegar, perquai‘t Kippcr‘cd herring. plain or in tomato salicc, pei' tin Good fresh dates, per lb. . . . .. Peanut butter in glass tumbler Laundry starch. per 11). Celluloid starch, per pkg. . . . Rangoon rice ti lbs for. . . . I’cai'l tapioca 4 lbs for. . . . .. 25 Stone butter'jar‘s with covers, size 1.}. 2, 3, 4gal, at 35 to 60 Excellent colfcc, fresh ground, pcr lb. . . . .......... :20 0 12 10 10 8 10 25 .c.... a... . . . .410 and 45 ATKINSON & SWITZER Richmond Hill I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W ii ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life & Accident , Plate Glass, Insurance Consult; Us 1901‘ Iiates Your Insuranca will be well looked after ifleIt to P. G. SAVAGE & SON RICHMOND HILL. PHONE 8002. SOME. CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Also a. solid brick dwelling on Yoiige St. lot. A choice building lot; the best location oi; Yonge Street. A. U. SAVAGE Good size WALLPAPER S'rOCK COMPLETE Lownsr I’Itlt‘lis EVER Ql'tYl'Iil) FURNITURE AND SEWING lVIACHINhIS Our furniture catalogues have all the newest designs at iiiodei'ritc Ask to see them and compare pi icrs \\ iih other [llrlt‘l‘5. I’. G. SAVAGE prices. . Y'YVVVVYYV'VVV'VVVVYVVVVYYVVYVVVVVVYYVVVYVVY 7'." 7' 7V V'YYVVV'YYYVVVV VVVVVVYVVVVVV'VVV‘VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVYVV " :rvg‘rq‘rrfirrfrr :rqr‘rrirn‘nrmw-‘r‘rm tar-(v: Tax-e ,rv-{vffirrfcnm‘rxmr-n‘rve t‘f’g - r ‘ > r ' v , r ' f ' p ' . ‘ r - fimmmmmflm MMMMMW‘J 3 » 2 L. ‘r~\P’F‘F’\{‘"r WM ‘ K. A .) in RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE WW 3‘ - x in {i r’"'" m I 'v~,~‘r‘ . ‘Wmm Links ‘ l). MEN‘S S'I‘lv'.\\\' “ATS in stiff rrl' sr-ft straw, regular $31,“) “ml ’2 $2.50 for . . . . . . . r; , MEN‘S PANAMA IIA'I‘S small am, regular saw to stir ;’ L at . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . . . . . $3.50 .2 r, it; : A NICE LINE OF \\'_\511 TI 1‘35 regular 35c to St'll at. .. “35¢ { Jud M I‘..\"S SHIRTS with soft collars and cuffs, an extia nice lot :11 fl't‘lII . “SLIM [ii a r u, r .. .nr- w'emmm . chmrfi urr COMIC and lr'l us show you what we li:i\'c in all kinds of fin rushing: Wamd ‘3. and lrtlt'l.‘ and shoes. 1 if? 5% NORMAN J. GLASS air L. PROPRIETOR [,1 x . 2, "- WF‘FWWWVF E ’5 84‘,:~~,-.%‘..=~~»;.wȢM Law: :4... gigs»: nui'ooJa'J )- :u-‘imj

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