M‘s. Geo. Gruings-r of Tnl'ontn has returned after sppnding a month with fliends in Gemgetnwn. Mr. Gruinger 3‘50 spen! a couple of d.IyI at the same Place. Mr. Pvn‘y Hill is making .1 hip through the \V951. and is at present in the neighborhood of Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Reamun left, Mun- day fora week’s visit to the farmer's ln'other.Mr. John Reanmnuf Hespeler. driving by Brampton and Acton. Mrs. H. Robinson a 'visit with Ml. family in Emhicukv MiSS Ella Mnrtsun who has [won re- siding in Chicago for snlue time past is hmm- to make :1 visit with ht‘l‘ ru- latives. having holidays. spent Thursth night and part of Friday with Friends here. Mr. \\'\'C. ' and Mrs. Tn the holidays The Building Committee have had nmices put up in front of \he new RS. building requesting pvnple not Lu tres- pass on the premises until the building is completed. The Board of Education [net Mun- duv evening and mstuncted the mana- ging cmnmittee to insure the New Full- lic Schnul building now in course of construction. Muund Mrs. J.H. Allis nf GI-undview. Manitulm. are visiting with Mrs. 1mm: (Exoshy. ' Rev. A. P. Bun-nee. B. D. pastm- nf Gerrard St. Methudist chm-ch. “110 is Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon spending a fvw dnvs with reluin Atlerclit’fe. Get ymu' Flush Lights and Batteries “Nine Lhes†pawn- ill, The Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Mrs. P. G. Savage returned :1 few days ago from Cleveland. She was accompanied hack by her sister Mrs. (Yhope who will remain until after the Toronto National Exhibition. A pleasant. time was spent at. the: Ladies Aid Ice Cream Social (In Mr. Sandersnn‘s lawn Saturday evening. The procpedsamounted tn $32. The lmnd selections were much unpre- ciuled. Every citizen is pleased to know that. Mr. J. Earle Newtnn has returned sufle frmn Gel-umny. He is feeling tired after :1 trying experience in getting away from the war znne. hut. will he able (“resume his vacation after a few days' rest. hi A good-ï¬tting cm-set is a pleasme. That's the way E. T. Cu‘s glove-tilting corset is made Made tu fit. made to wear. made tu sell. Made in medium and lung hip. Made In sel) from 50c. 10 $1.25.â€"Atkinsun & Switzer. The storm of tluindvrund lightning thatpaswd m‘vr lime eurlv Tuesday "mining was [he severest, fur a long time. A CUW belonging to Mr. J. Alcouibrack was struck and killed, and a hug building un Mrs. J. ('ullurd‘s fzu-m east (:f Victoria Square was M w (w M I: 314(1) Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Davies sr. with iheu- nieces. the Missps Tullmt uf Reading. England. and Miss Davies uf Che'tenhalu. England, lllnlul't’d up from the citv and spent [he HftPl'llmIIl with Mr. Hurry Muer and Miss Moyle. ll] farm ( burned Cnn~di~ment uccmding to “’ehstel‘ “:u-e suumtlnng used tn give relish to fund to gmufy the taste." Read this then :~â€"-'l‘um:|t.u cutsup [50. Gillm-d's relish 38C. Heinz‘s prepared mustard 15c,chow~chuw 17c. mixed pickle: 20c. Mnnzunilla alive-s 25c. Lou and Penin‘s \Vm-cestersbire sauce 38c. home mdish sauce lUc, Pun Yuu sauce 20C.