Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1914, p. 1

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AT THE LlaERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. T. F. BIL: All mail orders will receive prompt attention. I'HURSDAY MORNING 200 BERESFORD AVE. \VEST TORONTO Phone Juncuon 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS” EXPERIENCE JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Licensvd Auctioneers for the County of York. sales Intended Lo on shortest notice and at ren- aorabm rates Patronage solicited Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Onmrio and Norm Tomato. Special attention given to salos of every description. Form and {arm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest; up-lo~date methods. Address: 239 Bellini St . Neith‘Torouto. Phone in House. North 2 . Phone No. )ulls by phone m- ntlwrwise prompth respvruded t0 SATISFACTION GUARANTEE»: LASKAY P. 0. ONT; PIANO TUNING A. G.F VOL. XXXVII. .5 I per annum, in advsze.) Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, &c. Home Life Building Cur. Adelaide & Vietnrm 515.. Toronto. Telrplmne. Main 311 Cable Address. “Duh 66 DR. W. R. PENTLAND A. Cameron ‘MapNaughton RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. l‘el. M RESIDENCE Fll‘fit house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. Benton, Grover & Field NATIONAL TRI'ST (‘HAM BERS ’ KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada l'udortnkm's & Elnhalmors. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘llornhil]. RF. Lawrence J. Dunbar Lawrence & Dunbar, JOHN T. ANDERSON l“- C. Phone No. 2401 Samson Maple bUSINESS CARDS . OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST RIaplo, ()n t. LICENSED AI'CTIOXEER Fm- the County of York. gofi'n f7. Qavidson Elm Salgeon l‘: fllcEu’en , Barrister, Solicitcr, IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Organs Repaired. Expert Work EDITOR & PUBLISHER Burristprs, Snliclurs. (h: VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING RICHMOND HILL WRIGHT BROS. J; H. Prentice PIANO TUNER fli THORNHILL @ihem‘l MAHON. ‘unm-ul Fl Puoue Main 2984 J K MnEwen Weston ONTARIO .97 Mouov to Loan ouland angcnatbel mortgagesat owest rates Auroraomceâ€"nen oved to the old post 0mm: one door \szt of the entrance to the Outurlo Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the p'ostolfice '1‘ HERBERT LENNOX G V MORGAN LEN NOX & MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn 0fiic9. Runm 128 Confvdm-u tin“ Life Bldg... 1 u. 11’. Riolnnnnd SL. F, Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-MY Office). every Thursday fnrenmmw Maple, Thursday afternnnn. \Vnudhl‘idqe, Satin-day ftn'vnoon. Riohmono Hill WJ EDWARD FRANESJ NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CON\'EYAN"ER. ETC \Vnudhridce, Satin-day furvnnon. Monev to 2mm at, Five Per Cent (5 H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Church o! Englandâ€"Services at n e 7 p. m. How Cummuuiou on the 3rd in the month at 113.. m. and on the 4th at 8.30 n. 111. Sunday Schooluud Bibh S‘anday Sc); Thursday e Richmou‘ Also agent for antz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. Richmm dnv on or Court Ri day ofe Presbyterian Chm- 7 p.111. Sunday Sclu Thursdav eveuiug. Roman Catholic I one Sundays at 9 a Methodist, Church TIâ€"IORNHI This Sclmnl enjoys :1 gran reputaâ€" tion for giving FIRS’DCIASS 1N- STRL'CTION in Business and Shun- lmud snlnjects. It is no Wonder mu- gmduutes readily get gnud’ positions THIS ISTHE (‘ULLEGEFOR YUL‘ TO .\'I‘- TENI) CPU-DAY, not ln-mm-mw, write for our cntuluguo. Leads in age. influence and successful Eruduates. Specializes in Greggdz Piumm Shortbaud and allCommerciul Subjerts. Fan term opens Aug. 315m Write for our catalogue. Address "1‘. W. Wnuclmpc, I’riucxpal, Yonge dz McGilllsts., Toronto u-rs :uul sulll'llors. ummissinnm Insurance. ISSUE! 0! M RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, 1UTGUS'1‘QO. 19H l. H. SANDERSON Yonge and (2113 In: Sis BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE npens Sept. lst in “11‘ popular Real Estate and Insurance Electrician, Richmond Hill WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTREALLY Village Dlrectory 11 mond TORONTO, AOC A NEW TERM ‘l at “In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chm A ur'n‘a , Cnnvoyancor. etc and Real Estate ‘u‘riage Licenses. Wâ€"â€"Meets thirl \Vedue ihurchâ€"Sen' . m. and 10.3‘ hâ€"Servi slat 2.31; W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal ~â€"Meets second andf‘ Gen F â€" Meets I M] 3 A M â€"Meet ‘ \Iee as at l: a. m.,u Prayer meet “11.00 a.u1.,a prayer meet day as on alt rth F an sd ay mth Ell! anontn City Council will insnrv (“’01 y annnh) soldier who guns to tlw war f(l $1.00”. The total Pxponw may approximate quailor of a millinn dollars. Japan has sent, an ultimatum to Germany (lenmnding that, she with- draw her warships frrm I\'i:m~Chan. Ghma. Unless Germany nncnnditinn- allv accepts by August. 