He will probably continhe as its representative until he offers him- self for election no more. Sir Ed- ward Grey has guided Britain through some anxious davs and dark. At the end of 1911 the Briâ€" tish fleet was out in the North Sea. for three days and three nights without lights with the torpedo nets dropped and the decks cleared for action. How war with Ger: many was averted is as great a. mystery as how war with Germany was threatened. But it, was the second incident of its sort since "you" v. “v... VV...“ his week-ends alone tage on the side of t] a man servant- bo 1 He has never since dress, just, a. black and a black tie. ~1<__ A Friend of the Continually on their fl are invariably troubled bunionsâ€"but not for .lor know of a quick cure. P tractor. it curm painla try "Putnam's." zsch‘a; 4 To understand Sir Edward's character, it is necessary to bear in mind two things. He is an aristoâ€" crat of aristocrats, and the greatest living authority on flyâ€"flshing. The ï¬rst explains why he is in politics. .The second reveals the tempera- ment of the man. He was also once the amateur tennis champion of England. There is no nobler blood in Britain than his. He inâ€" herited his title from his grandâ€" father, Sir George Grey. As far 'back as English history can be traced the Greys of Northumherâ€" 'land have helped make history. {He is 52 years old, has been Forâ€" eign Secretary for eight years, and is the only commoner decorated Iwith the noble order of the Garter, a special honor for which King George singled him out in 1912. Cold and Correct. He is English of the English, cold, reserved, correct in pose and consistent in poise. His character is‘so strong and his record so clean l that no breath of scandal can cling ' to him. None would believe it. Nobody believes he would lie, either diplomatically or personally. He has never sat for any but the b e 13 one constituency, and he has repreâ€" s sented it Since he was 23 years old. b Canailan Postum Careal C0,. Ltd “Windsor. Ont. Ready to eat from the packageâ€" Toasties are sweet, crisp bits of Indian corn perfect~ 1y cooked and toastedâ€" A breakfast, lunch or supper and some cream or good milkâ€"sometimes with berâ€" ries or fruit-â€" 'part that; he played in the present :AustriamServian affair, and his efforts to maintain the peace of Europe. Have a dishvthat will please the home folks! A package of Man of tlu- Moment in Europe Is Britain‘s Foreign Socrvtnry. Sir Edward Grey, Britain's sec- retary for Foreign Affairs, and probably next Liberal Premier, is ‘toâ€"day one of the outstanding ï¬g- ures in Europe, on account of the You avoid fussing over hot stoveâ€" At ï¬rst, sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby’s Own Tablets, or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. The Tablets will prevent summer com- plaint if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly cure these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby’s Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there are young children. There is no other medicine so good, and the mother has the guarantee of a. government analyst that they are absolutely safe. Mrs. Edward Covell, Lombardy, Ont, says: “A ‘mother who has once used Baby's Own Tablets for her children will never fail to show her gratitude for them. They made a wonderful change in the health of my little ones.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine (30., Broekville, Ont. SUMMER COMPLAINTS I} KILL LITTLE ONEsii, Save time and energy~ ’Ost Toasties Fit for a King! 2 Do the Cooking Sill EDWARD Sold by Grocers. kept in every home are young chlldren. ther medicine so good, v‘, Unix, says once used B her children )w her grat made a wond Smith of my G R ['1 Y . 'mluren wle ‘r gratitude a wonderful of my little All this upon a, quiet afternoon Of golden sun in Canada. The years aside. This hour you hear the ancient batâ€" tle rune In gleaming glans, and to your sight appears Old war and all its honor and high pride. â€"In the Canadian Magazine for August». ‘ Are but a. curtain that, you brush l You can never tell. The people who laugh loudest- don"t always en- joy themselves most. Mrs. Peckâ€"4 suppose if we should have war you’d remain at home like a coward. Peckâ€"My dear, no wtho knows you would call me a. coward if I re- mained at your side. )- Continually on their feet, the “Peelers are invariably troubled with come and bunionaâ€"but not for long. because they know of a quick cure. Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. it cures painlessly im 24 hours; try "Putnam's." 250. at, all dealers. ‘1 see you sitting in the sungleams there, Scabbard on arm, the mighty blade withdrawn, Musing a, little. Dreams of cus- toms gone People your moodâ€"old loves, old quests to dare; The sword so doubly tempered to its wont; Of battle, keen to be swift smit- ing through Dark arms, you fondle almost as if you Had borne it. shouting in the ï¬ght's red front. -â€"and her memory. He gave it to be understood that he never wish- ed it referred to, and shortly re- turned to his work in London. He slid out of all public functions and began and has continued to spend his week-ends alone in a little coty- tage on the side of the Thames with a man servant- to look after him. A few weeks later. whilst in Lon» don on affairs, he received a teleâ€" gram that Lady Grey had met with an accident, and to return at once. A special train rushed through the night. but he found her with her skull broken; there had been :1 cm» riage accident in his own park at Falloden. It is not too much