~'Alkiu- son and Switzer. ~w (the Miss Flt spent s E. S. )Iuylt with her sist \\'\'C. T: vnch B i§ and Slippï¬n‘s hnmnd Hill Ha 1) HILL. ON u'nn'ce Suddnld nf anlznh \ isit with Miss Eva Hill. inifx H :L fuw l‘n-nch B. A. hf Prescott. nch ul'L‘ Spending pan, of hue. hinsun has returned nftel I Simpmn of Thur!» days with Miss Irene ut Tux-onto s 1- Miss Muyle Ill†ihvraim Rubinsml and )lCMnlmn .‘ll'L‘ A L'( inside «ll kinds are (‘0. "H nt 1914 CLL‘BIREâ€"Nenr Elgin Mills, on Mon- day. August 17. 1914, Agnes Bmdelt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. Ululline. aged 3 years. 3 months. Funeral \Vrdnesduvaa wing the house at 2 u‘ulnck fur the Aurum (Jclmh NUXXâ€"On Sunday, August 16, 1914. m Muskukn. Rachael Ruudhouse, what of the late Jesse Nunu, in her 69th year. Interment in King City Cvmetorv the fullowiug Tuesday. The fullmving Lhutet-n candidates from Richmond Hill High Suhuul paSSCd the recent depmtmenml Exams: Francis Cznletnn. Gun-don Frances, Thus. Scutt. Irene McMahon. Jenn \Iatheeun, Mmjnrie \V'right, Dorothy Findlay. Help“ Oke. Stewult Page. Jean Bevm-mJnlm McCugue, Bessie Blnckin. E:ule “'ulker. Mr. A. E. Glnsx wul ostnte ngvnt ropm ts the fnllnwing 10ml snle : Mls J. Mm-tst-n's ln-i(~k lmnw. :qu lnt nl Riclunnml St. tn Mr. “'vslI-y “‘le mun : Mr. Charles Hicksnn‘s ln-icl buusv. and lot. cnrnvr Church St. :om Ruseviuw Ava, tn Mrs. Mnrtsm) : am a rough-cast hnnse, and lntnt Elgil Mills. fl'l‘lllt‘l'ly belonging tn the New tun Tanning (30.. lu Mr. \Vm. Gwen FRIDAY. August 21 building limlner, tin-wund &c.. at 3 the pl'npu-ty (If D ~ at. 3 o’clock. Tel Prentice, Auct. \VEDNESDAY. Sept. 16. Auction sale of household Im-nituw. garden tunls. 140.. :It BINDkSidP, Ynnge St. tlan‘t’ Eight Mills, the pmperty 0! Charles \Vilslmw. Sale at 2 u‘clnck. Tex-Ins cash. J. H. Prenticv, Auct. There wele lSl-c'cnmmendt-d all Of whom. \vhelhr‘r passed or not. look less time in preparation by one year than the counse requires. There. was a gnud crowd at the R. G picnic held at, the Abbe-y Farm. Lam: staff, Sntmdav. 8th inst†in aid uf St Lukes church. Thm-nliill‘ The pastor Rev. Father Kelly. 5:: id the receipts. clear of all expenses. would be about $200. There were races and lmselmll matches in theuflernuun. and dancing in the evening. There Were alsn sev- eral eXPiIing cuntvsts. uno being for a (-nluera, the other for a silk umbrella. Th9 camera was Wall by Mr. Kelly, of Toronto; the umbrella by Mrs. Lung (If Pnrt Credit. [n IlweL in day e\ unit to assist i Lln- pI-ngx-o \VUIIH‘" El! tn utlt'lld The “'mnon‘s Institute met at the home 0f Mm. J. Morison. \V’ecnesduy nfternuon nf lust Week. The after- noon‘s programme consisth (If a can‘- fully prepared paper nn dressmaking by Mrs. F. Lynett. Miss Mnudie gave an interesting account, hf the picnic lwldnt Bnnd Lnkr‘ in July: Miss 0. {\[urtsun gave [Wu piano selections, all uf which were Well received. The In- sliLule also held a special meeting Tuvsday :u'tenmnn of (his week at the home of Miss Mnyle. and I‘UllL‘d iuln lmndages 21 “I'll nf Cnctun. 