23 Japan will take action. TIH'Sdu y 000.000. The secret of ermy firm‘u business success is advertising, and the qualin nf grinds they deliver to their platform. The business at the Hippodrmne keeps getting: bigger daily, \Vhy? The answer, Quality. H. Bait MCHUUgh \v1ll present for the first time here. The, Metrnpulitan Minstrel Maids, a bevy of beautiful and talented ynnng girls, who ran sing. and dance. and will it is said tell all the latest jokes direct frmn the fonlish factoryJTx-eder- ika Slenwnsand Cmnpany will be seen in their latest comedy success entitled "Liz" said to he one long: laugh frmn start to finish. The Juggling Burkes. masters of their art, \Vest and Boyd, a singing and dancing specialty.()er\ e, the celebrated piano aucnrdennist. This talented artist will play anything from Grand Opera tn rag time. Clark and McCullough a high class pair of eccentric comedians. Helen Leach \Vallin Trie. the famous high wire aitists. all the latest first, run photo plays. and The Invisible Symphony Orchestra. The prices are popular, Matinees ten and fifteen centsevening ten. fifteen, and twenty five cents. There are three shows given daily: come when you like. and stay as long as you like. The ulmre hoard uwt in the Library Romn August 17. 1914. Memhms pvowntâ€"‘V. H. Pngsley. A. J. Hume, G. F. Allen. HG. Savage, H. E. (.‘nnvhmst. T. F. McMahon. Minutes uf last meeting rend and adopted. Mr. Pngfiley. delegutp, gave a report of the Yul-k Public Llln-nrv IllSlitlltP ll!(‘!‘lill§.{ held at Runnymede in Aug- ust, 19H. McMahon-â€"Allon-â€"-Tlmt Messrs. Pugsley :md Gnu-i9, chairman and li- hw-rian of the Public Library, respec- lively.he appninted delpgates to attend the Ym k District Institute at Sutton August 19 21nd 20.â€"â€"(3:u‘ried Allenâ€"Crnwhnrstâ€"Tlmt the soc- retnry writo the Inspectm- Public Libraries asking permission to sell :1 number of shelf worn bunks and mag- ;Izinos to make rnnm for new stock. Alsn requesting: the IllRthrlnr to fur- wnrrl :l Travelling Lilirnrv.â€"-~C:irriv(l. (lrmvlinrst-â€"Allenâ€"~Thnt the SPC- rotury he instructed to order furn your rotary he Instructed In UHIE'I' fura year The Graphic. and the Illustrated Luminn Newsâ€"Carried. Ilnmeâ€" CIO\\'hlllSt-~Thflt the sec- retary he requvsted tn have a notice Inwrtr'd HI Thv Liberal quuesting the citizens nf Richmnnd Hill. Vaughan and Markham to hand to [he Purclms. ing Cmmnitev. Messrs. Pngsley, Hump, Savage and Allen the names of anv gnnd hunks they would wish added in thi- Public Libra)v.â€"C:u'ried. ‘ Humpâ€"Allenâ€"That tlw Purchasing (‘nunnliltvn he authorized tn expend $150.00 for banks and magazines for the current yeahâ€"Can iod Tho Buard :nljmnned to lnf‘lJt at the the current, yam The Board adj cull of the chair. the m One of the s it intvl‘fervs but with all Th 0 Mr. Newu and conm-t to that re Sul~jecls for Sund: [1 u. m. â€" “\Yhere going whn do not 7 p. m. â€" ‘The Sun stnry (:f :1 [mar lmv special IPfHE‘IICI‘ tn tl Mr. Fund on [he fl The pul mu \ PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD kes the n mnsl I win enc: mhmglun gm. umdinn Parliament nth on Her \\'nr fund will be $50,- [ht Nun’s welcome hau: m-t-gntmn will he (I received at his ( he sud feutmes uf v ’el'vs IHuL nnly with 1 all the liner arts i\'ilizuti(m. Presbyterian Church S 29”?! HIPPODROME WAR NEWS moral and )rthc snft mist Mr. I war vvr Mill is Mike (I n the life “(If Bumkm the emancipater of Sire: y August 23rd. are [he penplv gn to church?" uf a Slave," the s px-ngr with most. lleurtfc-It relum of our Ezllle Newton. :1] when one ungerznnv. k to choir My second nvn home. var is that cnmmeh \nd inle‘ A ssocintinn have, :iflé‘l‘ the "lust can» ful consideration, decided tn Cill)(!