to say was as popular with the a as he. And always was 5 him in that other great pa life when he whipped the streams for trackless trout. Then came the great- (In King Edward made him S of State for Foreign Affair thy W Edd life row-a sorrow t with the furrow ed and given t and expression have watched t heart take win; this Government and men do no kind and not A Great Pot There remain-ed for him his work 116 Yet of all ‘agedy of the txn By Arthur L. Phelps 1n pub! we him Sir Edward Grey Peck Scores. othel meet Jopular with t] And always “ hat other grea n he whippcd for trackless t1 came the zrea‘ OLD “'A R. him his plafce in private he married the daughter boring squire, Miss Dun» 'ington. red his political life and Me. At, HmPS uf genâ€" ion she wmlld start at f the constituency and he Jer, so that there should letings in each place, and no much to say that she pular with the audiences nd always was she \vitly Lt other great part of his' he whipped the silent r tra-ckless trout. me the great- day when ard made him Secretary .1] men he has known the ‘ ’ f a, great personal 501“: ‘row that has marked him » _ urrows of pain suppl‘cs<~' ven to his eyes a, depth ssion that, only men who; hed the treasure of the if lif age. rsonal Sorrow. he has known th Policeman came varied in his morning coat m km 1y mm 157%} PRESERVE l‘lv ofï¬c CURED BY NERVILINE. Anyone would marvel at my recov- ery, writes Mr. Leonard Lotham, a' young man well known about Chat- ham. 1 had inherited a. rheumatic ten- dency through my mother’s family, and in my early days suffered fright- fully, About three years ago the pain and stiffness settled in my left knee joint. I was lame and walked with a very distinct limp. Nerviline was brought to my notice and I rubbed it into the stiff joint four or ï¬ve times a. day. It dispelled every vestige of pain, reduced the swelling, took out the stiffness and gave me the full use of my limb again. I don’t believe there is a pain-relieving remedy, not a sin- gle liniment that can compare with Nerviline. I hope every person with pains, with sore back, with lameness, with lumbago, with neuralgia~1 do hope they will try out Nerviline which I am convinced will quickly and per manently cure them." If Nervlllne wasn't a wonderful painless remedy, it Nervlline didn’t quickly relieve. If Nervlllne wasn't known to be a. grand cure for all rheu- matic conditions, it wouldn't have been so largely used as a family rem- edy for the past forty years. No bet. ter, stronger. or more soothlng llni~ ment made. Get the large 50c. farm ily size bottle; small trlal size 250.; sold by any dealer, anywhere. Creditorâ€"You ooulï¬n’t go around in your ï¬ne automoblle if you paid your debts. Ward's Lianne“ Gin-ea Garret in Cowu. m Debtor~'l‘ha,t’s so! I’m glad you 00k at it, in the same light that I This arrangement is directed in par- ticular against Germany and other continental countries, but as the traf- ï¬c in children was stated by Sister Arendt to be just as great in England, information has been obtained from the best sources in London in order to check the charges. Except in re- gard to the evils of baby farming no conï¬rmation of the sweeping indict- ment case can be found. Mrs. Bramâ€" well Booth, who was for many years at the head of the woman’s rescue work of the Salvation Army, does not believe that there is to any consider- able extent organized traflic of the kind described. The same informa- tion was forthcoming from the Naâ€" tional Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children." Knee Joint Stiff Three Years Isolated cases sometimes appear in the police courts, such as that of a child whose eyes were poisoned by its mother in order to awaken public sympathy for begging purposes, but this is an extremely rare offense. Sister Arendt told of the Russian institution for crippled children where the police found no fewer than 78 little ones who had been maimed in order that they might be let out as beggars. Cases of this kind, however, ï¬nd no paralel in England. Startling Charges are Made Against Orphan Asylums in Europe. Some alarming statements respect- ing the trafï¬c in children have been publicly made by Sister Arendt of Stuttgart, Germany. ’According to this woman, who was formerly a poâ€" licewoman at Stuttgart, there exists in organized trafï¬c of a particularly shameful kind of children. who are said to be hired out to beggars and let out to work for proï¬t and for im- moral purposes. The abuses of baby farming are also mentioned, says the London Times. Cuclcum Soap and Olntment are '3on throughou! the world. A llbeml sample 0! each, with 32â€"paga booklet on the care and treatment. 0! the skin and scalp. sent Doerce. Address Potter Dru: 6; Chem. Com. Dept. 3K, Boston. U. S. A. Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalp clean; and clear, sweet and healthy, besides soothing irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become chronic disï¬gurements. Same View But Dim'ront. MAIMED FOR GAIN Holland's Population. Holland, with an area of 12,648 square miles, has a population of 6.- 144,000. The revenue is $110,000,000 a. year. The national debt $475,000,- 000. The railways have a. total length of 2,295 miles. There are 1,907 miles of canals and 2,943 miles of roads. The army has a peace strength of 23,000 men and a war strength of 150,000. The navy consists of six fairly modern small coast defence Ironclads, three old ones, and four small unarmored cruisers. The scheme of defence of the country contemplates the concentration of the army into the Provinces nearest the sea, and the flooding the rest of the country by breaking down the dyes. There may be a. reason Why ; ple who are too fond of pie are to be crusty. A proposal of marriage never sur~ prises a. girl. She has her wedding all planned long before that. