Rn'mnmn HILL. 0N Mr. JunH'S Oliver :L f nf this \‘illugt‘, [11350 home- in ’I‘nmnlu on lust week. after .‘l Ln illness. The funeml In on Friday nt'tex-nnun an by m:an rvlatiws and VV. N. (,‘rhunllel'. 2| furu ducth the st-rvicvs. nun nun-5,. Mr. and Mrs. (7. Norman il‘fL (m Mnniluy morning for a month's trip tn tiw North \VesL. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. (i. Andrews and Mush-r Lorne (if Alhm'm have been viwiLing friends In this vicinity. Miss L-mm Murrnv nf \V’estnn and Mr. lirnvst Galvin of Tumult» hun- Immi visiting at M. \V. Cnnsins'. Miss Marjorie Keys of \Vestun is spending :r cmle of weeks with Mr. und Mix. ’1‘. K. Kevs. Mrs. J. Parr of Kleinhnrg is visiting her sister Mrs. J. '1‘. Suigvnn. Mrs. \V. Mylks and two snnc are spending their holidays with friends in Arthur. Rev. \V. (L am ton visiu-(l aver McMm-uchy. Rt in St. Andrew's morning. ‘ E 11 v REAL ESTATE AGENT, RICHMOND HILI. Sewnt -t(uur acres. Dnl'lv of Int 48. in the ’illngv of Rutlnnnnd Hill. Running creek. hunk barn. cum- fm-tuhlo house. Splendid land fur :u-denin I. Terms to slut. I: FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres. lot 28, Gun. 3, Township of Vaughan. bunk burn comfortable house. t‘vn good 01- (thm-ds. Land suitnhle for mixed farming, right m the potato dis- trict. Terms to suit. HOUSE FOR SALE New. solid hI-ick, roomy house. ï¬n- ished in ï¬rst-class style. Doublp lot. Rosoview Avenue, Richmond Hill. A Inn-gain for one month. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES TENS GIVEN 0N MJTDR CYJLES HY do you cook over a hot stove in this trying weather when you cm buy wholesome and delicious meat and ï¬sh ready to serve. at your grocery? ? ? ? Motor Repairing Done “’0 have Clarke‘s (‘nrned Beef. Clarke‘s Pork and Beams. Horse Shut- Salmon, Clover Leaf Sulnlnn. Canned ï¬sh of any kind is equally as nutritious and far easier digesxd than meat. W'e solicit a slmre of your pn- trnnnge. and we guarantee you satisfaction. H. A. Nicholls G. Cowie 82 C0. RICHMOND HILL Our pickles. catsups and olives We very ï¬ne. FOR SALE L. CURTIS m-s Olivvrn flil'lllPl‘ resident village. [mused away at, his 'I‘m-unln (In \Vedm-sdny of k. after :t Lung and painful The l'unelul lunk plum- hero. v afternoon and \':1s attended rvlatives and triumls. livv lunller. 21 former pastor (:un CURTIS FARM FOR SALE vim-s. and Mm. Buck of Eglin- 91' Sunday with Mrs. J. Rev. MX'. Buck proachvd \v‘s church on Sunday AGENT FOR E‘iibrratl‘ Maple A m 19H Have You a Bath in Your Home? The where on receipt of pl'il Telephone 13 Shop Where You are Invited to Shop Gilt Edge Twine.... Gold Leaf Twine.... Silver LeafTwine.... Hav Forks ........ \Vooden Rakes ........ Machine and Motor Oils from 350 Oil Cans, Harvest Mitts. Mower tions, Rope, etc SOLD BY RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPANY 1; It is better to advertise intensiveiy than extensively when the sum to be de- voted to advertisingis small. 'l‘hismezms the regular use of The Liberalâ€"~ï¬fty-two messages a year addressed to the same constituency of readers . . . . . . fl Intermittent 01‘ divided effort. resultful. One full-powered blow half blows fl Concentration of appeal will do a work of con- viction and persuasion that will surprise you when the year‘s returns are totalled up. . . . vertisers: itis: livwnm wnn u, Innâ€"um uIHuruâ€"â€" custom thu mmchzmt who steadfastly snlicits your good-will. Themm-u vnu strunglhen the hands of tho man \vhn sol-Yes you, the better will he the ser- v1ce returned. I . . . . . . . i Concentration There's :ul \‘iCl Richmond Hill Hardware Co. B: Young Utilities Company Harvest Time is Here SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NORMAN BATTY, Manager WORD TO THE PUBLIC JARVIS STREET. TORONTO \\'e have in stock x for you in this little homily tn “(1- Reward with a;fullf-not‘>djv1dvdfl In most of [de hmst outside 01' [he (-ities (here is no satisfactory means ul takings. lmth. It, is here where. effort is nonlikel)‘ to be blow is better than two The Robinson Bath Tub ....650 feet ....600 feet ....550 feet ..600 feet at 12 c. .550 feet at 1032c. ........ 65c. to 75 c. ....cach 25 c. per gal. upwards. and Binder Sec- L. E. HAND, “€950 OFFICE and money orders are used. TORONTO I '“ I RICHMOND HILL BRANCH :wm. TRENCH & SON 500 Patterns Finest materials of the world’s best loom$, suited for fall and winter wear. HOBBERLIN'S W e are Sole Agents in this district. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING PAPERHANGING. GRAINING GLAZING. KALSOMINING. Etc. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hi1] Trench’s Carriage Works Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Repairing neatly and promptly done. PAINTER AND DECORATOR HOSE 29â€"R 2 JOHN ELLIS ©1‘F‘ @ANADA LOTS FOR SALE RIBHMUND HILL HARNESS SHOP ,very garment tailored to customer‘s measure. BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep. splendid outlook, good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $2500. ROSEVIEW AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able prines. ' SEE the ï¬ne new houses being built on this prop- erty. m._.\.... ‘_ï¬.mn‘v.nrn I N CONNECTION \\' lTIl Branches also at Maple. Markham. SIouffville. Unionvilie Budget!“ Apply COME AND SEE US RICHMOND HILL Wholesale Fiorist LAWRENCE GARDENS . BASSETT . J. LAWRENCE, TERMS REASONABLE RICHMOND HILL DUE] ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TR STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCY . J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS 0N HAND. has (‘pened n Laundry south 0f McDon- ald’s Grocery Store in Richmond Hill 30 solicits a trial on wall; and guzll‘ untees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each pen-tel giving residencezmd name in full. Goods culled fur and delivered, if de‘ sired. HOUSE PAINT R, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOS D HILL W. HEWISON F. J. WUUDWARB PATROXAGE SOIJCITED AND SATISI-‘A(?"‘IO.\' GUARANTE SEOEI RICHBIOND HILL GENERAL BLACKSMITH. C. I. HINAS New Gormley INS LAME A‘n‘D IKTSRF HORSES A SPECIALTY Richmond Hill MANAGER WUUDWARD Manager. HilL