('l the arrangements flll‘ tho Fm'vsn-v (Inn- ventinn which was to ho held in Hull- fT-IX, Sept. lst Lu 4th. 1914, and to post- pone the Convention indefinitely. Whatever it is (lecidr-d tn do in the future, due nntiae will hu zzn'en theronl Owing to the mu Directors of the ( \thtevm' it is decide-(l tn do in tln future, due nutiae will hu given [heron to the members and all others con cerned. Few consumers appreciate the fact that the quality ufun Pga can he no- cumte-ly detm'mlnvd without breaking the shell. The prnmvss uf caudling eggs is not difficult and with the View of Put-miragng cnusuuwrs generally in the art, and practice of mudling. the Poultry Division of tlua Live Stock Brunch nfthe Dominion anmtment, of Agi-irulture is distributing gratui- tnusly throughout the cr-untry in the same manner as Bulletins are distri- hutori, simple convenient (tnl'dhnzn'd pgg c:ilidlil'.g applianceg. These may he nhtninvd npnn request to the Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. The monthly meeting (If thn “'0- nwn‘s Institute was held on “'vdnps- day of last: week at the hump of Mrs. D. \Vntsnn. A paper on “Canadian \anen of Note." was 1'9ud by Mrs. H. Lm‘m'mg and :1 5010 was sung by Mrs. C. Brown. A Sm~inl running was given hv the Epwm-th League on Monday. The ladies of LlwInstilutehm-n 0091\- ed a subscription list in aid of the Hus- pitul Ship. Mr. and MM. J. \Villonghhv of Tor- nntn. and tho Misses Dinwnndip hf Cunkstmvn \VPi‘e \‘ieiling last week at the hnme (.f Mr. G. Lawn-i9. Mr. R. Janos has had A r‘nncrpte walk put down in frnnt nfthe Temper- :Ince Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. N. McDonald of Toron- (0:119 visiting nt thn home of his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. Mr. and M19. “(Campbell nme'nn- In spent :1 few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ketfer. The duties of the DecmntinnCmn- mitteenf St Andrew’s I’reshvterinn (-hmch, Maple, h:n'_e heenrhcrnmpleled. and re-upeuing son-views will he held on Sunday, August Sf). Special servicw will he (-nnduclfll by Rev. J. H. Ed- minsnn, B. A.. Toronto. at 1] :I. u). and 7 n. m. Special music will he reu- dered by the choir. Dr. D. H ed tn St. C a few days Mr. Hm-hm-t Ffi-urynf Amom has CMhlvd frmn Lnndnn. England, that 119 and his wife thPrv, having Ln France, but fuunrl on going to the dock that the-w was no 11mm fnrthem. and nuw ImEngli1~h stmuuships will s:in until Octuher. Mr. and Mrs. \\'himster. uhn were also in Europe. have nor, lwen hemd frum, but it, is believe-d that tlwv are in Gelnmny. They wew [here just htfm'e War was (leg-lured. Visitors tn -the (lunndidn National Exhibitinn this yenx will have llh‘ opportunity of witnessng hvdrn- aeroplane flights. Armngenwnts have liven made \vliemhy, \V. A. Dean will fly his nuwhine daily. starting frum the lake and circling uvm- [he Exhibi- liun Grounds. These flights will lie given at Various intvrmls durng the [inn Grounds. These fll given at Various inn-rm] :Iftornmm, hut, um- \\'ill I): fixed hmll' of six o'clock 9 sufficient height will he over the grounds that in dentthel'e will he tinwnnd out over the water ln-fnre yv. if ye ( )“SS Bye: Mrs: mun. )Iiss Ruth Byel- ( Ind Mis< Bm-sm- (-f St been Visiting f1 lends} Alias Bym- expvcts to eign Mission work tn hnruh ‘lf ve Eld. A. “'in p: Hydr0=Aeroplane Flights wife and daughter are now \‘ing le-ft Paris soon after war {11%}. Tlle lmoked passagenn 09, but fuund on going to the t the-w was no 11mm fnrthem. I no English stmuuships will il Octuher. Mr. and Mrs. er. “110 were also in Elll‘ODP. .vel'fnlrsernu last Sundm‘ now these t do the .nnd Mrs. Pinkerton motor- lthm-ines and are spending in than (-it_\'. minus intrrmls during tlu hut um- \\'ill be held at tht of six o'clock every (luv. A It'lgllt will he nminlzlined News Notés Maple Gormley Aurora II) «.7 .â€"4 the President and unudiun Forestry (m- the must cure- m-k‘ \vift lhir teen he] a [hid in llUl-‘l. . ‘ . "Wing WM“. l hverythmg up-to-date in the mum Loglide descending. It-hn hnpp In Tl Sum] (:n E l" mn; th '(ll :1 l‘( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV‘ YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Gdod Bran and Shorts Wheat, Buckwheat. Manitoba Oats Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. &: W. Scranton Hard Goal. “None better" Order now STIVER & RAMEH D. HILL & Ce. Bakers and Confectioners ORANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. THIS STORE “'ILL' CLOSE EV. \VEDNESDAY AFTERNOON I IXG JULY AND AUGUST Comforts and Teething Rings A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. W. A. Sanderson ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Puhiic Attention Per the Baby; (msisting of all the best makes And everything for the Baby [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum P owder CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Box-din Eagle ALSO HANDLE THE Baby Foods Mellins‘ Food ___n_._ 01n- lmes 0f 0N1) HILL, ONT DRUGGIST for the Chickens Cracked Corn “AND” Measured and all ‘5 fur the same 2. 3. Hnrlnck’s Nestle: Food, Brand

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