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles_ San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Vancou- ver, Victoria. Edmonton. Calgary. Banï¬. Yellowstone Park. etc. during August and September. Excellent. main service. For rates, illustrated folders, time cables and full particulars. address. B. H. Bennett, General Agent. 46 Yonge St. Toronto, 0m. “Hello, old man! Have any luck shooting?†“I should say I did! I shot sevâ€" enteen ducks in one day.†“Were they 'wild'l†V “Well-noâ€"«not exactly; but, the farmer was.†Forgot “1â€"0 Details. “What’s the matter now 2’†“My wife told me to :be sure and bring home some powder.†“W'ell, you haven’t forgotten.†“No; but was it tooth, talcum, baking. insect or face †Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drade and Butternut. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons. probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills‘ For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. The dizziness, insomnia. deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. Such, suffering isri’t natural, but it’s dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet. attending to the wants of a. large and exacting family, Women often break down with nervous exhaustion. mnard’s Liniment Cures Distemper imothor died. His father married (again, but did not live long, and the Iboy had to shift for himself. From {habit and usage he can place his hands on the ground with his body in a horizontal position. He says his back and shoulders never get tired from long. walks. The boy's mental development has Ibeen slow, but the physician who has him in charge believes that in six months he will be able to walk like other boys. He is being trained in the direction and has made some pro- gress. He is gradually developing mentally as well. When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache For ten years the boy has traveled on all fours, and can walk for miles “that-way and keep up with the other boys. .V-‘, ... “u. vyllvl. that valï¬able ahihropological and medical information may be obtained from his treatment. 'r"’u mentally as well. Physicians are studying the case with excepthnal interest in the belief Minard’I Llnhnent Cures Diphtheria. h e sent h Birmin juvenil type 1‘ than ult of u W11 3th: ain valve ama. rred hi BOY GOES ON ALL FOURS. all Ten Years That Has Been Method of Travel. to the ngham mt 1 anthrop Armstron: ar-old Don th Wild Li f9. are normal {is arms at ma]. presu: n, all-four v ned natura on the SOC possible I‘homas 1t trt umably , walking ral for boy. 11y fo‘ re slig 118V on an Am Bar 1s usi Iangor, Ala- ‘2 his father immunity and charities in child hi marriel all peO me: Jtly apt rsion to trong It arm four run body and long- a re The the the His “Is it ’better,†she asked conï¬ dentia-l‘ly, “to lie on the right Sid! or the left?" “Madam,†replied the lawyer, “i one is on the right side it, often isn’l necessary to lie at all.†Consulted the “mug )Iun. It was at a reception. and the lady. who had been reading up on health culture, mistook Lawver Williams for his brother, the doc- to-r. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Max-Ina Eye Remedy 101' Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; Xe Smartin A just Eye Comron‘ )erto {or Book of the ye hy man Free. Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. “You say that Sel‘fridge is mater. What does he prom< “His own interests, chiefl Gentlemen:- LINIMENT on fly for Yoare. and accidents equal. I would not it. if it cost a Schr. "Smrke m ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS‘ ETC., internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Benman Medical Cc... Limited. Cclllnzwnnd. Ont. Before and After. Miss Sentimental â€" Man is so changeable. V. Mrs. Biltonâ€"Yes, dear. Before marriage he talks to you about his heart, Afterward it's his stomach he talks about. Mirnard‘e Linimeut, Co “What; is that my dear?’ “'Dhat before the ceremony takes place you will promise me never to command.’ A Conditioned Ceremony “George, I wi‘II promise to on one COHdItIOD.’ 13mm. Boihwkï¬. Ont U York County. stationery Business in connection. 1 $4,000. Terms liberal. \Vilsc lng Company. 7'4 West Adela Minard’n Linimont Cures Colds. Etc. h. w. DA K. W. DAWSON. N Toronto. 'omnto (‘OR SALE.â€"TEN PAIRS p393 peuouos aouopuousal‘ Deh'cately flavouredâ€"- Highly . 109D _\VEBKLY 1N LIV Under the control of the Depart- ment of Agriculture of Ontarlo Established 1852. Afï¬llated wlth the University of Toronto. N.B.~{‘oldege wi‘l‘) re-oven on Thursday, the lab of October. 1914. in the new College Building. 110 University Ave.. Toronto, Canada. CALENDAR on APPLICATION. E. A. A. GRANGE,V.S..M.S. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Fruit. Stock e H. w. De slicately vouredâ€" NEWSPAPERS 2'63 SALE not: st are. mid for nts of life I AWSON, Colborne Sm. fibronto‘ I‘ARMS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANT :\ Promoter. dolla] CAPT "at on Prlnclpal. ‘t, 00.. Limited. have used MINARD'S r vessel and in my fam- liberal 7'4 “3:: ilnety Colborne Street. 185 ['E 33!'14. dre 2. bottle.†F. R. DESJARDIN N LlVE ’l'UWN 1N tationery and Book :tion. Pnce Only I. \Vilson Publish- at Adelaide Street. he awry (lily ile unaider it has no 1111011 am; 15:1,; BREEDING 1H DI'O hout arm.