1'. gift from the members tmvalds furnishing the \Vnmen‘s Hospital Ship. Charles Nindick of Stmifl'ville had rather an exciting expelience last week. After imbibing tun freely he went to Mi. \Valter Gnmisky‘s. near Headfurd. presumably in repair the latter's telephune. \Vhen leaving he tuok with him a coil of copper \riIe. ahnnt200pnunds. which he found in the lane. said to be “‘ul‘th .nimut $50. The same evening. Tuesday. he went to the city in his auwcar.accmnpann-d hy twu others. and I-(lurning in the night ran his car off the end of a culvert. The girl‘s urn; \vas hrnken in the mishap. The next day he. was alrested by County Cunstahle Thump- sml. and was taken lwfme Police Magistrate T. H. Bruntun. He pleaded guilty to the charge of taking the wire and was allowed to g0 (‘11 suspended sentence. he agreeing to pay the Costs of the aunt. Defendant had heen in the empan uf the Stoutfville and the Pmplny of ti Bethesda telppbune tel-5' .-\I.\' 1]ch for 0n Suspended Sentence 1U) Real Estate Sales Women‘s Institute [in Public Meeting Sale Register Band Social High School R. C. Picnic Hus. H-ul (‘Stfllt’ ngvnt. Ilmving lucwlsulvs : Mus. ln-ick lmuw. and lot nn .. tn Mr. “'csh-y \Vvll‘ ‘hurlos Hicksmu‘s hrick :. cm'm'l' Church St. and ‘., to Mrs. A‘IHI‘ISHH : and house. and lutut Elgin Mim' )f thc DH t 21â€"Auctinn sale of ner, lumber. ~\ummel' at ank Mills Hnlel. DIED BORN to M r. (laugh! f D. B. Bin-9H. Sale Tel-ms cash. J. H. usunic Hull m insider the [1 wng distrvs: hm 1nd all citizens l, are I'quu-ster Stmlffv mpzm)‘. dHiH ‘11. He pleaded aking the wire. vn suspended ) pay the custs M rs ‘ V HY PAYâ€"Slofern Fnlding Bath Tub when you can buy one for $7.50, with a ï¬ne yea! guaran- tee. Apply GEO. '1‘. ALLISON. Rich- mond Hill. 7 4 U fey snlizzils Hu- natrrunage nf [hp ladies of Richmnnd Hill. Shop Resi- dcnge. Righnymd Strreet. 4 If STRAY NOTICEâ€"Came to the prvunses uf the undersigned. on or about, the 26th of July, a year- ling heifer. The owner any have same hv proving m-npmtv and paying expenses. MARK UARmsox, (Jun-ville. D purchased the let-nil meat husi- noss frmn T. \V. Allisun. I will nmv In!) the shop under my mvn name. I will handle lmnltry and all kinds of meats. and hnpe In haw a share of patronage frmn “Id-time c1151mners, as We†as manv new «mes. A Visit to the shop will be appreciated “03503 I. FARR. 6 4 DVERTISEM ENTS in this Column 1 bring quick results. If yun have anything tn sell. or if yuu wish to Inn-v chusv snmothing. hire help. elm. try this "NEW ADVERTISEMENT" column. OR SALEâ€"Five Pure Bred Bet-k. shiw sows ten mnnths nld,due tn furrow in Septemher. One Berk- shire hog sixteen unnth old. LOUIS L. NICHOLS, Victoria Square. 6 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OR SALE OR TO RENT. â€"New Solid Brick house un Chm-cl) St. Built warm and beautifully Vin- ishod. furnace and eleclr‘u lights. Lot 49x15†ft. MISS~ F.M.BRO\\‘.\‘, Rich- mond Hill 6-3 OCNDâ€"A pair nf gent’s glnvos were leI. Saturday night, in Jerry Smith's iuwe-lry slnre. '1' he owner may have Same by provng prop- erty and paying expenses. w h 1:011 RENT.~â€"Sulid brick house on Richmond Sn. seven moms. furnace. hard and soft water. $16.00 [391' month. Apply to 843 Shaw St., Toronto. 8 ‘OR REN'l‘.â€"-Six mum brick house. fumishcd. furnace, posse-sin" Sepu-mber 15m. Apply MRS. CROSBY. S-t. f. OST.â€"T\\'o Holstein cattle s! raved L meI my pasture ml or about August lst. One yo-arling past. red and while spotted. and one [WU- yPar-nld past. Jexsey culm- spotted. Sums BAKER. Elgin Mills. 7 2 1060 Maple. 1V1 Lot containing seven or eight acres more or leSs with Some fruit- trees mefm red. State- price. Box 69. THE LIBERAL 8-3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ++++++++H++++H+HH+++++ M “if. THE LIBERAL ell/1110371) III LL, ON] L'SINESS CHANG E OR SALEâ€" Fresh milch Jersey (:mv. Apply 1:) H. B. HEISE, Gvnnley. 7 2 RESSMAKINGâ€"Miss M. A. Buf- OR SALEâ€"~va with eight pigs three weeks uld. Apply. LEON- ~imp CLEMENT. Maple, Plu._r.e_ Balls, Eh Bill IIcmls the {liberal One Douar ARKET GARDEN \VANTED.â€" a year ill Hdvance 'a MS, '0 CC Izoc 'Z/m’i/Io' (ding In 1:1' (bk/loo MS [h Ill pate rl'cs, 'ogramn )U‘L Etc. (Isl/cw 1nd" r Rubi 11m H «Av ing "1 ï¬gn‘flï¬e‘jg'n‘r‘vjvl‘“ MNF",‘PnRCï¬anr‘4-r-‘nrfï¬ 1} v »( 7 :; (“ï¬r-‘1". :‘ ’ I" :SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 1 Alsn a solid brick dwelling on Yonge St. Good size 101;. A: 4‘ choice building lot; the best location on Yonge Street. D _ W'wc "vyv‘" â€" v. T1. -, v-v. _ «Y éï¬wï¬wï¬ddwuujm n“. prices. Our furniture catalogues have n“ the newest. designs :chIllOdel‘ate Ask to see them and compute pl ices “ith other places. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLA “AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 'YWVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVV'VVYV' \VE ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life 8: Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult; Us 14‘01- Ilates Your Insurance will be well looked after if leIt to PHONE 8002. WALLPAPER STOCK COMPLETE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES MEN'S PANAMA HATS small sues. regular $5.00 to sell M EN'S SHIRTS with Suft collars and cuffs, an extra nice lot at from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to $1. COME and let us Show you what we have in all kinds of furnishings and bouts and shoes. MEN'Q STRAW’ HATS in slifl' 01- Ski" straw, regular $2.00 and $2.50 fm' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti A NICE LINE OF \VASH TIES l'egalm- 35c to $011 at THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE For Pickiing‘ and Preserving It has a deljcious flavor and is stronger than the ordinarj.‘ coffee. Everyone who has used this coffee says 1t can’t be beaten. Try one pound and see how you like it. Ifyouwant the best pickles and 1‘ see that you have ‘the best Sugar, 5] Vinegars. \Ve haile them that are 6 selected for pickling.‘ Such goods greatly reduce the danger of failure. \Ve have Choice Japan Tea at the old price 30c. b. \Vliole and ground Cloves, Cinnamon, Ali- spice, Ginger, Black Pepper, Cayenne and \Vhite Pepper, Celery and Mustard Seed, Curry Powder, Turmeric, Mace, Chillie’s whole and ground Pickling Spice, Malt, Cider and I'Icinze’s Pickling Vinegar. ATKINSON & SWITZER P. G. SAVAGE & SON NORMAN J. GLA PROPRIETOR ich Coffee at 40c. lb Concrete House RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill 1d Cloves, Cinnamon, Ali- lack Pepper, Cayenne and gelery and Mustard Seed, A. G. SAVAGE P. G. SAVAGE re respecially S {15 ours ï¬reserves ('33 ABC $1.00 25¢